
Agjl | Joined since 2017-12-06

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2021-03-17 16:11 | Report Abuse

Stocksafeplayer Haha @Agjl...

With more SBBs for GenM during uptrend of prices, I hve gut feeling SBBs are positive news for GenM with potential upside of higher than 2.0 to 3.0 more ringgit esp w pent-up demand in New York, from New Genting Skyworlds, the potential USD500million claims against its insurers n AIG...

Of course FF may prefer GenB due to its presence in US, Spore and UK as well. Just sharing similar sentiment as you ya :)

Let us All Huat Together!!!
17/03/2021 12:28 PM

Yes bro. Agreed with u that FF favor genting for its well diversified business.

I have both genm and genting. Loaded up bigger with genting ard 4 myhs ago cos i believe whem come to recovery play FF will definitely flock into Genting berhad.

Recently With the recent covid cases reducing and the givernment stance to relpen the economy, i decided to load up more genm even though i have loaded some ard 2.30. With the caaes gling to drop below 1k, had past two days loaded up 70k genm. With the expectation of the ipening of casinos world wide and the theme park, genm is more pf a pure casino play. Thus i m into both.

Cant go wrong either one.

Hope everyone huat together in the next few weeks



2021-03-17 16:04 | Report Abuse

5.30 kambing


2021-03-17 12:17 | Report Abuse

Both gent and genm will move in tandeem. The only thing is which one move more than the other. Based on past track record once they moved, they will try to catch up with each other. Its nice to see that


2021-03-17 12:13 | Report Abuse

Stocksafeplayer Yokohama is better than Tokyo for IR
17/03/2021 12:06 PM

Either way u will see ur purse fatter my fren.

I loaded up on genm yesterday but not enough genting. Now kinda regret a little. But what the hack, better than nothing.


2021-03-17 12:02 | Report Abuse

Every price weakness is an oportunity to accumulate.. believe in your own judgement and forget about worrying the dailybups and down of the share price price. It will be up eventually.

Today genting group up most. Expect genm will follow suit later.

All the best comrades. Cheers!


2021-03-16 15:56 | Report Abuse

Hemsley Added on some Genting and GENM this morning.
16/03/2021 2:26 PM

Good move my fren


2021-03-16 15:54 | Report Abuse

Will make a come back after 4pm


2021-03-16 15:53 | Report Abuse

Always make a cone back by 3:45


2021-03-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

Risk appetites will be on recovery....just be oatient and watch the show unfold..


2021-03-15 15:57 | Report Abuse

Agjl padanggrus 回购股票, 没批新股
但是 , 股票不可能永远升
上升趋势, 爆量时 , 就是顶部!
14/03/2021 10:13 PM

Nice pantun....BUT......
15/03/2021 3:56 PM

....u failed to see the BIG picture my fren in my opinion, recovery will continue to surge...ans risk appetites will be on recovery...


2021-03-15 15:56 | Report Abuse

padanggrus 回购股票, 没批新股
但是 , 股票不可能永远升
上升趋势, 爆量时 , 就是顶部!
14/03/2021 10:13 PM

Nice pantun....BUT......


2021-03-14 15:10 | Report Abuse

He goes every popular forum and agotate everyone. Talk bad about that counter and sing praises about insas. And same time spread false negative news. He did it in gloves, in tech and a few more up trend forums


2021-03-14 15:08 | Report Abuse

choysun @stockraider Why not post in Insas forum? This is Genting forum la...
14/03/2021 1:51 PM

Choysun bro, he always choose the hot forum to post insas. And especially up trend forum. Thats is modus operandi


2021-03-13 16:24 | Report Abuse

Stocksafeplayer Any comments or views, guys/ladies? Haha

The SBBs (share buybacks) really surprised me :) A good ‘surprise’, in my personal view
13/03/2021 3:14 PM

My fren, i already mentioned past two days, according to my sources there will be collection on genm in anticipation of the opening of outdoor theme park and the full opening of the casinos world wide in stages..

There will b a pent up demand for the influx of visitors to the theme park. Even a 7 years old from the school knew the ioening of the theme park soon..

One can imagine the euphoria...

Hope u acted on it past two days.

This is not a buy or sell recomendation. Just sharing from sources, heresays and market news.

Wish alll the best comrades. Cheers


2021-03-13 14:27 | Report Abuse

Tobby What Genm even buyback after ex divvy! This is so amazing! Sad that i didn't have any Genm!
13/03/2021 1:22 PM

My fren, already told u past two days mu source told me there was collection


2021-03-12 11:07 | Report Abuse

Yesterday before close already mentioned spurces told a group been collecting genm in anticipation of the surge after the opening of the theme park. It turned out not just sbb but also other parties.

Still snapping out at 3.10 level. Lets hope it goes all the way to 3.30


2021-03-12 11:02 | Report Abuse

Genm is doing even better. Yesterday mentioned that sources told a small group os collecting beside the sbb.. in anticipation of the steroid charge of the opening of the theme park


2021-03-12 11:00 | Report Abuse

Price is even higher than before ex. High 5.13 ads back 8.5 sen will be 5.22


2021-03-11 15:30 | Report Abuse

Also jacking up before it goes ex


2021-03-11 15:30 | Report Abuse

There is collection gaining momentum..the opening of theme park and the casinos will benefit directly to genm..some quarters are collecting based on this scenarios, based on my sources told me.

