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2024-04-12 11:26 | Report Abuse

Batman is my favourite


2024-04-12 11:21 | Report Abuse

Then what you think their history teachers have been preaching? Fictions only? False narratives (value= indulgence in falsehood)? Plain lies (value= cheat and dishonesty)?

Posted by qqq47660 > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

What history class? No proper history taught in Malaysia


2024-04-12 08:44 | Report Abuse

Only by prioritizing these pillars of progress, communities and nations can pave the way for sustainable development, improved standards of living, and a brighter future for generations to come.

1. **Progressive Morality**: Prioritizing progressive morality involves fostering values like equality, justice, and human rights. When societies embrace these principles, they create an environment where everyone has equal opportunities to contribute to the collective progress. This inclusivity fosters innovation and creativity, leading to advancements in various fields.

2. **Cutting-Edge Scientific Enquiry**: Investing in scientific research and encouraging curiosity-driven exploration leads to groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements. These advancements not only improve the quality of life but also drive economic growth through new industries and job opportunities.

3. **Industrial Revolution**: Embracing industrial revolution and technological advancements revolutionize productivity, efficiency, and standards of living. From the first industrial revolution to the digital age, each phase has propelled societies forward, creating new markets, enhancing global connectivity, and spurring innovation in various sectors.


2024-04-12 08:40 | Report Abuse

Key lesson 2: Communities, countries or even civilization make real progress by prioritising, supporting and initiating progressive morality, cutting-edge scientific enquiry and industrial revolution


2024-04-12 08:20 | Report Abuse

Historical examples often showcase how societies or civilizations collapse when they become too preoccupied with trivial or outdated issues, neglecting to address pressing contemporary challenges. For instance, empires like Rome faced internal decay and external threats partly due to bureaucratic inefficiencies and social unrest, diverting attention from vital matters like governance and defense.

History illuminates the importance of charting a meaningful and progressive course by addressing current issues effectively. Take the Industrial Revolution, for example. Instead of clinging to outdated agricultural practices, societies that embraced technological advancements flourished. Similarly, today's challenges, such as climate change and technological disruptions, demand proactive solutions for a sustainable future.

Studying history can help anticipate and prepare for future problems. The collapse of financial systems like the Great Depression or more recent economic crises teaches us the consequences of unchecked speculation and lack of regulatory foresight. By learning from such historical events, students can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate uncertain futures.

A joke only when history education is only about memorizing dates and events; instead of about extracting valuable lessons that guide us in addressing contemporary challenges and shaping a better future.

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2024-04-12 08:02 | Report Abuse

Not in my state Sarawak- simply because majority of the people here i.e. more than 50% are Christians. And unlike the rich nonsense in west msians, we are not migrating out- although some of us do hold double citizenship

Posted by speakup > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse

malaysia = afganistan 2.0


2024-04-12 07:58 | Report Abuse

Making a national issue of artistic designs of worm or pop song of namewe is an international joke!

Posted by speakup > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

in singapore, ppl are too busy with developing the country
in malaysia, ppl are too busy with 3R
see the difference


2024-04-12 07:57 | Report Abuse

Making a national issue of artistic designs of worm or pop song of namewe is an international joke!

Posted by speakup > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

in singapore, ppl are too busy with developing the country
in malaysia, ppl are too busy with 3R
see the difference


2024-04-12 07:54 | Report Abuse

So much emphasis given, and so thick the syllabus, yet the school children fail to be taught the key lessons:

Key lesson 1: Communities, countries or even civilization collapses when the people indulge in lowly cavemen's puzzles of agencies, delusions and superstitions.


2024-04-12 07:48 | Report Abuse

Don't play play with heavily public funded moral police force. Look at Iran, Gestapo, etc. Learn from history - they themselves with get absolute.power to corrupt absolutely and turn barbarically brutal, ruining the universal humanism value in the whole nation mercilessly

Posted by Income > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Jakim coming…

News & Blogs

2024-04-12 07:47 | Report Abuse

Don't play play with heavily public funded moral police force. Look at Iran, Gestapo, etc. Learn from history - they themselves with get absolute.power to corrupt absolutely and turn barbarically brutal, ruining the universal humanism value in the whole nation mercilessly

Posted by Income > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Jakim coming…


2024-04-12 07:40 | Report Abuse

Not a joke. We are just too caught up with the 3Rs issues, problems and challenges of the medieval past - until we can neither focus on dealing with contemporary issues, problems and challenges of the hypermodern era; nor chart a meaningfully universal course forward as a nation to be first world

Posted by icecool > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse

malaysia is a joke country mah


2024-04-12 07:40 | Report Abuse

Not a joke. We are just too caught up with the 3Rs issues, problems and challenges of the medieval past - until we can neither focus on dealing with contemporary issues, problems and challenges of the hypermodern era; nor chart a meaningfully universal course forward as a nation to be first world

Posted by icecool > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse

malaysia is a joke country mah


2024-04-12 07:39 | Report Abuse

Not a joke. We are just too caught up with the 3Rs issues, problems and challenges of the medieval past - until we can neither focus on dealing with contemporary issues, problems and challenges of the hypermodern era; nor chart a meaningfully universal course forward as a nation to be first world

Posted by icecool > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse

malaysia is a joke country mah


2024-04-12 07:39 | Report Abuse

Not a joke. We are just too caught up with the 3Rs issues, problems and challenges of the medieval past - until we can neither focus on dealing with contemporary issues, problems and challenges of the hypermodern era; nor chart a meaningfully universal course forward as a nation to be first world

