
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2015-05-30 14:34 | Report Abuse

What are you talking abt Vinvin?Last night US announces gdp contracts for the 1st time instead of expands,so what do you think?According to quite a few economists their analysis tells them the qe doesn't wrk and would only prolong and create a bigger prb as excessive liquidity drives up world market,properties,commodities etc, etc to unprecedented heights. When the bubble bursts the central banks have no more tools to help anymore as interest rates is already so low.Well we will never know when but I strongly believe the time will come.


2015-05-30 14:04 | Report Abuse

I feel very bad now for pulling others who trusted my judgement down as well.That's why I had said earlier only market can humble us.


2015-05-30 12:57 | Report Abuse

I guess I couldn't believe the strong movement could lead to so much retracement when there is no visible major crisis at the moment.This operator is horrible but then only can blame on my wrong judgement!This is a shark's world!However I noted the extremely high volume earlier and that's how they play stocks like ifca when I saw it running from .17-18 cts! Really luck is just not on my side.If only I wasn't so concern over stock market correction and didn't consolidate my position to this one thinking it will outperform and would not drop like it did as you have seen many counters like that despite this bearish market sentiment.I would have save a lot of money and not lose back more than what I made the last few mths.Sigh..what is meant to be is meant to be.Cannot fight against LUCK!


2015-05-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

Tcb,what's your reading of biohldg?


2015-05-30 10:53 | Report Abuse

Traderman,I looked at some of your comments just now and my conclusion is you are a very sharp and agile trader and not part of the operator..Almost 20 yrs ago,I was complimented by many a sharp trader but I was not even near you.Now getting old already and I do find reaction/response also so much slower including eyesight as well.Hats off to you.


2015-05-29 20:52 | Report Abuse

The small head and shoulder chart for klse indicates target level of abt 1718.still got 30 pts to go,how to guess correctly what level it wants to push down when it's obvious to me they still want to depress the price?No choice have to suffer in silence till they are done!


2015-05-29 20:37 | Report Abuse

I think they offload when it was over 100 million shrs.I don;t think they offload on the 1st day perhaps they even buy.


2015-05-29 19:50 | Report Abuse

What a bit of luck! I need plenty of them lah cause though my eyes are same but results are the reverse!


2015-05-29 19:45 | Report Abuse

traderman,sometimes I wonder whether you are part of biohldg syndicate.Are you?Of course you won't tell even if you are,would you.My uncomfortable was right when it shoot up at .335 that day with such a high vol.It's very difficult to guess with this counter as I am at a loss what the operator wants to do.It just looks to me they want to depress further the price.Since it's broke the .315 it's really up to the syndicate what it wants to do just like tekseng-wa.Tekseng-wa chart though it broke it's low but manage to rally 50% retracement when it hits the lower bollinger band.Now biohldg is at it's lower bollinger band.In any strong counter the retracement of .76.4 is the most which is .305.However I have seen ewein which broke new high then broke new low before it broke a new high again.When it broke new low,it hits the lower bollinger band for it's mthly chart.Now it's anybody's guess what the operator intends to draw the chart as they probably holds a majority stake in the company.


2015-05-29 19:31 | Report Abuse

take these 2 counters e.g.earlier i bought microlnk at abt .6 then I sold abt ,645 bf it shoot up to .72.I run because it was abt 200 ma.I didn't want to hold as I was very cautious on the market as I fear maket correction.The it came down again abt ,61 cts.I saw it was resting on 40/50 ma but I told myself though chart is very nice,since it's illiquid I don't want to have so many hands in other stocks as I was consolidating my stock position.I just want to hold stock that I have reasons for it.Hence I took it out frm my screen the saw the results.Would u dare to chase when market sentiment is so frail furthermore with my lousy luck?Omesti apparently holds a certain percent of microlnk .Can you believe there was a 10^%private placement of microlnk at .50 before the rise They then depress the price so that the private placement price is low.Something cooking here?Wouldn't the owner knows profit is good,why would they want to give placement at ,50% are they stupid? See what I mean?


