
Agjl | Joined since 2017-12-06

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2020-12-10 18:57 | Report Abuse

Better move out from msia


2020-12-10 18:57 | Report Abuse

TG is likely to be slapped with 90m fine. Haha.


2020-12-10 17:49 | Report Abuse

Haha.. its true.. yesterday i laugh all the way in Public Bank.. dont need to que sell.. hehehe..
10/12/2020 5:35 PM

How coincidence i just walk in CIMB today before 5pm today to sell without queing.

Hee hee


2020-12-10 17:46 | Report Abuse

Hehehe..dont be like that la.. im also senior bro.. u hurt my feeling bro.. so sad.. huhuhu..
10/12/2020 5:39 PM

Wakakakaka ok ok...:) time for dinner bro. Have to take my quaker oats

Hee hee


2020-12-10 17:33 | Report Abuse

Hehehe.. i will try bro.. usually im bz during big day. U know why im bz rite.. hehehe..

U try lor..dun let me wait too long ya


2020-12-10 17:31 | Report Abuse

Bro aswengwer bro...senior very nice one actuons always slow...the young one always faster and senior need your help to support to sow fears among the young lor.. so hot cheap
Cheap ticket to collect...your presence of sharing as caring is always helpful to senior..

Though u tried to sow hatred among fans here towards senior and give an impression the late comer as a victims of early birds....but i think people not so dumb like wat u think lor...all very smart one...they dun think they go in let ithers take profit. But they understand thise who stoke fears to profit from them...u say right or not bro??

Hee hee


2020-12-10 17:27 | Report Abuse

Kudos to bro Agjl who hold it for so many years.. thats how we play it.. i hope all supermax fans will support each others, let senior take their profit 1st, u should wait for ur turn... hehehe..

Thank u lor bro...what to do. Senior is always like that wat. Privilege mah! One day you will have that privilege. Go to bank also dun need to q
Hee hee


2020-12-10 17:23 | Report Abuse

Arsenewenger8383 Hehehe.. Finally we r 16 hours away from Big Friday..

Bro dont forget to give me the big news as you promised ya either late tonite or tmrw morning.

The FDA approval of the vaccines, the issues to be brought up to parliament, the end of the pandemic news and more videos of nurses not wearning gloves ya....i expect all this from you. Am i expecting too much from you bro???

Hee hee


2020-12-10 16:57 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve @glovefinish, still very long-winding and not splitting into paragraph. You dont need to write too detailed because everyone knows you are trolling anyway.
10/12/2020 4:18 PM

Bro, give it a bit lah. Cant expect her go give in to u all the time right? Be FLEXIBLE...wakakakak


2020-12-10 16:56 | Report Abuse

Arsenewenger8383 My bro Agjl sure happy today.. supermax in green mood.. yeay...

Aiyoh bro, what took u so long? Miss u leh

Aiyoh like that sikit sikit pun happy kah? Expectation so low one meh? Feelings already numb lah after years of holding it....but never mond lah i will pretend to be happy to satisfy u lah. Kust like we trying to show happy to our spouse...wakakakak


2020-12-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

Interesting article to share with all. Please take a look but promise me...dun get excited k? Or else Asswenger will appear look for me...hahaha


2020-12-10 16:01 | Report Abuse

Still net cash of 3.4bn after 1.2bn spent on previous wonder lots of red eyes and cursing.....


2020-12-10 16:01 | Report Abuse

Still net cash of 3.4bn after 1.2bn spent on previous wonder lots of red eyes and cursing.....


2020-12-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve Woman always long-winded, sigh, the way you write again assure me you're a lady
10/12/2020 3:56 PM

Hahahah bro, spot on!!! Give it to u dirty old man!!! Haha


2020-12-10 15:44 | Report Abuse

DestinyL If that's the case, there's plenty of other better and safer stocks too, such as banks.
10/12/2020 2:43 PM

Yes CIMB moving past 2 days. IBELIEVE bro, cimb your lover’s stock. Haha


2020-12-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

chivalry to be honest whoever invested in gloves there are no right or wrong. So dont go around calling people water fish. If you invest in stock chances are 8 out of 10 times you make the wrong decision. So will you be the 8 times water fish no.

