
DChosen2 | Joined since 2020-04-07

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2020-06-19 16:59 | Report Abuse

Its ok .. my average still lower than that .. can wait.


2020-06-19 16:46 | Report Abuse

i will take my chances on next monday..


2020-06-15 14:35 | Report Abuse

The one who manipulates the market is FED and they failed big time.


2020-06-09 12:35 | Report Abuse

if shark want goreng, elephant also can fly.. Velesto was goreng up to 19 C few weeks back when brent was priced at 33USD. Just dont know when.


2020-06-08 21:15 | Report Abuse

It is normal .. correction after more than 3 USD surge in less than 2 days, nothing to panic. If it continues rally, that what u need to worry.


2020-06-08 14:14 | Report Abuse

Btw what can u expect from a china man' company?. 1st is profit, 2nd is profit, n guess what 3rd is more profit.


2020-06-08 14:05 | Report Abuse

XDL is downtread due to previous trading pattern. Left hand to right hand after the surge to 0.10 March ago. And some have been holding for few months and because of tht eager to cut loss or sell to gain back capital when the price up abit. I believe after all these old holders' release their share, the new comers (ie those buying last Thursday) will hold and the uptrend is imminent.


2020-06-08 11:24 | Report Abuse

Next support will be 18 to 18.5c as Brent stabilises at 42USD.


2020-06-07 15:37 | Report Abuse

I will jalan-jalan cari makan .. but dare not take flight for that. Will you dare?


2020-06-05 17:19 | Report Abuse

like I said.. dont short.. keep long and u will earn


2020-06-05 15:36 | Report Abuse

Dont just look at the price , be a smart investor. Yesterday buy volume 2mil +, 95% buy in. Meaning now 2 millions lot priced at 0.65 ady. Today volume not that high (i think will hit 1mil when close), estimate buy in 80% (now 75%). meaning today 800k lot priced at 0.7. everyone is holding at that range.. apa u all mau scare.. =.='


2020-06-05 15:31 | Report Abuse

If u observe the q, 17 cents (operators-buyer) v 17.5 (retailers-seller). Shark buying and Ikan Bilis cabut .. hoho


2020-06-05 15:26 | Report Abuse

patience slowly up better spike. next week new support at 0.7 ct .. in two days lowest support from 5.5 cents to 7 cents (25%) , apa u all lagi mau?


2020-06-05 12:24 | Report Abuse

now the economy at its downturn .. so basically what shares u buy u will eventually gain when the economy starts picking up. Just buy those which plunged and the price still remain attractive compared to previous months before the pandemic outbreak. Just dont f**ing short your share for short term gain. Will get burnt


2020-06-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

I think steadily up better than spike for one day show. It definitely pushes the support level higher than higher and good for everyone in long term. BTW where is our dai gor Ray .. ?


2020-06-05 12:03 | Report Abuse

@Huat8huat8 u biggest problem is not enter at wrong time. Is u kept on shorting your share.


2020-06-05 11:38 | Report Abuse

Dont short .. long it and definitely u will earn for all share except PPE and Gloves counters..


2020-06-05 11:28 | Report Abuse

Simple observation u can make between PPE & Gloves between Oil counters is that ... the former based on speculation and the latter based on fundamental which is oil price. Most of the PPE Gloves counters share price spike to new high but oil counters plunges to new low. The former is catching height of uncertainties but the latter moving back to its normality .. it says all though.


2020-06-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

Afternoon should got show when europe market opens.


2020-06-05 11:16 | Report Abuse

who said plane cant fly? u see AA share price these few days? the bloody investors r so confident AA is back to business. what r u talking about..? haha


2020-06-05 11:11 | Report Abuse

if u r smart, u should know the support now at 17 cents and you will only catch some surprised sell at 16.5 cents. Still q 16 cents n below when oil already stabilised at 40 USD..???????


2020-06-04 23:27 | Report Abuse

Investor happy? perhaps those having bulk of shares stuck at high price and you feel relieve that you still have a chance to come back. The company is gonna burdened by debts .. lots of debts if bailout. As an investor u r trying to gain money from share. what you get from a company that laden with debts and takes years to clear off and recover from this down turn.Everyone say it is for long term investment. But do u know Investment is based on fundamental and not on speculation and the case is clear for the next few years.


2020-06-04 22:23 | Report Abuse

Im quite perplexed when ppl r happy when AA is getting bailout. The only one happy is Tony and maybe the staffs working for the company. Why the hell u as an investor happy with?


