Mohamad Jeffrey Ismail

mohamadjeffrey | Joined since 2015-08-28 08:50:51

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2023-03-21 10:43 | Report Abuse

Anyone received the recent dividend already?


2021-06-12 21:01 | Report Abuse

Market anticipate less profit nxt quarter due to recent commodity price hikes. Overall fundamental of the business still intact


2021-06-11 23:13 | Report Abuse

Malaysia market maybe reaching to point of saturation, however dont forget their business in Thailand still growing. Plus their recent aquisition of Sri Nona will streghten their market share.


2020-05-08 17:09 | Report Abuse

Anyone received their dividend today?


2018-11-27 09:27 | Report Abuse

Bought at 1.14. Still sit on GK. Going to average down if price keep dropping. Like this company for its : i) sustained dividend paid, ii) net cash postion, iii) strong track record. As for prospect, I believe apart from railways project, GK could potentially securing another hospital construction contract for goverment in future. I have no problem to sit on this company as long as it does paying us good dividend amount while waiting for new catalyst to move its price. Good luck my friends.


2018-08-14 11:51 | Report Abuse

If the earnings grows at higher rate (says 30%), higher P/E is justified.

News & Blogs

2017-09-02 19:28 | Report Abuse

Bruce88 : Its all My findings


2017-08-30 20:54 | Report Abuse

The use of LEDs in automotve lighting systems continue to gain automotive lightings manufacturers' confidence and consumers’ wide acceptance owing to its proven and superior reliability and high energy efficiency. More importantly, it enables and facilitates the state of the art design aesthetics over conventional lighting systems. Its significant application versatility and demand growth continue to gain more traction as there are already projects in the work in using LEDs as the light source even in the motorcylce industry in Malaysia. Hence, the board remains optimistic in achieving satisfactory performance in the coming financial quarter given the favorable market development.


2017-08-01 17:38 | Report Abuse

Still hold since before bonus issue. plan to accumulate more if price down below 0.4.

News & Blogs

2017-07-04 03:52 | Report Abuse

Thank you Jeffbkt for sharing the advice which I feel so valuable. It is an honour for me and I am really appreciate all piece of your advice. N I believe you has been investing for long time. Also thank you to all members that gives advice and wishes. Wish all the best to all of you.

News & Blogs

2017-06-20 17:53 | Report Abuse

Thank you for bring my attention again yangstyle10forms. It is interesting to discuss any misleading fact.

According to the wiki links about protective relay given above, there is said,
"An overcurrent relay is a type of protective relay which operates when the load current exceeds a pickup value."

Next, refer to their website, they products are the over current relay, earth fault relay, etc, which mostly are of protective relay.

They are designed to monitor and prevent damage to electrical equipment by isolating and tripping a circuit breaker when an electrical fault is detected, in the process allowing unaffected parts of the electrical system to continue to operate.

I am not from electrical engineering background person, therefore I do not have specific information about these related things. But from what I read and understand, relay is a sensing device which is connected to power circuit and when any parameter of circuit crosses safe limits, it sends signal to the circuit breaker to break the circuit, while circuit breaker is the device that makes the circuit open/breaks when it receives the signal from relay. Some circuit breaker has its own sensing device.

I think it is clear now that Mikromb products are mainly protective relay, not circuit breaker.

News & Blogs

2017-06-20 07:55 | Report Abuse

Thank you for correct my fact Yangstyle10forms.


2017-06-06 17:25 | Report Abuse

I might be wrong, but in order for MRCB to get more job on future, they need to have enough amount of cash. So in my perspective, recent RI proposed by company to lower down gearing and raise some cash to cover current project pipeline should be ok as long as MRCB can keep growing their orderbook by time. I also believe by having low gearing post RI, MRCB should have more borrowing flexibility in case they got more project in future. Overall, at this time, MRCB prospect seems look quite good. Thats my POV regarding this company.


2017-06-03 04:53 | Report Abuse

Any highlight from AGM?


