Alistino G

alistinog | Joined since 2017-10-24

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2020-07-02 23:02 | Report Abuse

Schools reopening......


2020-07-01 19:24 | Report Abuse

Thank you, JJchan.


2020-07-01 14:56 | Report Abuse

cheap1, are you insinuating that other shareholders are in favour of the ceo?


2020-07-01 09:59 | Report Abuse
Next, the shareholders must kick out the CEO of this company before the rot goes deeper. There's no need to refute what is said in the social media; just show us results.


2020-07-01 09:33 | Report Abuse

This company Industrial PR is sleeping despite announcing Profits from the Loss in previous report, they couldn't move the counter.


2020-06-30 22:17 | Report Abuse

Wahhh.... at 0.005, you sapu la......


2020-06-30 10:53 | Report Abuse

Waiting for KFC?


2020-06-29 12:01 | Report Abuse

Will he gets Rm2b with the new chairman?


2020-06-28 22:14 | Report Abuse

Are sure cut 50% or 20%. Please check the internal information. There are discontentment among the staff. The saying goes, when there's fire, we can't cover the smoke.


2020-06-27 21:12 | Report Abuse

Halas...!!! Deddo...!!! Morte...!!! Si kiaw kiaw.............!!!


2020-06-26 20:18 | Report Abuse

Jalil should have stayed few months longer to convene EGM to have the ceo & independent directors removed.


2020-06-24 15:21 | Report Abuse

In previous AGM, few shareholders mocked at the BOD that the price was only “Tiga puluh sen”. The Rights Issues were under subscribed and they were taken up by the Underwriters (3 Banks). Do they care?


2020-06-22 15:06 | Report Abuse

Majority shareholder is PNB with 40% while CEO has 16.3%. PNB could decide on which way the share price goes... without even being implicated for insider trading in a lawful manner.


2020-06-19 16:03 | Report Abuse

JJchan, I agree. Thank you for instilling confidence into the minority shareholders. Bingo.


2020-06-19 15:27 | Report Abuse

The whole BOD should be kicked for having their share price going in opposite direction. Just reflect how incompetent you guys are.


2020-06-19 15:08 | Report Abuse

Yabadabadooo....... Latest Prices,
WTI CRUDE • 39.46 +0.62 +1.60%
BRENT CRUDE • 42.17 +0.66 +1.59%


2020-06-19 13:00 | Report Abuse

Collection of parting words from outgoing CEOs. Adakah Malaysia tidak lagi sesuai untuk golongan teknokrat yang berprinsip dan berintegriti?:

1. Tan Sri Hassan Marican, Petronas:

"We did it based on values and principles that are dear to us. It is my hope that you will continue to uphold those VALUES and PRINCIPLES. Lose it and we will lose all that we have built."

2. Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas, Petronas:

“It’s so difficult to do an honest day’s job. You spend a lot of time away from your true function (of running Petronas).”

“It’s not just people outside [who are making things difficult but] also people in the government — the bureaucrats. Bureaucratic interference makes things difficult."

“I’m a Malay too, I’m proud to be one … you think I don’t want to help my own people? Of course I want to help them, but in the proper way -- not through handouts and spoon-feeding."

“Everybody can see that we at Petronas are under immense pressure … We take pride in telling the whole world, telling the whole of Malaysia, that we are a Fortune 500 company, but do we behave like one?”

“This is what the fighting is all about, trying to give ourselves some independence, so that at the end of the day, we are measured in terms of our performance, delivery and results, and not having anyone intervening and telling us what we have to do and that we have to give handouts to all.”

“The government wants us to be like an international oil company, comparable with the Shells and ExxonMobils of the world, so we try to be one. But Shell and ExxonMobil are not harassed by their governments.”

“In the Petroleum Development Act, it is very clear — oil and gas belong to all Malaysians. It doesn’t say oil and gas belong to the bumiputeras, it doesn’t say that … it says all Malaysians, so they can be in the government, they can be in the opposition, they can be wherever … and we are the custodians.”

“It is amanah … diamanahkan … the word amanahkan is very strong — as a Muslim, it would be a huge sin if I abused ‘amanah’.

“We are dealing with politicians; they say one thing but do another, so it’s difficult… it is frustrating.”

3. Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee, Petronas:

"Often, in the position of trust, you will face conflict choices and difficult decisions.

