
Depeche | Joined since 2017-06-02

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2018-02-05 15:31 | Report Abuse

Anybody who goreng KESM today makes good profit of over RM1.00


2018-02-05 09:52 | Report Abuse

I salute all stocks that turn green today..they show resilience..f**k DOW.... why should we sink with them?


2018-02-05 09:49 | Report Abuse

Bucking the trend...dun turn back


2018-02-05 09:31 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin continues to sink.....bubble burst..


2018-02-05 09:14 | Report Abuse

Anyone noticed HY was gapped down very much compared to many other stocks...68 sens?? !!And It's seems to be bucking the trend..may turn green too.


2018-02-05 02:42 | Report Abuse

DOW's correction is not a crash.....Bitcoin is...haha...Not surprised if HY could buck the trend today.


2018-02-04 01:28 | Report Abuse

FutureEye.... thanks for sharing your latest analysis...looking forward to your prediction for QR1'18..


2018-02-04 01:18 | Report Abuse

Once past 15, confirm no false dawn...uptrend all the way


2018-02-03 12:34 | Report Abuse

If HY hits RM4 during DOW meltdown...most other stocks will be left with c**k


2018-01-30 15:58 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah..plant shutdown for upgrading...perhaps below RM10 is fair and stay at RM10 till 2019?? maybe DOW will crash then and HY will shed RM5....hmmm...will that be fair price then?


2018-01-30 15:54 | Report Abuse


So price will dive if QR4 is good, as per analysis?

The recent dive would have factored in HY having to pay taxes in '18 and weaker QR1'18. What else does it have factor in? How much should the price drop to be fair? RM8, 6 or 2?


2018-01-30 15:43 | Report Abuse

Are u convinced or concerned after reading Davidlim's analysis? If u believe, u will take a position at the best possible price now... next question...are u willing to wait till QR4?


2018-01-30 11:14 | Report Abuse

It's not confirmed till it's confirmed... meanwhile, don't count your paper losses and shrunk paper gains... count them after QR4.


2018-01-30 09:57 | Report Abuse

Green can turn defectors back to supporters again...I love green.


2018-01-30 09:44 | Report Abuse

3iii...I am beginning to like your sincerity... not your negative comments about HY though...haha


2018-01-30 09:40 | Report Abuse

Don't worship people who screws u la...虫。remember


2018-01-30 09:36 | Report Abuse

Wait till it plunges to 2.


2018-01-30 09:34 | Report Abuse

Ya.. should plunge back to 2 so that all can sapu till out of stock..hahahahaha


2018-01-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

Green with newly launched cw... this is no coincidence


2018-01-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

Don't be happy yet....after many days of horror show... this rebound can't be regarded as the real thing yet...unless it recovers to 15 with minimal profit taking along the way.


2018-01-30 09:11 | Report Abuse

New cw-CS ...who dares to gamble..杀气这么重。..haha


2018-01-30 07:44 | Report Abuse

Hope HY will pay dividend this QR...that will provide a steroid jab to its share price.


2018-01-30 07:29 | Report Abuse

If u believe that the IBs are pressing the price down to BUY cheap, then please remember the only way they can make money after BUYING in the shares is to send the price UP...but after they hit their target tp.... they will produce and direct another horror movie king.


2018-01-30 07:15 | Report Abuse

The downtrend should continue today. However, February is a short trading month....a strong rebound should be near. The IBs and other funds responsible for this long price downwards spiral will push the price back up one day in fast and furious fashion. We will learn to love the IBs once we understand their thinking. This is a valuable lesson for even seasoned traders.
Many newbies and punters learn the hard way. The IBs provide volatility and we will love them when they decide to push the price up... best invest within your means and be prepared to hold when such a TEMPARORY but heavy correction occur again in a couple of months time.


2018-01-29 21:05 | Report Abuse

It is only fair if naysayers can present their figures to convince HY holders should sell...all the facts and figures are transparent.
Is there a Davidlim or FutureEye among u? Or man in monkey suit is your best representation?


2018-01-29 13:17 | Report Abuse

Or we could see 19.20 in February and if HY is paying dividend, 22 to 25 is possible.


2018-01-29 13:07 | Report Abuse

The chart looks very bullish, once the price u-turns upwards...guess February will see glory days again. I still maintain 17 in Feb is possible and could see 19.20 again in March.


2018-01-29 12:58 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon, u and others who shared your analysis on HY QR4 wrote based on facts and figures. They will materialise come QR4. Your kind intention is appreciated and is unparalleled but many are destined not to be big need to apologise....unless u sold all your holdings while encouraging others to buy.... which u already said u didn't.


2018-01-29 09:21 | Report Abuse

Not being able to "beat" someone is psychological, not related to investment.
I thought I said people worshipping BUFFET...not KYY, I don't know him in person, it's really someone I know but he is not my friend. Still working temp jobs after many years.


2018-01-29 07:20 | Report Abuse

Someone I know has a degree in finance, read countless books on finance and investment. However, he hadn't stayed long in any of his jobs cos he feels he is above all of his superiors and hirers. As a result, he hasnt got a permanent job since he graduated.
Some here are also preaching on all they've learnt from books and years of high education..
But the thing is, if you want others to look up to you here, you must have something to show....In share investment, those who make big money are that's why people always quote Buffet ... that's understandable.

Many HY holders have made big profits so that give them the bragging rights deservingly.

Don't be like that someone I know thinking you're above all others here and continue to be in denial that you failed.....failed to spot HY early and failed to beat many here whom you regard as not above you.


