Buddy Fat Cat

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2014-04-24 18:33 | Report Abuse

and ...everymonth also get golden period instead of bloody 1.. kikiki


2014-04-24 18:31 | Report Abuse

and hope.. jen fanny everyday also get golden shower kikiki...


2014-04-24 17:23 | Report Abuse

up 1 cent u untung how much? but do rmb, down 1 cent u also rugi that much lor + water fees... kikiki


2014-04-24 17:09 | Report Abuse

dr wa, the most ponlai investor the greatest warrant punter.. u enter csl-wa at 5 cents? kikiki...


2014-04-24 16:46 | Report Abuse

sorry to tell u the most ponlai... investor DR wa, i already flush out at RM 1.03 1-2 years ago... kikiki...


2014-04-24 15:32 | Report Abuse

kikiki.. ya fat dude is the most retarded kikiki.. DR warrant is the most panlai , even more panlai than king leno hahaha...


2014-04-24 14:51 | Report Abuse

DR warrant is hoping someone more bodo than him to buy from him. aka the greater fool... the market certainly doesnt lack of this kind of ppl.. somehow sometime it work.. just hope that you are not that last one to buy it kikiki..


2014-04-23 21:53 | Report Abuse

after osk merge with rhb, they become very sneaky, last time they conned many people with their instaco TP and report , conclusion is dont believe any 'expert opinion' aka ' weasel words ' from those financial firm.


2014-04-22 12:12 | Report Abuse

kikiki.. god bless u too.. king leno the most panlai investor..


2014-04-22 11:58 | Report Abuse

dont diu them la waste time only, just let them be, they cannot be save 1, if other members also so stupid to buy csl, it also their own business loh , ppl only will learn from mistake mah.. so i also no diu them already.. kikiki...


2014-04-22 11:50 | Report Abuse

he lose until underwear also need to share with his brother, and u keep pijak his counter, he sure angry loh... kikiki common sense mah!


2014-04-22 11:41 | Report Abuse

king leno the most panlai investor.. the ppl here such as fam jenny wahah126 and warrior cannot be save 1 la, save liao also waste medicine only.. kikiki


2014-04-20 09:14 | Report Abuse

stockraider get banned!? no more ppl go investlah.com loh!! since all the people only go to the website to read stockraider posting mah!! that website going to see their visitor plummeting loh!! loh mah mah loh loh mah mah loh kikikiki...


2014-04-18 12:15 | Report Abuse

no worry, if holland, warrior will pay u for the money u loss in csl... kikiki...


2014-04-18 11:08 | Report Abuse

2.2 .. when the 'sea dry stone break' liao u also wont see it will reach 2.2 ... kikiki...


2014-04-17 19:40 | Report Abuse

steelheart boleh!!! steelheart 好耶!!! must steel stone heart sausage!!!! kikikiki


2014-04-17 19:33 | Report Abuse

we say inari boleh no use, won't work.. only steelheart can make it work because steelheart boleh!!!!! kikiki...


2014-04-17 19:24 | Report Abuse

steelheart boleh!!!


2014-04-17 16:48 | Report Abuse

jen fanny lose his underwear.. now he have to share underwears with wahaha and warrior kikiki..


2014-04-17 12:33 | Report Abuse

fam kenny time to take yr medicine liao.. kikkiki


2014-04-17 12:26 | Report Abuse

dont obsess with ytl already la hng3...


2014-04-16 00:26 | Report Abuse

maybe in 3-4 months later, it will go till 1.7 , if u have confidence in the company, then just wait patiently lu... kikiki

u cut loss on what price? 1.2 1.18?


2014-04-16 00:09 | Report Abuse

kikiki... good la, ur loss is someone else gain , consider it as tuition fees , u'll feel better...

i rmb before cny , insas share price tanked for 3-4 months, and eventually it fall down till 77 cents, and at that time i bought it and make some money on it...


2014-04-15 21:03 | Report Abuse

of course they can, the problem is will they want to do it. nobody like cutting on spending.

people always post shit in youtube to lure you into buying gold, you gonna believe every word of it?

the website u using now is host in us, facebook google amazon apple all based in us, intel microsoft , coca cola mcdonald , exxon mobile boeing general eletric ,countless world biggest corporation .. the porn u watch last night? and all the hollywood blockbuster?

ya they outsource some low-end labor intense manufacturing to oversea, because it is cheap, but they still manufacture the high-end stuff that everyone else in the world long for.

america will no fail because it have a system that attract and nurture the best talents, and it capital market that keep pouring money to fund new innovation, and the legal system , patents etc etc , no any country in the world can match it.

if the world really plunge into chaos , a gold bar wont do you any good, you cant eat it or drink it, it is just a golden metal that cant do anythings except for you to sayang it , kiss it , sleep with it.. u know what i means...

so beware, dont sell short on usa, george soros also not always right.


2014-04-15 20:41 | Report Abuse

latest report from onion news said selangor state government want to buy wessex water from ytl power , a few high ranked british personnel is confirm it and rumours said they will use whatever it take to make ytl power sell it assets cheaply to selangor state government...



2014-04-15 20:33 | Report Abuse

everyone that want to buy stuff from usa have to buy it with us dollar, as long as usa productivity is up, it can manage it debt.

gold back currency is flawed , thats why it is outdated and why nobody want to use it.

actually many stock already 'crash' since last year, such as GAB , carlsberg, airasia , all kind of reits and properties stocks , aeon etc etc..

everyyear everyday also got ppl shout crash , some stocks did crash, some not , so choosing the right stocks is vital..

so no worry la , a months of 2 from now, we all go oversea restaurant to use shark fin soup to gargle...