"Sometimes standing by your principles may prove unrewarding and downright unpopular. It is a lonely path that true leaders must tread.

"At the end of it, doing the right thing allows you to have the peace of mind, clarity of conscience of having discharged your amanah - your responsibility with honesty and honour."

4. Jalil Rasheed, PNB:

"I will never waver in my principles in performing my duties. Oftentimes making the right decisions is riddled with difficulties and some will be unpopular. There was a line I would not cross."

"Please always stay the course, never waver in integrity and principles. Always remember the Amanah that has been entrusted upon you by the 14m unitholders who rely on you to deliver returns from their hard earned money. Ultimately we are only answerable to One."

"Principles and integrity are two things nobody can take from you. Only you decide if you want to let it go. I go out proud knowing that this was never compromised."


2020-06-19 10:03 | Report Abuse

Latest Price. World oil prices are going up but Sapnrg stays screwed down despite reduction in their debts...

WTI CRUDE • 39.16 +0.32 +0.82%
BRENT CRUDE • 41.80 +0.29 +0.70%


2020-06-18 23:49 | Report Abuse

Latest price:-

WTI CRUDE • 38.70 +0.74 +1.95%
BRENT CRUDE • 41.45 +0.74 +1.82%


2020-06-18 23:43 | Report Abuse

In June 10, I wrote,
"Golden Sach, Morgan Stanley are those American hantus included our local hantus that do not want oil price to spike up now while they are quietly collecting at the cheap price."
Today, I read June 17 news, that those hantus are predicting USD50 if WTI Crude Oil could reach USD40 and maintain at that level.


2020-06-18 18:31 | Report Abuse

1 hour ago...
Oil Shows Signs of Stronger Demand, But Virus Dangers Lurk


2020-06-18 18:24 | Report Abuse

Latest Price. > Good news
WTI Crude 38.21 +0.25
Brent Crude 41.06 +0.35


2020-06-18 15:54 | Report Abuse

Sliding to 12.160 Support.


2020-06-18 15:07 | Report Abuse

The price goes UP, you complained?


2020-06-18 10:15 | Report Abuse

Satu untuk engkau
Dua untuk aku
Dua untuk engkau
Sapuluh untuk aku…..


2020-06-15 14:29 | Report Abuse

Yup, unemployment rate has shot sky high and still increasing. A friend in US asked whether there is job in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia for him & his wife. Xi liow lor.... pitiful.


2020-06-15 09:55 | Report Abuse

More than 70 oil companies in US would be filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy if West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil stays longer below USD35.


2020-06-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

Now, you understand better the main cause in the past declined of SAPNRG shares price. With the opening of businesses’ activities soon, the Robins would be in your gardens and we will see the price returning to pre-Covid 19 pandemic prices 0.25 in February and 0.29 in January 2020. Am I too optimistic? At the meantime, big players are accumulating with the help of some analysts by giving SELL Calls at “Holi TP price” 0.04 that chilled your bones. When the waves start, we could not stop them from hitting over the wall. Hence, we should HOLD or BUY on weakness and always remember, PNB holds 40% that translate a high amount committed; unlike in US where companies could file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. As I said previously, there is only 1 option left but to increase the Share Value.
You could Google for “Benefits of Chapter 11” if you are interested so, I shall not indulge in that subject.


2020-06-12 20:36 | Report Abuse

SAPNRG is an Upstream oil company that is involved in Exploration, drilling… (refer to their business background) for more details. The price of oil in the market would have the impact on them much later unlike Downstream companies. However, the Covid 19 pandemic has a serious impact on Upstream companies as they are unable carry out the Explorations and other activities like installation of offshore plateforms that involved in engineering work. Now, that MCO is relaxed, we could see more activities from them.
The Downstream companies involved in # 1) Refining of petroleum crude oil. # 2) Processing and Purifying of Raw Natural Gas. # 3) Marketing and Distributing of products from crude oil and natural gas.
While the Midstream companies provide Storage and Pipelines to the producers. These companies are less affected by the oil price.
Just a brief information after dinner….


2020-06-12 08:58 | Report Abuse

Yup, HOLD Or BUY on Weakness. Dow Jones has gone crazy -1861 (-6.90%) and Brent Crude below USD38. plus more Oil Companies joining the bankrupt two.


