
Agjl | Joined since 2017-12-06

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2020-07-08 09:42 | Report Abuse

I got cheated pastvfew days bought at 0.505. Damn!:)))


2020-07-08 09:36 | Report Abuse

Juman2173....bro, u dun need my event comments and u dun need anyone’s conforting words. Trust yourself and your guts feelings. Like i always said, silence is golden. Only share and comment only if ot help our own comrades here.

Always say, if u like, diam diam buy. If dun like, diam diam sell as well. I have been diam diam. Tats why.

Bro, hooe u feel better and dun cry inside but smile inside ya.

Congrat those bought at 50. Have a great day ahead.

What goes up will come down n what comes down will go up. If there are profits, always good to take. Dun expect it to go all the way. Even if it will, it need to take a breather along the way. Cheers!!!


2020-07-08 09:32 | Report Abuse

Hahahahah it will be interesting to see what the naysayers in the past few days what they will say.....hahahah


2020-07-07 00:51 | Report Abuse

Somehow i am still doubtful anout the big block of kendal stake sold at 80 sen. Call me skeptics if u may but i have seen many such deals over the years in many plc and the mystery buyers always end up was a nobody taking a stake and them disapear few mths later and the price lower and lower. Too many warehousing available with cheap funds..i supposed kendal saw what they disnt like at all and asked for an exit and ccp found his way so the disposal of 100m would not cause an alarm. Anyway, others got the wind of ke dal’s potential exit and sold ahead. That explain why price colapsed. That is my own guess and i could be very wrong.. i have no doubt Kendal knew GP was losing Petronas account. Thus the 5 petro deal quickly popped up.


2020-07-06 21:35 | Report Abuse

Soonli.... appreciate your comments and opinion. I couldnt agree more “wil just hold it and just put aside and not just keep hoping it will go up the next day.....””” thats exactly what many are soing here. Thus when its not moving all the frustrated comments and curse...

Investment is about timing. When u time it right, u still need tome for it yo show...


2020-07-06 18:45 | Report Abuse

G3 up is because this counter is cornered and the volume traded is so little. 10 lots can just triger 10 sen


2020-07-06 12:14 | Report Abuse

Whats so special abt the EGM? Pls dun give false hope. EGM just vote for those resolutions tabled. Let people sell, dun hild people back with your false hope ten sent twenty cent of nosense.

Its obvious the buyer of kendal’s stake is a doggy deal and perhaps just left to right and park in a warehouse waiting to dispose further. Normally, when reputable investors involve, the comoany will announce it accordingly and not being secretive....stop recycling old news and stop talking abt G3 here. GP shld stand on its own and make its mark and churn itsbown profit and not relying on associate. Thats my 2 sen


2020-07-06 12:08 | Report Abuse

Setel already developned itsviwn app. No wonder Kendal exited. Kendal know what we dont. Pity us ikan billis


2020-07-03 16:50 | Report Abuse

Nekosaan....hahahaha. I guess u still cant get over withbyour own embarassmentbthat your extraction of old news to scare people....wakakaka....i can only smile with an open hard , young man....:))


2020-07-03 16:15 | Report Abuse

Stock wizard..good that u realised the two are the same person. The style of recycling and keep talking abt other company


2020-07-03 14:41 | Report Abuse

Zzzztradee....Good123 is Victor Yong...:)))


2020-07-03 12:09 | Report Abuse

Spartan Fury...thank you for your insightful comments. I enjoy reading your constructive and ligical predictions and wat if... this is what we in this forum needed the most...keep up the good works

Sometime we just have to ignore certain noises when they absolutely made jo sense at all by any logical standard. The best way is not to respond. Respond to those who challenge you aensibky and logically. In that way, u and we may grow cos everyone has very diferent perspective be it right or wrong...and not just some plunck form the sky 0.01 or RM2.

