
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2015-06-23 09:46 | Report Abuse

Of course bigger picture(forest) takes precedence before the trees(stocks).I am neither bullish but stocks don't go straight up nor down.With the current world market scenario,I still think cannot too long term for myself.Some people don't care the ups and down and they see the stock long term fundamentals and hold up to 5-6 yrs.They ignore any paper losses as they think it's temporary.Actually those people are the ones who made a lot of money but I can't be like them as I cannot stomach too much loses.


2015-06-22 21:02 | Report Abuse

Agm is tomorrow so I guess there will be news coming out in the afternoon and in the newspaper on Wednesday.Closely watch out for the price action.


2015-06-22 20:58 | Report Abuse

I do find this counter attractive at this price.Checked the balance sheet, excluding the debtors they have net cash of 35 million which translates to abt .21 cts cash per shr.since listing they have been making money and though the earnings quarter by quarter is diminishing they still make 1.2 cts per shrs.Could the current price bottoming?


2015-06-22 19:10 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468,don't have to be so hard on traderman.Perhaps he has been too overly bearish as the bad news overwhelm his head that he forgets that market never go straight up nor down.I was once like that and even over so many yrs , fear still overwhelms me though I know at that point of time you should not be.We are human and as I have said before ONLY market can humble us.We can never be right all the time,however as long we have more rights than wrongs and the positions we take during the rights much more than wrongs,we will be perfectly fine though sometimes it's the reverse that's where you bleed and that's where risk management must be in placed.But still he made a bold call and take a stand.Not many dare to do that just like many remisiers often refuse to made a stand for clients as they will only remember a bad call but never remember the good ones.My stand is as long the reasons at that point of time are valid for such a call and not an emotional ones,never look back.


2015-06-22 15:46 | Report Abuse

watch out for tmclife.The earlier announcement stating they need the money from the new warrant conversion to build the new hospital in JB and the extension in tropicanal hospital.New warrant whose exercise price is .75 will be listed this wk.They might push mother price above .75 and trading at a premium to the warrant conversion so to bait investors to convert like tekseng-wa.


2015-06-22 15:11 | Report Abuse

Called up registra again.It is said that they paid $1 for accepting the option offer and the time frame for the exercise is yet to be known.Since earlier announcement saying it should not be more than 10% discount over avg market price, the exercise price is yet to be announced.


2015-06-21 16:10 | Report Abuse

The recent announcemebt about esos,I saw a few million shrs for a few employees and stated an offer of $1. I called registra last friday abt this and yet to receive reply from them.Does anybody knows exactly wht it means $1 only for the few million shrs or $1 per shr?I thought the announcement said that it should not more than 10% discount over the market price?


2015-06-20 17:09 | Report Abuse

According to the announcements,it was mentioned that the amt raised from the new warrant conversion will be used to build hospital.Who would want to convert if mother share is below .75? Could it be possible that they push mother shares beyond .75 and the warrant tags along but at a discount so to bait the warrant holders to convert as they need the money for the construction of new hospitals plus the extention of tropicana hospital just like tekseng -wa.


2015-06-19 14:51 | Report Abuse

As I see it,Biohld is going to break out soon.However it might retrace slightly from here.


2015-06-18 14:54 | Report Abuse

Don't be too happy,Vinvin as .305 is the upside of the downtrend channel .Moreever .305 is also the .764 retracement gain of the earlier upside.Looks like market cannot hold at 1718 which I think maybe likely to hit 1686 before a more meaningful rebound will occur


2015-06-17 16:32 | Report Abuse

Could this level a buying opportunity?The indicators are rather low already,does it has the momentum to break all time low?


2015-06-17 13:43 | Report Abuse

Could we have been too overly fearful?


2015-06-16 11:22 | Report Abuse

I guess you are right on this as technically the base of the green candle at .27 also broken and at this price rebound is also too mild to look good.


2015-06-16 10:06 | Report Abuse

See what I mean,this counter only wants to go down.Despite the low vol relative to earlier ones,operator could easily support the prices if wants to.Once it goes down,rebound is very mild even it has dropped quite significantly.Look at Hovid,the price is holding relatively well cause the operator supports the price and when people see that it does induce selling maybe further buying instead


2015-06-15 20:41 | Report Abuse

Jupiter,actually no one really knows where it will drop to as we are only guessing.Only the operator knows what level it hopes to achieve and they too are testing the market.Now the sentiment favours their intention to depress the price.Once a counter breaks it's new low,the normal target is 10%,15%,20%,25% and so on off it's previous low.


2015-06-15 18:59 | Report Abuse

The 1st bad sign was it broke the 1st low of .32 where then 10 lots were done initially only.Looking at the 60 mins charts it had broken the trend line since ipo when it broke .35.AT .305 it would have given back .764 % gain yet you can see the operator seem to keep depressing price.When it breaks ,295 ,you can see support is weak even at this level.I was hoping that it could rally to the upper bollinger band since the earlier movement was so strong but unfortunately the rally never come.I am of the same opinion as traderman that it would likely break ,255 and test the ipo price since the situation is favourable for them to achieve the target as dow is also trading at a very precarious level.No need to be sad as only money is lost for at least our lives are spared not like the victims of Nepal earthquakes and the drowned cruise in China where so many lives were taken.As long as we are alive,there always have opportunities,hence it's very important to manage your risk so that you still have the capital to take advantage of the opportunity when it arises.


2015-06-15 13:16 | Report Abuse

Are we showing who's muscles are bigger here?


