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2020-07-23 14:30 | Report Abuse

Signn.... look into cut loss bro....


2020-07-23 14:29 | Report Abuse

Stock wizard....bro i tend to agree with just the con job maintaining the price. Towards the end , throw down.

By the way, good123 aka victor yong keep asking ppl to hold until after egm, now we all know why...:))) not that i m not aware....just give him benefits of adult to prove himself and now he is in the hiding...what a cute boy:))


2020-07-23 14:17 | Report Abuse

We all shld call upon good123 aka VINCENT YONG to come out to give his valuable opinions and ever cock sure predictions....where is the boy? Anyone seen the boy?


2020-07-23 14:16 | Report Abuse

Hope not....


2020-07-23 14:16 | Report Abuse

Now we have the feelings tencent may have pull out....


2020-07-23 13:58 | Report Abuse

Signn...bro, if just stuck for a while will not be too bad...i m afraid could be me, looks like ccp has cash out...some at its peak....he is just buying his time and trying out new thing for the company....

Well, there are two ways. One cut loss, which may be quite huge. Two, stick with it and continue averaging down...bear in mind this could be dangerous as u may plough yourself into quick sand that u will never see the day light when ccp tell u they have tried their best but.....

When we talk about e wallets there are many who do better....when we talk about digital way, there are many who are way in what is left


2020-07-23 13:46 | Report Abuse

Jumam2173.....bro i k afraid i cant give much cos nothing much has been revealed. As expected, the takers has not been revealed ...this will add more u certainties to whoever wants to invest and to those already in..

Honestly, i dun feel easy....hope they can prove me wrong


2020-07-23 10:55 | Report Abuse the moment its taking 1 lot here 2 lots there....just to sustain the price...


2020-07-23 10:54 | Report Abuse

Miss_secret...i and we hope GP will be naugthy later...:))


2020-07-23 10:49 | Report Abuse

No signs of pushing....


2020-07-23 10:36 | Report Abuse

No news is good news


2020-07-23 10:08 | Report Abuse

Ccp MC today. All your eggs are safe from being wasted:)


2020-07-23 08:49 | Report Abuse

Paperplane...if u meant me as a joker doing multi b bz,,, the answer is no..i m just a kuci rat who put common sense into the current scenario... i m nobody and i coupd be very very wrong and u cld be right go all the way acquire maxis and digi...but i maintain my view....

Good to hear u out....wosh u all the best in your favorite counters except XOX..happy trading my fren..cheers


2020-07-23 07:44 | Report Abuse

Yingtze17...may i know where can i get thw ammb report? Thanks


2020-07-23 00:16 | Report Abuse

Chills guys and girls...its better to keep our feet grounded and stop speculating limit up or 50 sen or RM1. Let the interested investors accumulate slowly and garner meaningful stakes....inject their capitals and expertise, get the projects and plans going...eventually when earnings come in, share price will reflect.

And i dun really think it will have big jump, even so also not sustainable.... one shld not compare with ancom logistic. For a stock to move out we need to know how much its its free float....whether its cornered or not and how large is its base...XOX has a share base of over 1b and ancom inly 400 plus m and ligically its easier to push..

For i lnstance take glove counter as an example, runberex is easier to move up than comfort cos of its smaller base. Of course rubberex also more volatile due to that.

Thus, lets hope the news are real and get confirmation from the company. Though it has been announced on BURSA page, its better nkt to get carried away...if u think its still cheap, just diam diam beli. If u think its rubbish, also diam diam jual....thats what i will do. When a stock with hidden value, it will reglect in its share price eventually. If it is proven rubbish, share price will reflect as well in the end....

If this is pure speculative counter in your view, ride with the momentum and take profit when it hits your simple as that.

Happy trading and good luck comrades!


2020-07-22 22:44 | Report Abuse

Paperplane...if i m a shrewd businessman, i would spend as little as possible to acquire a small company to reap my ROI...why soens a fortune to acquire maxis digi or whatsoever with bo management control? Take one with the established co tacts and networks and the potential, inject capitals, inject talents build it from scratch and reap the benefits...that shld be the way in my view...

Its ok if u think some are blowing water but facts remain facts..price is on the upwards bias with all these news floating atound be it real fake or half real and half can choose to joint the ride or continue to criticise...there is no right or wrong...cheers bro!


2020-07-22 22:26 | Report Abuse

FutureGains.... even if Daniel is an accountant or an auditor that is even more interesting. He must be nonimees for someone important that hus or her name cant surface... is that a possibility... that is even bigger news? Dun u think?


