Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

3iii | Joined since 2015-02-07

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2024-03-17 07:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 2019-12-11 13:42 | Report Abuse

Excellent rise

Jaya tiasa or Giant Treasure


Time to sell into strength and switch to Nfcp bull run stocks like Netx, Opcom, Redtone and sacofa(cmsb)



2024-03-16 23:37 | Report Abuse

"Cutloss" Very quietly. :-)


2024-03-16 23:16 | Report Abuse

How can someone who is so noisy be so "good"? Interesting observations.

Hope his wife and children are happy. 😀


2024-03-16 23:13 | Report Abuse

March 2016. RSAWIT. 56SEN


2024-03-16 23:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 2016-03-22 10:00 | Report Abuse






2024-03-16 22:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 2015-06-10 18:38 | Report Abuse




June 2015. Armada RM 1.22
Today RM 0.54

News & Blogs

2024-03-15 21:10 | Report Abuse

f one analyse a company based on its facts and fundamentals, your investing will be safer.

RSawit experienced losses even in 2023. It has huge debts and huge interest payments. Its interest cover is negative. Its current (short term) debt is huge. It has only 3m in cash in its balance sheet.

I have not encountered a company with such a poor current ratio yet. It is basically insolvent. It is at the mercy of the creditors and the bankers that the company has not been placed in receivership.

It has to restructure its balance sheet. It will need to sell and monetise a lot of its assets to pay down its debts. It also has to do so quickly too. This is not a good situation to be in, especially if it is forced to fire-sell its assets.

I cannot see how its operations can turn positive soon or in the immediate period.


2024-03-15 21:09 | Report Abuse

If one analyse a company based on its facts and fundamentals, your investing will be safer.

RSawit experienced losses even in 2023. It has huge debts and huge interest payments. Its interest cover is negative. Its current (short term) debt is huge. It has only 3m in cash in its balance sheet.

I have not encountered a company with such a poor current ratio yet. It is basically insolvent. It is at the mercy of the creditors and the bankers that the company has not been placed in receivership.

It has to restructure its balance sheet. It will need to sell and monetise a lot of its assets to pay down its debts. It also has to do so quickly too. This is not a good situation to be in, especially if it is forced to fire-sell its assets.

I cannot see how its operations can turn positive soon or in the immediate period.

News & Blogs

2024-03-15 17:29 | Report Abuse

Its NAV per share is 18 sen
At 22.5 sen per share today, it is trading at a premium to its NAV!
Market can be irrational!

This stock is overvalued. It should be trading at a huge discount to its NAV.

Please do your own assessment and forward here your analysis and opinion.🤝✌

News & Blogs

2024-03-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

2023 Balance Sheet
Cash 3m
STDebt 188m
LTDebt 152m

CA 47m
CL 302m

Current Ratio 0.16
Quick Ratio 0.08
Cash Ratio 0.01

Inventory 22m
AR 14m
AP 67m

CA 47
FA 672
Other Assets 134
TA 853

CL 302m
LTL 152m
Deferred taxes 37m
TL 491m
TEq 362m
TL+TEq 853m

What do you think of this balance sheet?
It is horrible.
It is net debt positive. Huge total debts of 340m, and current debt is 188m.

CA 47m
CL 302m

Current Ratio 0.16
Quick Ratio 0.08
Cash Ratio 0.01

The current ratio implies this company is insolvent. Its continuing operation depends on the mercy of it creditors and lenders.

TL 491m
TEq 362m
TL+TEq 853m
TL/TEq = 1.36x
TL/TA = 57.6%

News & Blogs

2024-03-15 17:28 | Report Abuse


2023 Income Statement
Rev 507.8 m
COGS 488.6 m
Gross Income 19.1 m
SGA Expenses (43.2 m)
EBIT (24.1 m)
NOI 56.0 m
Int Exp (14.4 m)
PBT 17.6 m

Its ongoing operation made losses in 2023. EBIT (24.1m). Look at its interest expense of (14.4m). It cannot even pay the interest from its business operations. Interest cover is negative.

