
Anthem2 | Joined since 2018-01-26

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2018-06-05 23:47 | Report Abuse

Now let's see it's true value start to show!


2018-06-03 14:05 | Report Abuse

As reiterated before price movement of Dnex pre n post 0509 does not indicate any crony connections. Possibly contracted by crony middle man companies to carry out the real work while they skimmed off the top. Reckon that with their know how and proven capabilities, it is possible that they're looked upon as the next MYEG without the massive overvaluing of contracts. Never can trust that Wong fella after what he did with the former Pallette.


2018-05-30 17:03 | Report Abuse

For the believers-Onwards and Upwards!


2018-05-30 16:55 | Report Abuse

What a crazy day! For those who got spooked, tks for the bargains. If not for the meltdown, dunno where it would have reached.


2018-05-29 22:56 | Report Abuse

Fed up with the doomsayers la. All it needs is a little research n homework. I have a feeling that most of them missed the bus and hoping what they say will convince people to sell cheap. Good try! LOL!


2018-05-29 16:22 | Report Abuse

Selling on news? LOL! More like sell on rumors, now that officially QR is out, tomorrow will be buy on news!


2018-05-29 12:47 | Report Abuse

Imagine those inventories sold just last week at USD 80 per barrel.


2018-05-29 12:18 | Report Abuse

There is no way a well managed upstream O&G Co will make a loss at prevailing oil prices. Yes, some creative accounting was practised but that was to downsize what could be frightening ballooning profits which was deemed to be not the appropriate time to release at these turbulent times.


2018-05-29 00:13 | Report Abuse

If tomorrow KLSE open , got chance to buy on dip. Now because of holiday, lots of time for rethinking n research. Maybe lowest can get RM1! Damn, shoulda just picked up more!


2018-05-28 22:46 | Report Abuse

Basically the challenge was to contain the profits to within a ‘reasonable’ amount. Some massaging had to be done,


2018-05-25 08:18 | Report Abuse

Next MYEG? Dunno. Initially thought it was politically linked to previous government but price movements pre n post GE didn't indicate so. Robust fundamentals reasonably good QR? Let's hope.


2018-05-25 08:09 | Report Abuse

Totally agree with that n hoping transparency, honesty n the rule of law becomes the new norm.


2018-05-25 00:47 | Report Abuse

Cursing? He just called a spade a spade! A piece of shit by any other name would still stink! And as far as I can see work is already being done at breakneck speed.


2018-05-25 00:38 | Report Abuse

At the end of the day, transparency and honesty will lure the honest investors with a long term view. Those FIFO investors who want to make a quick buck and run can go......and shove their money up where the sun don't shine!


2018-05-25 00:31 | Report Abuse

Why? Cannot handle the truth is it?


2018-05-07 16:41 | Report Abuse

Maybe once beyond 0.825, no stopping!


2018-05-03 00:06 | Report Abuse

Big Boys buying in today. 20% of total volume constituted of >1K lots at 76% buying transactions. Hibiscus price nevers seems to synch with daily Brent fluctuations. Uptrend looks to continue and if above 0.82, next resistance at 0.86 with end of week TP 0.91. However, need to tread with caution due to local situation.


2018-05-02 16:14 | Report Abuse

Nothing to do with Brent as it still sub 75. When it was above 75 Hibiscus still dropped? I reckon Institutional and big funds rebalancing their portfolios and moving into neutral and defensive counters pre GE.


2018-04-30 18:16 | Report Abuse

Could even go as low as 0.69 as the big funds divest their holdings as part of their risk management strategy pre elections. But the robust fundamentals and potential of this company cannot be ignored. I'd be collecting little by little just in case.


2018-04-30 16:38 | Report Abuse

Quite a number of factors- pre-election uncertainty, dip in the ASEAN MSCI, drop in Brent oil price(I dunno why!), aggravated by retail herd mentality and short selling. If not a punter, intra day trader or short seller, just stay the course and look to the next QR. At these times, fortunes are made or lost in the blink of an eye.


2018-04-28 12:27 | Report Abuse

That’s the spirit! Let the punters, day traders n short sellers play their zero sum game. See you in a few months.


2018-04-24 23:55 | Report Abuse

Surrounded by an ocean of idiots! Time to disappear!


2018-04-24 16:18 | Report Abuse

Now is not the time to time the market especially with money you don't have. It's a good time to buy at such value but close your PC immediately after and come back next QR. You will be pleasantly surprised. Following QR might find yourself pretty rich!


2018-04-24 12:24 | Report Abuse

Bursa is bleeding red. Market doesnt like uncertainty cos it appears these elections are gonna be pretty close. Wait it out if you can afford it. Cut loss if you can't. It's not only Hibiscus.


2018-04-21 00:09 | Report Abuse

When POTUS opens his bloody mouth, everybody goes stupid for awhile. Thank God sanity and rationale prevailed. Soon, people are gonna start ignoring his stupid tweets. He's either really dense or he does it with intent!