2020-07-22 22:17 | Report Abuse

Good123.... how many percent of portfolio shld not be your concern. Aftrr all your stories dun gel now u talk abt others portfolio? Running out if trucks like wat u been tellling ppl last friday there will be floods of news of GP to come out over the weekend? When u said that i just smile and said nothing cos i give u the benefits of adults.... u were just playing guess game, in case u are right u will come out emerge as hero. Deeo down inside i know u wont be hero but i just wait for all to unfold.....

COMRADES, Do we get any news over the weekend about GP? Or is it your balangkali


2020-07-22 22:12 | Report Abuse

And stop talking abt G3....boy. I know G3 price is up. And why its up? Cos its cornered. 10 lots can just bring the price up 5-10 sen....


2020-07-22 22:10 | Report Abuse

Good123....hi boy...dun worry. My savings are well guarded and no damily member will desert me loke whatvu like to belittle whoever that confront or dispel your illogical scams...:) i am from the ear of repco lau, lingui, idris hydraulic, sing heng chan, rahman hydraulic...if u know what i am talking about boy....i m more worry for u, boy.:)) learn the trade and not just emulating ccp with empty talk and excellent publicities... i m sure what i said is hard for you to always, the truth is alway hard to swallow cos it dented your pride...


2020-07-22 21:27 | Report Abuse

Good123....its not our duty as minority to ask who the takers are.. under listing rules, the company has the fiduciary duties to tell the general public...of course if one play with the loob holes and place each under 5% then the listing rules does not apply...u understand boy? Nit our duty to ask case u need to learn....:) anyway i bet u disagree and will reply me in your own smart way. There is no smart of dumb way, there is onky one way to do this....that is the RIGHT WAY...


2020-07-22 21:22 | Report Abuse

Good123....u have been telling grandfather and grandmothwr story my boy....remember? All the old news keep recycling treating all of us like retard like we never read or we live in a cave.. on and off come out and shout and give nothing constructive. I think u need to take a rest, boy....u will be more well liked that way. We have enough of your balangkali...:)))


2020-07-22 21:20 | Report Abuse

Well, i hope i dun offend anyone here. Its just my honest and sincere opinions and all my doubts.....i wish i am all wrong and i wish GP shoot up tnrw like having viagra....and i sincerely hope anyone here can get out or even make some monies...that will be my sincere hope.

Like the saying goes....just hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Cheers and happy trading tmrw all my comrades!!!!


2020-07-22 21:17 | Report Abuse

And here we have good123 aka victor yong keep recycling old news and keep asking ppl to gold and not to sell and wait till after EGM....what is his motive? I would not want to guess and speculate....and he and his tencent twentycent and barangkali this barangkali that....are we going to get barangkali by him with our hard earned money.?


2020-07-22 21:15 | Report Abuse

If u look at the recent example of pp done by XOX, the taker of the 120m pp is announced today within 5 days of its announcement of a pp..pls do not misunderstand here, i m not comparing GO to XOX as a company’s perspective...i m just listing an example how a proper PP os done when the company is moving in a positive directions. You know what? The PP taker is the business partner of Li ka Sing and a director of a hong kong conglomerate...the point i m trying to point out here, when your pp is taken up by someone reputable and credible, u would not hesitate to announce to the public ASAP becos u know that will be the ahot of confidence to the general investing community....

But look at GP, who are all the takers? Almost a month and we as minority is still in the dark...i have a feeling that even at tnrw EGM, u will not get an answer for this....


2020-07-22 21:09 | Report Abuse

Hey guys and girls lets need to be hostile to each other as we are all in for the same purpose which is to make some pocket money... of we want to find a common enemy, that will be likely to be ccp which has failed to delivered and putting up doggy deals of PP.

Honestly, i really do not belive the PP os to any reputable china parties let alone tencent or twenty cent like Good123 ala VICTOR YONG like to make all of us believed and with his “ barangkali”.

The statke dispose by kendall. The 65sen stake the 52 sen stake all gone quiet. To me its just warehousing at diferent places woth nominees.

Come on, if the stake is to reputable parties, why withhold it which does not help with the share price? And i find it perplexing to think that each stake the price is lower than the previous one. If i was the first taker at 80 sen, wouldnt i complain like hell if ccp sell to the second party at 65 aen and then 52 sen? Or are there the same parties? If so, why would i take at higher price?

