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2017-07-19 15:52 | Report Abuse

be prepared for C23 and C24 warrants to become toilet paper. 9 more trading days to go inclusive today before expiry.


2017-07-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

Andy88 nothing in FGV for them to speculate lah. How to swim over?


2017-07-19 15:17 | Report Abuse

Cause news reported that BM results only would be announced by end of this year. That would be 4.5 months from now. Today is still ok. Come T+3 which is this Friday, the price may even correct more.


2017-07-19 13:32 | Report Abuse

Both ekovest and iwc back to open price. The goreng has finished and losing steam already.


2017-07-19 10:52 | Report Abuse

pancit already at 1.67....cant move anymore. When downtrend, easily can drop 20 sen.


2017-07-19 10:27 | Report Abuse

2 weeks ago, the sudden peak to 1.54 and then closed at 1.49. Next, it dropped until 1.37. can it breaks 1.54?


2017-07-19 10:23 | Report Abuse

Maybe Najib would buy back their shares in FGV for 30% discount from their initial price of RM4.50. So the settlers get back RM3.15 lah. Plus all the goodies and dividends all these years, no loss for them in FGV.


2017-07-19 09:59 | Report Abuse

ekovest and IWC still on aggressive uptrend today but MRCB no movement. Meaning, the RI is playing a part in suppressing the price now. My best guess is there would be no major movement of price until the RI is done. Could have some knee reaction after the EGM on 27th July when the RI resolution is approved by the shareholders. Dont put much hope on MRCB to move uptrend for the moment.


2017-07-19 09:55 | Report Abuse

most of the time, FGV only surge for a one day show. Unless there is really a solid news in store this Friday during the Felda settler celebration. If that's the case, may goreng for 3 days but that gonna be rare for FGV.


2017-07-18 17:36 | Report Abuse

The Edge published an article entitled "What's really going on at FGV?" It asked lot of valid questions especially on Shahrir speeches and actions for the past few months.


2017-07-18 17:34 | Report Abuse

Where got goreng? Still close at 1.37. Larrytrader, for you to hold at 1.57 average, means you have been holding MRCB b4 the announcement of RI in middle of May.


2017-07-18 16:37 | Report Abuse

Why you ppl keep talking about BM? It's just on RFP stage and still need a long time before MOF would announce the results.


2017-07-18 16:35 | Report Abuse

If your boss is a thief and you are being good in stealing, wouldn't your boss rewards you then? Go and join the puzzles and you would know why.


2017-07-18 14:29 | Report Abuse

titus, the cows can be found staying at condo with aircond, spa and jacuzzi.


2017-07-18 13:42 | Report Abuse

FGV is quick to lose money. It can gap down 20 sen in a day trading. But to gap up, you gonna wait until the cow comes home.


2017-07-17 17:31 | Report Abuse

Najib just need to announce that FELDA is discussing with Chinese/Indonesian buyers to sell a major stakes of FGV. Such statement is sufficient to pump back the price to RM2.50 within a week. No need to do anything or spend any money. Just discussion only, nothing solid and no need to commit to it. I really dont understand Najib. Such an easy approach also don't know. Better pecat his advisers lah.


2017-07-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

Just Sabah, Sarawak and Johor seats alone already guarantee BN to continue to rule. Unless there is a major voting change there with 35% of BN won seats fall to opposition. But with PAS now playing cards with UMNO, PAS may join UMNO and form the new government if BN cant form the simple majority. PAS may contribute 15-20 seats to BN.


2017-07-17 13:21 | Report Abuse

Price would be adjusted ex RI date. Rights Issue would be traded for a week in Bursa. Once done, Rights would be listed as additional shares for MRCB. Those who subscribe to Rights, all have to settle their subscription payment. MRCB gets the extra cash and execute their strategies and plans in moving forward.


2017-07-17 11:43 | Report Abuse

MRCB gonna sit quietly until RI is done lah. EGM 27th July. Just take a 2 weeks rest lah for now.


2017-07-17 11:18 | Report Abuse

Looking at all those bad and negative perception with no light at the end of the tunnel, the only way for FGV is to be acquired by others and delist from Bursa. There's no way for it to survive in the market as both perception and actual performance also negative. Double edge sword. Delist it before it becomes like MAS, reporting billion ringgit of loss for few years before MH370 and MH17 incidents finally buried it.


2017-07-17 11:14 | Report Abuse

It has always been a perception problem. Anything with the word Felda, the only way for the market to punish them is through FGV. I didnt factor in this when I first bought FGV. Anyway, I learnt a new lesson now on perception. The holding company and the rest of the sister companies under the same holding company play a part in the counter price.


