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2017-09-10 17:16 | Report Abuse

Come on MRCB, just quickly fix that RI pricing!!!


2017-09-09 00:31 | Report Abuse

Najib is treating FGV as his own company. How can you announced the chairman appointment to the public without getting it done officially with FGV first. Now FGV is saying that they didn't receive any official witting from MOF regarding the appointment. I wonder if Najib just woke up from a sleep and then suddenly have this gut feeling to appoint a new chairman for FGV and he went to announce it without following the proper prior procedures. Sigh. Such an easy thing also can make a mess.


2017-09-08 14:39 | Report Abuse

Make your profit and then run fast. FGV always one day show.


2017-09-08 13:53 | Report Abuse

long term sell, short term buy.


2017-09-08 13:52 | Report Abuse

For all the messes created since Isa time, may need 2-3 years for turnaround. Big elephant isnt that easy and quick to transform and change for the better. Hopefully this isn't a gimmick for the GE14 and after winning GE14, FGV may back to become their milking cow.


2017-09-08 13:50 | Report Abuse

unpolished gem in the making.


2017-09-08 13:42 | Report Abuse

Think the new chairman will bring in his own team. Zakaria can opt for retirement already.


2017-09-08 00:58 | Report Abuse

Still no price fixing this week. Initially said gonna fix it in mid August. Already 3 weeks delay...Are they still hoping that the price would recover and they can fix the RI at RM1 instead of RM0.75? If so, they need to move the price up to around 1.57 b4 they can fix the price. That would require Bandar Malaysia contract to be secured. Else how to go up 38 sen in 2-3 weeks time?


2017-09-07 16:41 | Report Abuse

Still 1800? Mean no changes after 13 years but inflation every year getting higher and higher. How would this translate to the purchasing power of Malaysian?


2017-09-07 12:02 | Report Abuse

GoodCompanies, I disagree that Malaysian purchasing power is strong. Just look at the "Ikan Kembung" economic. Most commoners can't even afford a decent meals like what they used to 5 years ago. Just spend RM50 in any hypermarket and you would notice the vast difference of what RM50 can buy nowadays compared to 3-5 years ago. And not to mention that RM50 can feed the whole family for a week 25 years ago. Now RM50 maybe can feed the whole family of 4 for a day or two.

I started to work in 2004 and at that time as a fresh graduate, I was offered RM1850 + RM200 phone allowances in an MNC company from Denmark. My friend who joined the local bank, been offered RM2.3K. Fast forward 13 years now, how much can a fresh graduate earn with an MNC company or local bank now? Anyone can give some insights? I m comparing in a layman term as the ppl on the street doesnt care about GDP or export/import. They care most on what they can afford with the money in their pocket. Ikan Kembung economic is a good gauge.


2017-09-07 11:30 | Report Abuse

To be fair, i actually supported GST though i don't support most BN policies. However, we could have started with 3% GST rather than 6%. In addition, the government should have be more prudent and improve governance rather than milking the rakyat for more taxes due to their extravagant and all the leakages due to corruption, cronies, kick back cultures and also all the fat paychecks to all those BN/UMNO supporters. Just look at Isa and Khalid...What makes them qualified to sit as Chairperson at all those government entities and GLC. I'm sure there are many more qualified candidates to hold those positions. These political link ppl had already screwed up a lot of GLC all this while such as MAS, Tabung Haji, Mara, FGV, Felda, etc...Yet, they still practice such appointment to reward those supporters. This is some form of bribery and inducement.

Last weekend I went to Singapore and the exchange rate was RM3.15 to SGD1. This is insane!!! It speaks loud and clear on the current state of Malaysia and its economy. yet our PM still continue to boast about the GDP growth. Pui!!!


2017-09-07 10:39 | Report Abuse

sound like FGV is adamant to get rid of Zakaria. It mentioned that it wasnt Zakaria who stopped the acquisition of EHP and Zhong Ling Nutril oil. And the Safitex payment was not approved by Zakaria predecessor. Meaning it wasnt inherited at the first place by Zakaria from his predecessor.