占卜婆婆 told me by this year end, insas price going to be.. RM 3 kikikikiki

News & Blogs

2014-04-14 22:01 | Report Abuse

good stock but nobody give a f, the trading vol nearly make me wanna vomit blood, so now i just ignore it and dont bother to see at all...


2014-04-10 18:45 | Report Abuse

wait so long only untung abit really feel like vomit blood...


2014-04-10 11:42 | Report Abuse

kikiki... ' salty fish rollover '


2014-04-09 18:51 | Report Abuse

berhormat datuk... kikkikiki

najib is as useless as well la, all abang adik , sohai fam jenny always said sohai things, from 2013 November till now this chua sai leg only trade between 21-19 cents, sohai only will defend this sohai garbage stock... kikiki with zero debt , net cash at 74 cents, yet the stock is trade below 20 cents? 邊度有咁大隻蛤隨街跳啊?


2014-04-09 17:47 | Report Abuse

kikiki.. what gain 4g.. it already in internet business since 2010...


2014-04-08 14:44 | Report Abuse

public bank tp for kfima is RM 3.5 , but kfima trade around 1.9 and 2.1 for a whole year, even now it is not even close to 3.5

do hlcap worth it current price? hahahaha

i think..stock market is simply ' supply and demand ' when demand higher than supply = price up , and versa vice


2014-04-08 14:16 | Report Abuse

actually before cny i bought at 77 cents.. but then i sell at 82.5 cents... kikiki then i buy in again at higher price 0.925 and 0.98 .... kikiki , it make no sense when this counter trade at 77 cents, but somehow some good counter just wont move. but when it move, it will likely to continue move upward. wink**


2014-04-08 12:58 | Report Abuse

and the moral of the story is... dont think, just buy first

because when u think for long time, the price already hike up and u even more likely wont wanna buy it. winkwink**


2014-04-06 16:39 | Report Abuse

estan3874 , because of this -->

Posted by Arjuna > Apr 5, 2014 09:37 PM | Report Abuse

Normally stock par value is at RM1.00,so to translate simple maths,
10cent par Microlink (closing price 0.89)=RM8.90
50cent par FRB (closing price 0.815)=RM1.63
10cent par Inari (closing price 2.77)=RM27.70

so beware 10cent par stocks that skyrocketed.

and this --->

Posted by sengkee > Apr 5, 2014 10:32 PM | Report Abuse

Good analysis Arjuna. So FRB is really cheap compare to the other 2. But if apply your formula, the cheapest stock should be FRB's another listed subsidiary company, DGSB. Its par value is 10 cent and the share price is only 6.5 cent now. So its mean that if convert to par value of RM1.00 DGSB share price is only RM0.65 now. Cheapest among the above stocks.

this two have no idea what they talking, so i find it so funny lol... kikiki especially the par value part.... par value is irrelevant in now days , google par value and learn more about it.. if u want ;)


2014-04-05 22:45 | Report Abuse

i feel this is so hilarious .... kikikiki..


2014-04-05 01:16 | Report Abuse

stock market is made of a series of constantly changing random events , you never really can predict what go next... kikiki

kikiki.. lim survived , but the inari cancer guy.. we probably never heard from him anymore kikiki.. lol


2014-04-04 23:40 | Report Abuse

i ask 占卜婆婆 about the near future movement of insas share price, she told me it will go down till 35 cents in 2 weeks time... kikikiki


2014-04-04 21:56 | Report Abuse

just sell it lo.. i already dont wanna buy ytl , risk my capital to earn few hundred,i feel like doesnt worth it.


2014-04-04 21:17 | Report Abuse

money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected, so i buy insas and bet on thheavy... kikiki ' finger crossed' hahahaha


2014-04-04 20:00 | Report Abuse

1st thing to consider when buying stock is the stock name... see those china company like sozo ( 傻咗) csl ( 蔡细历 ) xdl ( 喜得狼 ) and zhulian ( pig face 、株连-九族-含家产)

conclusion : bad name = sure holland



2014-04-04 18:53 | Report Abuse

seng bro i agree with u on this , at current price insas still very much undervalue.. kikiki


2014-04-04 18:51 | Report Abuse

xidelang喜得狼= happily get wolfy ...

wolf counter, so sheep sure will get slaughter lo kikiki


2014-04-04 17:18 | Report Abuse

fam jenny! ...The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the shadow...


2014-04-04 12:04 | Report Abuse

what a good way to throw good money away... this is really a bad management company, hold so much cash and then slowly burn it away, nobody will wanna use yes because it is expensive, and while tm unifi further penetrate into more area, many user will change to tm , mobile phone also lose to digi and maxis, yes capex so huge, reward so puny , risk so high, really sohai this yeoh cbkiamsiapkia kikiki... when there is no one he can take advantage of, he screw it own shareholders by no giving dividend, he going to be ok because his salary is huge , even the ytl also got huge retire bonus 1-2 millions annually, they still can live like king, use RM 1.95 to share buy back but now share price so low yet they dont want buy back, what is the logic?


2014-04-04 10:25 | Report Abuse

hohoho.. christmas come early liao kikiki


2014-04-03 19:38 | Report Abuse

ytl give me money to buy 15 gram of peanuts and 1 canned of 320ml yeo's chrysanthemum tea kikiki...

News & Blogs

2014-04-02 10:16 | Report Abuse

my IQ drop few points after reading this sohai article... lol


2014-04-01 14:33 | Report Abuse

buy any counter also ok as long as it is not ytl counter... kikiki anyway, last thursday i bought ytl at 1.51 and monday sell at 1.55 , if got money then can trade ytl, it price is quite volatile , can earn a couple of hundred in short time... kikiki did i just tell u dont buy ytl at the 1st place? lol...