
Anthonyloh | Joined since 2015-02-08 09:29:01

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2024-03-27 16:32 | Report Abuse


Don't too confident you are sold at highest price even you have 30-years of your experience.


2023-10-03 12:23 | Report Abuse


As an investor, we should consider all Status and Risks, not only a company's situation, I bought this counter around 3 years and disposed when KLK stop acquire over 1 week. cause this is signal of risk.


2022-09-16 18:48 | Report Abuse

This counter is for long term investment, don't choose the prices to slammed someone in short term, I bought 2 yrs ago for price 0.655 x 1000,000 share = RM655k, in last 2 dividends I already paid over RM100k, try to think yourself, if you got RM655k, what you can invest and get RM100k return within 6 months.

#Investment is in your own option, don't blame anyone if you cannot get profits or lost money, self study is very important.

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2022-08-07 10:56 | Report Abuse


#War start because of unresolved historical grievances but Western wage war as a form of democracy agaist autocracy (ideology war) without thinking what war will do to the people and the world.#

War should be outlaw as crime against humanity. The real war is to fight climate change and poverty.#

Agreed with you, our real enemy is climate change, you can win a piece of land via war, but you cannot use the war to win the earth from climate change.

News & Blogs

2022-08-06 18:49 | Report Abuse


#What is Taiwanese want??
Know what happen during 2018 Taiwan local election?
By 2020 DPP use the Hongkong summer of unrest to their full advantage to swing opinion/vote to DPP.,#

Don't only judge to review last 2020 Taiwan election, you should review back what happened before and after former President Ma, before Ma, Taiwanese hate the corruption by former President Chen and the vote swing to Ma for landslide won, not only corruption let Ma landslide won, another reason is Ma will resume the 92 Consensus talks, in that time I also have hopeful President Ma can solve the china and Taiwan issue via 92 Consensus, but disappoint that China rejected 92 Consensus and after that China's missile flight over Taiwan island, then the Taiwanese fully anger about the China's action and Ma's party also lost the president post in next election. In this trend, Taiwanese will choose 92 Consensus for peace and freedom, but if lost the freedom they prefer choose back the corruption's party. This trend similar our country before and after PH, only the issue different.

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2022-08-05 18:55 | Report Abuse

Appreciate our country Malaysia have peace and harmony

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2022-08-05 18:55 | Report Abuse

Same word, I support democracy and freedom, no need to be a fans of other countries, this is stuxxd behavior, whether how struggle to promote with them they never give to you even 1 cent.

News & Blogs

2022-08-05 18:52 | Report Abuse

China will invasion Taiwan or not I don't know, but now what I know is Chairman Xi worry is how to firm his post more than Taiwan issue.

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2022-08-05 18:52 | Report Abuse

President Tsai have the history record landslide won in her election already to proved that what is Taiwanese want.

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2022-08-04 11:22 | Report Abuse

###The reason is Taiwanese do not have the right to decide their own destiny. Even if Taiwanese wanted to be unified by China, they couldn't do it.###

Uncle, Taiwan's President is vote by Taiwanese, Taiwanese only want peace and freedom, Taiwan mainly have 2 parties, one is close to China and one is protect Taiwan administration freedom, when the Taiwanese feel which party can do it then which party will landslide win.

please don't say seem the Taiwanese are brainless, comparing back yourself, if our gov suddenly want control your freedom including your estate, how do you think? This is the one of policy by CCP, Hong Kong is a sample.

News & Blogs

2021-12-25 17:54 | Report Abuse

#China has a total of 101,000 Covid 19 cases and 4.636 deaths.#

Still have people believe this data....speechless...

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2021-11-22 19:08 | Report Abuse

If say Taiwan is part of China...I think more suitable to say China is part of Taiwan before CCP ruling the mainland, don't forget that China never ruling in Taiwan even 1 day and didn't have any contract between gov Republic Of China and People Republic Of China. If China claim Taiwan is part of China then China should act in 72 years ago. Some time what the real history also will mislead. Remember that, When CCP ruling is not change gov, is change the rule and become a new country, don't let they use back the SAME name 'CHINA' misleading.

News & Blogs

2021-11-21 11:01 | Report Abuse

#The older Taiwanese can still remember how the Japanese invaded China and Taiwan. The Japanese occupied Taiwan for 50 years from 1895 – 1945 and renamed it Formosa. When the Japanese were defeated in the World War II, Taiwan was placed under the governance of the Republic of China (ROC), ruled by the Kuomintang (KMT), on 25 October 1945.#

More the older and younger Taiwanese remember how the CCP invaded their peoples after CCP ruling the China from 1949 till now, even the old and younger Chinese also knew that the CCP how to force and control them, but they can't fight with Tank and bullets.

Now Taiwan is a freedom country, nobody like to turn back as communist's policy, unless the people who can have benefits from CCP.

