
AyamTua | Joined since 2013-10-16

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2015-04-11 10:52 | Report Abuse

busty sexy 1952 young and hot girl in tight dress..

Posted by Fam Jenny > Apr 10, 2015 11:56 PM | Report Abuse

Shrekk,It is ok,just a misunderstanding bcos I read only the extract from Ayamtua's posting without reading the whole postings and went out of context.
After the collapse of dsonic prices I did suggest to the bloggers that when it rebounded to RM3.6,I asked them to dispose at least half bcos it would slip further.But I didn't want to harp on it further to stop the aggreviation of further falls.Anyway it is kind of you to apologise for such a small matter.Bye!


2015-04-10 16:52 | Report Abuse

rubber band ada ..
rock band ada..
bollinger band ada

apa lagi lu worang mau? kikikiki


2015-04-10 09:05 | Report Abuse



2015-04-10 08:59 | Report Abuse

so funny... te fakkk.. wakakkakakaka

salman you can tell a dying stock, when it's forum is filled with cock talking people :p
09/04/2015 20:48


2015-04-09 16:50 | Report Abuse

sudah kaya? jangan lupa: Glotec and TMS .. kiikiki


2015-04-09 10:17 | Report Abuse

wishing you all happy day..... kikikiki
sudah kaya - simpan sikit at

(((GLOTEC and TMS)))



2015-04-09 10:15 | Report Abuse

a volume like air kencing is better dari dry hole.... kikikiki


2015-04-09 10:12 | Report Abuse

yes? chicken reporting in.. kikikiki

Posted by Looiks > Apr 9, 2015 10:11 AM | Report Abuse

HS prefer 'fried chicken' rather than curry chicken.....he...he..


2015-04-09 01:04 | Report Abuse

tukar nasib

(( glotec )))


2015-04-09 00:52 | Report Abuse

TMS • Tanggung Masak Sedap!!!!
adaaappp! kkkkkkkkiiikkiiii


2015-04-09 00:41 | Report Abuse

we must look into computer!!!!!


2015-04-09 00:38 | Report Abuse

main reason why i came back here despite sold off
it took some of your guts to "rally" my former reban.. kikikii

i mean.. i am handsome and irrational and crazy
and it took courage and guts to be in ayamtua former reban
which he sold of at 30sen what the fakkk...

why i am trying to say
the same amout of hope
the same amount of fear
the same amount of faith

give to those good or bad people to venture in this counter
is the same amount we "give back" to give..
moral support lah..

kepada nyamuk aka mosquito
jangan kacau orang happy lah
tak baik mah kikiikkii

News & Blogs

2015-04-09 00:25 | Report Abuse

one fine day i will be good like you.. helping poor students.
i personally started.. not as big as you but small scale


2015-04-09 00:12 | Report Abuse


remember in all of bursa universe

i humble myself
bended on my knees
look into those two sparkling eyes
with handsome looks and smile..
and ... begging really
damn begging for

1. bites
2. happy worms to find it ways home - with love not hatred not jealosy
3. warm and hot - a good cup of hot chocolate

lying beside you... chart one hand, 8 monitors other hands all ready
for daily trading .... baby..

good night and wishing you and all......
all including my beloved enemies and friends worldwide

a wonderful sleep and good night

Doctor Ah yam "too sexy" too wahhhhhh


2015-04-09 00:02 | Report Abuse

i would begging you..
bended down on my knees..
begging .. for you to bite..
and roarrrrrrr back at me ..


Good Night and may all be in peace.

AyamTua - who believe in world peace


2015-04-08 23:53 | Report Abuse

gua tak ada wang ok..
optimus dan ericb2b kaya
gua kais pagi, makan pagi!!!!
seluar dalam ?? pinjammmmmm


2015-04-08 23:52 | Report Abuse

let us all fight stock.
not each other.

and me? i prefer fight in bed..
with connie.. kikikkkiki

p/s: i am lover not fighter

Posted by optimusprime > Apr 8, 2015 11:42 PM | Report Abuse

i defend only. haha.

4833 posts
Posted by Icon8888 > Apr 8, 2015 11:50 PM | Report Abuse

Ha ha after being educated by me, he is now more courteous and civilized

Connie don't worry, Chinese said "beat is sayang, scold is love"

I scold him because I want him to reform himself

Deep below the scolding, a lot of sayang one


2015-04-08 23:48 | Report Abuse

bro.. people have x6 ..
people have businesses
people have $$$$
real people like optimusprime
and brothel owner like ericb2b

dont show off..

me ? im useless , old and senile
i just believe in books.

i mean many out there have $$$$$$$$
just to them for fun to fak-around nia.
one day none of these shit matter

rumah kata pergi
kubur kata mari
baca kitab bro..