2020-05-28 20:46 | Report Abuse

I beg to differ that take profit at 36USD. Brent contract has rollover to August. I put the level higher at 38 USD by fortnight.


2020-05-26 20:27 | Report Abuse

Oil price up, velesto should up .. if down something not right and dare to top up again even at low. If once or twice maybe be there is some sort of manipulation. But if the situation persists, i think should go for other counters.


2020-05-26 19:51 | Report Abuse

But Velesto made me disappointed everytime oil price rises.


2020-05-25 12:27 | Report Abuse

Same cycle all over again... rally to new high then drop for correction but overall the trend is still upward. The problem is when it reaches the bottleneck. Those shouting it will drop (certainly it will for correction basis) are "shorter" who manipulating each cycle to maximise their profit. So irrespective u r going for long or short, you will gain, just how much would it be.


2020-05-22 19:06 | Report Abuse

damn.. thought can sapu 15.5c last mins. no one selling, all panic buy at 16c. Confirm up next week?


2020-05-21 19:48 | Report Abuse

lol funny .. when brent below 30 USD.. TP 13-14c, Brent above 35 USD.. again TP 13-14c. Got such water fish?


2020-05-19 20:37 | Report Abuse

lol no worries, even Sapura Energy lost 4 billion, still look strong. The only OG counter green today.


2020-05-15 22:16 | Report Abuse

Alan u have buddies ...


2020-05-15 21:22 | Report Abuse

If u think HIBI's price is logic, then by the time brent hit 40 USD, then HIBI should be 80C. tht is outrageous given in Jan HIBI was RM1 and brent was at 70 USD.


2020-05-15 21:16 | Report Abuse

no one is saying the demand is not gradually recovering, and that the inventories are full. But the spike of HIBI NOT oil Price is so unreasonable. Even now, Brent is pricing around 31.8 USD, how can hibi be more than 55C? Oil price gradually recovering, and so as HIBI;s price should be going up steadily in tandem with oil price. that is my point dude.


2020-05-15 18:38 | Report Abuse

so u know is operators pulling the string, but do you know operators and push the price up but also down?


2020-05-15 18:23 | Report Abuse

Maybe i was inept to any information that Hibiscs has struck a nice deal somewhere (except the hedge deal with Trafigura) or the coming qtr will be in flying colour.


2020-05-15 18:11 | Report Abuse

Easy calculation. Last January Hibiscs was priced at RM 1, and tht time brent was around 70 USD per barrel. Today it hits 60C and brent was 32 USD.


2020-05-15 18:01 | Report Abuse

those who sold today even not at the most entricing price of today may well have dodged a bullet next week .. for me come out of share market without loss is already a win for me, not to mention earn a little, that would be a triumphant of the day.


2020-05-15 17:51 | Report Abuse

Confirm adjustment on Monday, unless Brent is pushed to 35 USD. It is overpriced. Closing 58C with Brent oil pricing at 31.80+ USD does not make sense. Last peak we have 2 weeks ago when brent was at 32 USD, Hibiscs was around 54C. Today It spiked to 60C but brent was far from 35USD. It is just goreng by operators.


2020-05-13 18:05 | Report Abuse

hck1981 r u sure? how bout XDL? i believe the profile and backgroud much better than mtouch.


2020-05-13 18:03 | Report Abuse

couple with the fact WTI June contract going to expire on 19 May. The oil price's movement of this week till next Tuesday i believe will be for downtrend.


2020-05-13 18:00 | Report Abuse

oil price spike? r u hallucinating or what. Oil price has been dropping and sidewaying for the last whole week...


2020-05-07 19:28 | Report Abuse

Actually it is just rebound back to Tuesday's price range. Wednesday was a black day for oil price and the reason being the price soared too much than it should be, and there was adjustment. Thus today the price spiked back it does not seem right, have to be cautious.


2020-05-06 22:38 | Report Abuse

next week i think will drop but not till 0.40 due to WTI rollover for July (WTI price will drop but wont negative this time). June contract expires on 19th.


2020-05-06 22:11 | Report Abuse

relax bros .. there is another 36 hrs for bursa to open..


2020-05-06 16:14 | Report Abuse

really worried of tonight EIA report, API ady not so good .. tomorrow bursa off ..


2020-05-06 16:08 | Report Abuse

im not sure, i hope today would be the last day of dropping but some believes that it is the peak for the price of oil at the moment, atleast for this coming month ....


2020-05-06 13:50 | Report Abuse

when the report coming out?


2020-05-06 11:50 | Report Abuse

Why oil price dropping? I thought API's report is positive?