
DatoSeriJohnnyWalker | Joined since 2020-04-07

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2020-07-30 13:51 | Report Abuse

Sold and bye-bye!


2020-07-17 09:42 | Report Abuse

To those who thinks parents should provide the mask for their children, let's not forget that not all parents can afford to do that.


2020-07-16 09:51 | Report Abuse

pos malaysia pariahhhhhhhhhhh


2020-07-15 09:06 | Report Abuse

Malaysia should be prepared for the 2nd wave. We should not be too relaxed, Covid-19 threat is everywhere around the world.


2020-07-14 09:39 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong tightens social distancing measures as coronavirus cases rise
From CNN’s Jadyn Sham in Hong Kong and Sophie Jeong in Seoul.

Hong Kong will tighten travel and social distancing measures, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said on Monday, as the city reported 52 new cases of Covid-19 in Hong Kong’s “third wave” of infections.

The measures will take effect starting midnight local time on Wednesday.

Here are details on the guidelines:

Any travelers coming into Hong Kong by cars, planes or ferries, who have been in or transited through high-risk areas in the last 14 days, must show proof that they have been tested negative before boarding. If they fail to do so, airlines will be penalized, Lam said. No further details on this measure were provided.
Public gatherings of more than 4 people, including religious events and weddings, will be banned, while no more than 4 customers will be allowed to sit together at a table in restaurants.
Additionally, restaurants will have to stop their dine-in services from 6pm to 5am the next day.
Amusement game centers, bathhouses, fitness centers, places of amusement, places of public entertainment and party rooms will be closed for 7 days from Wednesday, while exhibitions and public events will either be canceled or postponed.
Masks will be mandatory on all public transport – though the majority of Hong Kong citizens have been regularly wearing them in public since the outbreak.
Lam also said Hong Kong Disneyland and the amusement park "Ocean Park" will need to be closed from Wednesday.
The Hospital Authority reported the eighth coronavirus death after a 95-year-old woman died Monday night. There are 1,521 confirmed Covid-19 cases in Hong Kong.

UN says more than 130 million people worldwide may go hungry in 2020 due to Covid-19
From CNN’s Ingrid Formanek and Hira Humayun

A UN report released Monday predicts the Covid-19 pandemic could send more than 130 million people around the world into chronic hunger by the end to 2020.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published its latest edition of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, which says the pandemic is “intensifying the vulnerabilities and inadequacies of global food systems.”

The report estimates “at a minimum, another 83 million people, and possibly as many as 132 million, may go hungry in 2020 as a result of the economic recession triggered by COVID-19.”

The report also estimates around 690 million people went hungry in 2019 – up by 10 million from the previous year.

Africa is the hardest hit region in terms of percentages, with 19.1% of its people undernourished, according to the report, followed by Asia at 8.3%, and Latin America and the Caribbean at 7.4%.

With the toll the pandemic is taking on food security, the report says achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger by 2030 is in question.


2020-07-14 09:38 | Report Abuse

The World Health Organization warned Monday that there could be no return to normality any time soon as too many countries were bungling their response to the coronavirus pandemic.

After a daily record of 230,000 new cases of Covid-19 were reported to the WHO on Sunday, the UN health agency said the pandemic was only going to get worse unless people stuck to the basics of physical distancing, handwashing and wearing masks.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that countries that were easing their way out of lockdowns were now witnessing a resurgence of the virus because they were not following proven methods to reduce risk.

"I want to be straight with you: there will be no return to the 'old normal' for the foreseeable future," Tedros told a virtual news briefing.

"Let me blunt: too many countries are headed in the wrong direction.

"The virus remains public enemy number one, but the actions of many governments and people do not reflect this."

He said mixed messages from leaders were undermining trust.

If governments do not roll out a comprehensive strategy to suppress transmission of the virus, and if populations do not follow basic public health principles, "there is only one way this pandemic is going to go," he said.

"It's going to get worse and worse and worse."

The novel coronavirus has killed nearly 570,000 people and infected more than 12.9 million since the outbreak emerged in China last December, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP.

"Although the number of daily deaths remains relatively stable, there is a lot to be concerned about," said Tedros.

He said there were four scenarios playing out around the world.

They were: countries that were alert and avoided large outbreaks, those that got a major outbreak under control, those that eased restrictions but are now backsliding, and those that are in an intense transmission phase.

Tedros said the epicentre of the virus remains the Americas


2020-07-14 09:38 | Report Abuse

“It can be done. It must be done,” Tedros said.
Tedros said that there are no shortcuts out of this pandemic, and that while we hope for an effective vaccine, there must be a focus on using the tools that are available now to suppress transmission and save lives.