2015-06-10 18:43 | Report Abuse

Understood.Is there any impending bad news you heard coming out for this counter?


2015-06-10 15:41 | Report Abuse

Trademan,.255 is the all time low.If it breaks .255 what makes you think it will stop at .25?


2015-06-10 15:33 | Report Abuse

Mirror mirror on the wall,where will the index hit the floor?


2015-06-09 16:23 | Report Abuse

This operator only wants to depress the price.What level is really up to them to draw the chart!


2015-06-09 09:29 | Report Abuse

Dow is in the danger zone hence our biohldg also very vulnerable.


2015-06-08 18:51 | Report Abuse

I think if market world wide crashes,it might even drop to below .20 cts,lol! I am not discounting that from happening.As it is now,I think it's more likely to rally first before it breaks new low if that is going to happen.


2015-06-08 16:27 | Report Abuse

Traderman,you must bear in mind the volume then was still high and it 's highly unlikely in my opinion it will behave this way unless dow jones crashes these few days.


2015-06-08 16:22 | Report Abuse

I still think this round won't break .295.Tomorrow is probably last day for heavy volume.If after tomorrow,it doesn't want to go down then good chance for an upward rally.


2015-06-06 14:02 | Report Abuse

Here's one of the reason why the next financial crisis can happen.


2015-06-05 08:25 | Report Abuse

For those ardent fans of gold,here is the link for your reading pleasure.


2015-06-04 20:23 | Report Abuse

Takaful,don't want la.At this price it's probably in the range of abt $13!I bought earlier on only 1.30 something to 1.4 for so long ,could wait cut loss before the rise!


2015-06-04 18:39 | Report Abuse

It is also possible that the operator knew 1st quarter result is always down they push up rapidly to unload(the private placement ones) then when the result is out they push down to accumulate.Unless this stock 's fundamentals is a lie,they are pushing down to accumulate.How is it before listing the gov's investment arm took abt the rest to make up 51% holdings?They must have seen the potential in this company .


2015-06-04 16:37 | Report Abuse

Market sentiment is giving a field day for this operator.They love to depress the price and what level is anybody's guess now.However the 40 day moving average should be ard .345-.355.


2015-06-04 15:25 | Report Abuse

jy108,be careful of you ifcamsc


2015-06-04 10:05 | Report Abuse

Trade cautiously and nervously in this market.Another well known chartist warned last night of a big drop looming for dow.I believe preservation of capital is key rather % return of capital.


2015-06-03 12:09 | Report Abuse

No matter how bearish it is,it doesn't go straight down nor up if the reverse is true.We cannot discount the possibility of rallying to between 1780-1810 before it comes down giving an even bearish downside if 1670-1680 is broken.


2015-06-03 10:57 | Report Abuse

Noober,I still think bio that day at .295 is the low for the current moment.The worse as I see it is to go back to .30 before the next upward rally.


2015-06-03 10:03 | Report Abuse

zhm540.I don't want to switch here and there as luck is not on my side.Had I not done that,I would still be able to hold the accumulated few mths gain.Now it's completely wipe out and more in the red.This is a very difficult market for me and I better stay aside and watch people make otherwise I will be more in the red!


2015-06-03 08:50 | Report Abuse

Alancheeseng,I don't know about that I just look at the charts and see the possibilities.


2015-06-03 08:18 | Report Abuse

I re-look the charts and found that KLCI future has a small head and shoulder formation targeting 1708 and KLCI at 1718 as originally envisaged.It's rather difficult to be exact as it is rather small and my eyes are not that good.I still believe there won't be any major meltdown as yet till market rebounds and go sideways for a while as market is rather oversold and many indicators are rather low.Of course stocks selection is utmost importance.


2015-06-02 17:24 | Report Abuse

Not official!I don't want to manage for people lah cause it's very stressful! I feel very bad when I am losing people's money!


2015-06-02 15:36 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468,I don't think traderman 's intention is bad,perhaps he has his reasons why he said so.I am equally baffled why this counter is behaving this way.In fact I lost a lot a lot of money(believe me when i said a lot) and also other people's money as well as I am managing their funds!


2015-06-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

If you are in America where firearms are readily available,one of you could die physically and the other in jail.What for?It's a forum for debate and perhaps let go some frustration like I did(sorry guys/gals) but no personal attack please otherwise you know lah when you are cool.Remember "ANGER" is your biggest enemy.


2015-06-02 15:08 | Report Abuse

Pls don't fight guys.Don't waste your energy as you really need a lot of it in the battle field lah!


2015-06-02 14:48 | Report Abuse

It shows a very injured lamb!


2015-06-02 14:30 | Report Abuse

"boh lat " already.Hit whatever also die,I think I better stay aside for a long while.Thanks anyway


2015-06-02 13:48 | Report Abuse

One word for this counter "WEAK" Despite hitting at .295 and it's still behave the way it does,it worries me whether it would stop at .295!


2015-06-01 11:01 | Report Abuse

Correction,the small head and shoulder daily targets at around 1730


2015-06-01 08:31 | Report Abuse

Zhm540,we are talking abt probabilities as I believe no one really knows the market.Every one has their own trading plan and as long one is comfortable with it there is no right or wrong answer.A trading plan that is successful for one person may not be suitable for the other as the plan may not suit the character of the trader


2015-05-31 18:45 | Report Abuse

Trademan,what made you said that?


2015-05-30 15:05 | Report Abuse

In times of adversity,you wish someone knows the answer.Actually no one knows,you can only guess.The probability of right really depends on the basis you guess,yet nothing is for sure.