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2024-04-15 07:59 | Report Abuse

Repent he & his accomplice should- for making his religion a world laughing stock


2024-04-14 16:04 | Report Abuse

101 Crusade War: Iran Vs Israel

Buddhism is the only truly religion of peace, harmony and nonviolence.

Buddhism's core teachings emphasize non-violence (ahimsa) and compassion towards all living beings. This principle is deeply ingrained in Buddhist philosophy and guides followers to cultivate empathy and avoid causing harm.

Secondly, Buddhism promotes inner peace through practices like meditation and mindfulness. By focusing on self-awareness and emotional regulation, practitioners aim to achieve a state of inner harmony that can extend to their interactions with others and the world.

Additionally, Buddhism encourages non-attachment and non-hatred, teaching followers to let go of negative emotions such as anger, greed, and ill-will. This focus on mental clarity and equanimity contributes to a mindset that is less prone to conflict and violence.

Furthermore, Buddhist teachings often emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of kindness and generosity. These values foster a sense of community, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence.

News & Blogs

2024-04-14 15:03 | Report Abuse

Who is finding fault in creative work like songs, word print, pattern design, pictures, etc etc?????

Posted by Income > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Did you know that if you put a 100 of black ants and a 100 of red ants inside a jar, nothing will happen? But if you start shaking the jar hard, the ants will start killing one another. The red ants consider the black ants enemies, and the black ants consider the red ants enemies. But the true enemy is the one shaking the jar. Which reminds me... that's exactly what's happening with our societies. So before we attack each other, we should ask ourselves think deeper and ask ourselves "Who Could Be Shaking The Jar".

News & Blogs

2024-04-14 14:23 | Report Abuse

When believers of a religion contribute to making it a world laughing stock, it reflects a profound deterioration in human quality. Here's why:

1. **Lack of Respect:** It shows a lack of respect for one's own beliefs and those of others. Respect for beliefs is fundamental to peaceful coexistence and understanding among diverse communities.

2. **Misrepresentation:** It misrepresents the essence of the religion, often focusing on trivial or controversial aspects instead of its core teachings of compassion, empathy, and morality.

3. **Undermining Faith:** Such actions can undermine the faith of sincere believers and deter others from exploring spirituality, leading to a loss of faith in institutions that are meant to provide guidance and solace.

4. **Fueling Prejudice:** It can fuel prejudice and stereotypes, reinforcing negative perceptions about certain religions or religious communities, which can lead to discrimination and conflict.

5. **Diminished Credibility:** When a religion becomes a subject of ridicule due to the actions of its followers, it loses credibility and influence in the broader society, making it harder for genuine seekers of truth to find meaningful spiritual guidance.

In essence, when believers contribute to making their religion a laughing stock, it not only reflects poorly on their individual character but also erodes the integrity and reputation of the faith they claim to uphold.

News & Blogs

2024-04-14 14:08 | Report Abuse

Cash is king. All judges and igps got price tag in pariahland. Can see how they make their supposedly holy thing becomes a international laughing stocks with their despicable attacks on retail businesses


2024-04-14 13:35 | Report Abuse

60 sen coming.......

News & Blogs

2024-04-14 13:34 | Report Abuse

Here swift jail sentence for sock jokes

Posted by qqq47660 > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Swift death sentence in Vietnam for banking fraud


2024-04-14 10:11 |

Post removed.Why?


2024-04-14 09:54 | Report Abuse

Finding fault in creative work like songs, word print, pattern design, pictures, etc etc


2024-04-14 09:45 | Report Abuse

With more annual funding, this is the very beginning of ENdless WAR governance

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 22:56 | Report Abuse

This isn't hard when you get the right person in the key positions up there with meritocracy system, not kulitocracy

Posted by beinvested >The domestic production which is positive will earn more foreign currencies for the economy and will lessen the burden on the local currency. So, the productivity of a nation/economy is very crucial for the currency. It is with the advantages of reserve of the foreign currencies then the value of the local currency can be stronger.


2024-04-13 21:58 | Report Abuse

This isn't hard when you get the right person in the key positions up there with meritocracy system, not kulitocracy

Posted by beinvested > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse

In order to strengthen the currency, the supply of it must be reduced and at the same time the demand of it must be created.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 21:58 | Report Abuse

This isn't hard when you get the right person in the key positions up there with meritocracy system, not kulitocracy

Posted by beinvested > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse

In order to strengthen the currency, the supply of it must be reduced and at the same time the demand of it must be created.


2024-04-13 21:55 | Report Abuse

Try ordering online shopping some assorted stocking with words and floor mat with patterns. See what you get (Forrest Gump)


2024-04-13 21:17 | Report Abuse

Better ask got boycott and limit down on Monday or not

Posted by StartOfTheBull > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Will the supermarket claim back the eleven pieces of mat?


2024-04-13 21:17 | Report Abuse

Better ask got boycott and limit down on Monday or not

Posted by StartOfTheBull > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Will the supermarket claim back the eleven pieces of mat?


