Apart from brewing of BlackBixon Coffee into NIHSIN’s business portfolio in March 2021, a few more business initiatives should be rolled out very soon by NIHSIN.
Why ask why?
NIHSIN has been the baby of Mr Khoo Chee Keong since 2016 or earlier. At one time, it was reported that he held in excess of 30 percent.
NIHSIN has been maintaining the price of 0.08 and 0.085 steadily for a period of time. This has been added with consistent share buy back from the open market.
As of 19th September 2022, Total number of shares purchased and/or held as treasury shares against total number of issued shares of the listed issuer (%) has risen to 7.37%.
It has been quite a while since Mr Kho Chee Keong last provided to the public about NIHSIN’s latest new initiatives or potential merger and acquisition.
Is the market expecting another big announcement from NIHSIN?
Is the timing going to be very soon during the period when Ringgit is weakening?
Let’s keep a close watch of NIHSIN!
Disclaimer: The above opinion is never intended to be a BUY CALL whatsoever. I am sharing my observations ONLY based on fundamental; past history; current trading pattern; charts etc. Please make your own informed decision before buying this share or whatever share for that matter.