2015-05-29 19:01 | Report Abuse

I saw kanger at ard .405 before the bonus issue.The chart then was very nice but I found it's very highly geared and they are into china property market.That stops me from buying.The next few days it went up very quickly to over .60 cts! I have no regrets cause some money you just can take which I associate like drug money.Right now whatever I see is just wrong as luck is not on my side.Stocks that I don't have confidence it went up and the reverse holds true.As for cap being a very cautious trader,I won't enter.Look at k1 today.Who would have anticipated that it broke up the high recently but it crashed down today.I would have thought the syndicate would have anticipated the results as I feel everything is shown in the chart.The fact it broke up the high recently would have given you the indication that the results are probably good.See how wrong it could be?This only implies that there is the crocodile trap that perhaps the syndicate has known what the results were but pushed up the price to unload! The reason why I unload other counters to consolidate into this counter is because I like the business model and I feel there is growth here.Looking then at the chart,such a strong movement endorse my thinking but I do note that the volume earlier was simply too high.Without fail too high volume indicates they are unloading hence now they are depressing the price to accumulate again.The million dollar question is now how low before they push up again.Current market scenario has a lot of risks out there.


2015-05-29 18:19 | Report Abuse

kpscb was previously from second board.The thing abt this company is the gearing ratio is simply too high for my liking.I was beaten previously by megan media buying it thinking earnings is so strong every yr which I turn a blind eye to its gearing ratio.I only cut the minute it announces it could not pay it's loan.I vow then not to look at counters that has high gearing eventhough the earnings is strong.They could con you as I feel there are many crocodile traps in the stockmarket.However xinquan suits my taste but I daren't buy due to it's chart.I buy when fundamentally and technically is to my liking.


2015-05-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

Wah, Vinvin you can have the imagination of thinking that way abt Biohldg?A real paradigm shift for me.


2015-05-29 17:05 | Report Abuse

Trademan,don't underestimate vinvin ability to stomach losses.I think he is the kind of investor I spoke about earlier who doesn't care and have very strong conviction of the counter he chooses.Those type really make lots of money but they do go thru pain and their tolerance threshold is unbelievable to me.Am I right to make this conclusion about you,Vinvin?


2015-05-29 16:46 | Report Abuse

The funny thing abt xinquan is why does this counter at this price when every yr earnings is abt .40 cts and cash rich?What the hell is wrong with this counter?Is it afraid of fraud accounting?Can anyone shed some lights on this counter?


2015-05-29 16:40 | Report Abuse

Are you sure he will cry ,for all you know he is indeed so very happy cause he can accumulate so much more at cheap price!


2015-05-29 16:30 | Report Abuse

For all you know,the operator is looking into this forum and see what the retailers think.Cannot reveal too much of biohldg.How long you wanna torture us?


2015-05-29 16:02 | Report Abuse

Look at
april 1st there abt 2013 then draw till 16th dec 2014,can you see the potential right shoulder forming?


2015-05-29 14:54 | Report Abuse

jy108,since you are looking at the chart,look back the chart before 2008 and see the head and shoulder formation and draw out the target price and you will find it's 800.I couldn't believe myself when I saw and draw the target.But then I was a chart learner of abt 5 yrs though fearful of what I read abt head and shoulder formation but not sure how true it can be.See what I mean the operator just want to depress the prce.10000 sellers.


2015-05-29 14:17 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468,you ada inside information berkenaan dengan biohldg kah?Mengapa begitu pasti?


2015-05-29 14:16 | Report Abuse

Jy108,I am still not good enough to tell you the time frame.However you have to watch when the klci breaks 1673-1680 you better sell.You and I will never know the reasons why but the operator has already known what risks lie ahead,hence the chart formation.


2015-05-29 12:21 | Report Abuse

Wah vinvin you are cool as a cucumber! Do you look at charts?


2015-05-29 12:19 | Report Abuse

As for biohldg,since it broke the .315 ,it's a guessing game now.Only the operator knows what level he is targeting and yet the index has not even hit 1718! As have said earlier,the operator keeps on wanting to depress the price.It's most unfortunate i went into this counter.A new discovery a few days ago,it's important to look at the hourly chart! Had I look into this,I wouldn't have buy back when I sold a chunk at .3771!