2015-04-08 23:37 | Report Abuse

6 figures? made what if i tell you...,
some even born with that? not me
i just siao sioa making comments
optimusprime hmm billionaire
apa macam cerita geh? i mean the world
is round .. and ego has it owns ways to eat people
from the inside? apa macam cerita tu geh???


1250 posts
Posted by alphajack > Apr 8, 2015 11:02 PM | Report Abuse

hahahah small flies think they are even half of me. I bet most of you here don't even make over 6 figures. Sorry no time to read your useless posts. All I can say is - tomorrow will up... Tq Myeg let me buy damn cheap today..whack nicely. :)


2015-04-08 23:19 | Report Abuse

tak apa i keep quiet..
senile old man like me..
i keep quiet..
sorry being vocal ..
for i am drunk

5 posts
Posted by worm_digger > Apr 8, 2015 10:58 PM | Report Abuse

God bless you with a brain but you refuse to use it the right way......contaminating public places as you like.


2015-04-08 23:02 | Report Abuse

let me explain in PHD NASA ways
the mos charismatic and handsome
as always.. single ah moi can ask for signature
after this wakkakakakkaka

simalam gua tengok ada itik terbang wor
itu petani ah sebalang aja.. kasi buang itik
tiba tiba dia kasi baja.. lepas tu ahh kucing mari
gigit tikus.. boo chow see aaahhh kakakkaa

tikus lain
babi lain
kucing lain
ayam lain
musang lain
anjing lain

i mean lain cara
lain main
lain gaming
lain terbang
lain makan
lain simpan
lain masak

wakikiki wahihihi kikikkii
have faith bro


2015-04-08 22:54 | Report Abuse

have faith la

student aka bro close to my armpit bulu..

listen to me..

when mother up..

cc or ca or anak will always up

632 posts
Posted by eric_b7b > Apr 8, 2015 10:50 PM | Report Abuse

ah yam tua,

buy mother share better or cc, ?
if dsonic up , cc sure up?


2015-04-08 22:50 | Report Abuse

remember : disposable cash.. wang lu sanggup bakar.. jadi kertas lap jamban...
is always king! even 0.005 tak lak takut lah.. kikikiiiii

only regret?

cannot donate to poor and needy except
stupid or brilliant stock ideas and visions.

Charismatic doctor.


2015-04-08 22:48 | Report Abuse

am saying...

be happy - life is short

KLCi down... gua masih sini..
minyak jatuh.. gua masih sini
entire bursa jialat? gua masih sini..

what i am saying????? have faith


2015-04-08 22:45 | Report Abuse

hoi bro....

aiyo bro.... seriously? telling me bursa is risky and dangerous?
my middle name is risky.
my father name is dangerous.
and bursa is not safe place.
even parkson goes down
even mas delisted
even 1980-2000's stocks become pennies..

bor? so how? dangerous?
i think tomolo me didnt wake up
tomolo me didnt have chance to sell
sakit ka, mampuih ka etc
is far more dangerous loh
wakkakak akakkakaka


2015-04-08 22:40 | Report Abuse

remember what i say.
not maybank say, not cimb say not kenanga say

... which one more important?
pay tuition fee ka or pay the lesson learnt?
you pay tuition? just tuition..
you pay lessons learnt? 10x better loh , tai lor..

jangan ego ma


2015-04-08 22:36 | Report Abuse

in dsonic.....

tuhan ..
gua? shrekk.

tengok lah dia kata apa.
you baca lah.

jangan cepat

1. riak
2. ego

ego kills... kikikiii

Posted by Shrekk > Apr 8, 2015 05:30 PM | Report Abuse

That's all what a loser who made a mistake in buying this share at 1.98 could say in fact he wanted to tell everyone how is the feeling of being a big loser. As such to relieve himself he made such a general assumption to everyone it's okay I'm not alone a lot other people are also losing like me.

To save all your time to advocate the other readers, I'll summarize what are the salient points that you should highlight to them for them to learn from your failure:

1) I made my first mistake to buy dsonic at peak at 1.98 as I heard a rumours from my ex-colleague that dsonic will be awarded fuel sub project by Msia gov. I trust him and buy immediately at 1.98 n waiting all day n night the project to be announced but to no avail. I even did not realize at 1.98 its actual price is 19.80 before split how on earth I'm buying such a pricey stock.
2) The price dropped five cents to 1.93 the very next day I feel horrible I do not know what to do to hold or to release. Oh my God, pls help me I'm in big dilemma.
3) It's okay my friend from dsonic says a new project will be coming soon I bot another 28lots in Aug last year not far from my entry price.
4) Now, suddenly my friend is gone n no longer reachable but I still trust him as I know him futhermore he holds a high position in dsonic no way he can cheat me he's too kind.
5) 9 months has passed now my paper lost is 60k ohh I should sell at 1.93 (answering to point no.2) I deeply regret this kind of bad experience due to my greed but hmmm I'm not alone there's a lot of people losing okay I'll console them too. I'm not alone.
6) l've not yet touched my first 1cts profit in stock market since joining stock market July last year I pray hard I'll touch it one day once dsonic recover to my buying price at 1.98. How dare my friend keep me slaughtered at 1.98 tak guna..

