Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

3iii | Joined since 2015-02-07

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2024-04-20 10:16 | Report Abuse


As you realise, I always study the fundamentals of a company. Knowing which company to avoid, is just as important and perhaps, more important, than the occasional one that one loads up on in a big way.

Look for the big elephant with your loaded gun. 😀 Look for the multi-baggers. Not easy but possible.

With the internet, the world is opened up to all of us for our investing.


2024-04-20 10:11 | Report Abuse

Is Insas a company that is severely undervalued and will continue to remain severely undervalued, longer than its shareholders ability to remain solvent? 😀😀

In the absence of a "catalyst", I am afraid so.


2024-04-20 10:10 | Report Abuse

DPO over the last 5 Yrs was 10.5%. This company retained about 90% of its earnings.

Did these retained earnings translate into increase earnings? Is the return on retained earnings positive or negative?

Its earnings are erratic year on year. We like company with earnings that are CONSISTENT and GROWING.

Also, we like company that is able to generate high ROE (preferably > 15%).


2024-04-20 10:06 | Report Abuse

Fiscal year is July-June. All values MYR Thousands. 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
NET INCOME 122,754 215,145 257,561 14,867 81,831 (5 Yrs Total Earnings 692,158 )

Fiscal year is July-June. All values MYR Thousands. 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
FREE CASH FLOW 181,434 77,770 180,927 113,548 -5,915 (5 Yrs Total FCF 547,764)
DIVIDENDS -16,575 -16,575 -13,260 -13,260 -13,260 (5 Yrs Total Dividends -72,930 )


2024-04-20 09:58 | Report Abuse

With ROE of 4.91%, it is not surprising it is trading at below its book value.


2024-04-20 09:55 | Report Abuse

INSAS 19.4.2024

Fiscal year is July-June. All values MYR Millions.
TOTAL EQUITY (Book Value) 2,500.00
TOTAL ASSET 3,031.00

Fiscal year is July-June. All values MYR Thousands.
NET INCOME 122,754
NOSH (DILUTED) 663,021

Fiscal year is July-June. All values MYR Thousands.
FREE CASH FLOW 181,434.00
DIVIDENDS -16,575.00

PRICE 1.00


ROE 4.91%
ROA 4.05%
P/B 0.27
P/E 5.40


2024-04-19 14:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 22 hours ago | Report Abuse

Happy morning

At this juncture due to heavy selling by major holders are actually opportunity to buy


The problem with one without a firm philosophy.

In TSH, major shareholder was buying repeatedly. Calvin shouted it was time to buy. The price then was 1.78 and Calvin said it was cheap. Otherwise why would the major shareholder bought 500,000 shares repeatedly. (See my post on manipulation. 🤔. The price dropped from 1.78 to 1.00. (Facts).

Now in JTiasa, major shareholders were selling millions of shares. Calvin reappeared and shouted it is the best time to buy. His followers must be totally confused by Calvin’s postings.

Of course, a few here just noted the manic depressive behaviour of his wanton promotions to enrich only “her-self”.

Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

12,702 posts

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Jtiasa is now >> rM 1.00 amd Calvin asked to buy.

It was at a low of 30 sen when on hindsight, it must be undervalued.

In 2014, Calvin asked to buy when its share was 1.40+ and gave a target price of 2.50 at that time. However, after some slight fluctuations around 1.40 which excited Calvin a lot (observing hisposting activities), it soon trended downwards to below rM1 and then to 70 sen and eventually to 30 sen. Calvin too disappeared, as observed by total silence during this period.

The price drifted to 50 sen or so. Then a sudden jump to 80 sen (?2019). Calvin posted to sell to take profit and to reinvest into other stocks he liked. (I think for many it was Cut loss from their and calvin’s Buying price of > 1.40+).

Do you think Calvin is good in spotting undervaluation?
Was he rational in his approach?
How discipline was he in his investing?

If he lost money in Jtiasa from his promotion of this stock Jtiasa in 2014, how does he value Jtiasa today.

Maybe at today’s price, this stock is already overpriced? This maybe among a reason for a major shareholder selling shares, among many other reasons.

Good morning.