2017-05-05 11:26 | Report Abuse

Anything from management on yesterday AGM?

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2017-04-02 20:03 | Report Abuse

I believe there are some company fits the description stated above. One of them I can say is Nestle company. It is simple business to be understand, having safe and sound fundamental, wide moat, and I believe who'd hold the stock are happy since then, and I think the company will do better in future. But not many people would like to look for the stocks due to many reason. People tend to look for stock that can double their money as fast as tomorrow. Many try searching for the next Nestle instead invest in Nestle itself. I believe there are some few other companies other than Nestle.


2017-02-22 15:41 | Report Abuse

4th qtr out. NP fell on quarter basis, yet higher on YOY. Announce 12.20sen dividend.


2016-10-06 21:57 | Report Abuse

Thank you for sharing


2016-06-28 13:55 | Report Abuse

Great result... Short term price might be volatile, long term this company will give good return..


2016-06-28 04:09 | Report Abuse

First, I start accumulate this counter when price drop RM2 and below. It is nothing wrong with this counter except the low oil price affect their margin. At current oil price, their management still able to run the business and try to make money although it might be hard in current level of oil price. But overall, their business model still good. It just those emotional investors not feel good about this stock despite looking at its huge value. I'll take any opportunity coming by continue averaging down on this stock.

Second, keep your mind with simple fact that commodity is cyclical. You can't expect oil price to jump from 40 to 100 usd in short term unless Saudi and those OPEC going to war. It will take sometime, but what goes down will goes up and vice versa, as it depend on simple theory of supply and demand.

Third, learn how to valuing business rather than making speculation about stock price. It is wasting time to predict where the price will go, what the market will do next, what those institution do to this counter, etc. You can't be rich by making speculation. Investing need patience and discipline. Soon or later, market will appreciate those good businesses.

"I am a better investor because I am a businessman, and a better businessman because I am an investor." - WB


2016-06-25 02:20 | Report Abuse

Johnmasino, I am also waiting to grab more Skpetro at low price. I own some and will average down more.... I believe long term prospect of the company still sound. I also believe that those people who keep talk this company will dead and begging others to sell actually because they want others dead together with them. haha

News & Blogs

2016-06-23 09:00 | Report Abuse

During AA share price plunged reaching RM0.80, no one brave enough to say about those future earnings... it just when the share rise above RM2 people keep talk about future earning.. Earning drive speculators while value drives those investors. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2016-06-23 08:06 | Report Abuse

Nice sharing. Would you mind to share how you get to ROIC figure? Is it from manual calculation of through stock screener software? Any good stock screener you can recommend to screen KLSE stocks based on Magic Formula principal? I can only find Magic Formula screener for US stocks.

Manual calculation. I think you can also find magic formula screener here at Here is the link :-

News & Blogs

2016-06-22 12:51 | Report Abuse

majority of the counters you have selected is not blue chip or growth stocks. dividend paying maybe apllies to only 4-5 counters. maybe (just a suggestion ) split your selection into 2 categories. long term holding ( capital cum dividend) and trading stocks without taking into dividend yield (eg growth stock or theme play.) just my 2 cents worth

My portfolio is based on the selection criteria i've stated above. Any stock that are not fulfill my selection criteria will not be considered. Paying too much for growth stock never made me comfort to hold those stock as they are popular stock among those herd. And I am not interested to put high risk on my capital by making short term speculation @ trading.

News & Blogs

2016-06-22 11:26 | Report Abuse

Does IQ bhd meet your criteria ?


News & Blogs

2016-06-22 11:21 | Report Abuse

In this volatile market, you can't expect fast return with the above portfolio as the momentum element is missing. Some may face risk of forex loss like magni. In the long run, I think you will win but need to have bullet to lower your cost when opportunity comes. Market may experience downside risk.
22/06/2016 10:53

Thank you for your comment. I think i've made it clear already,
"Investment is long term process, thus, short term driven catalyst is not considered in my portfolio building process."