2017-09-05 16:05 | Report Abuse

That North Korea thingy is just a cyclical threat when the North Korean feel that they have been sidelined and need to make some global headlines. By getting the sufficient attention, they would have enough platform to demand better/more aids from China, US and UN.


2017-09-05 15:52 | Report Abuse

The RI has killed another 2 CW, C9 and C13. C14 is on the way to be murdered.


2017-09-05 14:05 | Report Abuse

they still delay in announcing the decision on the DI. From mid August and delayed until now, yet still no news.


2017-08-30 18:08 | Report Abuse

Didn't go below 1.50. Consider quite defensive already. Now wait for DI results. If Zakaria is removed, then let s welcome 1.40


2017-08-30 14:01 | Report Abuse

This is the first wave. 2nd wave coming soon on DI findings.


2017-08-30 10:53 | Report Abuse

Today is the D day....Both Q2 results and DI results out together. Perfect storm to sink the FGV vessel.


2017-08-30 00:19 | Report Abuse

Q2 2016 got an one off disposal gain of 40 million++. Operational wise, MRCB has improved on its results. Not a poor result afterall.


2017-08-29 20:49 | Report Abuse

With quarter results out, it s time to complete the price fixing for RI.


2017-08-29 18:51 | Report Abuse

I see them paying high tax just like Q1 and Q2 2016, causing the share price to plunge from 3.5 to 2.1 within a quarter.


2017-08-29 17:37 | Report Abuse

Bonus issue was done using PHB money and bought back shares aggressively during 2014 - 2016. However, that did not stop the counter price from declining. Imagine a company which use the company cash flow to buy back shares and hoping it would stop the price declined but it didn't.

In general, there were no value created to shareholders at all by buying back the shares. It only creates values if the shares buy back price is lower than the current trading price. The strategy of the shares buyback has failed miserably and serve as a double edge sword. Less cash flow, less NTA and bring no values to shareholders. It only bring value to whoever want to sell their holding back to PHB and reduce their stakes in PHB when there was no apparent buyers.

Share buy back only add values when the company is growing and the company bought back the shares to either cancel them as treasury share or reward the shareholders by giving a bonus share. Meaning if the company bought it in average RM1.50 and the current share is trading at RM2, it creates values for the shareholders. But for PHB case, they bought it at RM1.50, and the share was trading at RM1.


2017-08-29 17:11 | Report Abuse

no gap down as MRCB already gap gap down for the last 3.5 months


2017-08-29 17:11 | Report Abuse

Be prepared for 4 sleepless nights then...


2017-08-29 10:01 | Report Abuse

C-15, you can try your luck if you can get around 0.01 - 0.015 for the next 2 months. If you buy 50 of it, you only be paying around RM500-RM750. The loss wont be great even if the warrant becomes toilet paper in end Nov.


2017-08-28 16:50 | Report Abuse

PM already kao dim and forgive their FGV purchase debts. Settlers no longer care about FGV.


2017-08-28 14:06 | Report Abuse

calm before the storm. If the storm comes after market close on Wednesday, then you guys would have sleepless nights for 5 nights. If good news, then also sound sleep for 5 nights and wait for Monday market opens.


2017-08-28 13:05 | Report Abuse

Kelvin12, see how Kenanga is playing with the c15 warrants today? Trading matched at 0.015 for 2 million shares


2017-08-27 11:52 | Report Abuse

It appears that their transformation isn't happening fast enough and the business in China is suffering from bad to worst. If need be, Parkson has to make the tough decision to downsize their business in China rather than keep expanding and losing to online retail business especially to Alibaba. They are fighting an unwinnable war and causing casualties to itself. Time to admit defeat and move on. Focus on their strength rather than commiting suicide. guess WC still have a big ego and refuse to admit defeat in China


2017-08-27 11:16 | Report Abuse

Don't catch the falling knife. If you believe in Jaya Tiasa, wait for the consolidation. Such heavy loss may give a bad sentiment for the next 3-5 weeks. I said this based on experience. The market would punish the counter beyond your imagination. Unless Jaya Tiasa main shareholders support the price but usually they won't. They only start collecting at bottom


2017-08-26 15:06 | Report Abuse

Question is just when they going to do the price fixing???