This is nkt a buy or sell recomendation. Just sharing news, heresays and rumours.


2021-03-11 15:24 | Report Abuse

Collection of genm gearing up for the opening of the theme park. Genm is expected ro be direct beneficiary of the theme park and full fledge ipening of the casinos. Also jacking up for the ex dividend tomorow


2021-03-11 15:23 | Report Abuse

Genm is moving. Today will close higher for genm


2021-03-09 21:55 | Report Abuse

It's a good start and it's a prelude for full opening of the all interstate travel.

Just be patient comrades. Once the number drop below 1k we will see more easing to be announced.

Partial lnterstate travel allowed will be good for Genting to get back to shape especially for the opening of the theme park. To start with a smaller crowd will ensure all operations going as smooth as possible and less hiccups. Thus to start with a smaller crowd indeed work well for the opening of the theme park.

It may test the 5.30 tnrw. If breached convincingly, next will be 5.5

Keep our fingers crossed comrades
Cheers and good luck!


2021-03-09 18:23 | Report Abuse

Today covid 1280


2021-03-09 18:20 | Report Abuse

Today covid 1280


2021-03-09 18:20 | Report Abuse

Its a start before full fledge opening


2021-03-09 18:19 | Report Abuse

Conditional interstate travel. No private tour but travel and travel cuti cuti malaysia have to book thru registered tour agency with valid permits to travel.. no stopover at mco state


2021-03-09 18:17 | Report Abuse

Stocksafeplayer Oic...Hope it’s not fake then :)
09/03/2021 5:55 PM

Its confirmed nit fake my fren


2021-03-09 17:54 | Report Abuse

Stocksafeplayer Thanks @Agjl!!!!! Unbelievable!!
09/03/2021 5:52 PM

Thats what my sources told me. Hope its not fake.


2021-03-09 17:52 | Report Abuse

Interstate travel allowed with conditions starting tmrw.

All the best comrades!


2021-03-09 17:50 | Report Abuse

Interstate travel allowed with conditions starting tmrw.

All the best comrades!


2021-03-09 13:58 | Report Abuse

次季狂赚28.7亿令吉 顶级手套派息25.2仙


Impressive results but too bad price will continue to be sold down


2021-03-09 13:17 | Report Abuse

Further impetus for price upwards


2021-03-09 08:32 | Report Abuse

Testing 5.30 level...


2021-03-08 21:35 | Report Abuse

Nepo Why so many 88 ?
Let see who is right..@investortrader88 Vs @shareinvestor88 vs@RISK8888..?
08/03/2021 9:00 PM

All the same person with multiple id


2021-03-08 21:33 | Report Abuse

08/03/2021 9:20 PM

Ur comment getting a bit boring. Nothing new. Please feed us something new


2021-03-05 16:00 | Report Abuse

Luckily still hold on to MISC


2021-03-05 16:00 | Report Abuse

Regret selling my cimb too early:(
But nvm just be happy


2021-03-05 15:59 | Report Abuse

Hold tight tight comrades. 5 is definitely coming


2021-03-03 21:13 | Report Abuse

babygrill Kon man detected....careful...

Posted by Agjl > Mar 3, 2021 5:00 PM | Report Abuse

If it stay above 3 for the next few sessions, it will test 3.30 the. 3.50...

Congrats all comrades!
03/03/2021 5:24 PM

Wakakakakaka...the one who says one is the one..

Its merely a personal opinion based on price resistance and price movementa..never ask buy or sell.

Thiose who read it and treat is as an opinion are the wise one. But those who jump into conclusion and lablelled others are the opposite.

Wakakakakakakak. I can feel ur frustration and figure u probably missed the boat when was ard 2.30

Dun b sad...there are still thousanda if counters in BURSA to choose from.



2021-03-03 17:21 | Report Abuse

jasonred79 Agjl, please keep quiet!!!
When he posts out 1 week old news or 1 month old news, you can expect to see Genting price fly more than 15 sen!

you guys ah... seriously, just watch the pattern. Every time I see the 88 family post negative news, Genting price will spike upwards around that time! these guys are the best!!!
03/03/2021 5:15 PM

Roger that!


2021-03-03 17:20 | Report Abuse

03/03/2021 5:00 PM

Its strange that u keep posting in both genm and genting but both counters havae had a good run in since ur negative posting of genm at 2.30 and 4 for genting.

I read with amusements with all your negative cimments while seeing both my investementbin genm and genting growing each day.

From that day u have been talking down genm, you missed out the oportunities of taking a 20% gain up to date. Its sad and pity that u used your time in a wrong way..

Just remember, time is money....



2021-03-03 17:09 | Report Abuse

shareinvestor88 Risk of bail out GHK
03/03/2021 5:00 PM

U have been posting negatives amd talking ant the bail out wonce 4.30 my fren.

From what i know those who had bought in already making 15% while u keep posting and talking. Ur time has not been wisely used...



2021-03-03 17:07 | Report Abuse

Stocksafeplayer Who is GHK?
03/03/2021 5:01 PM

Its Genting Hong Kong my fren


2021-03-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

If it stay above 3 for the next few sessions, it will test 3.30 the. 3.50...

Congrats all comrades!


2021-03-03 16:57 | Report Abuse

As i mentioned earlier...5 is just a matter of when rather than if. Congrats all!


2021-03-03 12:24 | Report Abuse

Today is gloves day...lets take a rest for a day