Eric Teh

Etsaveinvest | Joined since 2015-02-12

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2016-05-17 17:13 | Report Abuse

Thanks kai. I hold both the warrant u mention. wish for the best. AdCool, kai89 should not share it here, becos this forum already polluted by 2 visitors from Mars.


2016-05-17 12:49 | Report Abuse

We hope that 2 from Mars won't create fake id to request the report from u kai.


2016-05-17 11:41 | Report Abuse

The warrant is crazy one. I think the big fish catch the golden figure to push the warrant. Push up without spend much. Now the warrant no longer attractive compare to mother. Premium too high but gearing very low.


2016-05-16 13:46 | Report Abuse

kai, last thursday volumn very low only woh. some more i think those who bought recently mostly to hold but not contra player.


2016-05-16 11:11 | Report Abuse

Still wait for the real game to get start. Anyway, ikan bilis slowly throw down create chances for those who really patient.


2016-05-12 22:13 | Report Abuse

So far no news from SUPERMX. The production expansion should be doing well according to the IBs visit last time. Another 3 weeks to go. I aspect there would be a small goreng in coming 2 weeks and drop down again last week before QR. Just a guess from my experience.


2016-05-12 22:02 | Report Abuse

I already giving up to argue with these 2. I know many already giving up for long but i really try my best with the thought that these 2 are actually don't understand without bad intention. But now i am sure these 2 r actually did it on purpose with bad intention. I know kai is too ego sometime and poor in handling these type of ppl and always bad temple and did something that breaking the forum rules. so.. we need to go on.


2016-05-12 17:33 | Report Abuse

no wonder u don't get it all this while. bcos too lazy to read back all the history. Now i know why bwc comments are good for u. he repeat daily so u can see it everyday. scared u miss out one time u don't get it then.


2016-05-12 17:30 | Report Abuse

lol! explain too long proven that's wrong. lol. forget about it then. u r too stupid to be explained. i give up d. AdCool advise is good. more save.


2016-05-12 14:12 | Report Abuse

Investo, If u really want to discuss supermx, pls read back supermx forum from end of February to March 2016 and read properly. Ignore all the noises and try to understand what we really betting supermx for now. After last pick at above RM3, most of us exit supermx that time and call to hunt the bottom start mid of April. We (I) hunt the botton and betting the QR to be a good one. This stratergy has been mentioned over and over again since that time but u choose to ignore it and keep blaming this is a bad call. Try to uderstand the time frame and the intention of the buy call. Now we try to accumulate a stock but not chasing a stock. Accumulation most probably won't bare fruits immediately like what u chase AA. The intention of my accumulation is for the QR which only would be annouced end of May.
I am sure u r interested in supermx as well, thats why everyday saying no buy yet no buy yet. Because u expecting it will run immediately after u buy. That's ur choise but doesn't mean we r wrong (yet). I could be wrong because i don't hv the insider news. I just judge by my view on supermx prospect.
If you still act like that "Clear Eric is kai's gang with bad intention", then i can't stop myself to think that u r actually bwc created account to support him'self. fyi, i earn AA 200% already, so who to jealous on u.


2016-05-11 18:53 | Report Abuse

merck, can share a bit why u think so. I worry also. Do u hv any fact to support or insider news?


2016-05-11 18:02 | Report Abuse

Let me clarify with u Investo, I try. Those (who agree with kai) who collect supermx now from the price 2.8 and below are looking for a huge return with the expectation that supermx next QR would be good and the share price would move towards 3.5 and above (hopefully). So don't keep on saying the call is wrong if the share price do not move crazy like AA (i hold as well) in short term.


2016-05-11 17:44 | Report Abuse

Investo, do u really understand what is the call? I发 you don't then ask or keep quite better. Some time see ur comment i hv no words to answer bcos u can't even get what is the call and keep barking.


2016-05-11 13:20 | Report Abuse

wah, what is that GG123, kai. don't tell me that's u a~. Don't do such stupid thing. I hope it's not u.