2017-08-26 15:05 | Report Abuse

Jayatiasa is a holland train.


2017-08-26 14:17 | Report Abuse

Adjustment would be done on both the exercise price and also the ratio. Please refer to the announcement by the CW on the adjustment.


2017-08-25 13:30 | Report Abuse

ce0808, your calculation is incorrect. My rough calculation was that the warrants would be adjusted around 15%-18%. Exercise price after adjustment could range from 1.47 to 1.53. exercise ratio would be adjusted around 1:1.27 to 1:1.23. These are only rough calculation and subject to the RI pricing and offer.


2017-08-24 21:16 | Report Abuse

Kelvin12, now Kenanga has 50 millions warrant share to play with. With additional 50 million shares on hand, can they control and manipulate the price as they like?


2017-08-24 15:55 | Report Abuse

tsunami and perfect storm in another 6 days.


2017-08-24 15:54 | Report Abuse

in fact if you know ppl from IB, they would tell you that call warrants is their cash cow. They always make certain profit from call warrants. As for Kenanga, call warrants is their main business income. If you noticed in Bursa, Kenanga can be considered the top IB to issue the high amount of call warrants.


2017-08-24 14:46 | Report Abuse

Come tomorrow they gonna offer RM0.015 - 0.02 and keep throwing the C15. No one in their right mind would pay RM0.15 for the new issues. There are q for 0.02 and 0.015 today and tomorrow all these q would be fulfilled. Just watch and see.


2017-08-24 14:43 | Report Abuse

Kenanga always do such thing to ensure that the warrants wont be able to recover at all. This means that C15 has been checked mate by Kenanga. They have use such approach and Bursa always approve it. Kenanga is really cunning and a daylight robber.


2017-08-23 17:11 | Report Abuse

if you think it would fly to RM2 by end of the year, why regret. Buy now lah. Still under value.


2017-08-21 23:48 | Report Abuse

Tsunami end of August since Quarter results coming out and DI results also come out the same time. Think the BOD wanna create a perfect storm this time and sink the FGV ship altogether.


2017-08-21 23:46 | Report Abuse

Rubberex profit down 36%. Can Supermax make it?


2017-08-21 23:27 | Report Abuse

Still no news on the price fixing. This MRCB has killed so many innocent warrant holders.


2017-08-21 16:39 | Report Abuse

DI results postponed to end of the August instead. Zakaria and the rest have received 3 months gaji buta so far.


2017-08-18 19:17 | Report Abuse

Lot of esos being done at 0.578. If these holders want to take profit now, it would affect the price uptrend. That could be the reason why the price drops instead of up. Esos at 0.578 already can profit 0.5 when they sell it on the same day.

News & Blogs

2017-08-18 00:21 | Report Abuse

Government already rewarded MRCB by exchanging the plots of land surrounding Bukit Jalil for the stadium refurbishment. In addition, EPF actually bought more shares in the JV. However, this does not stop MRCB from going down everyday. Even with the 2 contracts award, it's only a booster jab. Today MRCB dropped back 3 sen and below 1.20 again. The negative sentiment about the RI is too much to bear and no good news can actually withstand it.

The only best thing that MRCB can do now is to expedite the price fixing and get the RI done ASAP. The longer it lingers around this RI proposal, the lower the share price would be. It has been 3 months and MRCB still cant the RI executed though the approval was given in early July by the authorities. THIS IS SO SLOW!!!!


2017-08-18 00:09 | Report Abuse

Already past mid August and MRCB still haven't execute the price fixing. Want to wait until Q2 results released end this month???


2017-08-17 11:11 | Report Abuse

One day show again. KL Kepong reported weaker results. Can FGV reports better results then?


2017-08-17 10:50 | Report Abuse

LTKM reported loss attributed to higher cost of sales and drop in egg prices. I hope PWF doesn't pose higher cost of sales as well.


2017-08-16 23:31 | Report Abuse

4444, that is TP after ex price. Ex price now theoretically would be lower than RM1 if the price fixing is based on current traded price.