Kris Wong

KrisWong | Joined since 2014-08-01

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2018-03-30 10:18 | Report Abuse

Not sure of any further response from Bursa and Securities Commission (as my complaint still under review by them) but I have been complaining non stop to them to investigate Abric and its Directors. Hope all other minority shareholders unite together to also complaint to draw the attention of Bursa and Securities Commission to further investigate Abric.


2018-03-30 09:52 | Report Abuse

Will attend PUC proposed acquisition of Pictureworks's EGM on 26.4.18 !


2018-03-16 10:19 | Report Abuse

1MDB ( 1 More Draught Beer) again ? Cheers Bottom Up !!!


2018-03-13 16:58 | Report Abuse

Hope company announced something interesting !!!


2018-03-13 11:16 | Report Abuse

Good news coming ?


2018-03-08 11:38 | Report Abuse

Something coming, any news ?


2018-03-06 10:05 | Report Abuse

Provided that the company can survive or rescue, the best bet here is its Loanstocks (7183LA) !!!


2018-02-26 09:34 | Report Abuse

As of now, minority shareholders have only themselves to blame as they r not united enough to present a collective complaint to SC/Bursa etc to open investigation on Abric/Directors who had 'misled' them to vote 'for' the EGM's proposals in 2016 in that the 'main intention' under the then proposals is for the company to be wound up n any sale proceeds to be distributed to shareholders. In addition, there r never any specific proposal then that the company also alternatively can continue operation with new venture as an unlisted company using 'funds' from sales proceeds of remaining assets.


2018-02-22 11:48 | Report Abuse

Minority shareholders concerned need to do something by say grouping together to voice out their collective objections by reporting to the relevant authorities, newspapers etc before their share of money from sale of properties to GDex vanished into thin air very soon !!!


2018-02-20 10:48 | Report Abuse

All minority shareholders adversely affected by Abric decision to continue operation as an unlisted company must grouped together to lodge a complaint or proposal to Securities Commission and Bursa to get Abric to give an escape route for dissenting shareholders to exist the company by selling their now delisted shares to the major shareholders !


2018-02-19 09:44 | Report Abuse

0007 My name is Bond, James Bond !!! Ha Ha Huat !!!


2018-02-15 10:09 | Report Abuse

new year ang pau !


2018-01-30 09:47 | Report Abuse

Not sure putting anyone behind bar or sueing those rascals helps this company. What it need most now is to get the right people to run it to revive the company !!!


2018-01-29 16:00 | Report Abuse

Yes, PW buy is a good investment at that price with profit guarantee !!!


2018-01-11 12:57 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Ah Kow, Ali dan Muthu, just revive the business n I salute u. Don't waste further time n resources on those personal disputes. Maybe it's time Bursa to have a blacklist of Directors/ major shareholders for the public to be aware of !!!


2018-01-05 22:17 | Report Abuse

Would really appreciated a kind person to give a brief precise translation on what happened in the EGM as reported in Nanyang !!!


2017-12-28 16:47 | Report Abuse

Con job; Before delisting :Winding up + further distribution, after delisting : continue with new dubious ventures !!!


2017-12-28 14:46 | Report Abuse

What happened ? Mr, Pui also voted in favour ? Worst news just before new year with no escape route for dissenting shareholders !!!


2017-12-28 12:08 | Report Abuse

LA 27sen + 5sen = share, WA 24.5 sen + 10 sen = share, WB 22 sen + 10 sen = share


2017-12-22 21:19 | Report Abuse

Pray n hope there are no more crooks in this company !!!


2017-12-21 17:49 | Report Abuse

U can do it immediately (but u must pay for it first) n complete the necessary paper work with the necessary form n cash option payment of another 5 sen per LA conversion to share, the whole process should take about 3 weeks depending also in the Registrar concerned !!!


2017-12-21 13:06 | Report Abuse

Same !!! Should be OK !!!


2017-12-21 11:58 | Report Abuse

Buy LA for conversion purposes only if u believe that share price will at maintain or at least not drop for more than 4 sen from now due to the time lapse for conversion. If feel that price will drop by that much or more, don't buy even the LA n esp the much more expensive PUC shares. But note in share market, nobody will guarantee make money !!!


2017-12-21 11:21 | Report Abuse

Horizon123, No gap? LA still a better buy always due to 1) earn fixed interest 2) rank priority before share for liquidation purposes 3) Gearing effect


2017-12-21 10:55 | Report Abuse

If u have the shares and intend to hold it for sometime, it best to arbitrage now ie. sell the share PUC n buy LA !!!


