
Dolly_Chai2 | Joined since 2017-02-14

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2017-03-10 15:59 | Report Abuse

haha.. Mags is a new ID created by sxckperformer who talks the same cxck story...


2017-03-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

as I mentioned earlier, this stock is worth at least RM4.29. Believe it or not... time will prove.. let's see :)


2017-03-10 10:34 | Report Abuse

come on la.. sissy sxckperformer... why selectively respond to our posts? no-balls?


2017-03-10 10:34 | Report Abuse

guys, u can scroll up (quite some time ago) that I explained on all this joker's fake accusations...


2017-03-10 10:33 | Report Abuse

about debt, capex, dividend etc.. i have explained in full details previously.. yet, he pretended he did not see it.. and dare not comment on it... but hor.. still repeat his grandma story.. what a pathetic idixt...


2017-03-10 10:32 | Report Abuse

haha... everyone is pissed off with sxckperformer's fake/manipulated info here....

yet, he continues to sing his old grandma song everyday... ppl already know he is biased and gave manipulated info... still wanna repeat...


2017-03-09 10:00 | Report Abuse

always want to win, despite the fact that he knows in his very heart that he is already wrong... still wanna fight without any solid point


2017-03-09 09:59 | Report Abuse

i doubt loser like him can ever interact and live in harmony with anyone in this world...


2017-03-09 09:58 | Report Abuse

this sxckperformer is a real loser in life...

in order to cover up his mistakes and manipulated info.. he made more effort to create more fake info/half-true info to cover up his lies...

a typical loser in life...


2017-03-09 09:57 | Report Abuse

fxx off la u.. dun talk cxck and nonsense...
take up my challenge first...

since u r 200% sure i modified my portfolio.. why dare not make a "death" swear?

scared of God will punish u of accusing me?

i have sworn that my average price that i showed is real... why u dare not?

if dare not, be responsible like a man (not no-balls sissy like what u r now) and dun simply accuse ppl.. idixt


2017-03-09 09:54 | Report Abuse

sxckperformer... 0.92 now wor.... where is the collapse?


2017-03-09 09:51 | Report Abuse

evergreen5101.. no need challenge sxckperformer to come out to meet 1:1...
u think this pondan aka sissy will take up ur challenge?

he has no bxlls.... me and raider challenged him many times he still pretended he did not see it and still talk cxck....

even if he said : ok, lets come out and meet... he will still "aeroplane" you la... u think he dare to come out?

if yes, i will challenge him to meet up... then i get 2 witnesses
then i open up laptop, show him my portfolio +ve return on evergreen... see whether real or not..

if real, he jumps off a building in front of us...
if not real, i jump...

u think this no-balls idixot dares to take up challenge?

he is only good at falsely accusing ppl, manipulating info...

other things all sxck


2017-03-09 09:44 | Report Abuse

guys.... i think Evergreen report may cause some confusion to new investors.. why?

in 2015, there was bonus issue.. so before the bonus issue.. 12 month ended total outstanding shares is 517,356,000... net profit was RM90,904,000... so EPS was 17.57...

but in 2016, due to increase of shares to 827,153,000, even though net profit drop a bit to 71,441... the EPS shows a drop of almost 50% to 8.64... if ppl simply look at EPS of two years to compare.. they may not understand what is really going on...

so Evergreen should adjust 2015 EPS (with a note of *) with the current share values (i saw some listed companies do that way)....

see.. i also pointed what evergreen can do better... not like some idixt... super biased and manipulated info....


2017-03-09 09:37 | Report Abuse

haha... joker sxckperformer.... why when the price goes up.. u didn't say : wow, it is going up.. price up is a reflection of its good fundamentals?

when price is temporarily down, u jumped out like a sissy and said: see, price is down - a reflection of its bad fundamentals?

wtf.. why u so double standard one?

let me tell u what... short term fluctuation (up or down) is not importatn... we true investors aim for long term for read gain when it realizes its full value...

understand it or not, idxot?