2024-04-13 21:16 | Report Abuse

Better ask got boycott and limit down on Monday or not

Posted by StartOfTheBull > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Will the supermarket claim back the eleven pieces of mat?

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 20:17 | Report Abuse

In singapore, you get monkeys when you pay peanuts. In bolehland, monkeys got fasttracked to top positions and get monthly salary of a hundred kampung folk's households

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 20:03 | Report Abuse

By putting donkeys in all the top and critical positions, this is the best job from them you can expect

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 19:51 | Report Abuse

Not a single right-minded rakyat should have concern. In the context of cutthroat politics and attention-seeking publicity, forgiveable human mistakes often get blown out of proportion, sparking a never-ending cycle of heightened emotions within an intolerant and unforgiving community. This toxic environment blurs the lines between truth and manipulation, paving the way for a dangerous dance of rhetoric, boycotts, and deceit. Individuals or groups, driven by their own agendas, manipulate facts, distort reality, and exploit public vulnerabilities, further deepening societal divisions, eroding trust in governance, and obstructing meaningful dialogue, genuine empathy, and lasting harmony


2024-04-13 19:47 | Report Abuse

In the context of cutthroat politics and attention-seeking publicity, forgiveable human mistakes often get blown out of proportion, sparking a never-ending cycle of heightened emotions within an intolerant and unforgiving community. This toxic environment blurs the lines between truth and manipulation, paving the way for a dangerous dance of rhetoric, boycotts, and deceit. Individuals or groups, driven by their own agendas, manipulate facts, distort reality, and exploit public vulnerabilities, further deepening societal divisions, eroding trust in governance, and obstructing meaningful dialogue, genuine empathy, and lasting harmony.


2024-04-13 19:44 | Report Abuse

Go....go....go.....overtake gcb


2024-04-13 19:44 | Report Abuse

I had collected enough. Not averaging up

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 19:39 | Report Abuse

This involves many external factors to deal with- beyond pmx's control/ability....unlike in-fighting and self-inflicted phantom menaces


2024-04-13 19:30 | Report Abuse

Yes, make some easy-to-solve cavemen's level of issue. Else what? You want some Industrial Revolution 5.0 initiatives????

Posted by Income > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Make issues, in order have issues to solve and show your supporters, you are really working lah. How?

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 19:29 | Report Abuse

Yes, make some easy-to-solve cavemen's level of issue. Else what? You want some Industrial Revolution 5.0 initiatives????

Posted by Income > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Make issues, in order have issues to solve and show your supporters, you are really working lah. How?

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 18:58 | Report Abuse

More reserved bullets for diversion strategy: clocing vernacular schools, forcing young children to scribble khatoon, etc etc. Many more to recycle.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 18:55 | Report Abuse

From socks to shoes and now carpet.

Yes. It's all part of the diversion strategy. When musangs are assigned to jaga reban, this is the end results: The staggering losses incurred by Felda in 2022, amounting to RM1 billion, nearly double the losses from the previous year, highlight the consequences of entrusting unworthy individuals with leadership roles. The auditor-general's report sheds light on the mismanagement and poor decision-making that have plagued Felda, ultimately leading to dire financial outcomes.


2024-04-13 18:51 | Report Abuse

A decent leader must possess the ability to extinguish toxic fanaticism effectively for several crucial reasons. Firstly, toxic fanaticism often leads to extremism, which can result in violence, discrimination, and social unrest. A leader who can curb fanaticism helps maintain peace and stability within society.

Secondly, toxic fanaticism hinders rational discourse and decision-making. It fosters an environment where emotions and extreme beliefs overshadow facts and reason. A leader skilled at extinguishing such fanaticism promotes critical thinking, evidence-based discussions, and informed decision-making processes.

Additionally, toxic fanaticism can create division and hostility among communities. A leader who addresses and counters fanaticism fosters inclusivity, respect for diversity, and unity among different groups, promoting social cohesion and harmony.

Moreover, extremist ideologies often hinder progress and development. By combating toxic fanaticism, a leader can steer society towards constructive goals, innovation, and positive growth.

In summary, a decent leader's ability to extinguish toxic fanaticism is essential for maintaining peace, promoting rationality, fostering unity, and driving societal progress.


2024-04-13 18:51 | Report Abuse

A decent leader must possess the ability to extinguish toxic fanaticism effectively for several crucial reasons. Firstly, toxic fanaticism often leads to extremism, which can result in violence, discrimination, and social unrest. A leader who can curb fanaticism helps maintain peace and stability within society.

Secondly, toxic fanaticism hinders rational discourse and decision-making. It fosters an environment where emotions and extreme beliefs overshadow facts and reason. A leader skilled at extinguishing such fanaticism promotes critical thinking, evidence-based discussions, and informed decision-making processes.

Additionally, toxic fanaticism can create division and hostility among communities. A leader who addresses and counters fanaticism fosters inclusivity, respect for diversity, and unity among different groups, promoting social cohesion and harmony.

Moreover, extremist ideologies often hinder progress and development. By combating toxic fanaticism, a leader can steer society towards constructive goals, innovation, and positive growth.