Investing in gloves, just gave you the assurance that the company wont go wrong because its cash rich. Vaccine, yet to be seen on profit plus malaysia is not a manufacturing vaccine countries.

I rather go for a safer want quick bucks! Go goreng other stocks simple as that.

If you want to grab cheap stocks here forget it..
10/12/2020 2:38 PM

Hahahaha bro. Never mind if u or me being called waterfish...we lose nothing lah. Only the person who call it think he or she get the besr of everyone and feel high about it...why not give her or him the high....its free of charge!!!

Moreover if waterfish then be it a BIG FAT WATERFISH...hahaha


2020-12-10 15:39 | Report Abuse

Percentage of adults who have allergies in the U.S.: 30%
Percentage of children who have allergies in the U.S.: 40%.

These people cant take pfizer vaccines????

Most probably Moderna will also have the same problem.........
10/12/2020 2:00 PM

They are from the same manufacturing process. Most probably will exhibit the same behaviors


2020-12-10 15:34 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve @Agjl, back to stock. Harta down, TG and Super up, redistribution? EPF?
10/12/2020 2:49 PM

Bro, its hard to gauge but i would think will be EPF’s works again....EPF tend to hop ard when there is fat dividends annouced by fundamentally strong company

I reckon the 16.5 sen quarterly dividend by TG is hard to resist.....when their holding in millions the dividends amount could be large enough to make up for part of the withdrawal of i sinar...

I am not surprise they are realligning into TG by trimming from Harta.

Its too bad the dividend by super not so enticing or else we would expect the same actions on super as well... but its ok. Super growth stock always pay only decent dividend. Buy for the growth!


2020-12-10 15:29 | Report Abuse

Now TG in the spot light. A positive one. Even cited by government as a good example for other corporations to follow.

A reversal of fortune?


2020-12-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

Now TG in the spot light. A positive one. Even cited by government as a good example for other corporations to follow.

A reversal of fortune?


2020-12-10 13:48 | Report Abuse

gemfinder So agil is the bigest sorhai waterfish
10/12/2020 1:35 PM

Oh yes! I m. Only germs will know.
By the way, it takes one to know one...if u know wat i mean....wakakakaka


2020-12-10 13:33 | Report Abuse

HrryPttr Price below RM 6 this Friday. According to our friend Arsenewenger
10/12/2020 12:52 PM

U better listen to wanker he is the market mover. constantly has big news to annouce in his mysterious way....the usual suspend to get ur attention but always end up disipated in thin air and then the process repeat itself. He will start first with his posting of the viseo and then ask u to ignore the picture and end with “ hee hee”

If he or she still cant get your attenrion the following will be like” wait til XXXXX day i will have somethg for u big show...then hee hee.



2020-12-10 13:25 | Report Abuse

gemfinder Stil not yet exit? Realy sorhai waterfish
10/12/2020 1:15 PM

Haha yalor. Why so sorXXX.? By the way, whatbis it has to do with u?

Is it becos others SorXxx, then will make u so smart??? I see....wakakakaka.


2020-12-10 12:22 | Report Abuse

Futher credit downgrading of the country is on its way when foreign brokers start to sound displeasure one by one
10/12/2020 12:22 PM


2020-12-10 12:22 | Report Abuse

Futher credit downgrading of the country is on its way when foreign brokers start to sound displeasure one by one


2020-12-10 12:18 | Report Abuse

Before the mgmt briefing wveryone knows ordered up to mid 2021 and saya the share price already factored in when the price was ard Rm8.

After yesterday management briefing orders now has been booked till April 2022 and ghe oeice is 6.70 and some smart alecs says the good news already factored in share price...

??????????? Am i too dumb or are they way too smart???? I wonder...

U be the judge 3 mths down the road


2020-12-10 12:13 | Report Abuse

emsvsi All sophisticated investors should sincerely think of diversifying your portfolio with recovery plays as a hedge

My fre, To a certaon extend i do agree with u but up to now i have yet to find a convincing one let alone any convincing sector. But will surely keep your advise in mind. Its a good advise.


