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2022-06-10 09:43 | Report Abuse

honey moon time in glove sector is over,.......worst to come,.......top glove have given out it cash reserved about rm7bil. recently,.......can it walk out the hard time with limited cash,.........only tan sri have the cash,....cash is king now,.......unprofitable company worth nothing,.......rm1bil goodwill , intangible asset will be written off,........more than rm1bil. loss in share buyback will be cancelled,........this is the near future of top glove,.......


2022-06-10 05:38 | Report Abuse

TOP GLOVE quarter result very bad,.......worst to come,........you will be on your own pretty soon,........tan sri may come to save you at 30cent,.......just wait patiently


2022-06-08 14:00 | Report Abuse

instead of buying top glove,.......better pick rubberex,.........you can see their business plans,.....diversify into medical technology business,.......big future ahead,.......i believe more to come,.......rubberex will keep growing,......dato` ong is a very smart & visionary man,......if you follow him , you will grow as well,......


2022-06-08 13:25 | Report Abuse

TAN SRI have sold his 30% hidden shares at very good price,.......around rm7 to rm8,......he has earned more than rm3bil dividend,.......tan sri is very smart & rich guy,.......he is standby now to buy top glove at very low price,.....from 30cent to 50 cent,.........he can swallow to whole top glove,.......what to do,.........bilis always the loser,......make him become very rich,.......


2022-06-08 09:06 | Report Abuse

when top glove share falling to penny stock level,........it will reflect that top glove products are no good,........low quality,.......lower grade,.........that is why everything are cheap,..........backyard `longkang `company products


2022-06-07 09:14 | Report Abuse

bursa is so `SAMPAH`,........spoiling the name of top glove,.........tan sri will take top glove private,........better to list it at NYSE,........get US brand, better pricing,........he won`t buyout now, but latter,........he want cheap,..........just watch out,..........


2022-06-06 11:18 | Report Abuse

banks unlikely to take big hair cut,........but they may waive the interest,........which are good enough for sapngr,........PNB, MOF controlling many malaysia banks,........just helping sister company,.......saving tax.


2022-06-06 10:15 | Report Abuse

KNM actually don`t have to sell borsig at cheap price to raise fund,........they can just call for right issue at 1 for 2,..........issue price at 15cent per share,.......raise rm270mil.,.......it is enough to settle short term debt commitment,.........


2022-06-06 08:49 | Report Abuse

just watch,..............the coming quarters,.......... top glove will be in red,............few big shocking losses,..........top glove share price will dropped to 30cent,...........tan sri will come out make an offer to buyout top glove at 50cent,.........after taking over,........top glove will start to make big profit again,........time for listing ,............ at local `sampah bursa` or NYSE ?.........better avoid this kind of stock,........


2022-06-05 21:01 | Report Abuse

sapngr with MOF help,.........it can grow like PETRONAS,.......sapngr need MOF help to tender international projects,........


2022-06-05 20:45 | Report Abuse

pak karim is a good magician,.......he can make money disappear,........he can make money appear,........just in a blink of eye,........don`t miss the pak karim shows in serbadk


2022-06-05 20:29 | Report Abuse

serbadk selling assets for rm220mil. is a good sign,........at least, pak karim is doing something to save serbadk,........this is only the beginning,......let see what is the next pak karim magic shows.........a lot of surprises!


2022-06-04 13:22 | Report Abuse

tan sri can buy out top glove for US 1bil,........later,..........list top glove in NYSE for US 2bil.........making fat- fat profit for himself,.........EPF, PNB, KHAZANAH, KWAP, can subscribe the new listing in US,........


2022-06-03 10:33 | Report Abuse

mq tech,......something is brewing


2022-06-03 10:30 | Report Abuse

look at MQ TECH,.......zahid hamidi daughter appointed as vise chairman,.......something is brewing in this company


2022-06-02 14:38 | Report Abuse

queue to buy more at 5.5cent,.......hopefully can get it


2022-06-02 12:02 | Report Abuse

opportunity to buy more at 5.5-6 cent,.......wait for the rebound,........