2024-04-19 14:36 | Report Abuse

05 Apr 2024 Disposed
05 Apr 2024 Disposed
05 Apr 2024 Disposed
04 Apr 2024 Disposed
04 Apr 2024 Disposed
04 Apr 2024 Disposed
2,214,700 MR CHANG MENG
03 Apr 2024 Disposed
03 Apr 2024 Disposed
03 Apr 2024 Disposed
02 Apr 2024 Disposed


2024-04-16 10:35 | Report Abuse

Just visited the market, and it is so "red" today! Wonderful!!!😀

News & Blogs

2024-04-14 16:38 | Report Abuse

----- the silly one. 🤣


2024-04-13 07:41 | Report Abuse

Don't be fearful when a stock price dropped by half. If you are confident in the business and have the conviction that its price should be higher and that in the future, its price (based on valuation) will be higher than its previous highest price, continue to own the stock for the long run.


2024-04-12 11:08 | Report Abuse

Volume 22,000
VWAP 33.436
Change -1.000 (-2.9%)
Trade Value MYR 735,596


2024-04-12 08:31 | Report Abuse

Use "normalized income after taxes."

(1) If you are calculating ROE on your own, it should be calculated using the most “stripped-down” income available; i.e., “normalized income after taxes,” which excludes all non-recurring and extraordinary items from the income derived from continuing operations. This is not all that easy to come by. Either you, or your data provider’s analysts must estimate the tax implications for the non-recurring items excluded, since such items appear above the tax line on the income statement. At this time, the only data providers I know of that offer normalized earnings are Value Line ( and Market Guide (

(2) As a practical matter, the second best and probably the “most likely to succeed” would be income available to common shares from continuing operations excluding extraordinary items.

(3) And the net income after taxes would be a near next choice.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 21:56 | Report Abuse

More often than not, it is the politicians who have been messing up people’s life with their communal stand, bigoted views, ethnocentric posturing. But why should the people listen to them or allow them to govern with impunity?

Power ultimately resides with the people and they can - through the ballot box - reject and cross out all those politicians who sow the seeds of national discord.



2024-04-10 23:17 | Report Abuse

Special Report: Hidden hands behind penny stock surge

By The Edge Malaysia / The Edge Malaysia
30 Sep 2020, 06:00 pm

This article first appeared in The Edge Malaysia Weekly on September 21, 2020 - September 27, 2020

ASTUTE market observers would have noticed on the local bourse a group of individuals, supposedly acting in concert, who have amassed shares in more than 20 publicly traded companies. These companies — linked via shareholding and directorships — are often on the most actively traded list, with huge, fluctuating share prices.

“It (the companies) is all linked to the same person; usually, the most actively traded list on a daily basis involves these counters,” one source says when asked which are the companies that are linked.


2024-04-10 23:15 | Report Abuse

Special Report: Hidden hands behind penny stock surge

By The Edge Malaysia / The Edge Malaysia
30 Sep 2020, 06:00 pm

This article first appeared in The Edge Malaysia Weekly on September 21, 2020 - September 27, 2020

ASTUTE market observers would have noticed on the local bourse a group of individuals, supposedly acting in concert, who have amassed shares in more than 20 publicly traded companies. These companies — linked via shareholding and directorships — are often on the most actively traded list, with huge, fluctuating share prices.

“It (the companies) is all linked to the same person; usually, the most actively traded list on a daily basis involves these counters,” one source says when asked which are the companies that are linked.


2024-04-10 23:12 | Report Abuse

Special Report: Hidden hands behind penny stock surge
Edge Weekly
Special Report: Hidden hands behind penny stock surge
By The Edge Malaysia / The Edge Malaysia
30 Sep 2020, 06:00 pm
Updated - 08:45 pm

main news image
This article first appeared in The Edge Malaysia Weekly on September 21, 2020 - September 27, 2020

ASTUTE market observers would have noticed on the local bourse a group of individuals, supposedly acting in concert, who have amassed shares in more than 20 publicly traded companies. These companies — linked via shareholding and directorships — are often on the most actively traded list, with huge, fluctuating share prices.

“It (the companies) is all linked to the same person; usually, the most actively traded list on a daily basis involves these counters,” one source says when asked which are the companies that are linked.