2017-07-17 11:00 | Report Abuse

Think Zakaria and the CFO gonna get fired from their positions. Hence, such a negative sentiment


2017-07-14 23:58 | Report Abuse

Xuewenapeng syiok sendiri. Lol


2017-07-14 16:24 | Report Abuse

Such investigation are sandiwara in preparation for GE14. Only catch those slightly bigger fishes nowadays such as the Sabah Water director and his deputy, Rural and Regional Development Ministry secretary-general, and now this Felda. Those big fishes like Isa, Mo1, all the big cronies and politician, have no issues and continue with their plunders.


2017-07-14 16:15 | Report Abuse

FIC was the one which purchased EHP for a high premium up to RM2 billion ++. Why don't investigate that as well? Now the same entity bought the hotel for RM330 million and it got investigated for corruption? What a joke!


2017-07-14 10:56 | Report Abuse

I heard nothing about Bandar Malaysia. The hot item now is the RI with EGM scheduled end this month.


2017-07-14 00:39 | Report Abuse

The more the merrier.


2017-07-13 16:29 | Report Abuse

The One, only bid bye bye on 27th July 2017 when the warrants stop trading.


2017-07-13 15:55 | Report Abuse

Liang Edmund, dont be too sure on that as I still see trading on C23 and C24. It can be pushed to 0.03 for final 3 weeks if FGV moved up due to surprise news announced by Najib. or Z is cleared off from the DI and back to office.


2017-07-13 10:06 | Report Abuse

FGV can't be helped with change of ppl on the top as the whole organization, structure and way of work are badly executed and managed now. The only way is with drastic change with the sales of FGV. Just like what happened in Proton and MAS. No matter how much the Gov bailed them out, change of CEO and management, they still fail to deliver after years and years and continue to bleed. The only turnaround is to delist them, disband all the unions, MSS 30% of their workforce, drastic change of the top management and sell it to others who can execute and manage this as a business entity rather than as a political/voting deposit type of entity.

Selling off of FGV is imminent.


2017-07-12 22:41 | Report Abuse

U attend the EGM then u know when s the ex date for RI


2017-07-12 18:09 | Report Abuse

FGV and Felda has backfired and BN would face the wrath of the settlers coming this GE14.


2017-07-12 17:28 | Report Abuse

L0099, FGV where got stablize and in order? From Oct 2016 until now, there were already so many negative news / scandals in FGV. From potential 300 million potential impairment to fraud in Turkey subsidiary to government forming SC to manage FGV to EPF exit to Eagle High Plantation purchase, to potential sales of FGV to China companies to management tussle between Isa and Zakaria to Isa resignation to alleged corruptions in FGV and involve MACC, to Zakaria and the rest still on absence pending investigation, to change of BOD members, and now last but not least, merging of FGV with Indonesian companies?

Where got stabilize? Almost 1-2 major news in a month. The only thing can save FGV is to sell it off to strategic partner.


2017-07-12 16:54 | Report Abuse

High volume today. Could be T+4.


2017-07-12 16:49 | Report Abuse

RHB and MCQ no need to cap the price at this level as the exercise price is 1.85. Even if FGV trade at 1.84, they still no need to pay a single cent to the warrant holders. Hence, it's not them who press the price down but someone else.


2017-07-12 15:00 | Report Abuse

BM project still a long way to go before the announcement of the winner leh. They just issued the RFP documents on 5th July.


2017-07-12 14:47 | Report Abuse

For the last 45 days, it has gone through 3 waves from 1.35 to 1.45 and 1.31 to 1.48. Would there be 4th and 5th waves that gonna go from 1.35 to 1.55 in the next 30 days?


2017-07-11 17:19 | Report Abuse

no worry bout RI. During price fixing days, the counter has to be around RM1.57 for them to offer a RM1 RI. Else not, they have to offer even lower RI and that would affect them to raise RM2.8 billion.


2017-07-11 16:56 | Report Abuse

Wow, suddenly drop 8 sen for nothing. Just T+3


2017-07-11 14:44 | Report Abuse

CPO up but FGV keep going down. So no correlation on CPO.


2017-07-11 12:58 | Report Abuse

I dont thnk Pakatan against LRT3 / MRT but just concern on the way it being run, tender and managed.


2017-07-11 12:54 | Report Abuse

Government no more money to pump loh unless all the cronnies take out from their own pockets


2017-07-11 12:24 | Report Abuse

titus, after GE14, it even can bungkus and delist.


2017-07-11 11:53 | Report Abuse

it has been pressed from 1.84 until now and you guys still say want to collect? Why not collect at 1.40?


2017-07-11 10:39 | Report Abuse

duit punya pantry lady source really tak boleh pakai.


2017-07-11 09:59 | Report Abuse

@pretty life, based on your gut feel or some not to be named source?


2017-07-11 09:52 | Report Abuse

Andy88 is eating C23 and C24. Not the mother


2017-07-11 09:48 | Report Abuse

Andy88, what more to come? you seem to have confidence on FGV to rebound above 1.85 for the next 2 weeks.