
Darth | Joined since 2016-05-16

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2017-08-28 20:18 | Report Abuse

Justinvestor and Ilovehit2, both got no back bones,
Stupid to the end of the world,
Just follow blindly whatever people do.
That's why stupid.


2017-08-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

Newbies, please believe in this company and buy.


2017-08-28 16:20 | Report Abuse

The company Directors and Macquarie is all one.


2017-08-28 16:17 | Report Abuse

How many PP placement is this company going to make?
They have been lying.
How much Macquarie can conn by buying low and selling for 0.01 profits?
Macquarie will do for 0.005 profits.


2017-08-28 16:12 | Report Abuse

Now this company can get projects more than 4B also.
Just say Railway projects or Bandar Malaysia.
What after this another PP to collect money?


2017-08-28 16:09 | Report Abuse

Superhuman, like your concern about my health. Funny but agreed.


2017-08-28 16:06 | Report Abuse

Let's get facts right.
The company has got projects worth 2B.
Now to go on completing projects in hand and they don't have the money to move on. Correct?
Why we Retailers need to get involved?


2017-08-28 16:00 | Report Abuse

Stop talking rubbish and supporting this company.


2017-08-28 15:51 | Report Abuse

This company today has got projects in hand but no money to move on.
They can with bank borrowings but they don't want because of high interest rates.
So, they come out with PP. Correct?
So, some private entity buys PP sponsoring Vivo's projects for long term investment? Correct?
Or not correct?
I can go on asking......
It'll get very complicated.
What exactly does this company wants?


2017-08-28 15:41 | Report Abuse

No need to rush buying this share.
I feel pity for you'll, know why?
This company is still moving around in Bursa @ 0.13 with 2-3B projects in hand.
And they're are cheating making money for themselves and not to shareholders!


2017-08-28 15:37 | Report Abuse

What's the point of this share going up and down.
Earlier was 0.15-0.165.
Now 0.12-0.15.
Let them sell the 432/423 PP finish @ 0.12 to Macquarie.


2017-08-28 15:31 | Report Abuse

Yes. If this company is here to stay and to progress in Bursa with the financial support that they want without bank borrowings, let the company Directors come out and talk.
Instead of being or using sharks in manipulating their own shares.


2017-08-28 15:18 | Report Abuse

Let's see if this company share price will cross over 0.165 and stay above.
What's the point with a sudden volume?
People over here are used to it.


2017-08-28 15:07 | Report Abuse

I'm not buying anything on Macquarie's involvement in taking up the PP.
I'll wait for the company Directors to come out and talk if at all they're going to.


2017-08-28 15:04 | Report Abuse

There's no point simply a moving average up and down on speculation.
2B projects and more coming in.
This company needs to get real being listed.


2017-08-28 15:01 | Report Abuse

In other words the ones supporting and Macquarie knows what's happening about this company in long term?
Ok. If it's really Good, why don't the company Directors come out to share with all shareholders?
Weren't this be great for everyone?
People will be confident in investing in this company!


2017-08-28 14:52 | Report Abuse

The Directors of this company for more than a year haven't come out to address their shareholders and the ones supporting knows what's happening with this company!
What's Macquarie's interest in buying up the PP?
Since there's is no dividends being paid out.


2017-08-28 14:47 | Report Abuse

6055 thanks for the update. I only knew about 3 transections by Macquarie on latest PP (last being on 24/8 4mill).
So what's is Macquarie's involvement? Long term.
Just to tell you also, I'm already past in giving wrong information about this company.
May be you'll know better than the Dumb Director.


2017-08-28 14:40 | Report Abuse

Superhuman knows what's happening.


2017-08-28 14:17 | Report Abuse

This stock needs to cross 0.165 and stay above in the next stage.
Good catalyst..... Q3 moving into construction plus copper price is up and steady.
Q3 results should be much better. Can look forward.


2017-08-28 14:01 | Report Abuse

This stock either must wait for goreng up by the Directors or they come out and talk on how well and strong they're moving forward with this company.
Mean time enjoy the wait and see game.
Don't forget, so far PP being purchased (average 0.125) only below 10mill out of 432mill.