2016-06-21 14:22 | Report Abuse

History keep repeat itself. If the company fundamentals really good, no matter what, it will make turnaround. It just matter of time that we never know when. Thus, take care of the downside and let the upside take care itself. If head i win, if tail i won't lose much.


2016-06-21 11:11 | Report Abuse

Being contrarian is one important traits of successful investors... when people are euphoric, you sell, when people are panic, you buy....


2016-06-17 09:08 | Report Abuse

90% of market population are of pure speculators.. only 10% is are doing real investment.. those 90% are never knowing what they do instead trying to be the intelligent speculator, they follow what market tell them instead treat the market as their servant.. what i can say to those 10%, don't be too close with the market as if you don't want to be near the gamble table.. you follow your emotional, you'll lose your rational, and you'll lose your cash faster.


2016-06-16 20:22 | Report Abuse

many lose patience when the market pessimism to their stock.. then what the point your put much money here... why not just go to casino where the higher return could be achieve in short time. “The Stock Market is designed to transfer money from the Active to the Patient."


2016-06-15 09:37 | Report Abuse

Cksam neither you nor me or anyone else could predict the market. By predicting the market, you don't invest your money instead you are gambling in the market. What your saying to buy on bottom must be the same when this stock at RM3. You said it will go to RM2.50 and so on, and now you bet on RM1.50. If it going to be beliw RM1, it does not make any sense for investor, but big sense for those speculator and gambler.


2016-06-15 09:16 | Report Abuse

“The best thing that happens to us is when a great company gets into temporary trouble…We want to buy them when they’re on the operating table.” - WB I'll continue averaging down my capital over time. The more cheap it goes, the more happy I am.


2016-06-14 23:00 | Report Abuse

Jetli, I give my words to limchewi act. But good la if you done read the books...


2016-06-14 22:55 | Report Abuse

I suggest you read Intelligent Investor books and learn as much lesson there instead learn from anyone here. Traders and speculators aren't good teacher at all. They are just people who keep repeating their loss by playing risk over the market. How can repeaters be a good teachers?


2016-06-14 22:12 | Report Abuse

I think the most successful investor in the world today are who always against the market trend. correct me if i am wrong.


2016-06-14 21:48 | Report Abuse

Ok good to hear. then just get yourself some patience. "No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant."


2016-06-14 21:40 | Report Abuse

Don't say you did margin.. cuz if yes yo took margin, then you will get blow yourself


2016-06-14 21:10 | Report Abuse

This is not the end of this company la.. It is a phase of market cycle. This company has high intrinsic value that market just not realized due to bad bearish sentiment from those scared people driven from human psychology. Someday, you will be reward by your patience. Go make your study about this company. Their business models, fundamental, management, track record, and all those things related, you'll find this company is currently undervalued. I might be wrong. But if you a trader or market speculator, then yes this is trap for you, and if you are long term investor, and willing to be contrarian and have patience to wait for some years, then what to do is “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

News & Blogs

2016-06-03 07:01 | Report Abuse

I am not telling anyone to buy or sell any stocks.. what I post is for study purposes only.. decision to buy or sell is all is yours.

News & Blogs

2016-06-02 20:00 | Report Abuse

Who know investing well will found this information really useful.. unless you know nothing about investing, u can ignore this articles.

News & Blogs

2016-05-25 22:18 | Report Abuse

It is good to use EBITDA for company to company comparison in same industry. But for deep analysing and value, FCF much better

News & Blogs

2016-05-22 13:41 | Report Abuse

Koon Bee, its better learn take advice from those who had make real money than who just talk without making any money


2016-04-29 19:54 | Report Abuse

any catalyst to push POS higher?


2016-04-29 15:52 | Report Abuse

this ctr ex date div 3/5 right? how much div possible?


2016-04-27 21:33 | Report Abuse

TP RM3? How possible??


2016-04-27 21:17 | Report Abuse

Any cut loss point for this counter??
