
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2015-05-17 14:23 | Report Abuse

Sum55, stone me!

Oh dear. My bad.

Not sure what to say, Sum55. Write off the loss? Well, temporarily if not permanently? Why don't I just regale you with a brief story about my own personal life experience in investing ...

Well, if it's any comfort, Sum55, my accumulated previous total losses - prior to May 2013 (GE13 time) - comes to about RM120k. I had already considered myself as retired forever from the world of stock investing. Labelled myself a born loser, more or less ... LOL

But, came GE13 time, certain ideas came to me, investing ideas, and my old, long-dormant investor's instincts came to life again ...

So, put 50k back into my account, just focused on 'solid' stocks, and made 20k in about 5 weeks, post-GE13 ...

Then took 150k personal loan from MBSB to play a bigger game, and eventually ended up focusing on Sumatec alone with about 200k, after having cut loss 20k after hearing news of probable invasion of Syria by US ...

After RI in October/November 2013, which I subscribed, and thereby got a few hundred free WB Warrants, was holding about 930 big lots of Suma Mother

Decided to convert (trade in) all from Suma Mother to Suma WB around early March 2014, becos I saw that WB was more agile than Mother ... So got 1,000+ big lots of WB, my initial cost about 24 ...

Held on to WB and did not sell, even when it reached 55.5 sen ... Was just happy to gain the self-bestowed title Mr. Half M ... for a while ... LOL

So, what do I do now? Control macho, pretend to be invincible & indestructible, what else ... Way to go ... LOL

Well, I'm now playing in & out ... Buying Nova when Nova is cheap ... Selling Nova when got some profit, then buying back Suma WB when Suma WB is cheap ... Selling WB when got some profit, then buying back Nova when Nova is cheap ...

Well, I can't give in to despair & disappointment, can I? What good wud that do? At least, when I buy back Suma WB now, I get even more lots than before, so at last there is some gain in that way too ...

Just try making some small profits every now & again, keep increasing my number of lots every time I buy, whether it's Nova or Suma WB ...


2015-05-17 11:49 | Report Abuse

JY, try asking Mr. Market.


2015-05-17 09:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by eric_b7b > May 16, 2015 07:25 AM | Report Abuse

hello, when suma goreng hah? 56 cents x 5800 . remember that

Of course la, we all remember, Eric dude. 5,800 big lots @56, you bought dat time. Next time go RM5, mayeb in 2020, you got nearly RM30 mil wor ...


2015-05-17 09:11 | Report Abuse

BTW, Sum55, what was your average entry cost, if one may know ....


2015-05-17 09:09 | Report Abuse

Sum55, if you see a glass filled midway with water, would you rather say that it is 'half full', or wud you prefer to call it 'half empty' ...

If you're the first type, you will see da good in many things ... But if you're the second type, you will likely see only da bad in everything ... Ain't da kind of life one wud like to live ...

So, choose the type that you wud rather be ...


2015-05-17 09:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by ken2266 > May 16, 2015 06:12 AM | Report Abuse

Does anyone read this before http://themalaysianreserve.com/new/story/sumatec-carry-oil-field-production-expansion

Yes. Everybody has read it. Maybe except you. Becos you only like to spend you time - and keep yourself so busy - whining, moaning & groaning away all da time. This, below, is what I posted several days ago:

Posted by DreamConqueror > May 13, 2015 08:28 AM | Report Abuse

No fear, dudes. Sumatec growth strategy still well on track:



2015-05-16 02:27 | Report Abuse

Banyak juga orang yg gemar beli tinggi, pas tu jual murah, ya? ... Apa nak wat, tunggu aja la dulu ... Sampai dia orang puas & bosan dengan kegemaran dia orang tu ...


2015-05-16 02:12 | Report Abuse

Well, if it's any comfort, Ameera, you're not alone ... Me at 0.67 ...

I'm contemplating selling @4.5 & buying back @4. Since it's been stagnating for quite a while around dat range. If I cud repeat dat 5 times, then I'd more than recovered the loss from da first buy at 7 ...


2015-05-16 02:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-16 01:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by stallionrichmont > May 15, 2015 10:43 PM | Report Abuse

From the chart, currently it at a very critical level to maintain the bullishness. Shall it break below 0.175. The entire trend will be changes and traders might not be putting this counter into their radar anymore. However, a good thing that being notice the recent sell down for the past 2 days there is no significant volume which is possible indicate the end of the correction. we just need more confirmation and volume to be coming in to confirm the reversal signal .

Impressive-sounding gobbledygook. Just like a turkey's cackle. LOL

I suppose you made a similar fancy analysis six weeks back, when it dropped to 16, on April 1.


2015-05-15 23:46 | Report Abuse

Ha ha. NoManLand, if anyone cud tell for sure, with exact precision, where a stock is going, he'd be able to make himself a billionaire in six months, starting with only 10k ...


2015-05-15 22:39 | Report Abuse

Sum55, these are things you hv to learn by hard e3ffort ... From own experience, by observing others etc.etc.