It sold 2 pieces of estate giving a NOI of 56m. However, its business remains gruesome indeed.

News & Blogs

2024-03-15 17:28 | Report Abuse


Quality of Business: 👎
Management: 👎
Valuation: (don't bother, look for another stock to analyse)👣

News & Blogs

2024-03-15 17:27 | Report Abuse


2023 Income Statement
Rev 507.8 m
COGS 488.6 m
Gross Income 19.1 m
SGA Expenses (43.2 m)
EBIT (24.1 m)
NOI 56.0 m
Int Exp (14.4 m)
PBT 17.6 m

2023 Balance Sheet
Cash 3m
STDebt 188m
LTDebt 152m

CA 47m
CL 302m

Current Ratio 0.16
Quick Ratio 0.08
Cash Ratio 0.01

Inventory 22m
AR 14m
AP 67m

CA 47
FA 672
Other Assets 134
TA 853

CL 302m
LTL 152m
Deferred taxes 37m
TL 491m
TEq 362m
TL+TEq 853m

2023 Cash Flow Statement
Net income 17.6 m
D&A 68.8 m
Other Funds (67.4m)
FFO 19.96m
CWC 26.5m
NOCF 45.4m

Capex (41.7m)
FCF 3.7m


2024-03-15 17:26 | Report Abuse

Its NAV per share is 18 sen
At 22.5 sen per share today, it is trading at a premium to its NAV!
Market can be irrational!

This stock is overvalued. It should be trading at a huge discount to its NAV.

Please do your own assessment and forward here your analysis and opinion.🤝✌


2024-03-15 17:13 | Report Abuse

2023 Balance Sheet
Cash 3m
STDebt 188m
LTDebt 152m

CA 47m
CL 302m

Current Ratio 0.16
Quick Ratio 0.08
Cash Ratio 0.01

Inventory 22m
AR 14m
AP 67m

CA 47
FA 672
Other Assets 134
TA 853

CL 302m
LTL 152m
Deferred taxes 37m
TL 491m
TEq 362m
TL+TEq 853m

What do you think of this balance sheet?
It is horrible.
It is net debt positive. Huge total debts of 340m, and current debt is 188m.

CA 47m
CL 302m

Current Ratio 0.16
Quick Ratio 0.08
Cash Ratio 0.01

The current ratio implies this company is insolvent. Its continuing operation depends on the mercy of it creditors and lenders.

TL 491m
TEq 362m
TL+TEq 853m
TL/TEq = 1.36x
TL/TA = 57.6%


2024-03-15 17:07 | Report Abuse


2023 Income Statement
Rev 507.8 m
COGS 488.6 m
Gross Income 19.1 m
SGA Expenses (43.2 m)
EBIT (24.1 m)
NOI 56.0 m
Int Exp (14.4 m)
PBT 17.6 m

Its ongoing operation made losses in 2023. EBIT (24.1m). Look at its interest expense of (14.4m). It cannot even pay the interest from its business operations. Interest cover is negative.

It sold 2 pieces of estate giving a NOI of 56m. However, its business remains gruesome indeed.


2024-03-15 17:03 | Report Abuse


Quality of Business: 👎
Management: 👎
Valuation: (don't bother, look for another stock to analyse)👣


2024-03-15 17:01 | Report Abuse


2023 Income Statement
Rev 507.8 m
COGS 488.6 m
Gross Income 19.1 m
SGA Expenses (43.2 m)
EBIT (24.1 m)
NOI 56.0 m
Int Exp (14.4 m)
PBT 17.6 m