2022-05-31 22:59 | Report Abuse

rubberex already started to diversify into others healthcare business,........medical test kid products,.......what about top glove,.......remain the same in rubber glove business,.......never change,.......no wonder top glove share price keep dropping,........pretty soon, rubberex will be stronger, better than top glove,.......


2022-05-31 11:20 | Report Abuse

something very fishy,........they have settled all the debts in borsig before selling it,........ZERO GEARING in borsig ,........where can you find this type of business deal?.......silly knm are the donkey,........what to do.


2022-05-30 13:10 | Report Abuse

knm, after so many years developing many projects,........spending a lot of capitals & energy,........, before it start to bearing fruits,............ time to dismantle knm assets,......somebody will benefit from buying cheap businesses,........knm will leave with under performing asset,........balance of the cash will be used to buy inflated assets,.......this is the fate of public listed company in malaysia


2022-05-30 11:12 | Report Abuse

niise project was tendered 1 year ago ,....... tender price was too low,........couple with the price hike, inflation & weaker ringgit recently,.........iris might suffer big loses in the project,......better no to do it


2022-05-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

serbadk have announced some identify assets for disposal to settle debt,........serbadk should clarify which assets,..........is it core business,..........is it land bank,........or all the so call fraud accounting subsidiaries,.........if pak karim willing to buy all the fraud subsidiaries at good price,.........investors will respect him,.......he will be call gentlemen,......`boleh salam -salam`


2022-05-29 11:00 | Report Abuse

is it possible borsig sell to former director ir lee swee eng,......borsig is a profitable company with zero gearing,.......very good deal to buy it at rm1bil.,.........


2022-05-29 10:48 | Report Abuse

at this moment,........PNB, LTAT , started to allocating 30% of their fund to invest oversea,......not very wise move,........ they should do that in the year 2008, during US capital crisis, everything are cheap at that time,.........but today,......US stock market is overprice,........what the PNB, LTAT should do now is investing locally,......push local company to do business globally,......if they can`t find capable local CEO,......hire foreign english speaking CEO,.......increase the sales ,........increase the production volume,...... improved the technology,........


2022-05-28 15:23 | Report Abuse

i hate to see this thing happen in serbadk,.......siphoned money use to buy serbadk shares,........money loss in serbadk can`t be traced & tracked,........all disappeared,...... money gone forever,.........serbadk close shop,........bank get almost nothing


2022-05-28 14:53 | Report Abuse

tengku k only have 10% shareholding in knm,........i don`t think he will do something benefit knm shareholders, except himself personally,........the thai renewable energy business & ethanol plant probably will be sold at loss or for 1USD to their close friends,......look at past history, melewar spent hundred millions ringgit to built siam power, finally sold for almost nothing,.......melewar bought mmm for hundred million before it went bankrupt,......


2022-05-27 22:23 | Report Abuse

serbadk have mountain of debt,......rm3.8bil. bank borrowing & bond,......i wonder how pak karim going to solve serbadk problems,.........he have used up all the serbadk cash,.......where can he find more money in this critical time ,.......anybody in this forum can offer the suggestion will be appreciated ?.......we need a win -win solution,......


2022-05-27 21:51 | Report Abuse

when top glove drop to 50cent,........tan sri can take it private,........tan sri have few billion in hand,........ just watch, top glove will lose money for the coming year,..........a big shocking loss,........until you surrender everything,.........this is stock market, the big taiko always the winner.


2022-05-27 16:19 | Report Abuse

tan sri fired ularsawa already,........don`t need ularsawa to defend top glove,.......tan sri have cleared all his hidden shares,......may buy back when it touch 50cent


2022-05-27 14:56 | Report Abuse

i predict sapngr will go as high as 15cent,........more than that will be bonus,........petronas may give more project to sapngr if MOF have control in the company,........


2022-05-27 11:34 | Report Abuse

just waiting for EPF, KWAP, PNB, to act,..........be patient,.........if MOF say go ahead,........sapngr will fly,........