News & Blogs

2021-11-14 11:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ntpboon > Nov 14, 2021 10:21 AM | Report Abuse

看看大马的棕油、 手套,

马来西亚不需要选边, 我们可以站稳立场,我们有的是天然资源, 棕油和手套美国不要的话其他国家要,美国是没有这些天然资源的,他们也不能不用,他们不给从大马进口那就和第三国家买贵货,第三国家要货也是来大马进货,我们不会吃亏,就像之前中美贸易战,美国是世界出产大豆最多的国家,中国不买美国的大豆,但是中国不能不用大豆,所以向南美进货,南美就向美国进货,这是同样的道理。当然,当他国宣布不给进口时市场肯定会受到暂时性的情绪影响,尤其是股价。

News & Blogs

2021-11-14 10:50 | Report Abuse


Land required to produce 1 ton of oil:

Palm oil = 0.25 ha
Rapeseed = 1.25 ha
Sunflower = 1.43 ha
Soybean = 2 ha

Oil palms cover only about 7% of the world’s arable land but produce 40% of its vegetable oil. Replacing palm oil with an alternative would require the cultivation of a lot more land.

#source from Bloomberg

News & Blogs

2021-11-14 10:14 | Report Abuse

VenFx, Are you sure inflation doesn't affect the Dragon Land China?

News & Blogs

2021-11-02 10:29 | Report Abuse

Why Mr.KYY didn't using same theory to advise investors in steel sectors? or Mr.KYY think steel price can long last forever?

News & Blogs

2021-11-01 11:12 | Report Abuse

One Belt One Road Initiative = Economy Control Trap. Once again I ask, Mr. KYY, did you check the China's HSR Company financial? Or you already knew and want to misleading peoples?

News & Blogs

2021-10-18 18:26 | Report Abuse

qqq3333 = KYY? or qqq3333 = web soldier?


2021-10-06 11:02 | Report Abuse

It's great, me too, I shift my mostly fund to palm oil stocks after first MCO.


2021-10-06 10:50 | Report Abuse

Sslee, you are one of shareholder in this stock too?

News & Blogs

2021-10-06 10:33 | Report Abuse

Mr. Khoon, Do you know why Norway didn't join European Union?

News & Blogs

2021-09-27 10:59 | Report Abuse

Sslee, You are right, if they attack each other then both are losers, but I more worry about India and China's crisis.

Posted by Sslee > Sep 27, 2021 7:56 AM | Report Abuse

No worries,
US will not attack China with physical war.
But cold war, faked news, misinformations, propaganda, trade and etc etc war already started.

So please don't take side.
Otherwise Gajah berjuang sama gajah pelanduk mati ditengah tengah.

News & Blogs

2021-09-23 11:13 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2021-09-21 11:10 | Report Abuse

#qqq3333 I suggest u let China advantage open your eyes...anthony

qqq333, As an investor, I should 'open my big eyes' to make a lot research, I never "pretend blind" to misleading people. You know what is Economic? You know China's GDP condition? You know what happened China's economy recent? If yes, you are the one of "pretend blind" to misleading people like this article.

Sslee, USA's system and policy not so good if compare with most Europe countries or some Asia countries.

News & Blogs

2021-09-20 19:00 | Report Abuse

Worthless and misleading article, I suggest you guy go to China live a period of time to experience if you think China system and policy so good (including KYY #maybe KYY also not dare)

News & Blogs

2021-08-16 18:49 | Report Abuse

Anyone know why China proceeding business crackdown action recent? If you know why then you sure to know that what will happen in continuedly. (don't read any info from media, get to know more about CCP manner and just use your wisely brain to analyses this issue.)

News & Blogs

2021-07-04 18:48 | Report Abuse

关于台湾和中国其实大多数国家都清楚知道台湾是一个主权完全独立的国家,只是大家因为利益而靠边站,中国一直 说台湾是中国的领土,那为什么现在台湾会有总统,有自己的军队,自己的律法?其实很多人都误解“中国”这个名字,这也是我用中文写的原因。 很多人都认为孙中山是现在的中国 国父,现在 的中国国父是毛泽东,天安门挂着的就是毛泽东的照相,现在的中国不是孙中山的那个中国了,孙中山的中华民国在1949年就被毛泽东统治了整个大陆,中华民国在大陆就被改名成‘中华人民共和国’, 中华民国军队败仗后就撤离到台湾,所以孙中山的中国现在只剩下台湾,所以台湾现在的国父照相还是孙中山。中华民国+中国【简称】,中华人民共和国+中国【简称也是用同一个名字】如果今天你说台湾是中国的一部分,我到觉得是中国之前是台湾的一部分才对,中国今年10月国庆是72周年,台湾今年10月国庆已经是110了,如果你说一个才独立了72年的国家在说一个已经独立了110年的地方在搞独立?那不是等于 在跟全世界的人说我72年前没有攻打下来的地方我现在有能力了我就要拿回来吗?如果是的话那么我们Sabah州也不是要给回菲律宾了吗?如果中国在几十年前说要拿回台湾肯定会有很多国家挺台湾,因为中国穷没有人会站它那边,这就是现实。