2023 Balance Sheet
Cash 3m
STDebt 188m
LTDebt 152m

CA 47m
CL 302m

Current Ratio 0.16
Quick Ratio 0.08
Cash Ratio 0.01

Inventory 22m
AR 14m
AP 67m

CA 47
FA 672
Other Assets 134
TA 853

CL 302m
LTL 152m
Deferred taxes 37m
TL 491m
TEq 362m
TL+TEq 853m

2023 Cash Flow Statement
Net income 17.6 m
D&A 68.8 m
Other Funds (67.4m)
FFO 19.96m
CWC 26.5m
NOCF 45.4m

Capex (41.7m)
FCF 3.7m


2024-03-15 08:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The weak; the faithful and the wishy washy can never succeed

Only the strong steadfast holders will do well
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways"

We never waver. We never doubt

We will see Tsh reach Rm2.00

And then much much higher

Sounds familiar and repetitive!

The weak; the faithful and the wishy washy can never succeed

Only the strong steadfast holders will do well
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways"

We never waver. We never doubt

We will see NETX reach 8 sen (from 1 sen)

And then much much higher


2024-03-14 22:12 | Report Abuse

Categorising stocks (Peter Lynch)

When you buy into stocks you need to understand why you are buying. In doing
this, it helps to categorise the company in determining what sort of returns you
can expect. Catergorising also enforces some discipline into your investment
process and aids effective portfolio construction. Peter Lynch uses the six
categories below

• Sluggards (Slow growers) – Usually large companies in mature industries
with earnings growth below or around GDP growth. Such companies are
usually held for dividend rather than significant price appreciation.

• Stalwarts (Medium growth) - High quality companies such as Coca-Cola,
P&G and Colgate that can still churn out high single digit/low teens growth.
Earnings patterns are not cyclical meaning that these stocks will protect
you recession.

• Fast growers – Companies whose earnings are growing at 20%+ and have
plenty of runway to attack e.g. think Google, Apple in their early days. It
doesn’t have to be a company as “sexy” as those mentioned.

• Cyclicals – Companies whose fortunes are closely linked to the economic
cycle e.g. automobiles, financials, airlines.

• Turn-arounds – Companies coming out of a depressed phase as a result of
change in management, strategy or corporate restructuring. Successful
turnarounds can deliver stunning returns.

• Asset plays – Firm has hidden assets which are undervalued or not
recognized at all on the balance sheet or under appreciated by the market
e.g. cash, land, property, holdings in other company.

General observations about different types of stocks
Wall Street does not look kindly on fast growers that run out of stamina and
turn into slow growers and when that happens the stock is beaten down


2024-03-13 08:04 | Report Abuse

Would you prefer to own:

A. One that consistently posts better earnings and whose stocks plows steadily higher?


B. One that made the same amount of money for six years but was (a) profitable and (b) disciplined in paying hefty dividends back to investors? (Note: These companies are harder to find, but in such situations, a no- or low-growth company may actually be OK.)


C. One that has made the same amount of money for six straight years, has little sense of enterprise, and has a stock that is trading at the same price it was ten years ago?


Be a stock picker: Buy GREAT companies and hold for the long term until their fundamentals change


2024-03-13 07:33 | Report Abuse

ht tps://

Enduring multi-baggers and Transitory multi-baggers


2024-03-12 13:53 | Report Abuse

The Madani unity government

I opine that this present government should be stable and able to complete its term in parliament with little hiccups. With the support for PMX, especially from the East Malaysian states, let us all hope and pray for the government to implement the required reforms, to transform the politics to an healthier one, to strenghten the unity among the people and to grow the Malaysian economy.


2024-03-12 12:56 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng is a truly long term player in stock. He should just buy his stock, then goes to rest and returns 5 years or 10 years later to assess the performance of that stock. At present he is monitoring his stock price every second, minute or days.


2024-03-12 07:36 | Report Abuse

BITCOIN at US 72,000

What is the value of an asset? It is the discounted value of all its future cash flows.

How do you value a company using discounted cash flow?

