
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-09-30 16:43 | Report Abuse

Naaaahhh. Was just kidding, Fifi. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

I wish I did. Cos if I had really sold at 55, and bought back at 27.5, then my number of lots would hv virtually doubled.

But I did not. I'm still holding only 1,010 big lots of my old WB. Really, honestly, I still am.


2014-09-30 16:35 | Report Abuse

I not conman, right. When push comes to shove, a man's gotta do what's he gotta do, right.


2014-09-30 16:30 | Report Abuse

Dudes, know what, actually, actually, I sold my 1,010 big lots of WB at 55 that day, about a week before that darned Black Wednesday. After my remisier kept scaring me about market volume hitting mega-high at 7 billion shares, saying that it signaled a vast correction.

Normally I don't listen to his advice and just stick to my own big guns, but that day some how I did. Fortunately.

Bought back at 27.5 last week.

So, I got 2,000 big lots on me now, like.


2014-09-29 05:34 | Report Abuse

Even less so novice newbie kids with little money to play with.


2014-09-29 05:32 | Report Abuse

For the long term investor, a price gone low is a buying opportunity presented. What do novice newbie kids know.


2014-09-29 05:16 | Report Abuse

You still don't understand.

If 10 sen, then okay, can buy 2,000 more big lots for only 200k. If 2 sen, can buy even more, 10,000 lots for only 200k.


2014-09-29 04:02 | Report Abuse

PETRONAS has to move fast into Central Asia lor. No choice what. Or else, if too slow, Suma might end up sapu everything there.


2014-09-29 03:31 | Report Abuse

Yes, the Conqueror of Dreams should be playing with 10,000 big lots, at least. Not a mere 1,010 big lots ...


2014-09-29 03:26 | Report Abuse

Yup. Playing with 10,000 big lots would definitely be cool ...


2014-09-29 03:24 | Report Abuse

If I could be holding 10,000 big lots of Suma, either Mother or WB, by 2018, when Suma would be producing 30,000 bpd of oil (maybe even more, if they had made some other BE-like acquisitions by then), and making RM1 bil profit per year (maybe even more, for the same reasons as above) ...

And that is only the oil part ... One's still gotta add to that the gas part ...

And if Suma Mother hits RM10 ...

Now, THAT would be cool ...


2014-09-28 02:26 | Report Abuse

Now, dudes like HappyTradings just would hv much difficulty fully understanding these things. Coz he' still such a nerdy, hopeless novice in life. Just like he's still such a nerdy, hopeless novice in stock investing.


2014-09-28 02:05 | Report Abuse

Now I can enjoy some good, nice, cultured belly dancing. By Christina Grebenshchikova, Katerina Shereen, Cassandra Fox, Darya, Shahla, Ozlem Idilsu, Anusch Alawerdian, and some others. Now then, that can't be 'weird', can it?


2014-09-28 01:50 | Report Abuse

'Englis' = 'English'



2014-09-28 01:49 | Report Abuse

'deictionary' = 'dictionary'



2014-09-28 01:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytradingz > Sep 22, 2014 07:33 AM | Report Abuse

Someone who dwells and writes during odd hours already is considered a weirdo.. Living against the norm - he he he

Really. Well, that's all right. Coz there would then be so many other 'weirdos' like me, to borrow your word for just one moment, living in KL. With so many cybercafes, karaoke/nightclubs, dangdut clubs, music clubs, mamak stalls, tom yum stalls, 7-eleven, KK etc. convenience shops, etc. etc. etc. spread around all over the place.

And who cares about your 'emaculate' opinion anyway. BTW, don't forget to get yourself a little pocket deictionary to carry around in your pocket all the time. Coz you tend to spell the simplest English words wrongly.

Like spelling the elegant Englis word 'immaculate' in your own most awfully incorrect way, i.e. 'emaculate'.


2014-09-28 01:21 | Report Abuse

I was just continuing my conversation with LittleSnake. I know you don't care, coz you're not someone who takes much care about his fitness. All you're keen on is coming into a forum and spreading your BS around.

So, who cares whether your care or not.


2014-09-28 00:56 | Report Abuse

'anage it' = 'manage it'



2014-09-28 00:52 | Report Abuse

A young, about 20+ dude was doing 220 on his final set today, the first time I've seen him anage it after months of trying. He was struggling to do like 8 reps. So I just had to show him who's da boss, like.

I did the same weight for like 20 reps, then 2 sets of 260 for 14 reps each. Oh yeaahhh, I could just see the respect in his eyes. It was really obvious.