Do not repeat my mistakes my fellow brothers this is big lesson to me. Pray for me to achieve my first 1cts profit in stock market soon. Adios.

A Failure Who Born To Lose


2015-04-08 22:33 | Report Abuse

ok education continues..

1. hantam stocks, not people - you need 2 head make better decisions.
2. always pay debts and living first before Stocks.
3. always use cash... even drop 0.005 you still egoistic say - you are handsome



2015-04-08 22:27 | Report Abuse

future predictions .. here.. in english.
remember: angels and demons - both shape mankind
thank God
i am ayam. ayam pencen.
makakakka wakkakaka dakkakakakkakaka

p/s: never look down on people
belasah stock.
not people.

we are all cari makan ayam wakkakaka

Posted by alphajack > Apr 8, 2015 09:54 PM | Report Abuse

wow a lot of re***** suddenly flock to this forum. Those some of you here, sorry I can't even understand your language. Anyways like I said many times before I wouldn't advise people to go in something if I don't already know it will huat. Of course I know something that your rakyat jelata outsiders won't know, just cannot share here. All I can say is the believers of Myeg will be rewarded. Anyhow it is still an uptrend chart, I cannot help but to laugh at those comparing dsonic to it. sorry la thamby, dsonic time is over, back in end 2013 you could make money there, but now you're still living in the past. MyEG year end tp 4 ringgit, tq. huat ahhhh

900 posts
Posted by optimusprime > Apr 8, 2015 10:01 PM | Report Abuse

only a fool will insist it is still on uptrend. either u donno what is charting. or u just refuse to see the obvious.

chart says it is downtrend. insect!


2015-04-08 22:15 | Report Abuse

cerita lama? i admit i am the past..
future is yet to come and now i am in
1. glotec
2. pworth
3. tms
4, dsonic



2015-04-08 22:13 | Report Abuse

any problem? ask eric.. wakkakaaa

622 posts
Posted by eric_b7b > Apr 8, 2015 10:10 PM | Report Abuse

doctor ah yam.

itu cme apa maciam tengok


2015-04-08 22:12 | Report Abuse

kalau ada olang yg gua pandang tinggi?
in the early form of ifca forum?
i name them.

1. fx lee
2. taka
3. kuku manis = syiok syiok = mosquito

bad or good people - never look down on them.
we are first few people here
dont take my words for it..
check back posting.........

bottomline: dont be so proud and ego.
ego had own ways to eat one alive..



2015-04-08 22:07 | Report Abuse

and yes....

i love ..

tight dress ... and hot nice ..

ahem wakkakaka

dont take me seriously ....
i love you all fine ladies out there...
kiss and love

Doctor Ah Yam.. Too sexy
too wahhhhh have fun and be prosperous!!!!


2015-04-08 22:04 | Report Abuse

even enemies.. gua masih ingat and have pity.
i sold off ifca 0.250-0.0300 - check my posting.
i just ask you - all of you. be humble and
kind to people have problems...
be kind to people have issues
be kind to people make wrong decisions
life is short tak perlu nak ego
tak perlu nak be proud

be proud doing good.
not be proud doing bad.

early stage of icfa

i was here. so be thankful and be gracious
life is short - buat baik
more good shit come to you ..
in this short live

gua - most charismatic ayam of all time.
the oracle of pisang chap ayam.


2015-04-08 21:57 | Report Abuse

who the fak talk alot about ifca before all of you?
think. but i have pity on syiok syiok soul- be humble bro.
humble pays
ego has own way to eat one up. wakkakaka


2015-04-08 21:56 | Report Abuse

jangan pandang rendah olang ok?
i was here in early forum.
syiok syiok itu gila sikit.
but i never look down on him..
bottomline: without demons and angels
.. not good decision can be made...
be kind as always even to your enemy.
worth more than gold..
sometimes being correct
not the point.



