
Agjl | Joined since 2017-12-06

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2021-01-27 22:41 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve Agjl Arsenewenger8383 Some tips for today.. prepare ur bullets.. hehehe...
27/01/2021 8:01 AM

Wakakaka my bro Ars...morning ask people prepare bullets, evening tell our comrades here that get ready next mth 4.60...hehehe

After u dump a big chuck at the big buy Q to thise whim u asked to get the bullets ready? Hehehe

Sharing is more like trapping...wakakakak.. my dear bro Asswanker....
27/01/2021 9:07 PM

@Arsene, earn some respect, don't fool around
27/01/2021 10:05 PM
27/01/2021 10:06 PM

IBELIEV bro...respect is definitely not what our bro ASSWANKER is looking to get...

Still remember he ask people to collect and ask to sell when it hit 7.40?


2021-01-27 21:07 | Report Abuse

Arsenewenger8383 Some tips for today.. prepare ur bullets.. hehehe...
27/01/2021 8:01 AM

Wakakaka my bro Ars...morning ask people prepare bullets, evening tell our comrades here that get ready next mth 4.60...hehehe

After u dump a big chuck at the big buy Q to thise whim u asked to get the bullets ready? Hehehe

Sharing is more like trapping...wakakakak.. my dear bro Asswanker....


2021-01-27 20:48 | Report Abuse

Arsenewenger8383 Today so cheap leh... hehehe...
27/01/2021 3:59 PM

Wakakakaka tmrw cheaper....

Why my Ars fren didnt dump it down beloe 5 today? Why wait next mth? Wait dor IDSS is it..hehehe


2021-01-25 22:16 | Report Abuse

Germfinder always forgeting to ronse her mouth and brush her teeth...thus foul smelly mouth all the time....

We miss Asswanker, our dear fren that loves to okay phychological games and with his hehe.

He put a question mark on super perfoemamce tmrw..lets wait and see, hehe


2021-01-25 22:09 | Report Abuse

gemfinder Dun wory. All of u wil add one more case each definitely
25/01/2021 9:28 PM

Wakakakakaka...cheers my fren...hope ur tech stocks get some respite tmrw ya


2021-01-25 20:25 | Report Abuse

Mana itu cofin? The cofin today at inari kena bury liao....


2021-01-25 14:21 | Report Abuse

Agjl Arsenewenger8383 Today price cheap... hehehe...
25/01/2021 1:58 PM

And tmrw will be cheaper..hehe
25/01/2021 2:20 PM

My Ass bro, sorry i stole your tag line....

Hope i got your tag line right..hehehe


2021-01-25 14:20 | Report Abuse

Arsenewenger8383 Today price cheap... hehehe...
25/01/2021 1:58 PM

And tmrw will be cheaper..hehe


2021-01-25 14:19 | Report Abuse

Steve Ooi OMG Harta din't publish result during lunch. What's wrong?
25/01/2021 2:13 PM

Haha dun lah try to create artificial panic and cast uncertainty. Later few hours or one or teo days is not a big deal. Dun create suspicious.. ur trick well read. Wakakakakaka... u mustbuave miss the boat at 6.20. Be patient. U might get it again


2021-01-25 11:00 | Report Abuse

TeamRocket Buy sumatec also better
25/01/2021 9:01 AM

From this statement we all know his brain is located at his backside...wakakakakaka

Sumatec still trading kah?? Hahaha


2021-01-24 20:26 | Report Abuse

24/01/2021 8:20 PM

Hahahah germfinder....if total lockdown and all
Manufacturing stop your INARI will also go to COFIN...wakakakakakakak...will be in the same boat this time...


2021-01-24 20:20 | Report Abuse

Dun get too excited naysayers that a full lock down on all manufacturing activities including gloves.

Another total lock down will be the last nail to the already crippled economy.

Of course there is a possibility of it happening but in my view its unlikely


2021-01-24 20:17 | Report Abuse

专家劝放弃想法 严格封锁等于摧毁国家



2021-01-24 15:33 | Report Abuse

HrryPttr @Arsenewenger8383 come again. Tuesday will be super cheap
24/01/2021 3:30 PM

Hahaha, the hehehe man is here.

U r right HeryPttr bro, Asswanker is going to unload again...hehe


2021-01-24 13:57 | Report Abuse

rr88 Share buy back, up. Stop buy back, down. A sign of dying company going to die. Injecting fake medicine to a dying patient will not revive him. Sell before major exodus to exit when vaccines start to reduce the statistics.
24/01/2021 11:57 AM

Wakaka rr88 is another of the previous doggy. Change name cos too ashamed to see his or her prophecy didnt come thru. Thus change another name to prophesize. Good try.... keep it up.