The following steps are required to arrive at a DCF valuation:
Project unlevered FCFs (UFCFs)
Choose a discount rate.
Calculate the TV.
Calculate the enterprise value (EV) by discounting the projected UFCFs and TV to net present value.
Calculate the equity value by subtracting net debt from EV.
Review the results.

How to value BITCOIN?

[What is the final "price" of BITCOIN? It's upside is unlimited. It's downside is zero. There is a difference between speculating and investing. Always keep the money you speculate separate from those for investing. An important thing is to only put an amount that will not damage your financial health should its price goes down to zero and most importantly never to add more money to this.]

News & Blogs

2024-03-12 07:12 | Report Abuse

Looks like he did not sleep well, hitting his computer when he should be getting a good sleep. Do take care of your physical and mental health.

Is it necessary to spam to so many other threads?



calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Everyone should hold some TSH RERSOURCES SHARE


4 hours ago


vllyk And what will winning the war mean for Starbucks?

4 hours ago


calvintaneng Blog: THE IMMENSE VALUE OF TSH'S 80,000 ACRES PRIME LANDS IN BONGAN, (Only 43....


News & Blogs

2024-03-12 07:04 | Report Abuse

Building castle in the air approach!

A mad-hatter approach to valuation!!!

Crazy post.


2024-03-11 17:09 | Report Abuse

1. Great minds talk about ideas
2. Good minds talk about things
3. Weak minds talk about people


2024-03-11 13:44 | Report Abuse

Enduring multi-baggers and Transitory multi-baggers.

ENDURING multi-baggers are those companies whose wealth creation is long-lasting and correction from the peak valuation is limited.
In fact, they continue to exist as multi-baggers even after the correction.
The enduring multi-bagging companies are typically few and difficult to be spotted, and most of the time they appear to be expensive at the time of buying because of the lack of faith in their longevity and size of growth.

TRANSITORY multi-baggers, on the contrary, are easier to be spotted but they always end up giving nasty end results.
Corrections are typically almost 100 per cent.
Cyclicals broadly come under this category.
The tragedy with this class of companies is that if you cannot sell in time, nothing is left in your hand.
But as correction is inevitable, market as a whole is left high and dry with a bad experience.
These companies are plenty and easy to be found, and they attract a lot of crowd.


2024-03-11 13:42 | Report Abuse

Stock 2004 2024
UMW 2.50 5.00 (taken private)
DLady 4.80 23.00
Nestle 23.00 120.00
Petdag 3.50 22.00

Just pointing to calvintaneng the difference between truth and lies. Good morning.

It is truly remarkable, the power of compounding and the ability to identify these companies with earnings power over the long term.

Do you know that DLady was priced RM 1.60 per share, Nestle RM 6 to RM 8 per share and Petdag RM 2.00 per share in the 1990s?

The prices of these stocks have dropped from their highest and DLady has dropped a lot. There are various reasons for these. How you exploit these opportunities depend on how you approach your investing. Regards.

News & Blogs

2024-03-11 13:11 | Report Abuse

It is so sad and pissed to see so many bumiputra government linked companies running losses due to poor management.


2024-03-10 15:35 | Report Abuse

How to pick Multi-Baggers

"To achieve satisfactory investment results is easier than most people realise; to achieve superior results is harder than it looks."
- Benjamin Graham

Here are the key lessons from a study:
■Bad businesses can never create a multi-bagger, though they can create transitory multi-baggers during short phases when the conditions are good.
■Bad managements with good businesses are likely to create only transitory gainers.
■Overpriced shares have no chance of becoming multi-baggers ever.

So the only way one can hope to find lasting multi-baggers is by buying into great businesses run by good managements purchased at huge margin of safety.

One factor, which is absolutely important for making a multi-bagger, is gross under-valuation or huge margin of safety in price at the time of purchase.


2024-03-10 15:19 | Report Abuse

Just pointing out that calvintaneng promoted JTiasa as a bargain at MYR 1.1+ and MYR 1.40+ in 2016; and advised selling it at MYR 0.80 in 2019.