2017-03-08 16:17 | Report Abuse

yes, Magni also good... i did a comparison before.. equally good for both... Magni slightly higher Dividend yield.. but other ratios almost the same...

but imagine urself.. from RM5.00 to RM10.00 easier or from RM1.40 to RM2.80 easier?


2017-03-08 16:15 | Report Abuse

stupid fellow dun understand English...

sxckperformer: only look at the past results (but double standard on Hevea... Hevea used to have thin profit margin but improves now.. why Hevea can, evergreen cannot?)

wise investors: look at the past + future...

Hevea: the price is now fully reflected.. fairly priced in.. not much margin of safety..

Evergreen: currently still major in MDF sales, but understand the higher margin of RTA products and high premium particleboards and is expanding towards these 2 business, while maintaining their expertise in MDF (defensive play)....

So there is much room for Evergreen to grow the profit margin...
Hevea - not much growth

Look at the past of evergreen results and management experience:

They have been making handsome revenue and profit in the past.. only until 2013/14, there was oversupply/glut of MDF.. causing their results not good... but they are slowly recovering...

and more importantly.. when it expands into RTA & particleboard lines.. it can easily eat up Hevea share market...
that is why sxckperformer is so worried now and badmouth evergreen with manipulated info...


2017-03-08 16:05 | Report Abuse

if ex-prisoner is still guilty now... Hevea used to nearly go bankrupt once.. now why u buy it?

double standard here?


2017-03-08 16:05 | Report Abuse

haha... sxckperfomer will accuse air01557 is either me, raider or evergreen5101...


2017-03-08 16:03 | Report Abuse

if you are interested.. can study Prlexus urself...

Dun trust me yet.. haha


2017-03-08 16:03 | Report Abuse

myongcc5... another share with good EV/EBIT and ROIC is Prlexus... somemore they are expanding (which is what most investors like, haha)

see by end of this year or early 2018.. i think Prlexus price will shoot up..

this share has not gone up much yet.. my average price around RM1.40... but have bought enough for a big portion % of my total share value... now waiting for it to go up.... i wont add more even though now the price is still low... i need to diversify my portfolio not to concentrate too much on one share


2017-03-08 15:57 | Report Abuse

whether break rules or not that is very subjective.. they can think my words / Evergreen5101's as vulgar but we may not think so...

anyway, even if we use vulgar words.. we gave real info.. unlike u a sissy hypocrite... u keep manipulating info... we despise u.. that is why we scolded u....


2017-03-08 15:51 | Report Abuse

raider... u r wrong... dolly also use 1 ID only..

evergreen5101 is another ID by "freeAsABird" bcoz i think his previous ID was banned due to use of vulgar words (i am fine with these words)...

me too.. my previous ID Dolly_Chai... was banned due to vulgar words which i dun think vulgar...


2017-03-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

dun worry myongcc5... my valuation was conservative...

if u calculate like what most investors like to do (using PE)...

annualize 2 latest Q to full year... 24.23sen x 2 = 48.46 sen EPS... just apply PE 10.. it is worth RM 4.85


2017-03-08 15:38 | Report Abuse

myongcc5... i waited for so long.. finally....


2017-03-08 15:36 | Report Abuse

sxckperformer , why u hide the title of the Hlebank analysis???

Evergreen Fibreboard - FY16 : Results in line

can see or not? Results in line...

very obvious this idixt is manipulating info.... caught red handed..see..


2017-03-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

i3 admin... we investors at Evergreen forum here would like to request you to ban this starperformer for giving manipulated info to mislead forumers here...

we have shown him every single proof / calculation / valuation but he still injects nonsense...

pls ban him.. thank you...


2017-03-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

valuation of RM1.20 wor.... why u purposely hide it???


but i think this valuation is very conservative... should be higher


2017-03-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

haha... blxxdy hell sxckperformer only showed part of the HLBank report...

what is their target price???

let me show u...