2024-04-10 21:18 | Report Abuse


Forecasted High Price: 1,187.4 Minus Forecast Low Price: 298.3

Buy Zone: 298.3 to 520.6
Hold Zone: 520.6 to 965.1
Sell Zone: 965.1 to 1,187.4
Current Stock Price of 853.64 is in the HOLD Zone.


2024-04-10 21:06 | Report Abuse

Yields jump, futures plunge.

Core CPI YoY 3.8% vs 3.7% EST.

(March Inflation data hotter than expected)

Interest rates differential between US and Malaysia widen.

US$ will strengthen against the MYR.


2024-04-08 17:26 | Report Abuse

For every transaction, there is a seller and there is a buyer. The seller thinks the share price will go down in future, the buyer thinks the share price will go up in future.

The rational investor, analyses the business of the company and comes to an intrinsic value for this stock. Then he/she acts accordingly, and to him/her, rationally. :-)


2024-04-08 17:23 | Report Abuse

Price has risen a lot over last 2 weeks.

pang72 is bullish
calvintaneng is bearish


2024-04-08 17:21 | Report Abuse


Volume 217,300
VWAP 34.459
Change 1.140 (+3.4%)

Trade Value 7,487,918


2024-04-08 15:22 | Report Abuse


Here are some examples of KLSE listed companies that have grown their earnings over the last 5 years. Their earnings (green lines on the chart) have doubled or almost doubled over this period. Therefore, assuming you have paid the fair PE for these stocks, your capital appreciation on the stock price would likewise have shown the corresponding gains. Investing can be as simple as this: invest into good quality growth companies at fair or bargain prices, and holding them forever, unless their business fundamentals deteriorated permanently.

Stock Performance Chart for Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad

Stock Performance Chart for Padini Holdings Berhad

Stock Performance Chart for Petronas Dagangan Berhad
Lastest EPS of PetDag was 91 sen.

Stock Performance Chart for Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad

Stock Performance Chart for Guinness Anchor Berhad

Stock Performance Chart for LPI Capital Berhad

Stock Performance Chart for Public Bank Berhad

Stock Performance Chart for Guan Chong Berhad
Guan Chong has shown rapid growth over the last year.
Do not expect this growth rate to be sustained at the same level.
It doesn't have the same level of quality as the other companies above.

How many of these stocks do you need in your portfolio?
Over-diversification will lead to attenuation of your potential gains in your portfolio.


2024-04-08 13:51 | Report Abuse


The Reasons You Should Invest in Quality Growth Companies for the Long Term. Illustrated examples.

The reasons you should review your philosophy and strategy in stock investing:

1. You can create wealth only by adding value to resources or by providing a service of value.
2. Only investments in active businesses are capable of adding value.
3. Owning a business, though very rewarding, is expensive and risky; but owning shares in a variety of successful businesses eliminates most of the risk while retaining most of the reward.
4. Buying the stock of quality growth companies and holding it for the long term provides substantial, predictable returns.
5. Short term trading (BFS/STS) is unpredictable and stacks the odds against you, because it relies upon winning at some loser's expense and because there's no assurance that you won't be the loser.
6. The benefits of long-term investing include carefree portfolio maintenance, the potential to double your money every five years, the deferment of taxes, and the fact that there are rarely any losers.

Let's review the simple mathematics that makes this method work:

1. Assume that 15 times earnings is a fair multiple for a good company and that the company earned $1 per share last year.
2. You will therefore pay $15 for the stock.
3. In five years, the earnings will have grown to $2 per share.
4. At 15 times earnings, the price will then be $30.

The value of your investment will have doubled - in five years!

Hopefully you're satisfied with the logic behind this investing approach and can see its advantages.

Let's dispel any doubts you might have about whether you can be successful.

The best way to minimize the risk is to invest in good quality companies for the long-term, expecting not to make a killing but to earn as much as good quality companies are capable of earning for their shareholders.


2024-04-08 13:22 | Report Abuse

I have committed many mistakes and errors too. These resulted in permanent losses. Learning from these mistakes is humbling and yet rewarding.

By always focusing on the risks and the downsides ( keeping losses small), the upside takes care of itself.