2020-06-10 23:38 | Report Abuse

Let us understand why the price of oil is fluctuating and not having a steady climb despite the cut in production agreed upon by OPEC. While there is cut in Supply but Demand is lacking due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the many lockdowns. Many businesses were on standstill in Malaysia.
While in USA, a Petroleum company (Whiting Petroleum) declared bankruptcy on April 1 while another company Chesapeake Energy that once worth USD37.5 billion was preparing to file for bankruptcy too. Then, on 2-7 June 2020, Tropical Storm Cristobal that hits Louisiana, Florida and The Gulf of Mexico forced 34% of US offshore oil production to be temporarily closed.
Despite, all those setbacks, it does not stop Saudi Aramco from raising the price of Arab Light to Asia by USD6.10 per barrel.
On SAPNRG, we have to wait for few weeks before the price move up. The company has only 1 option to get more funds for its business development by strengthening the value of its shares. Be patient…


2020-06-10 11:04 | Report Abuse

Golden Sach, Morgan Stanley are those American hantus included our local hantus that do not want oil price to spike up now while they are quietly collecting at the cheap price. The country’s economy depended on oil (especially Petronas) to move forward and soon, they need more funds to embark on the new projects; after the last Rights Issue in early 2018 at 0.30sen., could SAPNRG ask some more from the Shareholders. There is only 1 way to increase the Share Value.


2020-06-10 09:36 | Report Abuse

Yup, oil is food to nearly all machineries and vehicles. Just imagine all those ships in the ocean and industrialised countries without oil. America wouldn’t have invaded/interfered Middle-East affairs if not for OIL. The importance of Oil needs no further accentuation. Soon, many amongst us would be rushing to add more of oil shares to our portfolios and say, “I should have bought when they were cheap earlier”.
Today, “Macam ayam keluar reban” with so many vehicles on the roads. Malaysia is not alone….


2020-06-09 22:46 | Report Abuse

Let’s check the shareholders of SAPNRG.
PNB – 40%
CEO Tan Sri Shahril Shamsuddin – 16.3%
Minority Local & Foreign – 42.2%
Banks - balance – 1.5%


2020-06-09 08:02 | Report Abuse

When there are big waves, there will be Ups & Downs. I didn't predict that the price of Oil will be up 10% within a day but maybe 3-4 trading days. There is nothing to worry as currently the focus has been shifted to Oil & Gas stocks.
Mexico is starting it's drilling activities as demands are coming with openings from lockdowns in many countries.


2020-06-08 18:15 | Report Abuse

Godofgambler ,
If you were referring 10% up on stocks, I would say a big yes. Even at 30% jump within a day is possible depending on the Bankers and Major Shareholders before it triggers the rush from retailers.


2020-06-08 17:39 | Report Abuse

Wahh.... so bullish. 10% (equivalent to USD4) is very high for a day. I believe it could within 3-4 trading days.


2020-06-08 16:04 | Report Abuse

Yesterday when I wrote:-
Brent Oil USD42.30
WTI Crude Oil USD39.55

Brent Oil USD43.07 +0.77
WTI Crude Oil USD40.09 +0.54


2020-06-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

When Crude Oil price touches USD50+, we can expect SAPNRG to return to Nov.2019 price, 0.295
I am not just picking the figures from the air and I am not promoting. Either way it goes, I am happy.


2020-06-07 15:27 | Report Abuse

Yes, in Mar.2020, it dipped when the price of Crude Oil dropped to its lowest USD18.34 that triggered panic selling. The lowest price in Crude Oil (80 years history) was Feb.1946 when the price was USD16.39. Now, with many sharks waiting to take advantage, they made A SELL call that the price would dip below USD10. The current price of Brent Oil at USD42.30 and WTI Crude Oil USD39.55 still going up before July.


2020-06-07 12:41 | Report Abuse

When it was below USD20 in April, nearly all "champion" oil anal yst predicted that it would drop to <USD10.


2020-06-07 12:10 | Report Abuse

Do the Majority shareholders and the Bankers eaten enough yet? I parked 01 Civic and hope it is done on Tuesday before moving North.


2020-06-07 10:15 | Report Abuse

Yes, Tengku Muhammad Taufik was formerly a Group CFO of Sapura Energy (formerly SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad).


2020-06-06 22:48 | Report Abuse

Is New Petronas CEO, Tengku Muhammad Taufik Tengku Aziz, the younger brother of Finance Minister, Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz.?


2020-06-06 21:16 | Report Abuse

Are they still in Fortune 500?
Lan sai....