
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-09-01 00:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by strategisst > Sep 1, 2014 12:16 AM | Report Abuse

@DH, bro.... I am waiting to put on my 'bungee jumping' gear to perform on Suma .... from next Tuesday onwards I would see how elastic my bungee jumping could be ... hehe

Huh? I would avoid any extreme sports if I were you. Jogging, power walking, biking or gym work would be fine.

I prefer to be able to enjoy my newfound wealth in fit, healthy, wholesome physical condition. Not with an arm or leg broken, or worse still, missing altogether. LOL


2014-09-01 00:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Slick > Sep 1, 2014 12:09 AM | Report Abuse

I actually I usually key in my own orders. Just sometimes it needs to be reset
or need to increase trading limit especially when dealing with penny stocks.

In that case, make sure you don't encounter any PC or server problems. But then you would be on I-Pad with Wi Fi, I guess. LOL


2014-09-01 00:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by Victor Valdez > Sep 1, 2014 12:07 AM | Report Abuse

@NancyFang - ' anti-sumatec front ' also preparing to lay up strategy to counter us la, tengah pening pikir next tactic to create/scare us.

Do expect DickyMe@Sundarjie & Surelaughone antime soon!!

They will be crushed to an ugly, messy pulp by our baby GODZILLA if they make the unfortunate mistake of standing in his way. LOL


2014-09-01 00:10 | Report Abuse

Nancy, you do not have to feel any guilt about feeling 'greedy' or anything like that. You are taking YOUR own risk with YOUR own money.

So you have the complete, absolute right to attempt to maximise your gains up to any level that you feel realistic and achievable. Nobody else has the right to tell you how you should feel.


2014-09-01 00:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by Victor Valdez > Aug 31, 2014 11:49 PM | Report Abuse

Slick..anything below 0.55 is cheap isnt it..
but my nujum says maybe TOP (theoretical opening price)- 49 cents..see how accurate my nujum on tues la...

Somehow I'm getting this sneaking feeling that there could be a swift sprint toward 1st Limit Up beginning a few minutes after the opening bell.

So, ya all better make sure that your h/p is fully charged up and in fine working condition on Tuesday morning, and that you have made arrangements with your remisier to make sure that he turns up at his desk on time, no medical or emergency leave allowed. LOL

And that if he has another another appointment that he cannot avoid that day, to get him to delegate his transaction duty to another reliable colleague of his.

Just in case you want to execute your big once in a century transaction. Heh heh heh.


2014-08-31 23:56 | Report Abuse

Every Suma general now busily crafting his own battle strategy to fight his own post-PN17-exit battle. Heh heh heh.

Good luck to all of ya.


2014-08-31 23:48 | Report Abuse

My experience with the previous RI was that you eventually make substantially more net gains by accepting the RI. Because whatever the RI offer price is, the stock guardian will 'manage' or 'control' the stock price immediately preceding offer closure at such a level that would more or less guarantee a tidy profit for RI acceptors, post-RI, even taking into account the post-RI downward price adjustment

On top of that, you are also rewarded FOC pocket money with the free new Warrants.

Although some people don't want to take any risk and prefer to sell the RI forms and decline the RI offer.


2014-08-31 18:58 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-31 18:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-31 17:50 | Report Abuse

Of course it will.


2014-08-31 17:49 | Report Abuse

That is why this land needs a Conqueror of Dreams.


2014-08-31 17:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fam Jenny > Aug 31, 2014 05:13 PM | Report Abuse

DREAm...,we don't need to fight any battle here, only against the rascals bcos Sumatec has its values and the Prime Ministers of both nations are signing agreements regarding the investments and no play play business here.

Of course we do. Because there are always two sides. The side who wants Suma to fall, becoz they did not get on board early enough, and the other side, our side, who wants Suma to rise.

The rascals are part of the side that wants Suma to fall. So we will have to fight them too. And beat them too.

You can call it what you want, but that is really what it is. Our struggle to bring Suma up is our long war.

HS and CD are our chief commander and deputy chief commander. We are his soldiers. Together we will fight and win our long war. We will win, and that will bring us glory, fame and fortune.

Nobody said anything about this being any play-play business. This is serious business. And we will fight and win.