10 hr 43 min ago
More than 8,000 patients are hospitalized with Covid-19 in Florida
From CNN's Artemis Moshtaghian and Christina Maxouris

There are a total of 8,038 patients hospitalized across the state of Florida with the primary diagnosis of coronavirus as of Monday morning, according to new numbers released by the Agency for Health Care Administration.

The three most populous counties: Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County, are experiencing the highest numbers of coronavirus related hospitalizations.

Florida continues to record alarming rates of cases. Health officials reported Sunday a staggering record of new cases in a single day: 15,300.

If Florida were a country, it would be the fourth-highest in the world in reporting new cases. The state would rank 10th in terms of having the most cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins.

10 hr 46 min ago
Some Detroit students are heading to summer school in-person today
From CNN's Meridith Edwards

Detroit Public Schools began summer classes today — the first time schools welcomed back some students for face-to-face instruction since the district closed in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

On top of in-person classes at some schools, the school district is also providing a distance learning summer program, according to the district's website.

The summer school program is voluntary: About 4,000 parents signed their children up for the classes, with more than half choosing face-to-face instruction. About 300 teachers signed up for 180 spots to teach in person.

What it's like in the classroom now: On Monday morning students and staff members will answer questions on a health form and have their temperature checked. They will be required to wear masks, and social distancing will be a priority.

Detroit schools are also disinfecting classes and buses daily and accepting fewer students per class.


2020-07-14 09:37 | Report Abuse

"There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future," WHO director-general says

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said Monday “There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future."

Speaking at a media briefing in Geneva, he added, “But there is a roadmap to a situation where we can control the disease and get on with our lives.”

“We need to reach a sustainable situation where we do have adequate control of this virus without shutting down our lives entirely or lurching from lockdown to lockdown,” he said.
In order to get to this place, Tedros said that three things would be required. These are a focus on reducing mortality and suppressing transmission; an “empowered, engaged community” that takes individual measures to protect the whole community; and strong government leadership and communication.


2020-07-13 09:46 | Report Abuse

Its true one needs to keep for raining day


2020-07-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

The CCP fabricated lies, suppressed human rights, controlled religion, slaughtered, bribed, no credit, theft, infiltration, false negotiations, signed false contracts, control and monopoly. The correct way to treat the CCP is to list the CCP as an extreme terrorist organization.


2020-07-09 09:28 | Report Abuse



2020-07-09 09:27 | Report Abuse



2020-07-08 09:29 | Report Abuse

So, we are not alone. Good news or bad news that being the fact?


2020-07-07 10:01 | Report Abuse



2020-07-06 10:18 | Report Abuse

And they still celebrates pubs opening


2020-07-06 10:17 | Report Abuse

Sure it is. Just like when I passed Elvis in Morrison's earlier.


2020-07-03 09:31 | Report Abuse

In this case, the ridiculing and mocking of the national coat of arm looks deliberate and in short " kurang ajar". Why can't these Malaysians accept Malaysia as it is as per agreed at the point of independence and stop attempts at being revisionists.


2020-07-02 10:13 | Report Abuse

63 years still not yet over hehehe


2020-07-01 10:05 | Report Abuse

This counter is truely overlooked with such high nta and making good profit trading so cheap .
What a gem....


2020-07-01 10:05 | Report Abuse

yes, i took some at 0.15 yesterday


2020-07-01 10:01 | Report Abuse

Yeah guys, buy it while still undervalue, later above 30 cents dun be a sourgrape.


2020-06-30 09:51 | Report Abuse



2020-06-29 09:41 | Report Abuse

雜總怎麼不叫14億人一人一口水喝了不就解決問題了嗎? hahaha


2020-06-24 09:12 | Report Abuse

GoodieTwoShoe , Every warrant issuer must appoint a market maker (MM). It is the MM’s role to provide continuous bid and offer prices in the warrant so that there is sufficient liquidity for investors to enter and exit their trade. The MM will also assist in price discovery, and will often be the primary influence in determining the market price for the warrant. Welcome


2020-06-24 09:11 | Report Abuse

Market maker? We call it as MM


2020-06-23 13:38 | Report Abuse



2020-06-23 10:34 | Report Abuse

Could not agree more with the above statement! Its buy called now guys!


2020-06-22 08:51 | Report Abuse

Enough of looking after others...malaysians come first!