In summary, a decent leader's ability to extinguish toxic fanaticism is essential for maintaining peace, promoting rationality, fostering unity, and driving societal progress.


2024-04-13 18:49 | Report Abuse

Here's why pmx fails the nation and every msian: A leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.


2024-04-13 18:45 | Report Abuse

He fails big time in enhancing reputation as decent leaders are supposed to be able to see this opportunity for every crisis arises. Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.


2024-04-13 18:44 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.


2024-04-13 18:44 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.


2024-04-13 18:43 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 18:43 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 18:43 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 18:43 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 18:43 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.


2024-04-13 18:41 | Report Abuse

How pmx fails the nation and every msian? A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.


2024-04-13 18:33 | Report Abuse

He fails big time to safeguard stability. A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.


2024-04-13 18:30 | Report Abuse

A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.


2024-04-13 18:29 | Report Abuse

A leader's first duty and primary skill should indeed revolve around their ability to effectively resolve conflicts and intervene swiftly in crises. Here's why:

1. **Maintaining Stability:** A leader's foremost responsibility is to ensure stability within their domain, whether it's a community, organization, or nation. Conflict resolution and crisis intervention directly contribute to this stability by addressing issues before they escalate.

2. **Protecting People:** Leaders are entrusted with the safety and well-being of their constituents. Promptly resolving conflicts and intervening in crises protects people from harm, whether physical, emotional, or social.

3. **Preserving Trust and Confidence:** Effective conflict resolution and crisis intervention build trust and confidence in a leader's ability to handle challenging situations. This trust is crucial for maintaining support and cooperation during both calm and turbulent times.

4. **Preventing Escalation:** Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed crises can quickly escalate, leading to more significant problems and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution and crisis management can nip these issues in the bud.

5. **Fostering Collaboration:** By skillfully resolving conflicts, leaders can foster collaboration and unity among diverse groups. This collaboration is essential for progress, innovation, and sustainable development.

6. **Enhancing Reputation:** Leaders known for their adeptness in handling conflicts and crises gain a positive reputation not only locally but also internationally. This reputation can attract investment, partnerships, and goodwill, benefiting the entire community or nation.

7. **Promoting Growth:** When conflicts are resolved efficiently and crises are managed effectively, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity. People feel secure and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards common goals.

In essence, a leader's ability to resolve conflicts and intervene in crises promptly and skillfully is foundational to their overall effectiveness and the well-being of those they lead.


2024-04-13 17:39 | Report Abuse

In the shadows of perMADAiNI rule over Bolehland, a sinister era unfurled, cloaked in corruption and bribery's sway. IGP, a formidable officer, orchestrated a web of deceit alongside his cohorts: the cunning Akmalkin, the Enigmatic , and the Elusive. Together, they laundered vast fortunes, transforming Bolehland into a haven for graft and illicit gains.

Their grip on power was ironclad, woven through intricate schemes and nefarious alliances. When their targets slipped through the cracks of justice, Akmalkin's ruthless tactics came into play. Innocent pawns like kkkahkah speedmart and worm high heel shoe were coerced into false confessions, painting a distorted picture of law and order in a city teetering on the edge of moral decay.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 17:38 | Report Abuse

In the shadows of perMADAiNI rule over Bolehland, a sinister era unfurled, cloaked in corruption and bribery's sway. IGP, a formidable officer, orchestrated a web of deceit alongside his cohorts: the cunning Akmalkin, the Enigmatic , and the Elusive. Together, they laundered vast fortunes, transforming Bolehland into a haven for graft and illicit gains.

Their grip on power was ironclad, woven through intricate schemes and nefarious alliances. When their targets slipped through the cracks of justice, Akmalkin's ruthless tactics came into play. Innocent pawns like kkkahkah speedmart and worm high heel shoe were coerced into false confessions, painting a distorted picture of law and order in a city teetering on the edge of moral decay.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 17:22 | Report Abuse

Akmalkin Skywalker: I Corrupt All Cops? Instigators: On having the balls, courage and jantanness to surrender & come clean about bearing their responsibilities:

The identifiers for instigators causing vigilanteism can include individuals or groups who:

1. Spread false or misleading information to incite anger or fear e.g. by exaggerating of human error as intentional provocation

2. Demonize, accuse, slander and call for boikot certain companies, communities or individuals, leading to a sense of condemnation and persecution

3. Exploit existing emotional tensions or religious grievances for personal or political gain.

4. Disregard the rule of law and promote a "justice by boikotting at any cost" mentality.

5. Use inflammatory rhetoric or propaganda to mobilize supporters towards vigilante, extremism or terrorism actions.

6. Target specific individuals or groups as scapegoats for broader societal issues


2024-04-13 16:57 | Report Abuse

Up from RM1 bil to close to RM 2 bil. The consequence is clear: from sockwars to shoewars to carpetwars (endless infighting as diversion strategy to cover their korek korek country coffer emptying actions)


2024-04-13 16:02 | Report Abuse

Spiraling downward: From kangkung to ubi kayu to taugeh