2017-08-27 01:54 | Report Abuse

Just to remind the naive shareholders, whom are buying washing machines.
This share is public listed. It's the company Directors duty to address shareholders from time to time. It's not that they don't have time as an excuse.
If cannot address, take it private. Why will this company worry of getting private financial support with the projects in hand worth 2B?


2017-08-27 01:04 | Report Abuse

Yes, this counter will definitely go up one day.
Till the day it's not being manipulated and at a reasonable price base on their order books, I'll still post what I feel.
You'll are most welcome to buy a new washing machine everyday to wash and rinse from the profits you're generating till to date from this company.


2017-08-27 00:57 | Report Abuse

Sorry for orga, just because some people don't give support or favourable comments for this counter over here, everyone becomes Darth.
Guys, stop being childish and running others down for their reasonable comments.


2017-08-27 00:36 | Report Abuse

The last time, they came out talking big is rewarding shareholders by giving bonus issues. Not sure today, how exactly that worked out for the shareholders.


2017-08-27 00:31 | Report Abuse

Overall the company is doing good in moving forward except the share is being manipulated which the Directors are aware and they know who.


2017-08-24 22:29 | Report Abuse

Good company with fantastic upcoming order books.
Why the company needs to sell their shares at a discount, worse still at 0.12?
I'm quite sure, many big investment firms will want to be in line to grab this company share.
Or am I wrong?


2017-08-24 22:20 | Report Abuse

If Macquarie is here for long term and belief by buying up 432mill Shares, they don't need 5 days average or a discount to buy.
Just my oppinion.


2017-08-24 22:15 | Report Abuse

doitanyway, Thanks. For replying and making some sense for what I'm trying to put forward.
I've no arguments over here for people whom are buying this counter.
To ask retailers to accumulate, I'll not agree.
I'm just a small fish.
So many AGM's in different companies has gone. Would someone attending an AGM asking what's happening with their company will change the course?


2017-08-24 21:44 | Report Abuse

Curi Makan?
In reality, that's what really happening in our Bursa.
The owners themselves playing the fool around.


2017-08-24 21:40 | Report Abuse

Than, why get listed?


2017-08-24 21:35 | Report Abuse

Understand one thing.
When you're listed, you have a duty to address shareholders.
Unless, you're hiding something.


2017-08-24 20:44 | Report Abuse

What exactly does this company wants from shareholders in investing with them?


2017-08-24 20:26 | Report Abuse

Justinvestor, why you're here?
Long term returns?
So, please share to newbies what's long term returns from this company in investing in this company today.
Very cheap, correct?


2017-08-24 20:05 | Report Abuse

Don't post anything stupid until the Directors of this company comes out to talk.


2017-08-24 20:04 | Report Abuse

Why are you'll asking retailers to accumulate?


2017-08-24 20:02 | Report Abuse

Buy this company share for what?


2017-08-24 20:00 | Report Abuse

This company is moving forward in construction. Q3 will get a clearer picture.


2017-08-24 19:56 | Report Abuse

wlc, it's not about that.
Very difficult to answer. Today in Bursa anything can happen when you put your money.


2017-08-24 19:50 | Report Abuse

Who wants to buy even if they get Bandar Malaysia or HSR?
The Directors and their sharks will push the price down.


2017-08-24 19:47 | Report Abuse

Vivocom is a lelong company!


2017-08-24 19:46 | Report Abuse

Retailers. Very cheap. Today.
Lelong Vivocom share.
Don't know what's happening in future but very cheap, you'll can put your money in this company.


2017-08-24 19:43 | Report Abuse

This what happens when you play with retailers.


2017-08-24 19:37 | Report Abuse

Let this company Die. Let them take it private.
I dare.


2017-08-24 19:35 | Report Abuse

Never mind. Today this stock can stay @ 0.13 with even 3B worth of projects in hand. Let them get Bandar Malaysia or HSR moving forward.
What happens when they have 6B worth of projects in hand?
Who's going to sponsor?
Again PP?
At what price?


2017-08-24 19:29 | Report Abuse

Superhuman. We'll talk facts. Thanks bro.


2017-08-24 19:28 | Report Abuse

End of the day, today, all you fellows, only looking for this share to be manipulated up. That's all.
Good luck.


2017-08-24 19:25 | Report Abuse

Besides manipulation of this share, what are you'll looking forward?