All these are very logical questions we need to wake up and ask ourselves....may be there is something so BIG that ccp cant tell us who the parties are...lets hope i am wrong..

The more reasonable way to do a pp is to offer at lower price for the taker and same time push the price higher to entice more takers...and look at how it was done. Each pp is lower than the previous....there are few explanations, one the 1st taker is kore stipid tham the 2nd taker and so the 2nd is more stupid than the 3rd and on and on...2nd, the company is not in great shape thus ccp need to beg ppl to take it by offering lower ans lower price..3rd, there is something so strange that u and i canot explain or cant even me, i think its quite easy to understand...

Why kendall exited? I m sure all of us know its unusual for kendal to exit only thing we dare not openly admit there must be something that kendal is not happy about.....


2020-07-22 16:45 | Report Abuse

Going up too fast may not be a good thing. Consistenly ans plan ot with the release of more good news or new development...that may be on their mind


2020-07-22 16:44 | Report Abuse

Somehow i think they wan to keep in a tight range ans same time keep churning the volume to attracy interest


2020-07-22 16:43 | Report Abuse

Its the operators dun wan the price move above 0.19. If they wan to makan just a piece of cake


2020-07-22 16:00 | Report Abuse

Nekosaan....enough my bro. Dun run salt in the wounds.../if u dun have any position please be nice being quiet....many are hurting...if u cant give support and say something nice, just say nothing...this is basic my view....cheers


2020-07-22 15:49 | Report Abuse

Old habbits die hard...continue to trap newbies...:)


2020-07-22 15:37 | Report Abuse

Be cool guys and girls...we are not sure if it push up to sell or push all the way...just watch with an open heart.....


2020-07-22 15:36 | Report Abuse

Paperplane...why are u feeling when ppl cut loss and lost money? We are all comrades here trying to make some pocket money riding on the sharks comrades we shld be helping each other and edge out against the my opinion, i always feel happy when others make money even if i am nit on or already out...i reckon you feel good for others loss is not a very nice gesture...

But who m i to judge....we cant control what others feel and act....we can just disagree.

I sincerely hope u make lots of monies in your favorite counters...cheers bro and best of luck in your trading!!


2020-07-22 15:29 | Report Abuse

Volume picking up....


2020-07-22 15:29 | Report Abuse

Flush out contra players....


2020-07-22 15:26 | Report Abuse

Always “ leave the best for last”


2020-07-22 02:09 | Report Abuse

Every stocks that anyone touches in BURSA are potentially hand must know how to read how the operators works. Cant be 100% right, but 70% accuracy is good enough


2020-07-22 02:05 | Report Abuse

Blood7...glad that u found your teslasss few round in glove. I did myself in comfort and rubberex ard 1plus and lucky to get out at high. Migrated to GP but didnt like the way how tge operators work. Getting a bit uneasy. Its just how i offence...


2020-07-22 02:02 | Report Abuse

Jumam2173....i will be happy if GP shoot up one day or soon. However, i wont joint the dance for now as i have opt out and into XOX a week i will see thru it and see how it goes...


2020-07-22 00:59 | Report Abuse

Blood7....admire u foe your faith in GP and sincerely wish you will get your Tesla real soon . Cheers!!!


2020-07-22 00:01 | Report Abuse

Everyone is selfish, dont we? So its normal


2020-07-22 00:00 | Report Abuse

As it goes...even as a trading stock also seems risky...:)))


2020-07-21 23:59 | Report Abuse

Not trying to disapoint anyone here..positive results still miles least 2 quarter away...and if there is any positive results, it has to be consistent...not one q positive follow hy 2 q losses then another barely breakeven...

This was the trend in the past few years.....all earlier rosy plans and vigorous talks never yield results...


2020-07-21 23:48 | Report Abuse

210m private placement will be listed tmrw?


2020-07-21 23:46 | Report Abuse

Is it true the 210m provate placement will be losted tmrw? Anyone can shed some lights on this?


2020-07-21 23:17 | Report Abuse

Too many stale bulls, everyone is looking to cut loss


2020-07-21 16:26 | Report Abuse

Signnn...bro, hahahah. This is hopeless for the moment. Wait for next quarter. Even i went in at 0.51 weeks ago i got out went in ANCOM...too tired monitoring GP. Will come back again after EGM


2020-07-21 16:16 | Report Abuse

Operators frustrated not many take the baits. Fake buy q


2020-07-21 16:13 | Report Abuse

Ccp not afraid of u throwing eggs. He just afraid u dun take his baits :)