2024-04-08 12:50 | Report Abuse


Comparing Farm Fresh with Dutch Lady
Market cap of Farm Fresh (RM'000) 2,283,742

Market cap of Dutch Lady (RM'000) 1,433,600

Farm Fresh
Adj PER – Latest 45.35
Dutch Lady
Adj PER – Latest 14.03

Performance Info
Farm Fresh
ROE - 5 Yr Avg10.56
ROE - Latest FY 7.94
Dutch Lady
ROE - 5 Yr Avg 62.91
ROE - Latest FY 11.66

Farm Fresh
Latest YR D/E 0.55
NAB/Share (RM) 0.34 Latest PX / NAB 3.59
Dutch Lady
Latest YR D/E 0.02
NAB/Share (RM) 6.20 Latest PX / NAB 3.61


2024-04-08 12:20 | Report Abuse

FOMO - fear of missing out. (BUYING IN A RISING MARKET driven by GREED)

FOCO - fear of crashing out (SELLING IN A FALLING MARKET driven by FEAR).


2024-04-08 12:14 | Report Abuse

After the sharp rise, profit taking activities appear.


2024-04-08 11:55 | Report Abuse

These are stocks where I have conviction their earnings in the next 5 to 10 years will be a few times higher than today. For these stocks, and only for these stocks, you should love the market when it's price falls.


2024-04-08 11:41 | Report Abuse

I am "overjoyed" when a stock price drops.
I am "heart-broken" when a stock price rises.

These are particularly true for those stocks I am holding long-term.


2024-04-08 10:15 | Report Abuse

Dutch Lady - FY23 – End with a Strong Numbers

Publish date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024, 05:07 PM
Maintain BUY (TP: RM27.00). Dutch Lady's (DLM) FY23 core net profit jumped by +26.4% YoY to RM131.5mn (excluding transition-related one-off costs of RM59.1mn), which is above our expectations, accounting for 132%. The deviation from our expectations was mainly due to lower-thanexpected operating costs, primarily driven by low raw material as well as distribution and marketing costs. DLM's 4QFY23 core net profit surged to RM54.7mn (+55.9% QoQ), driven by a softening in dairy raw materials prices, lower other operating costs, and a lower effective tax rate. We are positive on DLM's outlook, underpinned by robust demand for dairy products, stabilizing dairy raw material costs, and improving operational efficiency. We maintain our forecast at this juncture, with a BUY call and TP of RM27.00, based on DDM valuation (WACC: 7.5% and TG: 1.5%).
Key Highlights. DLM’s 4QFY23 revenue fell to RM364.5mn (-2.2% QoQ, 0.8% YoY) primarily due to an unfavourable product and channel mix. However, core net profit surge to RM54.7mn (+55.9% QoQ, +119.6% YoY), driven by softening in dairy raw materials prices, effective cost containment (especially promotional expenses) and a lower effective tax rate of 12.9% (-20.7 ppts QoQ). Consequently, the core net profit margin increased to 15% (+5.6ppts QoQ, +11.5 ppts YoY).
Earning Revision. Maintain forecast at this juncture.
Outlook. We are optimistic on DLM for its stable revenue growth driven by consistent demand, stabilizing dairy raw material costs, and improving operational efficiency. Dairy raw material prices have been trending downwards since reaching their peak in mid-2022 (dropping by c.30%-40% for skim and whole milk powder prices), and we project prices to remain at their current lower levels. Additionally, DLM demonstrates its capability to manage rising costs through price adjustments, thanks to its strong brand equity in the market.
Source: BIMB Securities Research - 21 Feb 2024


2024-04-07 17:43 | Report Abuse


Vision to see them
Courage to buy them
PATIENCE to hold them

Conviction cannot be borrowed.


2024-04-06 06:56 | Report Abuse

Stock price goes up and down. It is volatile. Volatility is NOT risk.

What are risks in investing?

1. Not investing is risk. Risk from inflation.
2. Not knowing what you are doing is risk. Risk of losing your capital permanently.
3. Investing in gruesome company is risk. Over the long period, it underperforms, fails to perform or destroys capital. Also, opportunity costs.
4. Entangling in a company run by dishonest manager is risk. You will never get a good deal from someone who is dishonest.
5. Buying at high price is risk. Probability of loss is higher than probability of return. Also opportunity cost.
6. Holding onto losers in your portfolio is risk. Lovers continue to lose money. Opportunity cost of reinvesting into a better stock.
7. Selling a great stock too early is risk. Misses out on the huge future gains from a great compounding company.

