
Dericlock | Joined since 2017-06-06

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2017-11-13 16:31 | Report Abuse

@bibi1234, i dont have a really professional opinion on it.
I am afraid as this is something new to me as well, and nobody can say it is right ot wrong for doing so.
But what i can see is dayang should not being thrashed till today price, especially oil price is recovering. The price tend to jump after the announcement made, but being dragged back immediatedly and being pressed down further compare to before announcement. Which kind of indication for me that some party really interested in it and squeezing out small investors.

But look back at the fundamental, dividend of perdana actually didnt change anything to dayang business fundamental, if i confident to buy in before then why not now when being discounted more.

And with oil price recovering now, next year petronas capex should be improved. And petronas MCM contract awarded, petronas plan to have a P&A on most of it dead well. It kind of showing that there will be more and more chances for dayang to work on.

Another way of seeing it is also on GE14, sarawak people job rely quite a lot on OG industry. If the local company continue making losses and cutting people, can imagine how this reflect how bad BN ruling over sarawak.

Anyway, i am working in OG sector, so i didnt see dayang is really a thrash company that should be being dumped to this level.

My 2 cents though, maybe right maybe wrong. Plan to hold it long and see what next.

People always say, greed when people afraid. Haha, i dont think i am that good actually, just trying to hypno myself


2017-11-13 16:04 | Report Abuse

last top up before ex-date.
lol, i a bit afraid to see tomorrow, especially portfolio will be blood red tomorrow.
Keep it for few month then only dare to open and see how it recover, lol


2017-11-13 15:41 | Report Abuse

wah....0.825, hibiscus still got power left today


2017-11-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

wao, all big fund block people from buying dayang.
Look at the queue. no chance for those want to get in last minute


2017-11-13 14:51 | Report Abuse

Today volume seems less than last friday.


2017-11-13 14:05 | Report Abuse

i bought before dividend announcement, already wet my hair so have to be on the side of buy before ex-date, haha.

So @OrlandoOIL, so what you think on the dayang's dividend?


2017-11-13 10:11 | Report Abuse

85usd, seems not practical la, dont forget US shale oil havent start taking action yet.


2017-11-13 10:07 | Report Abuse

look like will ding dong ding dong at current price for today.

Wow, hengyuan is flying today.
Crude oil up people claim it is benefited, crude oil down people also claim it is benefited, lol


2017-11-13 10:02 | Report Abuse

lol, turn red in the green sea of OG counter again


2017-11-13 09:23 | Report Abuse

when hibiscus and armada share price is higher than dayang


2017-11-13 09:09 | Report Abuse

TP 1.03 really not a dream


2017-11-13 09:08 | Report Abuse

Wow, early morning already 0.815.


2017-11-10 20:21 | Report Abuse

Good one astalavista, what's your average, haha


2017-11-10 18:03 | Report Abuse

Expect a breakeven with q2 or maybe slight increase compare q2


2017-11-10 18:02 | Report Abuse

@yipman, the recent announcement on hibiscus stating that the production online percentage is lower compare to q2. So it kind of offset the increase in crude oil price


2017-11-10 16:49 | Report Abuse

wow, close at 0.79. Unbelieveable.


2017-11-10 16:39 | Report Abuse

private placement bro


2017-11-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

the buyer looks serious this time, can hold a bit longer and see what they can push to


2017-11-10 15:39 | Report Abuse

0.8 might not be a dream now


2017-11-10 15:38 | Report Abuse

0.79, wow......


2017-11-10 15:23 | Report Abuse

green green day for OG counter except......


2017-11-10 15:17 | Report Abuse

the sudden fly looks like is the after effect from the coverage of media last few days ago.
It jump just like few month ago, where nanyang suddenly cover about hibisucs and jump from 0.4 to 0.45c.

Will need to see if hibiscus can maintain at this price.


2017-11-10 15:14 | Report Abuse

@Moneynotenough, based on the announcement, 2q17 98% uptime.
So the production will be lower in 3q17, offset by increase in crude oil price. So this quarter earning should be break even only.

More interesting is on the gas injection system installation, which will boost the production a bit more.
Of course, there's sabah EOR the main catalyst.