I can't tell you what da best thing for you to do is ... Cos I can't see what's going to happen exactly next, next week, next year ...

To be honest, I still believe that Suma will rise again, some time ... But some of us might feel tested in terms of patience, willingness to wait etc ... and I'm no different from da rest ... Cos I'm also a human being, like any other ...

I once thought dat I was simply gonna wait it out, tough it out ... But one day about a month ago, Suma WB (what I'm playing) suddenly spiked up to 18, from a stagnant level of around 14 ... So, predicting that it will correct back down, I sold at 17.5 ... and fortunately I made da correct judgement & decision ... and I managed to buy back @13.5 ...

I sold half of dat again @14.5, while the other half I sold back at cost (13.5) becos I wanted to be invested in Nova while Suma is looking sluggish ...

But I'll styill be playing Suma WB, in & out, on & off ... while waiting for Suma's big rise ...

Well, it's always a guessing game, Sum55, to be completely honest ... One just tries to keep improving one's guessing skill, just like one tries to keep improving one's shooting skill on the football field ... I guess

Yes, it is a tough call ... But there is where the fun is ...Unless you wanna be playing FD ... LOL


2015-05-15 22:22 | Report Abuse

Sum55, I told ya oledy ... The Goddess of Fortune does not like a whiner ... LOL


2015-05-15 22:14 | Report Abuse

Really ah, Eric. Waaah, like dat you more advanced than me lor. You oledy made more profit than me lor.

You konw, there is a hot babe around named Nikki Nova ... you try google for her ... She's hot ... Maybe it's a good omen for us ... LOL


2015-05-15 22:02 | Report Abuse

'latest stock' = latest stock price



2015-05-15 22:01 | Report Abuse

'new ells' = new wells



2015-05-15 22:01 | Report Abuse

Ken, wake up. If Suma opens some new ells, ti wud be becos that is in their strategy time line. Not to offset any drop in stock price. That ain't how a big billion dollar business is run.

One does not flip & flop this way and that, like an over-excited monkey, in reaction to one's company's latest stock. One just proceeds with one's planned grwoth schedule.


2015-05-15 21:50 | Report Abuse

'lost mnaking' = loss making



2015-05-15 21:49 | Report Abuse

It's da lost making outfit that gives one da potential to turn it around ... and thereby da upside ...

If it's one dat is already functioning like clockwork, what else is there for one to do ... Other than expending a helluva lot of effort to keep it functioning like clockwork ...


2015-05-15 21:21 | Report Abuse

But then, Eric dude, when your profit comes, you must belanja me one double session massage with the hottest girl in your favourite spa ... for giving you a hot investing tip ... LOL


2015-05-15 21:18 | Report Abuse

Good judgement, Eric. This baby is hot. You won't regret it.


2015-05-15 21:03 | Report Abuse

You will never buy one la, Matthew ... If go to 17.5, then you will say, 'Go go go, 16.5' ... Like dat one you will never start investing ...

And when others are aredy counting their profits, you will still be muttering, to yourself, alone, lika a monk gone nuts, 'Go go go, 15.5', 'Go go go, 14.5', 'Go go go, 13.5' or whathever it is ...


2015-05-15 20:58 | Report Abuse

You say 'Come on, move' 10,000 times also, you think it will follow what you say ah ... Like this one ah ...


2015-05-13 17:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-13 17:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-05-13 17:15 | Report Abuse

Ha! Apa maciam skrg, MatthewLTS ... Sudah rugi 1 sen la lu, lu sudah juai panic selling 18.5 tadi pagi ... Skrg sudah recover 1 sen lor ... 19.5 lor ... ha ha ha


2015-05-13 16:56 | Report Abuse

Lagi berapa jauh lu ingat lia boleh jalan ah, BBoy ah ... Wa mau bili pun itu haliga sulah tinggi wor ...


2015-05-13 16:54 | Report Abuse

Waah, lu kaya lor, BBoy, ini maciam ...


2015-05-13 16:46 | Report Abuse

Well, this time, this rebound, it might sail up all da way to 27 ... Who knows ...


2015-05-13 16:44 | Report Abuse

What 'drop so much', KL-Lee. 1.5 sen also 'so much' ah. Where were you when Nova sailed up from 16 to 24 over just a week ...


2015-05-13 16:41 | Report Abuse

'Lari, lari, lari' is another crappy mantra ... It's a perennial favourite, among da chickens ... LOL


2015-05-13 16:39 | Report Abuse

Well, you got da wrong feeling, Matthew dude ... Well, maybe you hv a natural tendency to get da wrong feelings ... So that's why you're always struggling with your stocks ... LOL

Well, there ya go again ... running away like chickens ... LOL


2015-05-13 15:40 | Report Abuse

Lu sell @14, then buy back @15.5 ah ... Waaah, manyiak pandai lu main punya hor ...

Tak pa la, lu sulah untung manyiak leh, lu bili first time 0.75 leh ...