Many, if not all, of the above risks are behavioural in nature. The BIGGEST RISK to your investment is YOURSELF!😀


2024-04-06 06:40 | Report Abuse

The enemy of your cash is INFLATION.

The friend of your cash is COMPOUNDING.

The best asset to compound your cash over the LONG TERM is STOCKS (EQUITY), as it offers the highest rates of return compared with all the other asset classes.


2024-04-05 10:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Timing beside on stock price you need to look into the micro and macro conditions that will affect the earning of that stock.
Sell if earning will drop and buy back when the earning will increase

And if that stock earning will depend on commodities price then monitor the commodities price trend


Focus on investing in companies with great businesses. 😀


2024-04-05 09:35 | Report Abuse

You earn a lower return because the winners you sell and no longer have, continue to perform well while the losers you still hold, continue to perform poorly.


2024-04-05 09:34 | Report Abuse

You have to love to take losses and hate to take gains.


2024-04-05 09:28 | Report Abuse


2006 2.50
2007 7.40
2008 2.20
2011 4.50
2015 1.85
2018 0.59
2024 0.28

How to game this stock?!!!


2024-04-05 09:25 | Report Abuse


2006 8.70
2007 11.30
2010 10.20
2014 24.50
2017 16.00
2024 18.00

How do you game this stock?

Buy when it is obviously available at low price or at fair price.
Do not buy when it is obviously at high price.
Do you sell when it is 50% over-priced (based on your estimates)?
Is it alright to just hold on for the LONG TERM and not sell (almost ever), just don't buy when it is high and only buy when it is at fair or bargain price?
It is.


2024-04-05 09:22 | Report Abuse


2006 3.50
2008 10.00
2009 7.00
2010 16.00
2012 9.50
2014 13.50
2018 14.00
2020 19.00
2023 14.00
2024 16.00

How do you game this stock?

Buy when it is obviously available at low price or at fair price.
Do not buy when it is obviously at high price.
Do you sell when it is 50% over-priced (based on your estimates)?
Is it alright to just hold on for the LONG TERM and not sell (almost ever), just don't buy when it is high and only buy when it is at fair or bargain price?
It is.


2024-04-05 09:07 | Report Abuse


2006 4.00
2007 9.00
2008 6.50
2013 31.00
2014 17.00
2016 24.00
2019 26.00
2020 17.00
2024 21.00

How do you game this stock?

Buy when it is obviously available at low price or at fair price.
Do not buy when it is obviously at high price.
Do you sell when it is 50% over-priced (based on your estimates)?
Is it alright to just hold on for the LONG TERM and not sell (almost ever), just don't buy when it is high and only buy when it is at fair or bargain price?
It is.

My friend bought at 4.00 in 2006 and sold at 8.00 in 2007, making a 100% gain quickly. 😉


2024-04-05 08:11 | Report Abuse

Timing is of Psychological importance to the speculator

There is one aspect of the "timing" philosophy which seems to have escaped everyone's notice.

Timing is of great psychological importance to the speculators because he wants to make his profit in a hurry. The idea of waiting a year before his stock moves up is repugnant to him.

*But a waiting period, as such, is of no consequence to the investor.*

What advantage is there to him in having his money uninvested until he receives some (presumably) trustworthy signal that the time has come to buy?

He enjoys an advantage only if by waiting he succeeds in buying later at a *sufficiently lower price to offset his loss of dividend income.*

What this means is that timing is of no real value to the investor unless it coincides with pricing - that is, unless it enables him to repurchase his shares at substantially under his previous selling price.

Ref: Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham


2024-04-05 07:58 | Report Abuse

Market Fluctuations as a Guide to Investment Decisions

What does the past record promises the investor - in either:

- the form of long-term appreciation of a portfolio held relatively unchanged through successive rises and declines, or,
- in the possibilities of buying near bear-market lows and selling not too far below bull-market highs.

