
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2015-03-20 11:36 | Report Abuse

So, Simu Noraini, you reckon that Suma cud go down further then, that seems to be what you're saying ...


2015-03-20 11:34 | Report Abuse

Why blame LooiKS if you lost money. It was not his hand that did the buying or selling for you. It has always been your own.


2015-03-20 11:32 | Report Abuse

And which female folks hv I been abusive to? Not any who I know obviously that they are female, definitely not.

You are female? No, I'm not supposed to know that if you are, becos the way you hv been going on has definitely not been that feminine. AT least by my judgement. So I just had to assume that you are a male, all this while.


2015-03-20 11:27 | Report Abuse

6868, too late now, dude. The trouble with you i that, you always think the best of yourself, & the worst of other people, especially those who hv a different opinion to yours.

You've been trashing me, LooiKS, Noraini, and anybody else who frequently disagree with what you say, and who you claim hv been misleading other people for so long.

It is not about how long who has been here, & whether he/she has been promoting Sumatec or otherwise. It's about keeping control of your own feelings and putting a hold or cap on what you wanna say. Not to just simply lash out all & sundry, just becos they do not agree with you.


2015-03-20 11:15 | Report Abuse

You see, dudes. That kontuik, idiot, kiddy dikkhead 6868. He has surrendered now. Admitted defeat.

Another one bites the dust.


2015-03-20 11:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by 6868 > Mar 20, 2015 10:12 AM | Report Abuse


I would appreciate if we don't acknowledge each other and respect each other's space you can talk all you want and I will leave you alone but I truly appreciate if you ignore me entirely. thank you.

Uh huh. Now you hv admitted it. You hv been defeated. Totally & completely.

No, I won't be ignoring you. On the contrary, I shall continue to grind it into you. Until you beg for mercy.


2015-03-20 10:07 | Report Abuse

So game tactics & strategy must be fluid also ...


2015-03-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

According to 6868, everybody is always wrong Only he is always right. Very clever chap, he is.


2015-03-20 08:34 | Report Abuse

'... a good, log lie-in' = a good, LONG lie-in ...



2015-03-20 08:33 | Report Abuse

Half hour to go ... You all will be doing battle ... While I'll be enjoying my leave today with a good, log lie-in ... Cos I've already fought my battle last week ...


2015-03-20 07:38 | Report Abuse

You guys are real early birds. Me, I'm just up for a visit to the toilet. On leave today, so will be just monitoring price movement. It's T4 day today, IIRC.


2015-03-20 01:02 | Report Abuse

Gua dulu pun bukan tak pernah main itu macam, sama lain stock. Tapi klu main Suma susah sikit mau bikin itu macam. Susah lebih sikit aja. Tapi boleh bikin juga.


2015-03-20 01:01 | Report Abuse

DS, dia orang tak tau. Gua pun sudah mula main in & out pulak. Ha ha. Gradually increase gua punya total number of lots, at the same time grow gua punya wealth.

Ini macam main lor.


2015-03-20 00:28 | Report Abuse

DickyMe & 6868. A pair of smart-arses calling each other smart-arse. Welcome to da show!!!


2015-03-19 15:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by 6868 > Mar 19, 2015 02:54 PM | Report Abuse

I don't have balls of steel boy.. ha ha

Of course you don't. Everybody knows this by now. You are a kontuik, idiot, kiddy dikkhead with balls of jelly, who is not yet man enough to take full responsibility for his own judgements & decisions.

Always choosing to lay the blame on anybody else. Anybody else BUT himself.


2015-03-19 15:14 | Report Abuse

LooiKS, just post that reminder to 6868 every time he starts whining & moaning again.


2015-03-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

Como esta.

Comprende (Spanish) = Comprehend/Understand (English).


2015-03-19 14:54 | Report Abuse

You can consider someone's tip. Whether it's hot or otherwise. Weigh it for its pros & cons. But when it comes to the actual transaction, the judgement & decision is wholly, entirely yours. Nobody else is involved. No hidden hands.

If you win, you can take the credit. If you lose, gotta be man enough to take the responsibility.

The key words are, 'Be man enough to take the responsibility'. Comprende?


2015-03-19 14:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by 6868 > Mar 19, 2015 02:02 PM | Report Abuse

I reckon @looiks is a retired old man who has been in the market since paper shuffling days and probably has vested interest in Suma for a long time and pretend to be big investor working or a 'boss' and someone with insider knowledge or he could be a trader or a group of traders with a very well conceived modus operandi to deserve and misled this forum for his own benefit and he has actually indirectly confessed to it in his gibberish riddles. so yeap trade at your own risk but for many the harm is done and can only piece together the on goings and act accordingly.

All that hate & bitterness. It's destroying you slowly, dude. Slowly but surely.


2015-03-17 13:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Mar 17, 2015 01:42 PM | Report Abuse

@vinoth..don't take them seriously! They always TALK UP the price..There is one dreamer who is hoping for RM10..

While there is one kontuik dikkhead chameleon who keeps changing colour all the bloomin time.

When he is in, he talks it up like heck. As soon as he's sold, then he starts talking it down again.

Kontuik dikkhead chameleon.


2015-03-17 13:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Mar 17, 2015 01:05 PM | Report Abuse

LOL..Dreamer, stock is not dependent on weather and it is not a natural resource which needs environment nourishment for healthy growth. A stock is dependent on integrity, commitment to shareholders, prudence in spending and management of resources, product edge, marketability and top of it all PRODUCTIVITY & PROFIT to thrive in a competitive market environment.