2016-05-11 12:49 | Report Abuse

This bwc very weird. u only write "big picture" comment in supermx forum but not in other counter. u know ppl here hate this "big picture" statement but insist to put it, fine. But then why u don't carry this habit to other counter? I think u also know if u do so, u will be harass in other forum as well. If u really mean the good intention to bring this big message to "readers", why not in other forum as well? Seems like u purposely did it to challenge the readers here especially kai.


2016-05-11 12:02 | Report Abuse

Today volume increase. Good sign.


2016-05-10 11:00 | Report Abuse

History shows improvement in load factor won't push the share price in a sudden.


2016-05-09 13:09 | Report Abuse

Thank you ST Tan for the update.


2016-05-06 17:03 | Report Abuse

Must be AA cs u playing, else not much to make.


2016-05-06 17:02 | Report Abuse

Another thing Investo, u in and out AA many times? Or on paper gain only?


2016-05-06 16:59 | Report Abuse

Investo, Smart Investor made a buy call if supermx below 2.70 which i think was a wise call. Did u take it?


2016-05-06 16:56 | Report Abuse

Tressele, Did u average down? 4 cent i did. Undercover, may I know why u choose c8?


2016-05-06 10:41 | Report Abuse

Volume show some pickup sign yesterday. If day by day volume increase than is a very good sign. I am positive to both supermx and AA.


2016-05-05 16:40 | Report Abuse

Slowly the volume come back..


2016-04-29 16:42 | Report Abuse

Nah Investor,
AdCool just to be neutral, i remembered Kai said if no break 2.83 and can maintain for few days, it's uptrend. And he also emphasized that he only predict short term and not long term. He did mention that it would break 3.50++ if excellent Q3 results but what is defined as excellent, there's no mention on that. I think no one can be 100% correct all the times as the market is influenced by so many factors in the world.

Whether small picture or big picture, we all are parts of the picture. Some prefer TA, some FA, some gut feelings, some just follow tips and some just dont know and just/buy as they like.
29/04/2016 14:22


2016-04-29 16:38 | Report Abuse

I think Adcool explain it very well and his stand could be more convincing than mine. bcos u keep repeat "clear Eric Teh is kai gang". i boring to hear about such rubbish claim. like small kid.


2016-04-29 14:50 | Report Abuse

Give u a like AdCool. Neutral.


2016-04-29 13:44 | Report Abuse

What if in coming two weeks time supermx touch 3 again? Are you going to change your statement? start from few days ago, most of the klci counters head towards short term downtrend including the AA and AAX. This time even supermx can't avoid. That's why i said, this time bwc hv a right call on supermx.


2016-04-29 13:27 | Report Abuse

Oh, i forgot u gang us all as one. then u r too smart (over smart).


2016-04-29 13:25 | Report Abuse

U can said i am wrong to call a buy at 2.80 that day. I admit that is a bad call.


2016-04-29 13:21 | Report Abuse

Investo, did u really go and read what kai analize? The one who give a buy call to u at 2.80 was me. not him. Kai said price will not move much until May and retest 3.59 provided to coming QR is excellent.


2016-04-29 12:15 | Report Abuse

wah, day by day getting cheaper. Without big player, retailer fail to hold the price in this poor "big picture". Good call bwc for the latest one. btw, i will hold tide tide until the next QR.


2016-04-28 17:53 | Report Abuse

Old account you said it was from the same group. New account you suspect it's fake new created. So how does a true reader sounds like actually? forget about it la. btw, are you going to answer my question? What you think about supermx next QR? I try very hard to pull both side of u come back to discuss only about supermx where most reader wish to see. Thank you first if you going to answer.


2016-04-28 12:19 | Report Abuse

ya. if market sentiment remain weak for another week. Supermx might goes down to 2.6+, then you might get your c10. But it will hurt me. i got not much bullet to average down d.


2016-04-28 11:46 | Report Abuse

kai899, c10 collected by me and tressele and both of us don't want to sell low so cannot go down. haha~. joking.