2014-08-31 16:53 | Report Abuse

'Our long to liberate Suma' = 'Our long war to liberate Suma'



2014-08-31 16:52 | Report Abuse

Something I would like to share with friends in Suma club.

Tuesday would be like a battle. One battle among many, many more battles to come, in our war. Our long to liberate Suma from the desolate wilderness of the corporate world, and bring it to the forefront of the O&G scene.

We will fight to win every battle in our long war, of course. But in a real war in a real world, winning every battle is not that easy. We lost the battle of Wednesday 20 August, for instance. But we are not dead yet. Definitely not. We are still alive and fighting.

We will fight fiercely again on Tuesday, and I dearly hope that we will win Tuesday's battle. But even if we don't, even if we lose on Tuesday, we will not all lose heart too easily. Because we are all brave, strong, proud warriors for Suma.

We will fight on, time and time again, until we win our long war. And God willing, we will.


2014-08-31 16:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by Kok Leong > Aug 31, 2014 04:28 PM | Report Abuse

I wish miracle, limit up price will be 0.765!!!

I hope you get your wish fulfilled.


2014-08-31 16:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by izoklse > Aug 31, 2014 04:22 PM | Report Abuse

Victor Valdez...i haven't buy any PDZ. But normally PDZ price movement almost follow Suma. If PDZ go up the rest adik2 will follow especially MACRO & GPA. The new comer SANICHI will follow as Mara are inside. Thats a normal trend.For suma i hold this counter since it is 0.275 and i never sold a bit. What is your problem with me?

You were cheering and praying publicly for Suma to fall lower on Black Wednesday, or was it on some other day after that, because you were on the outside and had the cash on standby to exploit the situation. But for someone on the inside, trapped at low, it could be a bit hard on their head or their heart, or both.

So, next time, maybe you could consider keeping your private thoughts more private. I can deal with that kind of thing, but perhaps some others find it a bit more difficult. Just my humble two sens worth.


2014-08-31 16:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by Kok Leong > Aug 31, 2014 04:16 PM | Report Abuse

for stock above RM1.00, the limit percentage is only 30%, but for stock below RM1.00, there is more that 30%, just wonder why? its seems like terbalik .....

Just my personal opinion, but that could be because if you apply the 30% rule to a stock that is 30 sen, or 50 sen, or even 80 sen, for example, 30% would be too easy happen, because the price is relatively cheap and comparatively many, many more players and investors can afford to play the stock.

Like, 30% for a 30 sen stock is only 9 sen. Which is dead easy to achieve during a good run.


2014-08-31 16:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Aug 31, 2014 04:09 PM | Report Abuse

Sure win one, I appreciate your resilience to share your knowledge and warn the forum but I'm sure most of them are well aware of the pitfalls and have gone in with eyes wide open, these folks aren't gullible they know what they're doing, so you don't worry about them..

And I would make CC copies of that well meaning advice to each and every one of his 20+ clones. Or perhaps it's 30+ by now. LOL


2014-08-31 16:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by Kok Leong > Aug 31, 2014 04:06 PM | Report Abuse

get it , thanks dreamconqueror.....
therefore, if tuesday limit up , mean the limit up price is 0.765!!! sound nice !!!hurray !!
in term of percentage there will be 64.5% increase !!! OMG OMG !!

Yes. That would be a nice one to have. That would be our baby GODZILLA teaching all the gorilla gangs shaking the Suma tree to make monkeys jump a big, hard, bad lesson.


2014-08-31 16:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by goldfish_man > Aug 31, 2014 03:55 PM | Report Abuse

Sold all on friday. Never expect pn17 lifting that instantly. Will have to admit i made a wrong judgement. Will buy back at any price on tuesday 9am.

Strong cable = Good power


2014-08-31 16:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by Kok Leong > Aug 31, 2014 03:54 PM | Report Abuse

limit up mean 30 % increase ?

Yes, but 30% is for stocks above RM1. For stocks below RM1, the trigger level for Limit-Up is 30 sen increase. And the maximum number of Limits-Up allowed by Bursa, IIRC, is three per day.


