
AyamTua | Joined since 2013-10-16

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News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:46 | Report Abuse

end of the day.. duit melayu, duit cina, duit india , duit kadazan, duit iban.. will help our economy.. please dont fight among each others....... peace

we all need each others..... more than ever

.... we are all investors and punters of the world......
stay cool.......

70 posts
Posted by Rockford > Mar 15, 2015 09:38 PM | Report Abuse

Tq ...I the midst of opinion also got stock call.
Ayamtua what is happening in this few stock

News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:37 | Report Abuse

tolong bawa kapak
tolong bawa parang
kita sama sama fight dalam....

kaunter emas 2015........

Glotec, Pworth and CME

satu malaysia! yeahhhh


News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:35 | Report Abuse

if all of you must quarrel.. by all means and what is dear..
buy Glotec, Pworth and CME!! negara pasti aman makmur..

News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:33 | Report Abuse

kalau lu orang mau gaduh.........
pilih lah stadium emas!

pilih lah cme,
glotec dan pworth..

gua mau semua bangsa
semua rakan rakan
semua kawan dan sahabat dunia


glotec, pworth and cme

esok esok naik.. derma lah dengan orang sudah
Pasti diberkati....

News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:27 | Report Abuse

((( cme, pworth and glotec )))

beli la mana tau besok naik? kikikkiiii

News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:26 | Report Abuse

bila mati..

Tuhan tak tanya lu bangsa apa

bila mati

Tuhan tak tanya lu dari negara mana

bila mati

cuma tanya ..

apa salah, apa dosa bikin
baik dan buruk.. itulah yg di adili..

ada kitab/buku suci baca
ada amalan, buat selagi masa masih ada
hidup singkat, jawablah di akhirat sana

menang bersorak didunia tak bermakna
hidup singkat ... meninggalkan dunia itu pasti
kekal selamanya - insaf dan buat baik.

News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:15 | Report Abuse

(((( glotec ))))

aku faham maksud tu wahai sahabatku yg mulia..

kakisaham Katakan tahi jadi emas lebih bagus
15/03/2015 21:14

News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:12 | Report Abuse

berkata kata pasal tahi lebih mulia dari memaki semasa sendiri..
think deep.

News & Blogs

2015-03-15 21:11 | Report Abuse

gua baru lepas berak...
amat terkejut baca forum ini..

woi manusia hidup sementara..
sedarkah kamu hidup ini hanya untuk seketika?
melayu, cina , india semua bersatu hati..
semua bagus , semua sama rata..
minta tolong jangan terlalu angkuh
esok mati Tuhan tak tengok kulit atau bangsa
Tuhan Maha Kuasa tanya - lu ada buat dosa ke tidak.. itu saja
dosa ditimbang bukan pakai kilogram atau kulit..

apabila lu mati, saya mati - kubur sama saja.. satu lubang
jangan bongkak, sombong dan memaki sesama bangsa dan negara..
bertaubat lah..

cakap lah pasal saham
cakap lah pasal tahi..
elak kan lah berak forum macam ini..

besok mampus.. jawablah dengan Tuhan..
sudah lah... semua kawan kawan mah..
insaf sikit bang


2015-03-13 21:43 | Report Abuse

only calvin tan can move market for bjcorp, mpcorp and pmcorp and anything that has corp behind it- i belived. full stop


2015-03-13 21:39 | Report Abuse

look into cbm gas

((( glotec )))


2015-03-13 21:23 | Report Abuse

i believed in Calvin Tan.
a prime market mover.


2015-03-13 21:18 | Report Abuse

@wan.. hamba ada pertarungan tempat lain.. ya, mqtech ada potensi.. pengerakan ada ini tahun ...


2015-03-13 21:08 | Report Abuse

bro wan

dalam bahasa "tian" tu makna nya "langit"

untuk abang handsome ayamtua.. yg pasti ...

tuju langit ...

(((( cme , glotec and pworth )))


Posted by ChiengChiengChieng > Mar 13, 2015 06:59 PM | Report Abuse

刚才开始 !!!!! Target: 天 !!

164 posts
Posted by wan > Mar 13, 2015 09:06 PM | Report Abuse

abang chieng...cakap melayu/english gua ni tak sekolah tak tau chinese....