News & Blogs

2021-07-03 19:03 | Report Abuse

Ok, one thing we should clearly to know that is we like democracy not other country gov or place, I love my country Malaysia and hope can improve more democracy not any party politic or gov, I like China's culture or people but NOT CHINA COMMUNIST POLICY. Hope someone note this.

News & Blogs

2021-07-03 18:47 | Report Abuse

USA gov good or bad I don't know but at least USA didn't let their planes suka suka fly in our country's space, they didn't suka suka let their ship sail in our sea, they even never come to our country take project and get 80% money when the project only done 13%...and more... Is this deferent China democracy and USA democracy?

News & Blogs

2021-07-03 17:43 | Report Abuse

Who thought China's policy good I dare you sell off all your property here and move your asset to China so you can prove to all people China's communist policy is the best.

News & Blogs

2021-07-02 17:53 | Report Abuse

This kind of article we only can found one thing, that is 'China's Communist Super Fans'

News & Blogs

2021-06-18 10:51 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon, did you check the China High Speed's financial report?


2019-01-30 15:28 | Report Abuse

Investgaogao, Right Issue cancelled?


2019-01-16 18:33 | Report Abuse

Collect slowly before ppls rush in


2019-01-02 15:27 | Report Abuse

Now you guy should focus how PUC to get the 167.5m.


2018-12-02 09:42 | Report Abuse

0.05 seem impossible


2018-11-07 12:35 | Report Abuse

rich, 9.5 sen Monday last minute cleared

News & Blogs

2018-11-03 12:19 | Report Abuse

Is entrepreneurs, innovators, scientists, risk takers, investors must have self creative in local or global competitive market, is not all rely gov incentive, especially now our country have high debt.


2018-10-31 18:55 | Report Abuse

andychay6124, Price never stop at 0.09-0.095 here, lets and see.


2018-10-24 11:58 | Report Abuse

BetterTomorrow, You buy high sell low this counter before?


2018-10-08 10:56 | Report Abuse

BetterTomorrow, loll....


2018-09-25 11:40 | Report Abuse

vote agree, is good future for company.


2018-08-17 11:36 | Report Abuse

Morning Sitia,
Actually not Macquarie Bank scare of the market sentiment, as what I mentioned before "PUC is loser in this PP subscription agreement, cause they failed to raise enough of their target's fund," and in this agreement, both parties have the right to terminate the agreement via notice.

And same as I mentioned before "I thought PUC PP price at least can get over 0.20 after discount 10%, at the end the price lower than proposed price 0.183, if 0.183 they can get RM29m and pay the acquisition of 11 street for RM40m, even 0.183 they still less RM11m for acquisition, now the PP price lower and lower, so the gap more and more big. the last payment date for acquisition 11street is end of this month, see how they pay it, maybe they have other way."

So PUC forced to terminate due to failed the raising fund target and will find other investor to continue the PP.

So far Macquarie Bank only hold 32m shares, even they want sell via open market also not much effect the share's price (maybe fluctuated 1 or 2 trading days ).

Now PUC should faster find another investor to continue the PP, the PP price should be around 0.20 or above after discount so as to enough the target sum of fund raising.So I believe the current share price never slide again.

If the new investor continue the PP in ONE TIME subscription, after announce the Fixed Price, its the time you sell off.

I think my home work almost done here and hope can help a bit you all. Good luck and happy trading!


2018-08-16 18:40 | Report Abuse

Congratulation guys! The PP has been terminated! So who want buy then can buy tomorrow!


2018-08-16 11:18 | Report Abuse

Sitia, the last PP subscription is 9 August, maybe today or tomorrow will have another new subscription, if today announce, so the subscription price will lower than 0.15 and see how much they subscript, you may predict the share price trending from their subscription, here is the example: 1, if the coming subscription units still low like before (>10m), its to mean that the share price will be STABLE HERE OR BELOW. 2, If the coming subscription units huge (50m and above), its mean that the share price will be STABLE HERE OR ABOVE.

This is what I get from my home work, hope can help you guys.


2018-08-13 18:52 | Report Abuse

Lssy, 0.14 or lower also possible, cause the PP still have 80% to waiting for subscription.


2018-08-13 15:12 | Report Abuse

Almost break the trading vol limit today. 25.5m.


2018-08-13 11:41 | Report Abuse

Issy, not collecting, is volume making and tend to press down pattern.