2014-09-28 00:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by little_snake > Sep 27, 2014 08:55 PM | Report Abuse

holyshit u must be a big muscle man. i can only do 60kg... haha

No, I'm not that big, nor that muscular, LittleSnake. Thing is, one's just gotta train up what muscles one has, and keep it reguarly well-trained, like at least once a week, to maintain the conditioning. That is all there is to it.

When I first started doing leg extensions several years ago, I was heaving and huffing to push, well, like 80 kg (40 kg on each leg). Now I can start with 180 kg (90 kg on each leg) straightaway on first set, then on to 220 kg on second, and 260 kg on third and fourth sets.


2014-09-28 00:33 | Report Abuse

Just came back from post-workout supper. Maxed at 260 kg on leg extension today. Now, where's that LooiKS dude. Guess I've left him trailing even further behind now.


2014-09-27 20:04 | Report Abuse

Will be doing my standard 240 kg push on the leg extension, WomanX. Then come back bragging to LooiKS later tonite. Naah, he can't beat me on that. Definitely not.

Later skater, alligator.


2014-09-27 20:01 | Report Abuse

Start learning how to play and win without worrying, Dreamer11.


2014-09-27 20:00 | Report Abuse

Well, Dreamer11. You tell us what you think.


2014-09-27 19:59 | Report Abuse

Thanx, WomanX. I hv not listened to Mac and Nicks for so long.

But songwise, WomanX, these days I'm more into Marie Frederikson. Just can't enough of that awesome throaty-breathy voice of hers. Try 'Spending My Time' and 'The Rain' some time. Apart from the brilliantly-inspired 'It Must Have Been Love' of course.


2014-09-27 19:52 | Report Abuse

I'm off to the gym now. Back late tonite. C ya all later, dudes.


2014-09-27 19:50 | Report Abuse

You mean Mr. FartCryDie, right. He's probably gone farting around and crying around in some other room. Like he is always wont to do.

Well, you just keep watching, WomanX.


2014-09-27 19:42 | Report Abuse

'That does not I mean' = 'That does not mean'



2014-09-27 19:41 | Report Abuse

That does not I mean that I will be right every day, every week or even every month. But it just means that one fine day, eventually, I will conquer my grand, glorious, golden dream.


2014-09-27 19:34 | Report Abuse

Me, I don't play on hope. I prefer to rely on analysis of fundamentals and long term strategy.


2014-09-27 19:31 | Report Abuse

I am not worried about the short term, TWL. Not even a bit. Becoz my strategy as a long term investor is ... over the long term.


2014-09-27 19:21 | Report Abuse

Refresher reminder for the rest of Suma room:

On one side we still hv the pessismistic camp, represented by SureWinOne, HappyTradingz, BigFat, and their multitudes of alter-ego clones, and the sometimes-pessimistic-sometimes-optimistic, sometimes-pro-sometimes-con Chameleon DickyMe, with his own substantial collection of alter-ego clones too, one has to acknowledge, who believe that Suma is going to go bankrupt pretty soon.

While on other side we have the optimistic camp, comprising LooiKS, SangJero, Strategisst, LuoLi, StoneNut, VictorValdez, YKJohn and many other hardcore Suma loyalists-supporters, including yours truly, who believe that Suma has plenty of upside and potential, and that it is eventually going to break into the big league of independent Malaysian O&G players.

Like WomanX has been saying, only time will tell which side is going to win. For the neutrals, just wait and see, and have fun watching the final battle royale when it comes.


2014-09-27 19:12 | Report Abuse

I can still be here, Mr. FartCryDie, resilientt enough, strong enough and brave enough to still be holding my 1,010 big lots of Suma WB, even if it drops to 25, or 20, or even 15.

Question is, will you still be having the FACE or the BALLS to still be hanging around in this room when Suma jumps back up to 60, 65, 70 or perhaps even 75, in the next several months.


2014-09-27 18:59 | Report Abuse

Unlike that one wimpy, weedy, nutty, perpetually confused, continually attention-seeking dikkhead kid with 50+ alter-ego clones.


2014-09-27 18:56 | Report Abuse

Sorry to disappoint you, kid. But this hero is INVINCIBLE.


2014-09-27 18:43 | Report Abuse

Talk about fighting like cat and dog. If anyone could guess what happens when a still-unprejudiced young pup sees a mother cat nursing her newborn kitties for the first time.

Could be an absolute picture of innocent curiosity, if the following full short video is anything to go by.