These are facts too. 😀

It was obvious that calvinaneng made a mistake in 2016. Sure, all of us do make mistakes too.


2024-03-10 15:13 | Report Abuse

Management factor:
Management plays a major role in creation of enduring multi-baggers. But how does one judge whether a management is good or bad?

The study examined capital allocation of some companies. It is clear that SSI could not manage its capital allocation properly while Infosys could make a come-back due to its superior and sustained capital productivity.

The study observed that in businesses like banking and pharma, the importance of management is clearly visible. As the assessment of new private sector for the period 1998-2003 reveals, good managements can make a difference to the wealth created. For instance, HDFC Bank gained 361 per cent in market-cap during the five-year period when its net worth grew by 687 per cent. At the same time, Global Trust Bank saw its market-cap erode by 73 per cent as its net worth was down 99 per cent.

In cyclical businesses, management efficiency is even more necessary because every business cycle brings different challenges. Allocating capital at the time of cyclical downturn requires a lot of conviction because it may be found to be against popular opinion. Similarly, resisting huge build-up capacity at the peak of the cycle requires insightful management. Hence, the contribution of good managements cannot be undermined in cyclical businesses, too.

In essence, weak managements will lead only to transitory gainers whereas good managements can shine only if business performance helps.

As per Warren Buffet: "With a few exceptions, when management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for poor fundamentals, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact."

So it boils down to the fact that for the making of enduring multi-baggers, a good business with a good management is necessary.


2024-03-10 15:10 | Report Abuse

Business factor:
Improvement in business conditions leads to a change in earnings trend. That is typically the starting point of dismantling the pessimism on the stock. The study finds that a positive change is a must for any type of stock though such change can be temporary or permanent.

The problem arises when the business condition or the opportunity is temporary in nature.

Take the example of private banking system - the switch in favour of private banking system is *long lasting and permanent* in nature. Similarly the changes happening in businesses like pharma, infotech services, auto ancillary and consumer non-durables will have a *lasting* impact.

However, the changes in fortunes of businesses like steel, cement and shipping are driven by mere price changes and, hence, *transitory in nature*.


2024-03-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

There are three factors investors must look at for the making of a multi-bagger: Business, management and the price of the stock relative to its value.

Gross under-valuation or huge margin of safety in price at the time of purchase is absolutely important for making a multi-bagger.


2024-03-10 14:54 | Report Abuse

Low P/E and P/B works because:
■The reinvested earnings are substantial in relation to the price paid. The effect of large earnings addition year after year keeps adding to the intrinsic strength of the stock and, hence, can't be ignored by the market for long.
■The bull market is typically very generous to low-priced issues and thus will raise the typical bargain issue to at least a reasonable level.
■There could be chances of smaller companies with high earnings being taken over by larger ones as a part of diversification programme.


2024-03-10 14:53 | Report Abuse


"Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives attractive returns."
- Warren Buffet

One factor, which is absolutely important for making a multi-bagger, is gross under-valuation or huge margin of safety in price at the time of purchase.

Some of the pointers to under-valued stocks are one or more of the following:
■Low price in relation to asset value
■Low price in relation to earnings and cash flows
■Sustained purchase by insiders
■A significant decline in stock prices
■Small market capitalisation with growth

Also, the best time to get a huge margin of safety is when:
■Business conditions are unfavorable and near-term prospects look poor.
■When low prices of stocks reflect the current pessimism either in a particular stock or in the market as a whole.
■When a large company's performance is hit and the pessimism is fully reflected in the price.


2024-03-10 14:52 | Report Abuse

What is the winning strategy?

"Stocks are simple. All you do is buy shares in a great business - with managers of the highest integrity and ability - for less than the business is intrinsically worth. Then you own those shares forever."
- Warren Buffet

In essence, weak managements will lead only to transitory gainers whereas good managements can shine only if business performance helps.