2015-05-29 12:07 | Report Abuse

Jy108,you will never know but the index operator knows something and it's indicated in the chart.For those who look at the chart, they are scared of the possibilities.I use to trade without charts in my early yrs but since 2003 I started to look and since then I have never trade without looking at charts,It tells you the possibilities and it helps to manage your risk.Before the drop in 2008 to 801,the chart already showing the potential head and shoulder formation targeting the index at 800 when the index then was around 1300.Who would believe when the index was ard 1300 and you tell them the chart had a potential head and should formation targeting 800?They would think that you are being ridiculous!


2015-05-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

You are a man?Gosh your name sounds like a lady!


2015-05-29 11:31 | Report Abuse

Vinvin is a very patient lady.I lack that kind of patience.In this game, to be successful one must be patient and able to stomach losses.


2015-05-29 11:15 | Report Abuse

Hats off to you for playing this counter.Reality is playing this counter pays off for many.However one must be decisive in cutting loss when it hits certain level.You mustn't wait till you are break even otherwise it might never come.Now it's a very difficult market now.Stocks that shows chart that are rather safe bet is no longer safe and those which you think is risky pays off.Really luck factor is so very important at this moment.


2015-05-29 10:53 | Report Abuse

I still think it's accumulating stage.The syndicate keep trying to depress price to accumulate whereas counter like ifcamsc I believe it's distributing stage.They don't depress price.


2015-05-29 10:30 | Report Abuse

Zhm540 as long you are aware.No risk no gain,right?


2015-05-29 10:07 | Report Abuse

Zhm540,pworth is a highly geared stock of over 5 times.In my opiniion it's highly probably a pn4 counter unless you do your homewrk to find out wht assets they have that people would want to avert the risk or else have to raise right issue.Hence better be careful


2015-05-29 09:53 | Report Abuse

JY108,don't discount the possibility of market heading for 1450 if it breaks the 1680 level .There is a potential bigger head and shoulder formation.In the first place have you thought why market hit 1900 earlier?It went up due to excessive liquidity.You think our economy and world is good?World market went up to this lofty level due to excessive liquidity of q1,q2,q3 all over the world!Don't be overly bullish and it's prudent to be cautious and wise to reduce stock position.Otherwise when it hits there,you will find all the yrs accumulate gain is not enough to cover your paper/realised losses


2015-05-29 09:19 | Report Abuse

The only thing that bothers me now is the klci daily chart of smaller head and shoulder formation is targeting ard 1718 but weekly chart immediate potential head and shoulder formation says that if breaks 1730 will head to ard 1557 (approx) From the daily indicators due to rather low I am just guessing probably it hits 1718 but have to close above 1730 on the weekly chart so that it negates the weekly chart head and shoulder formation.Question in my mind,would they bash down biohldg and break below .315 during this time?Looking at the biohldg chart,the low should be around here already and I still believe there is a chance to hit .4 even in the event they intend to break the .315 eventually to the test the low of .255


2015-05-28 20:31 | Report Abuse

Unless this counter is linked with 1mdb which I think not,right?The gov investment arm holds over 51% but that doesn't mean Najib holds it.Pls correct me if I am wrong in the deduction.


2015-05-28 15:45 | Report Abuse

Market tortures continue....


2015-05-28 15:40 | Report Abuse

As I see it unless dow jones heading for major correction,I don't see the reason for the breakdown if it breaks at .315.


2015-05-28 11:50 | Report Abuse

I think genuine sellers have reduced drastically.It's the syndicate that's blocking and try to con you to sell


2015-05-28 11:48 | Report Abuse

I doubt at most .325


2015-05-28 11:34 | Report Abuse

Technically it shouldn't break .32 .In fact when it first hits .32 only 200 board lots was done.However this time round so many lots were done and it even broke .315.I guess it's the intention for the syndicate to flush out weak holders For it to resumes it's uptrend it would first mend the uptrend line


2015-05-28 09:45 | Report Abuse

It's good enough at least not to depress the price!This syndicate just wanna keep on depressing the price!If they had supported the price,it would have hold at .35 cts!Now it broke the uptrend line since listing.This syndicate just waiting for opportunity to depress lower to accumulate and flush out weak heart holders!