2022-05-26 20:34 | Report Abuse

sapngr bagaikan durian yang ada tompok hitam diluar,.......nampak sudah busuk tapi tidak,......kalaulah jatuh ke kolam taik,.......MOF boleh kutip,.......cuci- cuci,......sudah boleh jual,.......cepat -cepat beli sebelum di buka,........nanti habis dikebas orang,.......isinya harum merbak semalaysia


2022-05-26 13:59 | Report Abuse

sapngr bagaikan buah durian jatuh dalam kolam taik,......MOF kutip durian itu,.......kasi cuci-cuci,........sudah boleh dijual,......bau harum merbak semalaysia,........semua dapat menikmati buah musang king ini,.........


2022-05-25 15:51 | Report Abuse

wait for the EPF, KWAP, PNB to pump money into local stock market,........if they start buying,.......all will rise,.......good for the government as well,......investors pay rm6000 tax for the first rm40000 profit,...... good for all , as long as stock market up.


2022-05-25 14:17 | Report Abuse

if MOF agreed to help sapngr,.......for sure EPF, KWAP will step in to buy sapngr,.......many politicians will buy it as well,.......before they announce the news,.....stay tune.


2022-05-25 13:39 | Report Abuse

how cover up serbadk fraud, clean up serbadk ?,.......pak karim should buy up all those fraud subsidiaries,.........take the subsidiaries private,........pay something to serbadk to settle debt,........serbadk can survive,.....nobody will blame pak karim


2022-05-25 09:48 | Report Abuse

another falling star,.......cypark,......... joint the serbadk bangwagon,....


2022-05-25 09:41 | Report Abuse

good sign,......big support at 8cent,......sapngr may go higher


2022-05-24 16:27 | Report Abuse

today serbadk volume so thin,........sign of rebound anytime,.......50% down from 22cent,.........good time to enter?


2022-05-24 15:34 | Report Abuse

looking back at tengku k`s family history involved in d kramat, georgtown, mmm, you will know who they are,........


2022-05-24 15:22 | Report Abuse

tengku k only have 10% stake in knm,.......he decided to sell all knm assets,........with the balance of cash,......do you think tengku k will use the money for his own benefit or knm`s shareholders benefit?


2022-05-24 14:13 | Report Abuse

i think,......tengku k will sell all assets in knm,........and use the money to buy his oil &gas trenergy at very good price


2022-05-24 14:08 | Report Abuse

year 2008,.....knm raised rm1 bil. from right issue at rm4 per share to purchase borsig,.....today knm share price only 16cent,.......very cheap,.....


2022-05-24 13:47 | Report Abuse

sell borsig at rm1.03bil.,........not bad,......at least somebody willing to buy it,......knm can fly now,.......


2022-05-23 22:17 | Report Abuse

sapngr failure is because PNB management not good enough,.......PNB only know to built nice, comfortable office for themselves to hide inside,........nobody want to work hard for PNB,..........most of them want big salary,..........they are not good at marketing their products internationally,.........as you can see which PNB control company excel globally,...........not like temasek , very aggressive & very smart,........continue to find new business opportunities internationally,........


2022-05-23 16:09 | Report Abuse

restructuring exercise,.......share consolidation 10 to 1,.........right issue 2 for 1 price at rm1.5 per share,........raise more than rm4.8bil.,........MOF can underwrite all shares not being subscribed by shareholders,........sapngr may rise again ?


2022-05-23 14:33 | Report Abuse

PNB, EPF, KWAP must invest more in local stock market,......forget about US stock market,........avoid currency outflow,.......use the funds to built the local economies,.......invest more in malaysia stock market,........people will pay more tax,.......good for all


2022-05-23 14:04 | Report Abuse

PNB must realize that investing in US stock market not always making money,.......like recently PNB invest in GRAB,........ pay around USD12 per share,.......today GRAB share price only USD3,......few hundred million paper loss in GRAB,.......it is better to invest more in sapngr,.......it is cheap, big future, global oil &gas company.


2022-05-23 11:23 | Report Abuse

EPF, KWAP, PNB should invest more in local market,.........it is the world lowest market,......if they invest in oversea market,.......they pay tax to foreign goverment,.......let invest in malaysia market,........let everybody making money,........malaysia government can collect capital gain tax as well,........`sama -sama untung`


2022-05-22 21:20 | Report Abuse

with the help from MOF,........sapngr should be able return to profitable company again like occidental petrolium in US,.......MOF will double or triple their return in sapngr