2020-06-19 08:50 | Report Abuse

Nazri is just like a lalang..wherever the winds blow it will follow.
I still remember his statement. Najib i will support you when he is the PM. Mahathir I will support you when he is PM. Anwar I will support you to be the PM. Now Muhyiddin same saying I will support you. Aiyaaa semua you mau support i also pening and dun know which one is sincere.


2020-06-18 09:59 | Report Abuse

Not surprising at all, he asked Xi to help out. What is this guy not capable of?


2020-06-17 13:58 | Report Abuse

I sense this one will fly soon . Keep in watch


2020-06-17 13:31 | Report Abuse

Thousands that are born here that are still stateless through no fault of their own, yet preference is given to outsiders who play good football and have a decent grasp of Bahasa Malaysia.

In this case, it’s footballer Liridon Krasniqi of Kosovo who is now a Malaysian citizen.

Now, many of the stateless probably play good football too and definitely have a great grasp of the language as they were born here.

It seems like there is one particularly low standard for foreign shining stars, and another harsher standard for those born here. Can you not see the travesty in this?


2020-06-16 11:30 | Report Abuse

Not to worry. KARMA works in different ways, but sure to happen. It will also happen to the back door Govt. Rest assured.


2020-06-16 11:11 | Report Abuse

GodOfWar , what about NGOs that help Malaysians who are struggling? What are they profiting from?

It is fair if you want to discuss what our government or society's policy towards refugee are, but don't go on a personal attack that adds no value to the discussion.


2020-06-15 14:05 | Report Abuse

Corruption. Corruption. Corruption. Involving YBs, Many little & semi Napoleans in MPSJ. Selangor Royalty, perhaps should be briefed on real situation.


2020-06-15 12:22 | Report Abuse

Pathetic law makers or defaulters? Beggars has better dignity then cheats, plunderers, thieves and liars from the back door government!


2020-06-12 17:25 | Report Abuse

Or a.k.a (also known as) Malaysia Boleh!!!!!


2020-06-11 12:16 | Report Abuse

ya lo what is the good news?


2020-06-11 11:21 | Report Abuse

Humanitarian? They should start at home with the Uyghurs, Tibetans, shen fai practitioners and Taiwan and hong kong and honor their agreement of 2 systems.


2020-06-09 13:51 | Report Abuse

no need to shrink balz & freak out



2020-06-09 13:48 | Report Abuse

new mercedes ... new Bungalow .... new Wife !!!

apa lagi mau ?????



2020-06-05 11:51 | Report Abuse

The US is desperate! World opinion turning increasingly indifferent & hostile! Even the EU rejected US’s WHO resolution on China!
But the BIGGEST THREAT is not China! It is Asia! The fast economic growth is fatal to US interest!
Solution: Trap Asia into killing each other like in the M. East! Goading India or Taiwan to start a conflict will give US legitimacy to join the war big time & roil the whole region into turmoil!
Result? Asian economic threat gone; US growing rich with arms sales; No more super China or India or the Asian Tigers! Everything back to normal with the US as KING!


2020-06-04 14:02 | Report Abuse

Armed conflict? Get a grip. This ain't 1940. What a ridiculous post....


2020-06-03 13:44 | Report Abuse

It took so long for China to wake to realize it cannot depend on the west. Yes, please improve your relationship with other countries. First, erase the nine-dash line drawn unilaterally in the SCS and stick to the previous sea border. Share the resources with other smaller neighbors.


2020-06-01 17:18 | Report Abuse

Making Negative remarks on China and so called Chinese nationalism, whilst parroting the Indian side's position and making up a narrative that they are somehow the victim. If anything the Indians are more nationalistic because they have huge gos and bad memories of their last major border clash with China and development and progress envy of China and there are more than enough of these people who actually want trouble too. And I wouldn't bet against the US having their dirty little fingers in the pot either, inciting elements on the Indian side to cause trouble to create a response from China, which doesn't take much to do either. This would benefit the US greatly to have armed conflict breakout on the China-India border. Yes, it's all in the timing. India needs to divert attention away from its covid-19 situation and the US needs a China-India border war. It's all in the timing.


2020-05-27 12:10 | Report Abuse

another question

can u gib the way how they songlap in construction field?


2020-05-27 12:10 | Report Abuse

Thanks man!


2020-05-27 11:59 | Report Abuse

like concrete or something


2020-05-27 11:59 | Report Abuse

ViVaFoReVeRLOVE , is it possible the use cheap raw material that can cause bangunan roboh?


2020-05-22 11:46 | Report Abuse

Good saying Larrie Chew!