2014-08-31 15:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-31 15:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-31 15:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-31 15:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by Surelaughdie > Aug 31, 2014 03:33 PM | Report Abuse

Sure la, if cindy cat can put u on this job, he can also ask whoever remisier to answer whatever info we want to know.
Now we know u r not chinese. Wakakaka.
more reasons to believe u r hired by cindy cat. Bcos this group cindy cat all non chinese.

It took you so long? To make the conclusion that I'm not Chinese? So I did make you think that I was Chinese? Without even meaning to?

And your conclusion can still be wrong. I can be a Chinese investor whose former Malay school mate or college mate is now working as a remisier. Why not? There is no law against it, you know.

Just shows how slow your thinking and analytical processes really are. Much, much, much slower than you seem to be convinced they are.


2014-08-31 15:27 | Report Abuse

SureLaughDie alias SureWinOne alias LaughNonStop alias Laugh DieMe alias FartLaughDie alias FartNonStop alias ... alias ... alias ...

You can go check with Kenanga. My remisier's name is Ahmad Zoheri Shaharum. I can instruct him that if someone named SureLaughDie wants to verify DreamConqueror's holdings, to just furnish that funny dude with the basic info.


2014-08-31 15:20 | Report Abuse

Oh ho ho. Now clone SureLaughDie has suddenly turned up. From out of nowhere. To help out his now struggling co-clones SureWinOne, LaughNonStop and LaughDieMe. It must be fun. For HIM.


2014-08-31 15:16 | Report Abuse

@SureWinOne la, SureLaughDie la, SureLaughCry la, FatDatLo la, SureCryOne la, CanLaughDie la, SureDieOne la, LauhNonStop la, LaughMeDie la, SureFartOne la, SureFartDie la, FartNonStop la, FartMeDie la, CanFartOne la, FartLaughDie la, bla bla bla ... all just the same one pathetic, lonely, anti-Sumatec kid pretending to be many.

Now, I have one simple advice for you. Kid. You just save your naive, stupid, farcical, vengeance-driven advice for yourself. And your 20+ clones of yourself too, of course. Since you are most of the time just one kid thinking that he is many.

We here regulars in Suma room do not need it. Dude.


2014-08-31 15:09 | Report Abuse

@SureWinOne la, SureLaughDie la, SureLaughCry la, FatDatLo la, SureCryOne la, CanLaughDie la, SureDieOne la, LauhNonStop la, LaughMeDie la, SureFartOne la, SureFartDie la, FartNonStop la, FartMeDie la, CanFartOne la, FartLaughDie la, bla bla bla ... all just the same one pathetic, lonely, anti-Sumatec kid pretending to be many.

I have seen my WB move in price from 21 in February to 25 in June, 37.5 in mid July, 44 in early August, 55.5 two weeks ago, 36.5 on Black Wednesday 20 August and 39 on Friday 29 August. And thereby seen the worth of my 1,010 big lots of WB vary correspondingly. But I'm not fazed even one bit by it all. For the moment, as far as I'm concerned, they are just numbers on a screen. Becoz I'm focused on the longer term.

The values will keep shifting and changing, but the important thing is I keep my number of lots maintained, or maybe increased. When the right price that I'm waiting for comes, I'll sell it all happily. That is all.


2014-08-31 14:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by surewinone > Aug 31, 2014 02:48 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamer - converting is what I do elsewhere - here I just came to advise other and not u - you continue to hold and see your returns or rather losses in two weeks. Already stated to you earlier.

So I have to take it upon myself to continue advising others against falling for your stupid, farcical, vengeance-driven, anti-Sumatec scam.


2014-08-31 14:53 | Report Abuse

@SureWinOne la, SureLaughDie la, SureLaughCry la, FatDatLo la, SureCryOne la, CanLaughDie la, SureDieOne la, LauhNonStop la, LaughMeDie la, SureFartOne la, SureFartDie la, FartNonStop la, FartMeDie la, CanFartOne la, FartLaughDie la, bla bla bla ... all just the same one pathetic, lonely, anti-Sumatec kid pretending to be many.

And you expect serious, mature, veteran investors to take a pathetic, lonely, pathologically anti-Sumatec kid going around Suma room under the guise of 20+ similarly structured aliases seriously.

Not only are you pathetic and lonely, you are also extremely naive.