You cannot procrastinate that the stock will do better without effort or scratching each other arse!

Cakap juga banyak lebih. Tapi untung habuk pun tarak. Belagak saja lebih.


2015-03-17 13:02 | Report Abuse

Selling during a spike, then buying back post-correction, cud also be another option ...


2015-03-17 13:01 | Report Abuse

Dia sudah pigi sembunyi la, itu budak kontuik dikkhead SapuMalaysia itu. Sudah sorok dia punya kapala dalam itu bakul sampah juga ...


2015-03-17 12:57 | Report Abuse

Dude. A stock is like the weather. It never stays constant. Sometimes it rains. Sometimes it shines. Sometimes a storm comes. Which can be a good storm or a bad one.


2015-02-23 13:07 | Report Abuse

Their post-holiday lethargy.


2015-02-23 13:07 | Report Abuse

Would take a while for everyone to shake off their holiday blues completely.


2015-02-21 23:05 | Report Abuse


Cool, Sis.


2015-02-21 21:56 | Report Abuse

Hey, BayMax. You also, bro.


2015-02-21 21:55 | Report Abuse

Mods, let me clarify something. I was merely responding to a poster who was using an obscene name, and making obscne posts. After a few minutes he deleted his 2 obscene posts. But it seems you hv chosen to punish me. Oh well, stuff happens, I guess.


2015-02-21 19:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by Baymax > Feb 21, 2015 05:04 PM | Report Abuse

Hehe my hobby is western astrology :)
It's cny please don't fight fight..... Be happy!!!!!

Where got anybody fighting. Mr. OoiTekBee only explaining about someone who misused/abused his name.


2015-02-21 12:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Feb 21, 2015 11:10 AM | Report Abuse

Please do not tell me using animal sign is a lousy calender. Please open your eyes to see the world will enhance your knowledge.

I for one do not see anything wrong with that. The days of the week, from Tuesday to Friday, are named after ancient, pagan Germanic-Scandinavian gods.

While some months of the year, like January, February, march etc. are named after ancient, pagan Roman gods.

So, what is the big deal about naming years by animal signs.


2015-02-21 12:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Feb 21, 2015 10:55 AM | Report Abuse

Please note that I am not the one as quoted by DreamConqueror. An usual bad guy use "otbsuckcook" to discredit me. He is banned now.
Please be informed and I need to clarify.

Actually I WAS wondering what the 'OTB' in that dikkhead 'otbsuckcock' name stood for. I never suspected you at all. I had even forgotten about you & your name.

I only referred to the name 'OTB' in that particular post of mine because I did not want to mention the rest of his disgusting dikkhead 'name'. I was not referring to you at all.

Anyway, good of you to come out with the clarification, in case some other dudes did suspect that it was you. Cheers.


2015-02-21 07:39 | Report Abuse

can malai can ... can malai can ... can malai can ketipung payung ...

ong mali ong ... ong mali ong ... ong mali ong mali ong mali ...


2015-02-21 06:17 | Report Abuse

The serious long term investor is not seriously perturbed by a temporary oil price drop.


2015-02-21 04:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by LaoTze > Feb 19, 2015 07:39 PM | Report Abuse

I wait for the right time to buy.

Posted by Steve1983 > Feb 20, 2015 08:44 AM | Report Abuse

The 'Right Time' is always very very difficult to determine. Let say if they are sending the Wintoni to 0.60 or 1.20, is 0.16 the right time? Or wait until good announcement come out and buy at 0.30? So difficult to know the right time...

The right time is the time before everybody already knows that it's the right time. Well before. Like now, for example.


2015-02-20 14:00 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-20 13:41 | Report Abuse

Conn won't be able to resist dancing to that one. Oh no.


2015-02-20 12:48 | Report Abuse

Wa arkab el-hantour ‘dirigin dirigin’; Wa at hantar ‘dirigin dirigin’
Warkab el-hantour ‘dirigin dirigin’; Wa at hantar ‘dirigin dirigin’
Wa a‘oud ‘oud dam ‘dirigin dirigin’; Wa shid dil li gam ‘dirigin dirigin’
Bas wa a‘oud ‘oud dam ‘dirigin dirigin’; Wa shid dil li gam

Wa arkab el-hantour ‘dirigin dirigin’; Wa at hantar ‘dirigin dirigin’


2015-02-20 12:40 | Report Abuse

Gua dah belajar kelas Arab fast-track sekarang ni, Datuk AT. Ha, jangan main wor.

Lagu El Hantour pun sudah boleh nyanyi wor. Jangan main wor.


2015-02-20 12:38 | Report Abuse

Lagu Arab dekat atas tu la, Datuk AT, itu El Hantour gua post kat atas tu. Siap ngan dia punya lyrics sekali tu.

Ha. Datuk AT klu dah pekena tiga round, tak nak tido la petang ni.


2015-02-20 12:34 | Report Abuse

Lu kena nyanyi itu lagu Arab tiga kali, baru gua kasi gua punya blessing sama lu.


2015-02-20 12:14 | Report Abuse

It's a bit like trying to sell BMW cars in a Mercedes showroom. It's just not on.


2015-02-20 12:09 | Report Abuse

Yup. I do think that dudes should be prohibited from promoting another stock, in any forum thread. It's really unethical, as well as irritating.


2015-02-20 09:29 | Report Abuse

Orang taruk lagu pun, nak flag jugak.


2015-02-20 08:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-20 08:17 | Report Abuse

Belated Gong Xi Fa Cai to all.


2015-02-20 07:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-19 01:46 |

Post removed.Why?