2017-12-21 10:39 | Report Abuse

Key difference between LA and PUC shares (also WA & WB) is that generally the later are more active and hence more liquid and then probably more speculative. Mind also that there is a time lapse during conversion whereby the share may drop n reduce the price difference beside the necessary admin work for conversion


2017-12-21 10:08 | Report Abuse

sell also both WA & WB and switch into LA which is cheaper n also has interest yield !!!


2017-12-15 21:43 | Report Abuse

Whether win or lost, those attending the EGM should suggest to the BOD to have a possible escape route to those who do not wish to continue to hold shares in an unlisted company such as maybe those majority shareholders/ directors made proposal to buy out all those dissenting shareholders shares at a certain price acceptable to both parties or other acceptable solutions !!!


2017-12-15 18:56 | Report Abuse

Current BOD comprises Ong 'Con' Family members have about 30+% total shareholdings n for us to be quite sure to win 'against' we need the assistance of Mr. Pui, the only other major shareholder with about 25% !!!


2017-12-15 15:39 | Report Abuse

jack8, it is not necessary to name a proxy and if u don't mentioned the proxy name, the Chairman of the EGM will vote according to your wishes on your behalf as your proxy if u put 'X' in the column under 'against' in the proxy form in the EGM Circular. But make sure u complete all other details, signed n then send Proxy Form to the Registrar, Tricor Investor, to reach them at least 2 days before the EGM date on 27 December !


2017-12-14 17:33 | Report Abuse

Landed properties to be sold to GDEX but blood sucking Directors want to use it as risk capital for their 2 new so-call ventures to further siphon out the money into their pockets !!!


2017-12-14 15:02 | Report Abuse

Lodged complaints simultaneously with MSWG, Bursa & SC today !!! & will vote against the proposed 2 new ventures on 27 December !!!


2017-12-14 14:52 | Report Abuse

N childcare business, try kidding me !!! Shameless, what experiences have the fu****g directors in such 2 new ventures ! Just fund the business on their own if they want n return $ to us as we don't want to invest in a delisted company with fishy directors !!!


2017-12-14 10:36 | Report Abuse

EGM for company to use sales proceeds for new business ventures and not to return to shareholders esp the minority ones as promised earlier !!! Never trust the directors who been enjoying 'Gaji Buta' for more than a year and now want to continue with their own selfish agenda !!! Please vote against new business proposal n insist on return of money as previously promised as the company is now no more listed with no protection to minority shareholders !!!


2017-12-14 09:33 | Report Abuse

Everyday all time lower n lower !!! Hopeless counter !!!


2017-12-08 17:24 | Report Abuse

Value emerging, noted Q3 loss RM274 million but market cap down more than RM2 billion in 2 days !!!


2017-12-08 00:17 | Report Abuse

Noted Company suffered only RM274m Q3 loss but market cap dropped by RM1433m yesterday !!!


2017-12-07 15:35 | Report Abuse

Another batch of conversion to shares at 25 sen !!!


2017-12-06 22:12 | Report Abuse

Attend AGM on 12 December n see what excuses Francis Yeoh give again for this non performing counter !!!


2017-12-06 15:03 | Report Abuse

Where is the detailed circular for sale of Abric Properties plus EGM ??? Pray that sale is not rescinded due to tardiness of Abric's directors !!!


2017-12-06 11:13 | Report Abuse

Still awaiting further news from new Directors/Management on future direction of company's business n operation besides loads of litigation matters and internal house-keeping !!!


2017-11-30 15:20 | Report Abuse

After dividend x-date on Monday, 4 December, price of SIME will be further adjusted down n hence putting more downward pressure on both C14 & C15 !!!


2017-11-30 14:57 | Report Abuse

Why no similar adjustment news yet on SIME-C15 ?


2017-11-23 12:52 | Report Abuse

Last call tomorrow n then 1 becomes 3 companies !!!


2017-11-20 08:26 | Report Abuse

Directors sleeping again !!!


2017-11-15 10:13 | Report Abuse

Hopeless company. The only company with recent rights issue whereby subscribers lost lot of money !!!


2017-11-06 15:33 | Report Abuse

Pray no more sabotage of company !!!


2017-11-03 20:56 | Report Abuse

Company just done rights issue n got 'rights' money, unlikely to be delisted !!!


2017-11-03 12:02 | Report Abuse

Bursa tipu small retail investors ! Agreed with apolloang !!!