2016-04-27 15:23 | Report Abuse

Guys. we almost forgot c6 expired tomorrow. With such a tiny volume, the IB can press down and save a lot. Today and the last 4 trading days are taking count. Anyway I think they didn't try hard to press down bcos not much selling pressure in this period.


2016-04-27 10:58 | Report Abuse

investo, pls continue support him. i notice after you appear, he already stop repeat same "big picture" noises recently. More informative than previous.


2016-04-27 10:12 | Report Abuse

hemm.. agree. empty vessels make more noise. supermx forum is full of noises.


2016-04-26 13:06 | Report Abuse

I follow AA AAX since last yr. And yes, i spent some time to korek the "reader not stupid" comment from your profile. Not like u, ask ppl to read on my own when i asking for proof.


2016-04-26 12:45 | Report Abuse

Thank god you only talking craps in supermx forum but not other counter.


2016-04-26 12:32 | Report Abuse

There are many more but i don't think reader want to review all that so i just stop here. Because i also aware that these kind of comment are rubbish.


2016-04-26 12:28 | Report Abuse

harss! Maybe my English really not good.

Apr 25, 2016 09:24 PM | Report Abuse

Haha. Again you think readers stupid, other than your own group members, why so many asking for reports looks like they started their account only today? Hehe. Doesn't matter, I hope a lot of people (even if many may be fake) ask for his report, as long as he is no longer around to harass people.

Apr 25, 2016 08:27 AM | Report Abuse

Morning investo, sorry to see how Kai89/899 is harassing you. Just ignore him and his group members. Readers are not stupid, they know who is telling the truth.

Apr 21, 2016 07:39 PM | Report Abuse

Can't find when the con man been wrong?! That is why I said Eric Teh is either part of the group or not very bright. Only he can't see the many times con man been wrong. Other people call his calls total bull shit but i try not to be so mean. Also no one other than some one from the group would defend such as rude person who would even take the arguments here to another forum, He is getting a cold reception in AA, padan muka!. Like I said many times before, readers not stupid.

Apr 21, 2016 09:26 AM | Report Abuse

Con man still using you to attack? Ask him to come out to answer la. What about the 3.00 target? What about buying Cs? Still 100% correct? Readers noticed he has NEVER answered these before - because he cannot. It is true. So he send out his accomplices to attack who say nothing intelligent other than complain and curse. Hehe.

Apr 20, 2016 04:53 PM | Report Abuse

Ask your conman to come out to comment himself lah, don't be a coward. Readers not stupid la. Hehe

Apr 20, 2016 04:34 PM | Report Abuse

Yah, I know, there are all my fans. Hehe. Created by the coward who dare not face others directly but pretend to send others as though readers stupid, don't know it is him or his accomplices.


2016-04-26 11:43 | Report Abuse

Good. So at the same time pls don't insult my intelligent. I am one of the reader and i am not stupid. I don't agree to your calls most of the time. So don't add the sentence "Reader not stupid" at the end of your comment to reflect those reader who don't like your comment all stupid.


2016-04-26 11:09 | Report Abuse

So, show me some example pls. How you claim my past comment as harass but not discussion or argument. Just because it's not align with yours?


2016-04-26 11:01 | Report Abuse

It was you who always group who ever not agree with you as a group. And yes, one or two in the group as you claim like to harass you. As the result, you conclude all the "the group" not respecting you.


2016-04-26 10:58 | Report Abuse

And I hate ppl who asking other to stop giving comment in this forum. Just stop talking rubbish.


2016-04-26 10:56 | Report Abuse

Did you check back when I stop you from giving opinion? I never. I just don't agree.


2016-04-26 10:51 | Report Abuse

Talk about supermx la. now is really boring time. Flat. I am trying to accumulate more.


2016-04-26 10:48 | Report Abuse

See, twice and manipulate statement again. I said respect "other readers" comment. Did you mean all other reader who ever place negative comment on you not respecting you. If that really what you get then you should have a self-criticism.