4Q16 core net profit of RM13.8m (qoq: -27.6%, yoy: -46.1%) took FY16 core net profit to RM73.6m (-14.5%) The results came in within our expectation, accounting for 97% our full year forecast.
YoY… Core net profit in 4Q16 declined by 46.1% to RM13.8m, affected by lower sales volumes and ASP for MDF products, the absence of deferred tax assets recognition (in 4Q15) and likely losses from sawmill division.
QoQ…. Although revenue rising by 8.4% to RM262.8m (due to higher sales volumes and ASP), 4Q16 core net profit declined by 27.6% to RM13.8m. This was due mainly to higher costs of rubber log wood and glue (which account for about 2/3 of MDF production cost).
YTD… FY16 core net profit declined by 14.5% to RM73.6m, dragged by higher rubber wood log cost, lower ASP for Malaysian operations and higher tax expense, which more than offset improved performance from Thailand operation (due to higher plant utilization rate and lower production costs).
Escalating raw material and labour costs;
Weaker-than-expected demand and selling prices for MDF; and
Delay in commencement of new production lines (in particularly, RTA and particleboard).
We lower our FY17-18 core net profit forecasts by 25.6% and 14% largely to reflect for higher rubber log wood and adhesive price assumptions (which prices have increased by ~20% YTD on the back of weather-induced shortage and higher crude oil price).
BUY ( ↔ )

Despite the downward revision in our earnings forecasts, we still see earnings growth potential for the next 2 years, as we believe higher raw material costs will be mitigated by: (1) Strong US$ (HLIB forecast: RM4.30/US$ in FY17-18 from an average of RM4.00/US$ in FY16); (2) The commissioning of second RTA line and new particleboard line (which are expected to contribute to Evergreen’s bottom lines from 2H17 onwards). Besides, valuations are undemanding, at FY17-18 P/E of 8.8x and 8.1x respectively (assuming our earnings forecasts are met).
Post earnings adjustment, our TP is lowered to RM1.20 (from RM1.51 previously) based on unchanged 11x revised FY17 core EPS of 10.7 sen. Maintain BUY rating on the stock.
Source: Hong Leong Investment Bank Research - 24 Feb 2017


2017-03-08 15:25 | Report Abuse

u guys can notice that i do not even use PE multiple.. if i use that... the valuation will be much higher (coz i think EV/EBIT valuation more accurate)... but some investors like to merely use PE to decide share price.. haha...

that means.. they can help us push the price up... haha...


2017-03-08 15:23 | Report Abuse

myongcc.. not too late yet.. (even though u missed some higher % of profit)

see my calculation of its valuation...


2017-03-08 15:23 | Report Abuse

Icon, ur Airasia also doing good ma... i also got buy some Airasia share.. haha...


2017-03-08 15:22 | Report Abuse

what is kakashit's ave price?


2017-03-08 15:22 | Report Abuse

guys... my average price is RM1.1050 (bought many years ago.. finally... haha)


2017-03-08 15:21 | Report Abuse

current EY = EBIT/EV = 13.4295% (great)
ROIC = 16.1543% (great)
CY = FCF/MC = 4.7129% (Good)
P/BV = 1.2558 (OK)


2017-03-08 15:19 | Report Abuse

chankp7010 ...

i think some value investors found out about this good share.. so they bought it.. maybe funds buying....


2017-03-08 15:18 | Report Abuse

what if the next 2 quarters also making 11-12 sen EPS? valuation will be higher...


2017-03-08 15:18 | Report Abuse

that means even if u invest in current price, there is still a chance to earn 37.5%


2017-03-08 15:18 | Report Abuse

so for current price.. it is still much undervalued...