2014-09-22 04:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytradiinngz > Sep 21, 2014 11:35 AM | Report Abuse

Real jaga Dreamconqueror - jaga petrol station and can only write here at midnight up to 6 am -- Cari makan --- he he he

You wish. I'm always in around this time on a Monday morning or the morning of any first working day after a public holiday, becoz I've usually racked up a generous sleep surplus in the daytime. And this way, I make sure I get to my office in good time, avoiding the usual Monday morning chaos, traffic jams, lack of taxi cabs etc.

And you're also insulting the dignity of many men and women who are employed in the security profession. They're all each doing a respectable, honourable job guarding and defending the assets and resources of their respective organisations, and thereby the entire nation, and you're just downgrading and denigrating their valuable roles and contributions.


2014-09-22 03:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytradiinngz > Sep 21, 2014 11:34 AM | Report Abuse

Dreamconqueror aka Dreamhunter back!!! No shame! Go hiding few days and then come back again - and then go hiding again... What a weak person. He.. He..

Weak person? Nope. It just means that I'm a much stronger person than you, who cannot drag himself away from a forum once joined in with it. And it also means I hv a life. Unlike you.


2014-09-22 03:51 | Report Abuse

Refresher soundbyte-textbyte about a tale of two camps. Two camps with two opinions.

On one side is the pessismistic camp, represented by SureWinOne, HappyTradingz, BigFat and the sometimes-pessimistic-sometimes-optimistic, sometimes-pro-sometimes-con Chameleon DickyMe, plus all those multitudes of their alter-ego clones, who believe that Suma is going to go bankrupt pretty soon.

While on other side we have the optimistic camp, comprising LooiKS, SangJero, Strategisst, LuoLi, StoneNut, YKJohn, VictorValdez and many other hardcore Suma loyalists-supporters, including yours truly, who believe that Suma has plenty of upside and potential, and that it is eventually going to break into the big league of independent Malaysian O&G players.

Like WomanX has been saying, only time will tell which side is going to win.

For the neutrals, just wait and see, and have fun watching the final battle royale when it comes.


2014-09-22 03:31 | Report Abuse

Hey, I just hit the 500 mark just now, and tomorrow will be 18 days past my own birthday.

Hmmm, this could be a good omen. For Suma and for me.

Now, lemme think just one moment. Right, now I've got it. On this same day and date, in 2018, Suma will hit the 500 mark. The 500-sen mark.



2014-09-22 02:26 | Report Abuse

Depends on how much the market believes it would. Hix hix hix.


2014-09-22 02:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by connie > Sep 21, 2014 04:28 PM | Report Abuse

omg GB ... what is first bleks ????

One is somehow inclined to think that the key word is 'first', and that whatever word following it is kind of rendered irrelevant, for all practical purposes.


2014-09-22 01:46 | Report Abuse

How far can go, this one?


2014-09-22 01:35 | Report Abuse

I like. I want.


2014-09-22 01:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by connie > Sep 21, 2014 05:32 PM | Report Abuse

oohhhhhhhhh cap tm ... bottom fishing :) like brahims was a good bet from bottom 1.17 to recent high of 1.41 !!!! very meaty :) for muda perhaps can hit res of 2.22 short-termish ????

Bottom fishing. And very meaty bottom too, it seems. Hmmmmm.


2014-09-22 01:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytradingz > Sep 21, 2014 11:07 PM | Report Abuse

No worries mates - if you wish I write emaculate English - then you need to step up your level of IQs.. He he.

I lower mine so I can make sense to you down there.. He he je

What 'emaculate' English? Woi, kontuik bosar busuk, baru gi kelas tuition BI baru berapa hari, sudah perasan dia punya English 'emaculate' English.

Dude. It's spelt 'immaculate', NOT 'emaculate'. And it's far, so far from 'immaculate', this 'English' of yours. And you'd better not lower your standard anymore. Because it's so low already.


2014-09-21 03:07 | Report Abuse

As for me, I'm out of ammo now. So all I do is hold and wait.


2014-09-21 03:04 | Report Abuse

That's right. The wisest among the long termers would be buying on weakness. They would not be waiting to buy on strength. That's only for short term traders.


2014-09-21 02:41 | Report Abuse

Whoops. Wrong post. I thought Derrick was posting in Sumatec forum, and I was replying to him in the context of Sumatec.

Oh well, must be the late hours.


2014-09-21 02:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Sep 20, 2014 04:02 PM | Report Abuse

this counter hao siao punya.... hanya tahu tidur aje.....

Tapi lu lagi suka tido sama dia juga


2014-09-21 02:23 | Report Abuse

Well, what can one do. Our place seems to be so prim and prudish. Or maybe it's just filled with dudes who like to pretend to be so prim and prudish.