As discribed in 4 November 2014, assumed bought at 10 Nov 2014 (price not shown in i3 between 5-9Nov)
Nov 4 Dividend Net cost 29 April 2016 GAIN %
Padini 1.71 0.15 1.56 2.19 0.53 34%
Vitrox 2.70 0.09 2.61 3.56 0.95 36%
Wellcal 1.60 0.10 1.50 2.41 0.91 61%
Protasco 1.74 0.18 1.56 1.70 0.14 9%
Credit must be given to iCapbiz picks, as stated, I selected from their TOP 10 holdings. The reason I sold all Protasco shares was not so much of their fundamental, it is more of the oil and gas SCANDAL. Integrity issue. Funnily, Protasco can still provide a 9% yield for 17 months.
There are many, such as Tenaga, Tune Protect, Digi, KNM, Maybank, OCK, Gadang, Jaks, Genting, Malakoff, QL, TSH, Freight Management, BArmada, Sedania, Public Bank.
Of course, these are recommended over 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Some of the one I like (even some of them has dropped 10%), such as Digi, Gadang, OCK, Vitrox, Wellcal.
Filter the Top 10? Perhaps. Some others I am putting in my watch list, Prestaring, Datasonic and MyEG. Problems with these stocks is they are Government crony stocks. The concern is whether the prices out run the earnings.
This question is a FAQ whenever market drops. The question should be, is it according to my PLAN. If you do not have a PLAN, take your time and come up with one. Else, this question mean differently for different people. (If you ask a trader, buy when market oversold.)
If you have fully invested (always keep 20-30% for market correction of >20%), then, just sit and watch. If you are longer term investor, should avoid monitoring the market too often. It may be pointless, unless the stocks had met your parameter in your plan.
Share market is more volatile mainly due to Currency fluctuation as a result of central banks action AND liquidity AND debt issues and BREXIT. Of course, Malaysia have more issues especially on scandal, and political integrity (which effect the investors, especially foreigners). I have long recommended to outsource our government to "the Singapore Government" and the anti corruption agency to "ICAC of Hong Kong". That way, our GDP can easily up by another 2-3%. I suppose, this is the leakage we are having.
ONE more thing, due to the 1MDB case, chances are higher ringgit will depreciate (0-6 months) to RM4.00-4.20.
Just sharing my 2.6 sen thought. Not a call for Buy, Sell or Hold.
Created by sosfinance | Jul 14, 2018
It should be dated 10 Nov 2014 instead of 4 Nov 2014. Prices between 5 to 9 Nov 2014 is not available in i3 charts. It is for illustration only (not much differences (I hope), My fund manager did not ask for a sell in Wellcal. perhaps, there is further upside.
2016-04-29 23:10
Protasco a sell?
Hopefully everybody will start dumping and selling potatoes (protasco)
Calvin the contrarian is looking forward to get some cheap potatoes.
2016-05-01 13:45
Credit must be given to iCapbiz picks, as stated, I selected from their TOP 10 holdings. The reason I sold all Protasco shares was not so much of their fundamental, it is more of the oil and gas SCANDAL. Integrity issue. Funnily, Protasco can still provide a 9% yield for 17 months.
BCDEFG any reason for calling to dump protasco ?
01/05/2016 13:50
I think O&G scandal in Indonesia and directors' integrity were the reasons.
But Protasco(potatoes) is such a company that even a fool could run it and yet be profitable.
I bought Protasco long ago at 70 cents & taken profit too early.
Hope it crash below Rm1.00 for me to buy back some?
2016-05-01 14:00
You definitely right 1 all bcos of the O&G scandal, I sold Protasco at below RM1, otherwise< I would have held it until for long term investment which was my original intention.With the sale, I have forgone profit of more than RM100K !!! No thanks to that fellow who introduced the O&G venture.
2016-05-01 14:33
I don't expect this share to fall very much neither do I expect it fly simply bcos someone out there still have quite a bit to sell !
2016-05-01 14:35
Initially I was bullish with Protasco, especially the 100 acres of freehold in Kajang (near the MRT station). The oil and gas deal and the directors fiasco is too much for me and also fed up of eloquent silence from SC. I did calculate the one off loss of the deal, about RM80m, about RM0.20 per share. I dislike to invest in company where integrity of the directors is questioned. (like Benalec). I started purchasing Protasco when it was around 90 sen (due to high dividend yield). In fact, I added more when I found out they are developing the Kajang land plus the oil and gas craze, knowingly, maximum damage is limited. I can understand, if you made a mistake, you lose the 10% deposit, but I don't like it when the entire RM80m was gone and our SC police did even said a word. It is a blessing for me, the replacement proof to be good.
2016-05-01 18:01
I'm attracted to this post because of WELLCAL.
But I'm disappointed...
Btw, why you assume with a price of Nov 14 ...
2016-04-29 22:38