2015-05-13 15:26 | Report Abuse

'cerita hant' = cerita hantu



2015-05-13 15:25 | Report Abuse

Sudah 4 quarter orang bikin cerita hant, cakap company rugi ... Kali-kali pun, kempat-empat kali pun, itu orang salah juga, 4 quarter pun semua untung juga ...

Lu JeoCity pun sama macam itu orang juga ... MANYIAK suka bikin cerita hantu, cerita Pontianak juga ...

Lu tengok la sikit hari ah, ini syarikat rugi ka untung ka ah, lu nanti tengok betul-betul ah ...

Orang cakap, ini company bukan bisness jual beli minyak, ini macam business dia orang belum mula lagi ...

Dia orang sekarang ah, bikin kerja as contract operator & service provider juga. Ini macam business manyiak susah rugi punya ... Apa pasat?

Pasat ah, ini macam kerja, lu sudah siap bikin itu kerja, lu punya client bayar upah sama lu juga. Lagi itu kos barang, kos buruh, kos equipment, semua pun itu client tanggung juga ... Lagi apa macam lu mau rugi?

Lu ada faham ah? ...


2015-05-13 15:02 | Report Abuse

Woi, AndyChucky. Lu sudah jual lu punya ah ... Boleh la, cut loss @18.5 la hor ... ha ha


2015-05-13 14:56 | Report Abuse

Ha! Jual la lagi, siapa yg berani jual, jual aja murah-murah ... Ramai yg sanggup beli tu ... LOL


2015-05-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

Want to cut loss also, must be really confident, that the stock WILL continue to drop, SURELY & CERTAINLY ...

Otherwise, if just cut loss simply becos dengar orang punya nonsense 'cut-loss' mantra, might end up NOT cutting your losses, but, instead, INCREASING your losses ...


2015-05-13 14:01 | Report Abuse

STTeck, klu lu cut loss 1 kali, kena loss 1k, klu lu cut loss itu macam 20 kali, lu sudah LOST berapa banyak ...

Lu boleh cuba kira ah ...


2015-05-13 13:58 | Report Abuse

Ha ha, AndyChucky. Ya gotta try harder than that, dude ...

Ya know, I've already made 1 round of 4-sen profit, and 2 rounds of 1-sen profit, on this one, with not a few big lots ...

And I've only been playin Nova for about a month ...

Ya just do the maths ... Dude


2015-05-13 13:39 | Report Abuse

Klu nak beli barang, klu itu barang yg ada good value & good quality punya, lagi mau murah-murah sangat, siapa mau kasi, Bro ...

Klu dia da kasi pun, sikit aja ... Dia mau kasi lu punya hati seronok sikit jam aja ...


2015-05-13 13:17 | Report Abuse

And you might be missing out on 25, while waiting in vain for days, for 15 ...

Remember dat week? It rebounded from 16 ... all da way up to 24 ... Leaving all them dudes who were waiting for 15 ... dudes like you ... all lying down, forlorn & forsaken, in dissapointment & dismay, in da Bursa dust ... LOL


2015-05-13 12:54 | Report Abuse

Only problems is, you might hv to be waiting ... foreva ... LOL


2015-05-13 12:25 | Report Abuse

Tough call, EatSmall, I know. But it's your call, dude ... LOL

Stay cool ... Way to play, Way to go ...


2015-05-13 12:20 | Report Abuse

The drop to 16 on 1 April, as some dudes say, was partly caused by GST implementation. Don't ask me why, though, cos I don't know it myself ...


2015-05-13 12:18 | Report Abuse

FYI, I've noticed that Nova has this ability to recover fast .. sometimes too fast for one's good ...

Like it dropped to 16 on April 1, and by the time I made my decision to go in, for the first time, a few days later, it was already 19 - 20.

I didn't hv to wait very long, fortunately, cos it went up to 24 about a week or two later, and I managed to sell at 23.5


2015-05-13 12:12 | Report Abuse

No fear, Matthew. I've actually made some solid gains off Nova since I started playing it early last month.


2015-05-13 12:08 | Report Abuse

Nope, not mad at all. Just tryin to gv some maybe scared dudes some moral support & inspiration.

I just don't want anyone to keep losing out from over-reacting. Like if they bought yesterday @20, or even 21, then sold in panic just now maybe @18.5, then bought again in panic @19.5, they'll just keep losing if they keep playing while in 'lost control' mode that way ...


2015-05-13 11:54 | Report Abuse

The time to buy is when everybody around you is feeling shy (or scared, worried, anxious etc. etc.) ...

The time to sell is when everybody around you is feeling swell (or good, brave, confident etc. etc.) ...


2015-05-13 11:49 | Report Abuse

Those who are positive minded, & strong spirited, & adventurous, they prefer to see opportunity & challenge ...

But those who are negative minded, or weak minded, or timid hearted, they can only see danger, threats, ghosts, sharks, monsters, pontianak, whatever ...