2014-08-31 14:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by surewinone > Aug 31, 2014 02:27 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamer - I can assure you 100% I am a loner - you can go and read my profile. I act alone. Don't need help. The truth is out there! You just have to open your ears and eyes!

SureWinOne la, SureLaughDie la, SureLaughCry la, FatDatLo la, SureCryOne la, CanLaughDie la, SureDieOne la, LauhNonStop la, LaughMeDie la, SureFartOne la, SureFartDie la, FartNonStop la, FartMeDie la, CanFartOne la, FartLaughDie la, bla bla bla ... all just the same one pathetic, lonely, anti-Sumatec kid pretending to be many.

Oh yes. I know that already. Without needing you to confirm it for me. Yes, you are definitely a pathetic, lonely anti-Sumatec kid. You must have a big, ancient axe to grind against Sumatec, or maybe HS personally, for reasons best known to you alone.

But still, you operate under the guise of 20+ similarly structured aliases like I've stated above.

You are not bad at digging for facts, I'll give that to you. But you're hopeless at using your armoury of facts for financial gain. You just dig & dig & dig, and then do not have the foggiest clue of how to utilise the results of your digging to convert them to cold hard cash.


2014-08-31 14:35 | Report Abuse

Sekarang semua orang sudah tau la, SureCanWin alias LaughNonStop alias SureLaughDie alias FartNonStop alias FartLaughDie alias FatDatLo alias ... alias ... alias ...

Gua sudah kasi tau sama semua dia orang jugaa.

Lu hanya satu orang budak lonely juga, bukan 20 orang budak. Lu punya kapala tak tau sudah ada apa hal juga ... sudah ada sikit screw sudah tercabut juga tak tau mana tempat ...


2014-08-31 14:24 | Report Abuse

Now LaugNonStop is joking and laughing with SureWinOne. But the 2 is just 2 of countless clones of the same pathetic, lonely, pathologically anti-Sumatec kid. It's just like one dude looking at the mirror, and talking to and laughing with himself.

Oh yes. Funny, I know.


2014-08-31 14:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by surewinone > Aug 31, 2014 02:09 PM | Report Abuse

Stonenut -- YOU TAK MALU!

August 30 2013 bila Sumatec was still in duress was 61 cents
August 30 2014 after all the FANCY announcement and big2 volume for past 2 months is now 46.5 cents. Semua Kena tipu!
August 30 2015 - you tak Ada dini lagi Beb!

Posted by laughnonstop > Aug 31, 2014 02:13 PM | Report Abuse


Lagi mari bikin kacau saja, tak habis-habis juga.

SureLaughDie la, SureWinOne la, SureLaughCry la, FatDatLo la, SureCryOne la, CanLaughDie la, SureDieOne la, LauhNonStop la, LaughMeDie la, SureFartOne la, SureFartDie la, FartNonStop la, FartMeDie la, CanFartOne la, FartLaughDie la, bla bla bla ... all just the same one pathetic, lonely, anti-Sumatec kid pretending to be many.

All Sumatec forummers are now informed and warned. Yet again. Approach this kiddy dude with caution. LOL


2014-08-31 09:11 | Report Abuse

The future is what one invests in. Not the past.


2014-08-31 09:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by lwyy60 > Aug 31, 2014 09:03 AM | Report Abuse

lolz......after read the article...no wonder the CEO said so much profit in da futures....lolz....all in probable and possibility profit..lolz. almost 90% but bad worst half profit after 2year..zzzz..funny those...lolz..if what he said r real....once real force out of the game...no 1 will able to maintaining the price...free fall...anyway...buy at ur own risk...since...this is share trading.....IF U R EARNING...meaning to say....SOME1 HAD bear da LOSSES...lolz....happy merdeka day...~ DONT JUMP IN SAME COUNTER U WONT BE PROFIT EVRYTIME....lolz....THR r so much share in da market..lolz...PEACE....no heart feeling ya..

Your point?


2014-08-31 08:48 | Report Abuse

Build another factory somewhere in the east coast. Would contribute something to ECER, while making for easier shipments of products to markets in North East Asia.


2014-08-31 08:43 | Report Abuse

Following from that, DRB's Q1 2014 profit jumped 949% (i.e. more than 10 times) to RM107.8 mil, from the RM10.25 mil for Q1 2013, due to stronger performance in certain sectors, and improvements in cost control and operating efficiency.

