
Virus..........the 4 strategies for government actions.............

Publish date: Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 03:06 PM

.the 4 strategies for government actions.............


1         containment

2          delay

3         reseach/ treatment

4         mitigation.




The UK has moved directly to stage 2, by passing stage 1..............


The UK is an advanced country and knows what they are doing...........


The USA?  The USA not so sure they know what they are doing...........


Malaysia?  Malaysia worse lah....I don't think Malaysia even got a strategy.

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ImCK > Mar 14, 2020 3:38 PM | Report Abuse


at what cost? let it be lah......

UK says they have moved beyond containment....not interested in containment anymore.

2020-03-14 17:31


UK says they have moved beyond containment....not interested in containment anymore.

UK not interested in contact tracing and testing anymore...........

2020-03-14 17:33


The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 146 countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan).

The covid-19 oredi conquered 3/4 of our whole world !

2020-03-14 17:34


alternative...........learn to live with covid.

2020-03-14 17:35


say hello to covid for me.

2020-03-14 17:36


How to learn to live with covid when more people are dying from it ?

2020-03-14 17:37


ahbah > Mar 14, 2020 5:37 PM | Report Abuse

How to learn to live with covid when more people are dying from it ?

like how u learn to live with car accidents lah.............

2020-03-14 17:39


The number of car accidents no increase wildly like the covid-19 now ?

2020-03-14 17:41

johnny cash

Post removed.Why?

2020-03-14 18:43


hungry? pluck coconut only ma...............

2020-03-14 18:44


if they do drive in testing like Korea............then die lah...figure up X 20

2020-03-14 18:46


is there a need to do testing anymore?

I think no need.....virus already here.

2020-03-14 18:47


Malaysia? Malaysia worse lah....I don't think Malaysia even got a strategy.

Malaysia strategy is always the best ===> How much MONEY can my cronies make from this?

2020-03-14 18:55


It doesn’t really matter to know the actual number infection cases as it becomes a big warning to others. People will take precautionary measures to minimize their exposure. Don’t wait until too many got infected. It makes doctors and nurses working like hell and breaking down. They are the hero who are working not patients.

2020-03-14 18:55


When we take care ourselves means we are taking care of the doctors and nurses and our family and friends.

2020-03-14 18:57

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

I am sure Iran will see another explosion of infected as today friday prayer go on as usually! And if Malaysia doesn't have the political will to stop friday prayers, then the infected cases will hit us!

2020-03-14 19:01


its a normal flu virus and oh yah

everybody has got it but only somebody died

2020-03-14 19:02


During a typical year in the United States, 30,000 to 50,000 persons die as a result of influenza viral infection.

Thats much much more than the Wuhan deaths

just wait see how many die in the US.

2020-03-14 19:15

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

Yeah, normal flu death rate much higher! Wait until this coronations mutate then start to panic!

2020-03-14 19:16


Normal flu can cause more than 6% of infection dead in Italy. Is it the government wanted to play roulette with the potential of 6% casualty?

2020-03-14 19:16


Death data from normal flu is readily available in the US, you cannot expect other countries like Somalia to keep records

2020-03-14 19:17


Lets see whether covid-19 deaths in US exceed 50,000 (normal flu deaths in US)

2020-03-14 19:18


Now, US residents are obviously lacking basic needs like masks for self protection. If the the infection cases jump to 100 million...5% casualty is about 5 million. Casualty rate will jump when hospital is overloaded while facing serious shortage of doctors , nurses and equipment and masks.

2020-03-14 19:24


The are about 924k hospital bed in US but it doesn’t mean that the beds are empty and cater for Coronavirus patients.

2020-03-14 19:36


tidak apa strategy may be the most cost effective.................

fatality within the old sickly.......

2020-03-14 19:45


X10 means msia now is near to 3000 affected

2020-03-14 23:04


Normal 4 stage strategy

Stage 1 => nothing is going to happen
Stage 2 => something may be going to happen but we should not do anything about it
Stage 3 => maybe we should do something about it but nothing can be done
Stage 4 => maybe there is something we could have done but it is too late now

Welcome to the Banglas, no need visa or work permit, you can come to this empty land now...

2020-03-15 10:49

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

Yeah, look at Italy now! Beyond stage 4! 2k infected today! Total 17k infected cases! China now below 10k!