2018-01-29 06:58 | Report Abuse

No need to beg "lady white Knight" or anyone to "save" HY... there isn't a crisis and HY is going to report good QR4 and its price will do very well. Funds are buying in but of course they want to buy low....just wait for the u-turn. 

it is you who need to save yourself cos you have no confidence and no knowledge in what you're buying... your future investments will certainly fail cos you're just following the herd.... one day you're going to get burnt.


2018-01-29 06:55 | Report Abuse

It has been field days for naysayers taking swipes at HY and her even dons a monkey suit looking like a banker.... the most disgusting part is, these "guests" have no grace and manners, turning up at this forum and condemning the stock with no facts and figures...we won't die or go bankrupt investing in HY....go rescue those who bought into loss making companies instead.
If u consider yourself doing a noble deed here.... your job is almost done as HY's price u-turn for glory is around the corner now.... will adopt your saying" stock prices don't go up forever in a straight line" but it applies to both northwards and southwards eh.


2018-01-27 11:06 | Report Abuse

@plastic, just need to ask yourself, can u wait till QR is out? You are right when u say it's PAPERA loss, not REAL losses until u my case, still PAPER profits until I sell.... but I u?


2018-01-26 16:30 | Report Abuse

Agree...may close green. Who knows... it's Hengyuan


2018-01-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

@zoozooka, all the best to u. If you're holding no fear.


2018-01-26 16:19 | Report Abuse

Do u know Probability and Stockraider were very active in this forum even before I bought the stock last year... when I discovered this forum, they have been tirelessly and generously sharing their knowledge till now. The problem is, many didn't foresee that oil will rebound from the lows
..nobody noticed Shell or hengyuan as a result until the headlines screamed oil rebound, oil new highs, and of course news about Hengyuan's stunning profits and how their share price jumped from 2 to 19.


2018-01-26 16:04 | Report Abuse

Some will laugh to the bank next month and many will just envy...mark my words.


2018-01-26 16:00 | Report Abuse

The gutless will always be matter whether the price dives to attractive level or riding to new high..all they can do is shout "Doomsday" on the sideline... they probably dun have a clue what they are buying. Just wonder why they linger in this forum if they have not taken any position. cheer or jeer leaders.


2018-01-26 15:40 | Report Abuse

Forget about the lady white Knight... just got screwed again...young Luo Li more sincere


2018-01-26 15:36 | Report Abuse

Holders no need to worry.. after this dip... it will be up.


2018-01-26 10:02 | Report Abuse

There was bad news with wrong information about HY's profitablity...fanning selling sentiment.


2018-01-26 09:55 | Report Abuse

What is short selling?


FEB 26, 2017, 5:00 AM SGT


Simon Poh


The term "short selling" is often used to refer to the sale of shares that the seller does not own at the time of the sale.

Traders who engage in such activities expect the price of the targeted shares to fall. They short sell with the hope that they can buy back the shares subsequently at a lower price, thereby profiting from the difference in the selling and buying prices.

This differs from the conventional way of making profits from share trading by buying shares first and selling them later at a higher price.

Short selling is allowed if the shares are bought back later on the same day, and this will be treated as a contra trade.

This differs from conventional contra trading where the purchase takes place first and is done within a three-day trading period.


Short selling is allowed in Singapore as it allows more efficient price formation, increases market liquidity and facilitates risk.

However, when there is much market uncertainty, short selling can result in increased market volatility. Short selling may also be manipulated by unscrupulous traders, particularly where it involves the creation of false rumours to induce others to sell.

In Singapore, the Central Depository (CDP) mitigates the potentially disruptive effects of short selling on the settlement system by buying back shares on behalf of sellers who do not possess the shares for delivery on settlement day.

When the CDP does this, the cost of purchase and an additional penalty is charged to the seller who failed to deliver the shares.

Hence, short selling carries considerable risk, no different from contra trading.

If you want to use the term, just say: "It is better to borrow the shares that you do not own if you plan to short sell."

•The writer is Associate Professor (Practice) of the department of accounting at NUS Business School.

A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Sunday Times on February 26, 2017, with the headline 'What is short selling?'. Print Edition | Subscribe





2018-01-26 04:19 | Report Abuse

Not sure if BURSA's regulations on short selling are good enough to protect short targets...what if a few short sellers do a tag team on HY? Is that allowed? What could HY share price become then? RM1.00?? During the 2008 financial crisis, Lehman Brothers was the target of short sellers and nearly went bust..but at least they were short target because they were in deep shit...but HY is clearly not in deep shit and is expected to deliver good results for next couple of quarters in certainty. Short selling is said to be positive to keep overvalued stocks in is RM14 fair price for HY?


2018-01-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

If any funds wanted the price to dive further, past few days would provide the downward momentum perfectly. Stay cool.


2018-01-25 16:51 | Report Abuse

Funny how many still want to get scorned after getting screwed.. please show some pride.


2018-01-25 16:37 | Report Abuse

Like I said before... friend or foe
..white Knight or destroyer..are among no one...if u do, u deserve to be scorned.


2018-01-25 16:34 | Report Abuse

So u feel that HY may pay dividends this QR?


2018-01-25 16:32 | Report Abuse

The loan is supposed to take care of their operation expenses every month HY has to draw down a sum to pay workers salaries? It is more like managing a bankrupt's money...dispatching in chunks when needed.


2018-01-25 16:22 | Report Abuse

They are also earning more interest for their cash deposits with banks...more cash pouring in after each future QR.