Now, if Suma could emulate the example of DRB in business process improvement, let's just say, then a comparable drastic improvement in Q2 2015 is not impossible. Which means that a quarterly profit of 10 times that of Q2 2014 could in fact happen in the future.


2014-08-31 08:10 | Report Abuse

A lot of guys whined and moaned no end when they read that small, currently turning-around O&G firm Suma's Q2 2014 profit came out below expected level at RM6.7 mil. But they did not know that massive conglomerate DRB's Q1 2013 profit was only RM10.25 mil.

Now, try comparing the 2, and it does put things in somewhat better perspective.


2014-08-31 07:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-31 07:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by Surelaughdie > Aug 30, 2014 11:59 PM | Report Abuse

All the money from goreng n right issues of sumatec is channel into the methanol plant. Later if make profit wil list in hongkong. Sumatec wil again pn17 n subsequently delisted.

Lagi mari bikin kacau saja.

SureLaughDie la, SureWinOne la, SureLaughCry la, FatDatLo la, SureCryOne la, CanLaughDie la, SureDieOne la, SureFartOne la, SureFartDie la, CanFartOne la, FartLaughDie la, bla bla bla ... all just the same one pathetic lonely kid pretending to be many.

All Sumatec forummers are now informed and warned. Yet again. Approach this kiddy dude with caution. LOL


2014-08-31 06:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by leo218 > Aug 30, 2014 09:39 PM | Report Abuse

Sumatec supporter are not inclusive... aya people can say bad about sumatec..people got diff opinions. Let it be. Dun act like yr sumatec will go 3 cents after they said sumatec is bad.

Exclusive or not is not the main point here. We just have to protect our own assets and investment, and protect them fiercely. They're not simply free for anybody to steal, injure or damage.

If you simply allow 1,000 guys to constantly say that Sumatec is worthless, going to go bankrupt again soon, money scamming company, does not have viable projects in hand, have zero potential, blah blah blah etc. etc. etc., without fighting back and defending it with credible evidence and strong justifications, then after a while other people might start believing all the lies and slander, and we Sumatec investors are as good as kaput. Now, that is not what we all want to happen.

Black Wednesday 20 August was a fine example of what could happen when lies and slander - triggered initially by a simple financial protection procedure by some investment bank somewhere - is allowed to spread around unchecked, causing many short term players as well as long term investors to collapse into panic, chaos and anarchy, making them go berserk and take drastic action without proper judgement and calculation.

That is why we all have to fight back strongly and immediately every time someone attacks it. So that the negative perception does not begin to build up momentum, grow and spread around. Because Sumatec is not just any company, but our commonly shared company, and all of us are Sumatec's stakeholders and shareholdrs, no matter how small our stake or shareholding in it is.


2014-08-31 03:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by Surelaughdie > Aug 30, 2014 11:59 PM | Report Abuse

All the money from goreng n right issues of sumatec is channel into the methanol plant. Later if make profit wil list in hongkong. Sumatec wil again pn17 n subsequently delisted.

Lemme see if there is much logic in there. Ummm, ohhhh, errrr ... Nope ... Not even an iota of it.


2014-08-30 22:24 | Report Abuse

Okay, 10:23. Still, too early.


2014-08-30 22:23 | Report Abuse

Going to bed at 10? That's too early for a Saturday.


2014-08-30 22:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Aug 30, 2014 10:15 PM | Report Abuse

The heart of man, darker than the Congo, harder than the purest diamond and more mysterious than the universe..

Now, what romance novel is that, that you're now reading. LOL.


2014-08-30 22:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by SANG-JERO > Aug 30, 2014 10:08 PM | Report Abuse

P/s: Solly ahh..my england and matematic no good.....I good in Tunnnnnnnnnngguuu only

Okay oredy lor. But your tungguuuuuuu is very powderful. Heh heh heh.


2014-08-30 22:09 | Report Abuse

Richard Gere is really, well, confounding, I find. I mean, he was married with to Cindy Crawford, easily among the most beautiful women in the world in her time. And they till could not make their marriage work.

I mean, what else does he want?