Since common stocks, even of investment grade, are subject to recurrent and wide fluctuations in their prices, the intelligent investor should be interested in the possibilities of profiting from these pendulum swings.

There are two possible ways by which he may try to do this:

- the way of timing and
- the way of pricing.

By timing we mean the endeavor to anticipate the action of the stock market - to buy or hold when the future course is deemed to be upward, to sell or refrain from buying when the course is downward.

By pricing, we mean the endeavor to buy stocks when they are quoted below their fair value and to sell them when they rise above such value.

A less ambitious form of pricing is the simple effort to make sure that when you buy you do not pay too much for your stocks. This may suffice for the defensive investor, whose emphasis is on long-pull holding; but as such it represents an essential minimum of attention to market levels.

We are convinced that the intelligent investor can derive satisfactory results from pricing of either type.

We are equally sure that if he places his emphasis on timing, in the sense of forecasting, he will end up as a speculator and with a speculator's financial results.

This distinction may seem rather tenuous to the layman, and it is not commonly accepted on Wall Street.

As a matter of business practice, or perhaps of thoroughgoing conviction, the stock brokers and the investment services seem wedded to the principle that both investors and speculators in common stocks should devote careful attention to market forecasts.

Pretensions of stock-market forecasting or timing.

The investor can scarcely take seriously the innumerable predictions which appear almost daily and are his for the asking. Yet in many cases he pays attention to them and even acts upon them. Why?

Because he has been persuaded that it is important for him to form some opinion of the future course of the stock market, and because he feels that the brokerage or service forecast is at least more dependable than this own.


A great deal of brain power goes into this field and undoubtedly some people can make money by being good stock market analysts.

But it is absurd to think that the general public can ever make money out of market forecasts.

For who will buy when the general public, at a given signal, rushes to sell out at a profit?

If you, the reader, expect to get rich over the yers by following some system or leadership in market forecasting, you must be expecting to try to do what countless others are aiming at, and to be able to do it better than your numerous competitors in the market.

There is no basis either in logic or in experience for assuming that any typical or average investor can anticipate market movements more successfully than the general public, of which he is himself a part.


2024-04-05 07:54 | Report Abuse

Of course, some may choose to sell some at high price. But not selling at all is also fine too!!!


2024-04-05 07:52 | Report Abuse

Company GHI
2008 5.00
2013 21.64
2015 12.24
2020 30.00
2024 24.00

How do you game this stock?

Buy when it is obviously available at low price or at fair price.
Do not buy when it is obviously at high price.
Do you sell when it is 50% over-priced (based on your estimates)?
Is it alright to just hold on for the LONG TERM and not sell (almost ever), just don't buy when it is high and only buy when it is at fair or bargain price?
It is.


2024-04-05 07:46 | Report Abuse

Company DEF
2006 1.22
2008 2.12
2009 1.37
2014 4.19
2015 3.64
2018 4.92
2020 3.14
2021 4.19
2022 4.78
2024 4.27

How do you game this stock?

Buy when it is obviously available at low price or at fair price.
Do not buy when it is obviously at high price.
Do you sell when it is 50% over-priced (based on your estimates)?
Is it alright to just hold on for the LONG TERM and not sell (almost ever), just don't buy when it is high and only buy when it is at fair or bargain price?
It is.


2024-04-05 07:30 | Report Abuse

Company XYZ
2012 19.00
2014 16.00
2018 37.00
2022 20.00
2024 30.00

How do you game this stock?

Buy when it is obviously low priced or fair price.
Do not buy when it is obviously high priced.
Do you sell when it is 50% over-priced (based on your estimates)?
Is it alright to just hold on for the long term and not sell, just don't buy when it is high, buy when it is at fair or bargain price?
It is.


2024-04-05 07:23 | Report Abuse

Company ABC

2006 RM 14
2008 RM 9
2019 RM 64
2024 RM 20

How do you game this stock?

Buy when it is obviously low priced or fair price.
Do not buy when it is obviously high priced.
Do you sell when it is 50% over-priced (based on your estimates)?
Is it alright to just hold on for the long term and not sell, just don't buy when it is high, buy when it is at fair or bargain price?
It is.