We have to be realistic. Whatever corporate game thisbguyvis playing we cant tell for sure. My view is the price will stay range bound for time being until most their ground works are done and till more juicier news to be unveil if there is anymore left..

Meanwgie, bro, keep up the good work and comment.. like the old saying, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The global market is already vulnerable and uncertain enough, not only individual stock. Even if we put all in to gold today, any reversal of event will turn your gold into junks.. thus, there is always unceratinties in whatever we are after....but with calculated risks we can beat the odds. We cant win all the time, what determine the winner is “ u win more than u lose”!!! Thats what i learnt from over 30 years in the market.

I won some in glove but i lost some lately on others. Net off i still win. So i considered myself beaten the market and be thankful.

Many here are treating syocks like casinos. All gooe to buy now but profit already in yesterday. With such a mentality, one can is better off heading to genting.

And a drop in price will send doce of naysayers out to call out loud doom days are here....this is irational and emotional my view. Of course many will disagree with me, especially nekosaan bro :)))

Meanwhile, hand in there. In my view at this level i belive i can make 15% gain in 6 mths which is good for me considering FD rate of onky 2.8%. Of course i may lose 15% 6 mths down the road. Every coin has two side. Thats the risk i m taking.

Cheers all and be cool. Hope everyone well and mak lots of it. All the best!!!


2020-07-02 17:22 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha....drop 0.005 someone quickly emerged and said” collapsed” :)))


2020-07-01 21:12 | Report Abuse

Isnt it obvious? :)


2020-07-01 21:12 | Report Abuse

Good123 aka Victor Yong :)))


2020-07-01 11:47 | Report Abuse

Nekosaan...hahahah. I guess u embarassed urself too much in the past few days thus u tend to put words in others mouth...what to do, dealing with such person, just keep quiet and enjoy the trading.

Aiseh u are right i didnt sell at 54, onky 535s. Aiyah so bad lah. Hahahahah kakakakak. Keep up the good work bro.

When it turn red again please remember to extract the 2018 capital reduction proposal again ya...kakakaka


2020-07-01 11:41 | Report Abuse

Nekosaan...keep up the good work bro.:)


2020-07-01 11:40 | Report Abuse

Nekosaan....hahahaha. Like i said u have ur chance and now is ur change. Kindly read the above. What i have done.:). I can only smile with an open heart.


2020-07-01 11:31 | Report Abuse

We all just trying to make some pocket monies. Sharing and comment constructively is greatly encouraged. Anyway, what goes up will come down. Dun worry, nekosaan, u will have ur chance again...hahahah. Just sold at 54. Back later


2020-07-01 11:28 | Report Abuse

Nekosaan.... whatever price it goes up or go down i will just act quitely...unlike some....:))) becos i just responsible for myself and i dun need to influence otgers by scaring or prasing....its justvthat simple. Hahaha. At least i sun have capital reduction in mind...hahahahah


2020-07-01 11:15 | Report Abuse

It drop u buy. Its up u sell. Simple as that. Greed os always the downfall


2020-07-01 11:14 | Report Abuse

Be realistic!!! Dun think it will just shoot to 80 sen in the short term. It will be ard this range 50-58 sen. Good trading


2020-07-01 11:06 | Report Abuse

Sorry its 54 now


2020-07-01 11:06 | Report Abuse

Bough at 50 sen yesterday , sell at 53 sen fake rebound now, a cool gain without capital...fake is good for first time:)))


2020-07-01 11:05 | Report Abuse

I really dun mind its a fake rebound or genuine far as i know up or down i siam diam beli, whenever there is a rebound i just sell. I sun waste time criricising, praising or recycling old news


2020-07-01 11:04 | Report Abuse

Here it comes” sell on fake rebound””:)


2020-07-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

U r a great talent as a politician:)


2020-07-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

Hahahahahah...please look at what our brother or sister nekosaan write a while ago...up up up now. He or she said....hahahahahahah laught die me


2020-07-01 10:50 | Report Abuse

Later people will come and say,,push up for distribution. Yes, when they push, we ikan billise who bought yesterday can distribute also :)


2020-07-01 10:49 | Report Abuse

Volumr is already more than yesterday and its not even 11am


2020-07-01 10:48 | Report Abuse

Hahaha whatever they will be saying and whoever was sochai and trapped yesterday, u are in the money!! Congrat!!!