As per Warren Buffet: "With a few exceptions, when management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for poor fundamentals, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact."

So it boils down to the fact that for the making of ENDURING multi-baggers, a good business with a good management is necessary.


2024-03-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

ALAS, most of the multi-baggers were transitory in nature during any given period and they threw back all the wealth that had been created on their journey upwards.



2024-03-10 14:49 | Report Abuse

ENDURING multi-baggers are those companies whose wealth creation is long-lasting and correction from the peak valuation is limited.
In fact, they continue to exist as multi-baggers even after the correction.
The enduring multi-bagging companies are typically few and difficult to be spotted, and most of the time they appear to be expensive at the time of buying because of the lack of faith in their longevity and size of growth.

TRANSITORY multi-baggers, on the contrary, are easier to be spotted but they always end up giving nasty end results.
Corrections are typically almost 100 per cent.
Cyclicals broadly come under this category.
The tragedy with this class of companies is that if you cannot sell in time, nothing is left in your hand.
But as correction is inevitable, market as a whole is left high and dry with a bad experience.
These companies are plenty and easy to be found, and they attract a lot of crowd.


2024-03-10 14:46 | Report Abuse

Why some multi-baggers destroy wealth eventually?

Having said that, it is not that one could get rich forever by buying multi-baggers. There are two types of multi-baggers:

1. Enduring multi-baggers, and,

2. Transitory multi-baggers.


2024-03-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

How to pick Multi-Baggers

"To achieve satisfactory investment results is easier than most people realise; to achieve superior results is harder than it looks."
- Benjamin Graham

Here are the key lessons from a study:
■Bad businesses can never create a multi-bagger, though they can create transitory multi-baggers during short phases when the conditions are good.
■Bad managements with good businesses are likely to create only transitory gainers.
■Overpriced shares have no chance of becoming multi-baggers ever.

So the only way one can hope to find lasting multi-baggers is by buying into great businesses run by good managements purchased at huge margin of safety.


2024-03-10 14:43 | Report Abuse

Why some multi-baggers destroy wealth eventually?


2024-03-10 14:31 | Report Abuse

While the debates go on and on, as parents please ensure your children's education is complete. Make sure they mastered B.M., English and Chinese. Mastering these 3 languages put them at an advantage for the future. Ensure that they study Mathematics well. Understanding mathematics allow them to think logically and in abstract terms. Also do not neglect the other subjects too.


2024-03-10 14:22 | Report Abuse

In 2016, calvintaneng exclaimed Jayatiasa was undervalued. His target price was RM 2.50. Jayatiasa was trading at 1.10+. Even when Jayatiasa went up to 1.47, he told everyone here he bought some. The obvious reason being, by his valuation, Jayatiasa was severely undervalued and he being a value investor with an eagle eye for bargains, had spotted this big bargain in Jayatiasa.

Those who were influenced by his rhetoric also realised that he disappeared and stopped posting in Jayatiasa when the price kept going lower and lower. Inverting our observations. Was the market wrong or was calvintaneng wrong? The price dropped to 40+ sen and in Dec 2019, it spiked to 80 sen+. Mr. Calvin reappeared, asking those with Jayatiasa to sell and to reinvest into NFCP related stocks. 😀 Very soon after, the price of Jayatiasa dropped from 80 sen+ to a low of 33 sen.

Would you be comfortable with calvintaneng's stock call, especially when he mentioned 1.10+ was a bargain and then he sold or asked people to sell at 80 sen + , presumably because it was not cheap or overpriced. Either he was bullshitting here with his posts or he did not know what he was doing. Whatever it was, he ain't humble.


2024-03-10 08:58 | Report Abuse

There is an expert in plantation stock that was invited by i3 to deliver his talk (which was recently cancelled) in this forum. From 2016 to 2019, looks like he misread the whole plantation sector business. How good is he?