By the way, i realy hope your barking will bring it down to 3.40 like what ur ass chart tells u. Many will be happy to jump in. Please make that come thru for this old me to achive my URUS sooner than later...plzzzzzzz....


2021-01-23 21:12 | Report Abuse

Haha..bro Agjl, I have also taken a break from this forum for 1 week, yeah just try not to read all the naysayers dogs toxic negativities. When i open the forum and see all the dogs running around and barking and pooping all over the place, just didn't feel the mood to participate. Good for you , u manage to get a few plates of ckn rice, I was just nibbling but kept them as long term treasure shares.
23/01/2021 9:08 PM

Haha bro TONEEFA....i m not greedy. For my trading portion i always settle for simple ckn rice even without the drumstick. Cos i m still hikding my old batch of charcoal stock waiting for them to be polished and become diamond...hopefully.


2021-01-23 20:53 | Report Abuse

staedy Agjl Hahaha seems like i have been missing many juicy parts since i left the forum weeks ago. I miss anything? Hehe. I mean the 13 gf part and the necklace?

Welcome back bro Agjl. Dont know about the 13 gfs, just thought maybe IBelieve bro's wife found out about his gf glovefinish who got wrap nicely, in a bunny suit and being presented as his birthday present. :-) so the needs to buy a diamond necklace to 补祸。

Hahaha staedy bro....dun forget there is also RHBIB our bro IBELIVE first love in super forum.

IBelieve bro will be lucky if his escapades with rhbib or glovedinish can settle by just one neckclace...just hope that he wont get punish by kneeing on cockle shells...wakakakak

By the way, spiritually and mentaly never left super. Only visionly left cos its too toxic to read all the barkings....never sold any of my old holdings but in between trade a bit to earn few plates of ckn rice...during good day lucky to add a drumstick...not so good day just ckn rice with timun only..

Hope we all can have aboline CNY eve dinner soon. Cheers!


2021-01-23 20:40 | Report Abuse

After months of denial, finally UK Boris admitedvthat the new strain COULD be more deadly on top of hifher tranmission rate


2021-01-23 20:39 | Report Abuse

英相:不止更易传播 英变种病毒致死率更高



2021-01-23 19:34 | Report Abuse

ToneeFa @staedy Ibelieve If you go post on FB that you bought a diamond necklace for your wife and post together the receipt, everyone knows what you are hinting.
23/01/2021 3:54 PM

..... your wife found out about the other 3 girlfriends?.......
23/01/2021 4:40 PM

Haha... staedy bro more likely its 13.
Ibelieve bro.. sounds like you oredi looking forward to reaping the investment and splurging on your wife and gfs.
23/01/2021 5:01 PM

Hahaha seems like i have been missing many juicy parts since i left the forum weeks ago. I miss anything? Hehe. I mean the 13 gf part and the necklace?


2021-01-23 19:28 | Report Abuse

ToneeFa @AdCool @ToneeFa, the strategy is to declare higher dividends and let the hidden hands lose out the dividends if they cont to short. They have to pay for the interests on loan shares and also spent some significant amount to push down the shares by selling low on their own holding as well as paying for dividends to the lenders. That would be triple blows to them.
23/01/2021 5:45 PM

The hidden hands don't care about the dividends. They got bigger fish to fry. So even with TG announcing fantastic dividend policy, and after much SBB by LWC, the price still keep bleeding keep keep bleeding in gloves. Their target is to take control over the biggest glovemakers in the world.
23/01/2021 5:56 PM

U r damn right bro! This is what i have in mind pf all these negatives on TG day and nite bybtye media. Its clearly concerted efforts by a group to hostile takeover. Thus explain why the owner is defending it with all costs, that involve family members, son and daughter, sis in law and etc buying into the company...

Like the saying, some are just lazy axxhxx....!!! Like to take over a well ouled company which lay golden eggs!! True pest!!!


2021-01-23 12:44 | Report Abuse

chinaman I dont own Top gloves. But, what Tan Sri Lim local hiring drive to replace all foreign workers are long over-due, should examplified by all other boss. welfare starts at home. 1st priority to many local jobless is more paramount than ungrateful bangla. 3rd wave mostly from bangla.....over 5 millions legal, illegal migrants spread the virus locally due to poor enforcement of borders' security...
23/01/2021 11:53 AM

At least tan sri is doing it now. Better late than never.

Just look at the 99% of the labor intensive factories and manufacturing...still relying heaviily on foreign labor.

But has to be fair, local people will never do the factory works cos they have the luxury to pick and choose. They rather choose to be sales person in the shopping mall. Thats the fact. So cant entirely blame the employers


2021-01-22 20:59 | Report Abuse

bikay101 Agjl: Good guess, my fren. And its likely to happen

Hope sooner than later. With the positive vibes from SBB, it will be all systems go
22/01/2021 8:58 PM

Good things required patience


2021-01-22 20:48 | Report Abuse

bikay101 With Biden in the driver seat we can expect a substantial hike in glove demand from US.