2020-07-01 10:46 | Report Abuse

But dun worry, those who are looking forward to a big drop, there is still a probability. All is not lost. Keep hoping and it will come true. Meanwhile, just keep watching those who entered at 50 sen yesterday make a quick kill and dispose for a quick buck today at 55 sen or tmrw 58


2020-07-01 10:44 | Report Abuse

Oh wait a minute...i almost forgotten our nekosaa brother....” run, capital reduction 8 become 4, 4 become 2” lol.... and extractbthe 2018 proposal out again


2020-07-01 10:42 | Report Abuse

I m interested to read what tjose naysayers will say today. Ok let me see..will be something like that” sochai its a trap” “ tjose who bought wire die and damn sochai” bla bla bla....or may be up morning afternoon down and in red and dun get trap...:)))


2020-07-01 10:41 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha many naysayers in the past few days will be greatly disapoiinted today. Early early.m Q to buy at low low...:at 45 sen:)


2020-06-30 17:15 | Report Abuse

Victor yong bro... appreciate your recycling efforts..i believe we all can read and as accessible to print media and electronic media like u do . :) please tell us what we dun know and what the press dun know.


2020-06-30 17:13 | Report Abuse

Especially to nekosaan bro...dun be sad today didnt reach your target price of 0.20. But u still have one weapon and one hope, that is CAPITAL REDUCTION, which u been religiously sing out loud here. Anything is possible bro. I believe if u keep talking about it, the company will get scare and continue make losses and going towards the path pf capital reduction...:))) pray and wish hard, your wish may come true.....

And dun forget to extract the 2018 proposal and put it in this forum and scare people ya.:)))


2020-06-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

For those who expect the melt down ans q low low to buy in the afternoon session probably has to be disapointed for today...dun be sad and dun give up. There is always tmrw:). And also next mths. May be if ubwaited enough and keep up the negatives talk on gp the price may drop yo 40 sen then i can buy in bulks. Anything is possible , sun we agree?


2020-06-30 15:40 | Report Abuse

If u bought in 2019 at 40 sen and sols at 1 a mth ago thats a very good performing stock. Dun understamd why u getvtrapped for 7 years? Unless u bought at RM7


2020-06-30 15:36 | Report Abuse

Wait until 4pm see whether got luck or not. :)))


2020-06-30 15:35 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha those q low low wana buy has to be disappibted lor


2020-06-30 14:26 | Report Abuse

Clock is ticking.....tick tok tick tot...ready......SELL!!!!!???? BUY!!!!!!??? for some...


2020-06-30 14:23 | Report Abuse

Mushroom....if we can sell at 515 lah. Hahaha


2020-06-30 14:20 | Report Abuse

Whenever victor recomend u better run


2020-06-30 14:19 | Report Abuse

Ann at the end of day close above 40 then we all bang our balls. This is how we all get screw all the time :)))


2020-06-30 14:18 | Report Abuse

I think ccp will wait for all of us to rush to sell and he is waiting at 40 sen lol


2020-06-30 14:17 | Report Abuse

What he bought can then just transfer to comoany acct, perhaps


2020-06-30 14:15 | Report Abuse

Of course later when he announce they r getting ready to prepare apllication for license all will go crazy. Hahaha. Thats the name of the game. I believe the game is still on. Just the price will stay ugly for a while.


2020-06-30 14:13 | Report Abuse

Of course ccp knew the results is in the loss. Thats why he bought and make everyone think its all still good


2020-06-30 13:46 | Report Abuse

Later ccp say they r in the process submission , them all go crazy again...hahahah