2015-05-27 19:01 | Report Abuse

In my view,if this counter goes below .315 I believe then the syndicate has the intention to test the all time low of .255 or even lower to accumulate.That would be the case when they see dow jones has convincingly struck major top and heading for the 20-30% correction.In fact when it broke the .32 to hit .315 I was already feeling uncomfortable but it did close at .32 I still feel you cannot hold for long term at the present moment unless one is prepared to stomach paper losses.


2015-05-27 11:52 | Report Abuse

Well,if your total quantity is not so much then as long you can stomach the losses,it's alright.I have seen people who can stomach many hundred thousand dollars losses and see it gains hundred thousands dollars without having any impact on them.These people who are very long term 5-10 yrs and eventually they got out many times (5-10) their cost.These people are eventual winners.If you have that kind of character then it's ok.They are very happy when the prices go down cause they keep buying.From my over 20 yrs experience biohldg should hold this price at .315-32 and not go down lower.I am managing my risk now as I am uncomfortable with the world market especially dow jones.World market has been going up relentlessly since 2009 and the last 3-4 yrs it has not gone thru a 15%-20% corrrection.It's undeniable they went up due to excessive liquidity and prices of many many counters are already very high.In order not to give back the accumulated gain over the yrs,one has to keep trimming your total position.Otherwise one major correction like 20-30% can wipe out all your gains over the yrs.Of course they will be paper losses if you didn't sell.


2015-05-27 10:03 | Report Abuse

I am not so sure as you,Vinvin.The thing about market is very difficult to be certain of anything and it can only humble us.Early fearful of a correction,I sold all my the other stock holding and move to this counter thinking it's a better bet than others.How wrong I am as my other counters didn't lose so much in fact one counter jhm I sold at .155 thinking since it's below 200 day MA cannot perform at most rebound and switch to this biohldg!The other counter abric sold at .51 went down to .495 now it's .53 but I use the money to buy biohldg at .36.See how wrong it could be.It's most unfortunate that I got into this counter thinking it can out perform since the earlier movement is so strong but instead the syndicate keeps pressing it down.Can never be sure of anything in the market.I do hope you are right but we cannot trade on hope.Very long term I think it will come back.But the million question is when and where does it go down before it comes up.The dow jones index is very vulnerable to a very sharp correction 20-30% so when it happens,how long will it go down.How much losses can one stomachs that's where one has to manage risk.Hopefully it will go up before dow jones correct.


2015-05-27 08:36 | Report Abuse

Another torturing day!


2015-05-26 21:43 | Report Abuse

Kalau kuat,shouldn't have broken at .35! Retrace a lot lah!


2015-05-26 20:08 | Report Abuse

Sindiket ini memang teruk sekali.Masih menekan harganya untuk memunggut.Mereka memang pandai sehingga saya pun kepala pusing dan kurang pasti lagi!


2015-05-26 17:00 | Report Abuse

Ai yoh masih keras kah?Begitu lembut sekali!


2015-05-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

You can see early where vol was well over 100k yet prices didn't drop.Actually the syndicate intentionally push it down.Look at hovid,it is maintaining very well.Really if they don't push down the prices and support it,it won't go down so much.


2015-05-26 16:16 | Report Abuse

Exactly too much volume with little price rise doesn't seem too good to me.Looking at the chart,price low should be around there but yet such huge volume with little price rise gives uncomfortable feeling.Wondering how low the syndicate wants to do.They really want to flush you out and make you fearful. Taking the sellers could be themselves.


2015-05-26 16:02 | Report Abuse

We are not out of the woods till it convincing break above .355


2015-05-26 15:56 | Report Abuse

prices plunge but only lebound,lebound hence can only conclude still accumulating stage.