2015-03-13 21:05 | Report Abuse

tukar nasib

((( cme )))


2015-03-13 21:02 | Report Abuse

matakuda.. it's time for people to put faith in power penny..

tilikan nasib bomoh cap kelapa tiga

(((cme, glotec, pworth)))

kelapa tiga emas..

Posted by imoogi99 > Mar 13, 2015 08:46 PM | Report Abuse

matukuda u tak guna tiga biji kelapa lah....itu pasal tak mahu naik.


2015-03-13 20:57 | Report Abuse

sexy .. i imagine nice white tight cheong sam short dress with nice legs
.. and wholesome goodness balls.. ready .. hihihi

Fam Jenny
4256 posts
Posted by Fam Jenny > Mar 13, 2015 08:53 PM | Report Abuse

0008,pls don't disturb here especially the faithful guard,KAQ4468 I estimate it will consolidate between 10.5c and 11c and never be 8c.


2015-03-13 18:54 | Report Abuse

borrow tong tong chiang drum...

.. bomoh cap kelapa



2015-03-13 18:53 | Report Abuse

... of course, making better choice ..

(((( cme )))))


2015-03-13 18:51 | Report Abuse

sudah kaya?

((( glotec )))


2015-03-13 18:49 | Report Abuse

A good fight


2015-03-13 17:01 | Report Abuse

merudum giler.. tukar nasib lah masuk

(((glotec, pworth and cme)))


2015-03-13 16:29 | Report Abuse


better alternative

((( Glotec, Pworth and CME ))))


2015-03-13 16:28 | Report Abuse

better alternative
(((( CME )))))


2015-03-13 14:36 | Report Abuse


worth it.....

News & Blogs

2015-03-13 14:30 | Report Abuse

sudah merudum.. tambah loan lagi ke? aiyoooyooo


2015-03-13 12:45 | Report Abuse

all penny lovers choose better tongkang emas!

((( cme, pworth and glotec ))))


2015-03-13 12:39 | Report Abuse

Bot paling handsome sikalang

(((( cme, pworth and glotec))))


2015-03-13 12:38 | Report Abuse

tukar nasib oil and gas..
no worries about EPF throwing...
cheap lagi... can buy banyak lagi...

tukar nasib ...
introduce barang manyak baik ...

((( Pworth, Glotec & CME )))

News & Blogs

2015-03-13 12:33 | Report Abuse

what now???

tukar nasib ..

((( glotec, pworth & cme )))))



2015-03-13 12:31 | Report Abuse

tukar nasib ...

((((( CME ))))))


2015-03-13 12:26 | Report Abuse

klci down... pworth still active!
always choose better life boat to weather the storm

nak buka kedai sewa bot tak? wakakkakaa

handsome of century!


2015-03-13 12:16 | Report Abuse

dont worry!
hidup satu kali
kaya satu kali
kayap?? berkali kali
why worry?

gua yakin pworth ..

naik langit!


2015-03-13 11:42 | Report Abuse

patuk.. patuk.. patuk... kikikiki


2015-03-13 02:49 | Report Abuse

gaining momentum ........

News & Blogs

2015-03-13 01:42 | Report Abuse

(((( CME .. Glotec ... Pworth )))))
terlaris dipasaran! kikikikikiiiii


2015-03-13 01:13 | Report Abuse

if you asked my professional opinion would say asiabio and likes .. still favourite among bursa kaki penny lovers because of

1. punt-ability
2. old rusty "ikut nasib" slot machine - 5sen slot genting machine vs $50 russian roulette table
3. given good market conditions usually function better than ATM machine

in bursa, always remember

1. "shit can become gold, and gold can become shit "
2. learning to pull the toilet levers (to flush shit away) is always a skill
3. be patient , market is always there.. why worry?
4. the market works in a mysterious ways
5. life is short, enjoy!

Posted by Jason Choong > Mar 13, 2015 12:53 AM | Report Abuse

ozzie75 i know can refer, but was wondering only got any inside news on whether this company has positive results, like perisai, b4 the quater result, all predicted the results bad due to the low price in oil, anyway thx dragon for your answer



2015-03-13 00:53 | Report Abuse

petua tradisional cara cara masak pakai kuali asiabio

1. below range 0.100: ada volume? kuali mendidih? masuk kan bawang, perisa secukup rasa.. goncang kaw kaw..