2020-12-10 12:10 | Report Abuse

Ya bro, I didn't get you wrong.

I mean, to trollers, "家和万事兴, settle your own house problem first before you go quarrel with neighbour"
10/12/2020 12:07 PM

Roger bro...i think the best thing we just wait for our fren to present us the BIG news tmrw. :)


2020-12-10 12:07 | Report Abuse

Arsenewenger8383 hehehe.. that's nothing bro if u compare what I have for u on Friday.. enjoy the show.. hehehe..
09/12/2020 10:36 AM

Hee hee cant wait. Please do not disapoint me.

Let me guess, is it FDA approval of the flaws pfizer Modena, Sinopharm or many more approvals coming? Anything bigger? Or better stilll Super venture into Vaccine( this will be HUGE)

Hee hee(ur trade mark)


2020-12-10 12:01 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve Agjl Cant wait for someone wana share big news with me on Friday. Hee hee
10/12/2020 10:43 AM

Yeah, that big news has been gauged on Moderna's Richter scale last night, a -7.86% earthquake, vax theme is feeling a little tremor sent thru from the pacific ocean.

"家和万事兴, settle your own house problem first before you go quarrel with neighbour"
10/12/2020 10:52 AM

IBELIEVE bro, i m just being sarcastic towards someone spitting sacarsicm non stop past few days. When prive run, wanker will come out put up his or her sacarcism and play this friday big news . Issue bring to parkiament bla bla bla....and keep posting one particulat video nursea not wearing gloves....its such a childish act!


2020-12-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

Where is our chiwawa?????


2020-12-10 10:43 | Report Abuse

Cant wait for someone wana share big news with me on Friday. Hee hee


2020-12-10 10:42 | Report Abuse

On theor hands..hee hee


2020-12-10 10:42 | Report Abuse

Please also ignore the photo of the the two nurses whem administering vaccines. And double ignore what they are wearing in their hands...

Hee hee hee!!!


2020-12-10 03:15 | Report Abuse

Trial participants say to brace yourself for intense symptoms after the second shot of the Covid vaccine


2020-12-10 01:43 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve Geek2020 Calm down my friends. Topglove’s dividend yields are something that cannot be matched by other stocks in Bursa. Funds will have to invest for the yield. Just hold tight. Epf has started buying. Its the panicky contra retailers causing the massive swings. Look at Harta. Low retail participation and EPF is supporting it. If gloves no longer in radar, sure Harta will get sold down too. To recap, yields are very important for big funds like EPF and KWAP, dividend funds, insurance funds and mutual funds. So be patient
09/12/2020 11:34 PM

Just in case some people need fact to believe in Geek20's statement, check this out to see who and which sector got most of the awards

Exactly agreed with what bro IBELIEVE statememt. If gloves no relevant, EPF would not up its stake in Riverstone recently


2020-12-10 01:34 | Report Abuse

Arsenewenger8383 Good article to read.. please ignore the photo so u can have sweet dreams tonite...
09/12/2020 11:16 PM

Pls also re visit the video i reciprocates to u and try to look at the nurses ans u will sleep even bettee...hee hee


2020-12-09 21:24 | Report Abuse


Do expect more bombastic result on next quarter. Some of the takes from today's briefing ;

- Additional 10% new capacity in 2Q21 (and up to 20% in FY21)
- More lines switching from latex to nitrile (with higher profit margin)
- 2Q21 ASP expected to be 30% higher than 1Q21
- Order book through Apr 2022

RM3B PAT is achievable in next quarter. Maybank Kim Eng estimation of RM11bn - RM12bn in FY21 would be understatement now. And TG will emerge at the spot in terms of corporate earning in FY21, surpassing Maybank which expect to bring in around RM6bn - RM7bn.
09/12/2020 9:21 PM

When come that time, some smart alecs will come out and say the current high 6+++ price already reflected the 3b PAT. Trust aXX all ard