Margin of safety: (RM4.29-RM3.12)/RM3.12 = 37.5%


2017-03-08 15:16 | Report Abuse

guys... i just updated my valuation spreadsheet for SUCCESS to include the latest quarterly results

Trailing 4 Q valuations:

Assume EV/EBIT = 10, EV wil be: RM 529960
Market Capitalization (MC) will be: RM 491038

Intrinsic Value RM 4.2933

and bear in mind that this valuation is very conservative.. as I took last 4 quarterly results (where the first 2 quarters are not so good... in Q6, they even made some loss due to process equipment division)....

If you annualized 2017 2 quarters... u will even see much higher valuation...

but again, i wanna play conservatively so i take last 4 quarters...


2017-03-08 14:18 | Report Abuse

mari mari... sailang in.....


2017-03-08 14:18 | Report Abuse

and read their Q3 and Q4 prospects:

Prospect for Year 2016
Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Directors anticipate the Group’s performance for the financial year
2016 to be better than the financial year 2015.

Yes, they proved it to be the case!!!!

Prospect for Year 2017
Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Directors anticipate the Group’s performance for the financial year
2017 to be better than the financial year 2016

again, let's see if they can make it again!!! (i think they will... sales will definitely increase due to increase of population, if they dont lose out to competitors)


2017-03-08 14:15 | Report Abuse

--> albeit there were
increase in depreciation expenses in Indonesia, trial run expenses for new production line and some fixed
asset written –off during shifting in Indonesia.

explanation: early 2016, their results were not so good because of this reason... so we can expect 2017 will be even better than 2016 as its new line in indonesia is now in operation... previous the operational cost is also higher due to the commissioning of this new line and "dual expenses" (as explained by Management) as they need to maintain the old and new lines at the same time...

and dun forget about their products are consumer products/necessity... u need diapers / sanitary pads regardless of how bad economy is... and global population will definitely grow.. and more demand...

so i am setting at least 70-80sen as target price for this share...


2017-03-08 14:12 | Report Abuse

guys, read this carefully (last sentence):

On quarter-on-quarter basis, the Group recorded an increase of 32.39% in revenue mainly due to increase
in revenue in nonwoven division in Malaysia, Thailand and Japan, and also increase in revenue in felts
division in Malaysia and Indonesia. On year-on year basis, the Group registered an increase of 5.37% in
revenue mainly due to increase in sales in nonwoven division in Malaysia and Japan market and increase in
sales in felts division in Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines market.
The Group recorded an increase of RM1.381 million in net profit on quarter-on-quarter basis was mainly
due to increase in revenue and foreign exchange gain. The increase of RM1.425 million in net profit on
year-on-year was mainly attributable to higher revenue and foreign exchange gain albeit there were
increase in depreciation expenses in Indonesia, trial run expenses for new production line and some fixed
asset written –off during shifting in Indonesia.


2017-03-08 11:00 | Report Abuse

mari mari.. first milestone RM3.50...then RM4.00 next


2017-03-08 11:00 | Report Abuse

wah.. today eat viagra???!!! haha


2017-03-08 10:58 | Report Abuse

sorry Evergreen5101.. i removed that post d...


2017-03-08 10:51 | Report Abuse

haha.. i am really laughing all the way to the bank now... more to come though...


2017-03-08 10:30 | Report Abuse

and answer me...

net debt/equity = -45/1151M = 0.039 only

considered massive debt? wtf.... dun laugh die me la


2017-03-08 10:29 | Report Abuse

dun talk cxck la (the only thing u r good at)...

if u dare to accuse ppl falsely.. u must dare to be responsible for that ...

opps.. i forgot u r just a kindergarten level kid.. how would u understand "responsibility"?

when we talk, we must be responsible.. unlike u.. sissy loser..


2017-03-08 10:27 | Report Abuse

sxckperformer.. where are ur balls?

dare not take up my "death curse" challenge?

u simply accused me of editing my portfolio return but when i challenged u back to swear like what i did.. u chickened out like a sissy?