2. upper range 0.100: tengok api ... masih ada gas tak? bubuh dan kacau sup tadi... kalau masih ada jerung berenang ? nasib baik.. bila volume kurang .. signal ikan jerung minta cuti sakit ... time to unload all ... stadium mau tutup lampu... penonton mau balik rumah.... be prepare to be long term holding power....

3. stuck dalam kuali?
3.1 cari bangunan klcc.. hahaha
3.2 cari hospital terdekat... pakai tenang jiwa.. atau bawah jambatan .. pakai tidur..
3.3 makan pil "peti ais syndrome" untuk mengatasi masalah pening kepala

peti ais banyak gunanya.. boleh simpan bawang, cili dan daging kambing...



2015-03-13 00:38 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo.. im not gay man.. im an old dude..
loring haji taib banyak amoi... cari lah yg namanya shila majid


153 posts
Posted by wan > Mar 13, 2015 12:26 AM | Report Abuse

AYAMTUA lu sudah lama tak cakap ni...aku ni boringlah....kaka...


2015-03-13 00:35 | Report Abuse




(Mantera Emas: just want to help my friends kuali sejuk to boil..) hihihihi


2015-03-13 00:32 | Report Abuse

mari sini gua tolong .. kasi chant dan mantera .. mana tau esok esok naik !

magical mantra of century


gua yakin!

hihihihi kikikiiikii


2015-03-13 00:16 | Report Abuse




public disclaimer: ok ok lah demi peminat ayamtua yg kukasihi yg berada di Privasia
let me lend you my power blessing ... hopefully to make your counter fly or to jail break you all from stuck into endless loops of kuali bocor .. wakakkakakakaka

p/s: aku takda privisia


2015-03-13 00:11 | Report Abuse

te fakkk.. ada orang songlap trademark aku.... kikikiii
.. wakkaakakkakaa


65 posts
Posted by bullethabis > Mar 13, 2015 12:07 AM | Report Abuse

Pasti Tuju Langit! Kikikiki


2015-03-13 00:06 | Report Abuse

Peti Ais Syndrome: the only way to overcome "peti ais syndrome" according to doctors...
must have strong holding power... the only way to beat sakit demam kepialu "penyakit peti ais" .... gua dah nak lelap mata sempat lagi buat sikit kajian akademik..

selamat malam - gua nak tutup lampu reban..
ayam ayam lain sudah naik tidur.. kurr kurrr kurrr


2015-03-13 00:02 | Report Abuse

kaki lima tips: to avoid "peti ais syndrome" - bayar all hutang and makan minum first.. in advance.. then use spare money to play 2-3 kuali .. this way no pressure to sell.. and also happy happy everyday ! kikikik

News & Blogs

2015-03-12 23:58 | Report Abuse

Leno kucing kesayangan ramai i3 ... we love Leno!
funny wild cat .. meowwwwww


2015-03-12 23:55 | Report Abuse

kalau sangkut? dont worry .. there is something call "peti ais"..
peti ais ada... peti ais banyak gunanya...
boleh simpan kambing, sayur dan buah buahan segar

.. terbaik dari ladang.. kikikkiii


2015-03-12 23:51 | Report Abuse

according to my tingkatan 5 theory/kaki lima prediction: sometimes shit happens.

... however, bursa market does work in a mysterious ways
whereby shit can turn to gold and gold also can turn to shit

our job? is to know when is the right timing....
to flush the toilet! kikikiikkkiiiiii

Posted by bullethabis > Mar 12, 2015 05:41 PM | Report Abuse

ayam tua how bout your pworth? hahaha. not cun la. hahaha

54 posts
Posted by cheer76 > Mar 12, 2015 10:50 PM | Report Abuse

eah also bor chun


2015-03-12 23:38 | Report Abuse

(((( CME ))))


2015-03-12 23:34 | Report Abuse

woi kaki wintodi.... tiap tiap hali naik, sudah kaya tu...
masuk cikit lah ke cme and glotec...
gua yakin lu lagi tambah kaya hahhahaa