We can also foresee two favorable pending developments:
1. Top Glove's WRO might be lifted soon
2. Maxter US sales revenue of masks and gloves will be substantial and will be a material effect to earnings of the parent company, Supermax.
22/01/2021 8:42 PM

Good guess, my fren. And its likely to happen


2021-01-22 20:03 | Report Abuse

6996 @gemfinder why bring out the old news? No more new info to attack gloves? Try again gemfinder
22/01/2021 5:39 PM

Becareful bro, u anger germsfinder later she will bring out her “kofin”. Wakakakakak


2021-01-22 19:57 | Report Abuse

LONDON — Health experts have warned that even with restrictions the U.S. is likely to struggle to curb the spread of a highly-infectious coronavirus variant, underlining the importance of taking aggressive measures immediately to protect as many people as possible.

The variant, first discovered in the U.K and known as B.1.1.7., has an unusually high number of mutations and is associated with more efficient and rapid transmission.

There is no evidence that the mutant strain is associated with more severe disease outcomes. However, as it is more transmissible, additional people are likely to get infected, and this could lead to a higher number of serious infections and further fatalities


2021-01-22 19:56 | Report Abuse

UK doctors have advice for the U.S. on fighting the new Covid strain


2021-01-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Trading strategy wont goes wrong. Just don't becoming bag holder and take your profit if you know the stock trading pattern. 3-10 % is better than nothing. Still continue to invest and trade but lock your return if you think its good enough. Turn into long term only you know the direction is firm.
22/01/2021 4:29 PM

Every two week give 7-10% upside trade is darn good oportunity.

Always diversifive your portfolio. Even in fundamental strong stocks always have a portion to hold medium and a portion of funds to trade. In that way while holding still generatimg positive cash flow.

Just my 2 sen. Cheers


2021-01-22 16:28 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 I say sell time before the deep, I say buy time when uturn detect, just now I sold ally my position at almost today peak. I'm a trader, I share my view.

Primeinvestor big boy icon! conman icon last week say sell gloves, 3 days ago buy, now sell
22/01/2021 4:00 PM
22/01/2021 4:18 PM

There are many smart investors that i know in this market in and out making tonnea of monies but none making a fuss or telling pekple how he or she trade, when in and when out...they are just reading and wayching sentiment and in and out quietly..

These are true blue smart investors and traders...they do not need to let ithwra know how they made, when they entered and when they exited....

I always have reservations for those who keep posting how they made and how much they made..

Always belive in “ when u belive in something, diam diam buy. And when you do not like the stock, diam diam sell...

A good stock need zero effort to promote. The results speak for itself


2021-01-22 15:46 | Report Abuse

TeamRocket see, i havent say finish already start dropping already....good luck to those chase high, will drop and close red today
22/01/2021 2:50 PM

Wakakakaka is not your day..come back next week to thrash...remember, every dog has its day...wakakakak


2021-01-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

gLOVErs @Ibelieve daikor, really post-bday prezzie 4u huh ... how about @glovefinish wrapped in a box for you hahahaha
22/01/2021 3:14 PM

Hi bro, IBELIEVE’s first love is RHBIB....:)


2021-01-22 13:33 | Report Abuse

TeamRocket Remember when it drop, it hit almost limit down, but up probably just a merely 5% only. What the logic? Go fuk off, this gloves shares is dead!
22/01/2021 1:07 PM



2021-01-22 12:31 | Report Abuse

TeamRocket Those who happy now please watch the show...I already seeing this happen few times d. Up 10%, then drop 1months every day 5%
22/01/2021 12:10 PM

Hahaha u miss the point my fren. Why one has to wait one month...instead of keep barking, assuming one bought yesterday, today already can say bye bye and pocket 8%. And then wait for u to enter high and drop we scop up again...then when it drop u bark again it up and we sell.

Thats the way my fren...wakakakaka cheers...


2021-01-22 12:28 | Report Abuse

TeamRocket Don’t talk kok la, if got balls then limit up laaa
22/01/2021 12:20 PM

Same said to u” if got nalls limit down lah” wakakakaja


2021-01-22 12:28 | Report Abuse

TeamRocket Shut the fuk up , short seller will come back today at highest to whack your assssho
22/01/2021 12:23 PM

Wakakakakaka...dun be frust lah my fren. If it doesnt go ur way today just take a rest lor...dun need f here f only shows your frust.

Must remember the saying””” every dog has its day” and u will have yours...wakakakakakak


2021-01-18 00:32 | Report Abuse

Papaya plucking cluster!!! Laugh die me. Wakakakak