2018-04-20 11:05 | Report Abuse

Don't have to be anti contra. Contra, margin, IDSS, RSS, punters, intra day traders, they all make the market liquid and exciting. If you're in it for the long term, just enjoy the roller coaster ride, you will eventually reach your destination. Only contras need to fear what other contras will do. Take comfort in the fact that a Director just disposed of all her free warrants and acquired mother shares instead, it shows her confidence in the potential of this company.


2018-04-19 10:11 | Report Abuse

90% of the posters here must be contra players. No wonder so much excitement.LOL!


2018-04-18 12:25 | Report Abuse

Daily fluctuations are not going to matter if you know how an upstream OnG Co operates.Its just the overall sector and market sentiment. Something could be brewing on the local front. Just dunno what!


2018-04-18 11:20 | Report Abuse

Whole KLSE dropping.Why?


2018-04-17 22:37 | Report Abuse

Today expected cos T+4 for volume of 90M on the 11th. Queued at 0.89 but missed. Damnnn!
Tomorrow maybe climb out of reach!


2018-04-17 21:55 | Report Abuse

Possibly priced in already cos a lot of Institutional funds transacting after the 11th when notice was received and their intel would have told them. Some more, double gap up. Initial panic sell tomorrow by retailers for half cent loss per share??


2018-04-17 19:57 | Report Abuse

Potential cost only if the legal proceedings don't go their way. Expecting a knee jerk reaction anyway.


2018-04-17 14:28 | Report Abuse

Ingat nak match la tu! Tak tahu mana nak letak savings I!


2018-04-09 14:25 | Report Abuse

This counter for keeps looking at the list of institutions and foreign funds invested.


2018-04-04 00:37 | Report Abuse

You're probably correct and looking at the trade movements, seems to be somewhat tactical today.


2018-04-03 23:25 | Report Abuse

Not entirely correct. Guy's a malaysian with an ic number depicted and appears to be a proxy for some middle eastern concern called Picaddily Middle East Ltd.


2018-04-02 20:07 | Report Abuse

Walau! Come back and I'm like in a time warp back to when I first bought about a year ago. Has anything fundamentally changed except for the overall global sentiment? Think I'll go away again and let the Big Boys play with themselves!


2018-03-30 19:04 | Report Abuse

Punters and swing traders will probably play the son. High risk, high return. No loss for those who got the warrants for free, can exit when you feel like, just risk minimising your gain. The only sense to make out of son's movement is huge manipulative plays (operators in full control) and some people gonna get royally roasted!


2018-03-23 12:21 | Report Abuse

Hoping that this is just a market overreaction caused by fear cos the tariff imposition not signed yet, just a warning shot by Trump.


2018-03-20 17:58 | Report Abuse

And the point is?.... I dont read chinese but I'm guessing those are forecasts and predictions that didn't materialise, analysts do it all the time and seldom get it right! And anyone who bought high at RM2.30+ a month or 2 back based on news that's 2 years old needs to get out of the market.


2018-03-13 19:29 | Report Abuse

Wow, just back from a holiday n noticed the downswing. Must have strong hearts to look at the price daily! I reckon being approved for short selling must have amplified the volatility.
Jupiter has a point. Just take off for a round of golf in Bali or someplace n come back in a month or two n I'm sure SKPRES is gonna do just fine without you staring at its face day in n day out"


2018-02-25 22:36 | Report Abuse

These clowns are posting same crap in multiple forums! Wonder what's the motive?


2018-02-16 11:21 | Report Abuse

CA,CB and CC are mostly call warrants issued by a third party whereas WA are issued by the company itself. Call warrants are like bets you place with the issuing third party determining on whether the mother share price hits above or below the exercise price at expiry. Mother price rises above you win and vice versa. WA issued by the company gives you the option of converting to mother share at any time from issue to expiry. Feeling lucky? ....CA,CB,CC! True investors may consider WA.


2018-02-14 22:10 | Report Abuse

This thread is awash with dunggus n crap talkers! If only they took the trouble to scroll back n learn a thing or two! But then again they’re probably doin it with an intent. So just read n laugh la!


2018-02-13 21:00 | Report Abuse

Short selling doesn't guarantee you profit all the time. Some major short sellers get severely burnt too. Approaching 60 indicates something fundamentally wrong and even major shareholders will be considering an exit. Might be very sorry you get what you wish for!


2018-02-13 15:08 | Report Abuse

Itu la! People cashing out for CNY la. No way to make quick money now. Dunno where to park your cash, just buy, shut down computer n come back after CNY!


2018-02-11 15:00 | Report Abuse

Why so obsessed with fluctuating oil price? Daily n weekly fluctuations are not going to affect Hibis profits. If it trends below 50 then can start to take notice but the powers that be will not allow that! So, just relax n go shopping! Retail therapy mah!


2018-02-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

That one off impairment is masking its true intrinsic value. Factor in the average EPS growth, look at it's EV multiples and price to free cash flow ratio, you've got a gem that's moving under everyone's radar.


2018-02-10 12:27 | Report Abuse

Astute observation and worthwhile reading opinions from locomania unlike the one liners spewed by some others with simplistic views and basically missing the big picture. These are times when potential billionaires will emerge and corpses by the millions lie at the side with knees still jerking!