2017-11-10 15:11 | Report Abuse

wow, 0.77 new high this year eh


2017-11-10 15:08 | Report Abuse

Anyway, the operator seems to like round figure, haha.
Always in 200, 300 /500 etc.


2017-11-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

wow, down 20-30c everyday.
Look at the selling execution, hundred by hundred lots selling in less than a second make me believe there's somebody manipulating it.

Interesting, and let see how low it can go before ex-date.


2017-11-09 01:03 | Report Abuse

The uncertainty of dayang is the one that drag the crowd from buying it. Everybody just wait and see how it perform after ex-date. No right or wrong for this decision depends on each person's interest.

But when i think back from fundamental side, did the perdana share dividend really affect the core business of dayang? Not really, it is more like splitting share, share price change but actually the profit (if any) still not going to change, so why i panic when the price now so low?

Especially the price being suppressed like crazy, the selling pressure is so high after the dividen ex-date announcement is made. Why crowd sell now but not soon after the decision made in AGM, which at that time the price is even higher now and crude oil price is lower. So my own believe is some party are doing some tricks behind, especially look at the trading case, always in few hundred lots of selling in single second which make me doubt even more.

Well just my 2cents, maybe right maybe wrong.
Dayang is my only OG counter in losses now, haha.
Topping up dont know how many time already, always go lower after thought it has been stabilized. lol


2017-11-08 16:49 | Report Abuse

With higher crude oil now should be not that bad unless operation hiccups inside hibiscus


2017-11-08 16:48 | Report Abuse

It already makes good profit last6 quarters. That was when when crude oil still cheap


2017-11-08 16:30 | Report Abuse

@moneynotenough, reach being dragged back. still able to make profit.
Too high to enter now for me, just need wait and see if any chance to get in.


2017-11-08 09:27 | Report Abuse

Reach seems like the main theme for goreng today.
Look at the volume,fast and furious.


2017-11-08 09:21 | Report Abuse

Reach so strong this week.
All OG counter down, but it up. and constantly up at least 0.015 per day. lol, jealous


2017-11-08 09:20 | Report Abuse

@moneynotenough, that one is kimanis oil from malaysia and nearby region.
Which is higher quality and less sour, that's the reason why the price is higher than brent.


2017-11-08 08:37 | Report Abuse

Get lower and lower and it is like a good chance to topup


2017-11-08 08:35 | Report Abuse

Dayang price seems being supressed. When the dividend announced, the price junp by 10%. But being dragged back on the same day and now the price is even lower than before it announce the dividend


2017-11-07 11:59 | Report Abuse

wao, shark is so fierce on pushing down the price


2017-11-06 19:05 | Report Abuse

Thanks chung. Does it means we should sell dayang on 14th if possible?


2017-11-06 16:55 | Report Abuse

sell or hold? dayang confuse me like crazy


2017-11-06 16:33 | Report Abuse

show start? huge buying suddenly


2017-11-06 11:07 | Report Abuse

Haha, good one damienCYH.
I once thought of buying reach, but didnt at the end.
Regret now though, but that's life.


2017-11-06 11:05 | Report Abuse

BA hard to move, the blocker been there for many month.
I bought BA first then hibiscus.
All O&G counter move but BA still ding dong ding dong till today, haha


2017-11-06 10:32 | Report Abuse

wah, crude oil up to zone of 62, hibiscus not moving? weird.
Look at reach, slowly slowly chase up liao


2017-11-03 16:30 | Report Abuse

oo, battle start again. see either close 0.77 or 0.765.
But blocker looks serious today after lost yesterday


2017-11-02 16:18 | Report Abuse really happen, lol


2017-11-02 15:54 | Report Abuse

haiz, back to opening price perhaps?


2017-11-02 14:59 | Report Abuse

wow, cant even stand 2% increase after the divident announced.....


2017-11-01 15:42 | Report Abuse

that road block, same tactic again eh


2017-11-01 15:41 | Report Abuse

Wah, armada is the rising star for og counter today.
Hopefully not one day show again. up one day then down down down non-stop