2020-03-15 10:55

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

Posted by Up_down > Mar 14, 2020 4:12 PM | Report Abuse

Trump used to adopt 'let it be' strategy until he got backfire and awaken.

Answer : Really! I thought Donald Trump went for the overkill and decalre emergency while Democrats joke that banning flghts are for idiots!

2020-03-15 10:57

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

For Donald, US election is on November! So he needs to make sure this coronavirus thingy will be dealt with as soon as possible hence why he declare state of emergency even when the figure is very small! He wants to make sure USA free from coronavirus asap!

2020-03-15 11:01


Who want free air ticket to Madrid ?

2020-03-15 11:05


Trump administration proposed budget of 2.5 billion in combating coronavirus but the congress approved 8.3 billion. From this, you can see the Trump willingnes to deal with the crisis. what a joke!

Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Mar 15, 2020 10:57 AM | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_down > Mar 14, 2020 4:12 PM | Report Abuse

Trump used to adopt 'let it be' strategy until he got backfire and awaken.

Answer : Really! I thought Donald Trump went for the overkill and decalre emergency while Democrats joke that banning flghts are for idiots!

2020-03-15 11:26


China is able to contain the situain in 3 months time..should hv some formula/remedies to help...hope they can come to the rescue of the world..like superman

2020-03-15 11:30


Trump used have a winning card in the November Election. He would have very high chances of winning if he had taken every precautionary measures to curb coronavirus from spreading in US continental. He was being too worried of DJ crash after taking a strengthe measures. Therefore, he was stucked in denial and kept downplaying coronavirus... said that it is nothing more than a normal flu. His eye is focusing in DJ movements rather health of the US citizens.

Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Mar 15, 2020 11:01 AM | Report Abuse

For Donald, US election is on November! So he needs to make sure this coronavirus thingy will be dealt with as soon as possible hence why he declare state of emergency even when the figure is very small! He wants to make sure USA free from coronavirus asap!

2020-03-15 11:34


Trump seems nothing much different from us like a trader keep focusing on the index movement. this is the biggest joke of a politician with business background.

2020-03-15 11:37


Post removed.Why?

2020-03-15 11:39


Trump had never been thought of the ability of coronavirus to have a huge impact on his political career. What in his mind is that he would win the election if the DJ was able to maintain at that level. This is true but he did not realize when coronavirus had sneaked into US pervasively.... means he will be nobody in the eyes of voters.

2020-03-15 11:45


its normal flu so its everywhere in the world
you only know it is covid-19 once you test for it.

very likely millions got it and recovered but never heard of Wuhan at all.

2020-03-15 11:52


sorry. it's wrong channel.

2020-03-15 11:53


Like covid-19, mkt crash also can injure n kill mani people !

I guess mkt crash is even more fatal than covid-19 !

Death caused by mkt crash is very torturing !

2020-03-15 12:00


It doesn't matter if I am wrong. what important to me is survival in the Bursa and nothing else. lolz

2020-03-15 12:05



2020-03-15 12:10


Mani stk guru advice us to invest long term but can we survive the one-two punch from the mkt caused oil crash n covid-19 ?

2020-03-15 12:13


When Bull run, we talk about growth and profits. During Bear period, we have to act unusual for survival. No more preaching growth and profits. It's survival time.

2020-03-15 12:20


Covid-19 attack n kill an Iranian Brigadier General !

Indeed, covid-19 is a global killer now !

2020-03-15 12:31


Charles, worse still not come yet. If this virus doesn't not go after July or August then this virus will stay for years. Klse may dip to 800 point. Maybank worth rm3?

2020-03-15 12:48


China already on full recovery.....................................we will see what mess America gets into......................

2020-03-16 12:26


UK on suicide mission. Many old folks will die for sure. Survivors will rebuild UK in the aftermath.

2020-03-16 12:28


Posted by laychee > Mar 16, 2020 12:28 PM | Report Abuse

UK on suicide mission.

UK on suicide mission......according to WTO.............

but UK may show us a better approach....................

2020-03-16 12:34


In singapore, the weapon of choice is testing, contact tracing, isolating..........restaurants and factories still operating.

In Malaysia the weapon of choice is closing down the whole country................

simply shoot.

2020-03-22 00:01

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