2015-04-08 21:53 | Report Abuse

that guy ahh.. have mind probs..
but remmeber even devil or angels
can be very predictive -

what i am trying to say ?
check early of forum
kukumanis was here
because of that mosquito
you all bought into that idea
check: kukumanis- early forum page 1-10

siapa ada? kikikiii hmmm
dont be so quick to label people aka
dont look down on ability and potential
... esok esok ifca turun? lu pun sama juga.
pride and ego have own wats to eat peole
in this accursed land.

wang tak lak dapat bawa mati.
but good jasa dan bakti can.

kukumanis i hate but...
i never look down on people.kiikiikiki

check lah.. page 1 to 1000
taka, kukumanis, fxlee and who?

i am gandalf biatch. kikikiiiii


2015-04-08 21:43 | Report Abuse

when one check in forum
in this forum...
early post - winsun.. win soon ?!
who is there? being gandalf of hobbits..
siapa seluar dalam bau harum?
wakakkakaa dakakakaa makkakaka


kaki saham my abang.
abang gua . let him off.. gua sayang dia.

Posted by kakisaham > Apr 8, 2015 09:24 PM | Report Abuse

dunia saham tak ada sapa yg pandai.kaunter hebat pun kalu tak jalan tak jalan juga

2993 posts
Posted by kakisaham > Apr 8, 2015 09:26 PM | Report Abuse

untuk makluman aku dah 3 round buat duit dgn kaunter ni...hang apa tau

11 posts
Posted by kongking > Apr 8, 2015 09:28 PM | Report Abuse

Kakisaham is right . No pain no gain.


2015-04-08 21:10 | Report Abuse

when people hammer calvin tan last year
no one give him chance.

this year people hammer optimusprime
also no one give him chance..

ok ada faham tak? in the end?

1. pmcorp up.
2. opcom up
3. optimus prediction whatever la ...

kikiikiiii - im just observing


2015-04-08 21:06 | Report Abuse

why suddenly talk rubbish in myeg forum?
becuae some lamer say shit about dsonic ka?
nooo .. because perormance say otherwise ka?
gua cool.. no worry ..
dsonic lah.. kikkiiiii


2015-04-08 21:00 | Report Abuse

i never look down on people
becuae sometime people
have ability to see far... far better...


2015-04-08 20:58 | Report Abuse

got truth.. also mah

Posted by optimusprime > Apr 8, 2015 08:33 PM | Report Abuse

u all can use all "biased" logic to argue.

at the end of the day, remember its bolehland.

bolehland=no logic.

today Hk +1000 pts. here drop 8pts before closing.

still think u can use logic to beat bursa?


2015-04-08 20:57 | Report Abuse

bottomline: sometime even bad guy or devil can make u succeed.
i am not biased. i am who i am. wakakkaa


2015-04-08 20:54 | Report Abuse

optimusprime.. clash of titan...
if optimusprime a stock?
gua huat loh.. i buy and sell only



2015-04-08 20:51 | Report Abuse

dont look high on me. i admit i am rubbish.
optimusprime is oracle - touch to soul
sound harsh but truth in him..
comes with experiences lah - him

not me .. gua glotec, pworth, tms and dsonic/dsonic-cc
optimus is optimus .. dont make me same

i have my own thinking layers
i bang here today becuae optimus ..
click my ...

thoughts aka armpits furs... kakakkaa
jangan marah ah
gua sokong optimus ciakap butut butut...


2015-04-08 20:45 | Report Abuse

i pretend to ignore this..
apapun saya maafkan.

i love you - gua tak nak abang gua jadi bahan gurauan
i love you more... than beruang emas then olang tua fam jenni
hampas kelapa wakakkakaaa

2987 posts
Posted by kakisaham > Apr 8, 2015 08:26 PM | Report Abuse

Kakanda ayam tua kena masuk kaunter ini untuk hit n run...dapat 3c cukup.gua akan masuk raun 4 esok atau lusa


2015-04-08 20:38 | Report Abuse

many hantam optimus prime
i reserved..... ayam have ability to look and have a good analytical skill

betul cikapa betul
sla ciakapa sala ma
wakikikiki kikiii gihihii

889 posts
Posted by optimusprime > Apr 8, 2015 08:33 PM | Report Abuse

u all can use all "biased" logic to argue.

at the end of the day, remember its bolehland.

bolehland=no logic.

today Hk +1000 pts. here drop 8pts before closing.

still think u can use logic to beat bursa?


2015-04-08 20:36 | Report Abuse

basic courage.. ?

look own mind and heart.


2015-04-08 20:33 | Report Abuse

dont take me wrongly.
i dont look down on people
gua ayam juga.. look at performance

stick to counter performance bla bla
boo chow cc lahhh..



2015-04-08 20:31 | Report Abuse

before ur minds starts bending..
this conversation somwhat "inspire"
milalakkaa kikikii mikikikiki

Posted by johnny cash > Apr 8, 2015 01:36 PM | Report Abuse

just temporary hic cups be patience

406 posts
Posted by k8118k > Apr 8, 2015 01:38 PM | Report Abuse

do you think our government minister which one is capable?

do they have strong strategic mastermind behind?

all makan till bodoh liao.....