Posted by icecool > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse

malaysia is a joke country mah

News & Blogs

2024-04-12 07:39 | Report Abuse

Not a joke. We are just too caught up with the 3Rs issues, problems and challenges of the medieval past - until we can neither focus on dealing with contemporary issues, problems and challenges of the hypermodern era; nor chart a meaningfully universal course forward as a nation to be first world

Posted by icecool > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse

malaysia is a joke country mah


2024-04-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

2. Human Quality Recultivation

What to put to a full stop: The worst deterioration of human quality occurs when individuals engage in a cycle of tit for tat behavior, refuse to forgive, show mercilessness, and engage in defamation through slander, shifting blame for unidentified tailoring errors onto others.

i. **Tit for Tat Behavior:** This behavior perpetuates negativity and escalates conflicts rather than resolving them. It fosters a culture of revenge and retaliation, leading to a breakdown of trust and cooperation among individuals and communities.

ii. **Refusal to Forgive:** Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of human relationships and societal harmony. When people refuse to forgive, they hold onto grudges and resentments, poisoning their own well-being and hindering opportunities for reconciliation and growth.

iii. **Mercilessness:** Lack of mercy and compassion towards others reflects a disregard for human dignity and empathy. It can result in unjust treatment, cruelty, and the dehumanization of individuals, eroding the moral fabric of society.

iv. **Defamation through Slander:** Engaging in slanderous behavior, especially when attributing unidentified errors to others maliciously, not only damages reputations but also contributes to a culture of falsehoods and deceit. It undermines trust, spreads misinformation, and can have severe consequences for individuals and communities.

(By indulging in these destructive behaviors, individuals not only harm others but also diminish their own moral character and the overall quality of human interactions.)


2024-04-11 16:46 | Report Abuse

B. For the society

Trying to cure fanaticism after it has taken root requires significant resources in terms of time, money, and expertise. Preventing it from developing in the first place can be a more efficient use of resources.

1. Awareness campaign: Problem recognition

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist.

i. **Filtering Information**: A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.

ii. **Confirmation Bias**: Poisoned minds often suffer from confirmation bias, where they actively seek out evidence that supports their negative beliefs. This leads to a reinforcing cycle of seeing evil even in situations where it doesn't exist.

iii. **Exaggeration and Misinterpretation**: Small, innocuous patterns, comments, jokes,actions or statements can be blown out of proportion or misinterpreted when viewed through a poisoned mindset. This can create unnecessary conflict and tension.


2024-04-11 16:39 | Report Abuse

Two-pronged approach:

A. For the children

Do this and the children will have a sensible balanced world view and be immuned for life:

1 Replace them in a proper learning institution that promote Inclusivity: Encourage inclusivity by emphasizing the value of all individuals regardless of differences in beliefs, backgrounds, or identities.

2. Ensure schools for young children must be committed to expose children to diverse cultures, beliefs, and perspectives to foster tolerance and understanding.

3. Educators must swear to Ethanism Oath i.e. to promote peaceful conflict resolution: Teach children skills for peaceful conflict resolution, empathy, and negotiation to reduce the likelihood of resorting to extreme ideologies or actions.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 10:25 | Report Abuse

Certain ruthlessly unsuitable terms and concepts will radicalise and poison children's mind for life? It teaches:

Exclusivity: Certain interpretations may convey the idea that one's religion is the only true faith, potentially leading to feelings of superiority or exclusivity among children of that faith, which could hinder their ability to embrace diversity and coexist peacefully with others.

Intolerance Towards Others: Some unhealthy verses may contain language that encourages intolerance or hostility towards individuals of other faiths or beliefs, instilling divisive attitudes in children and undermining efforts to promote understanding and respect for diversity.

Discrimination: Certain teachings may imply or explicitly state that adherents of a particular religion are superior to those of other faiths, potentially fostering discriminatory attitudes among children and perpetuating social divisions based on religious identity.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 09:28 | Report Abuse

As we fail to leave behind the darkness of antiquity and embracing the brilliance of a future unbound by the constraints of the medieval past, we'll neither be navigating the caverns of reform effectively; not illuminating the path forward with the torch of progress,

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 09:22 | Report Abuse

Certain ruthlessly uncivilised terms and concepts will radicalise and poison children's mind for life?

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 08:44 | Report Abuse

Toxic fanaticism poses significant challenges to the cohesiveness, inclusivity, and democratic values of pluralistic societies, leading to intolerance, conflict, discrimination, and psychological harm. Efforts to promote dialogue, tolerance, education, and respect for diversity are essential in countering the detrimental consequences of toxic fanaticism in pluralistic societies.

In a pluralistic society that values diversity and mutual respect, toxic fanaticism undermines the principles of pluralism by promoting exclusivity, homogeneity, and the imposition of a single worldview. This erodes the richness and complexity of pluralistic societies, hindering social progress and harmony.


2024-04-11 07:50 | Report Abuse

Undermining education quality, lowering its passing marks and condoning cheating in exams are akin to sabotaging a nation's foundation. They erode knowledge, critical thinking, and ultimately jeopardizes the future of generations to come.


2024-04-11 07:45 | Report Abuse

Education is the key to open a window of worldview, unlocking a door of freedom, opportunity and sensibility as well as freeing the mind from naivety, gullibility and self-deception.


2024-04-11 07:39 | Report Abuse

Only by awakening to the struggles of our medieval past, acknowledging past follies and irrationalities, can we start focusing on charting a meaningful and progressive course towards a brighter future. It's in differentiating problems of the past from the presence ones that help us to gain the wisdom to build a better tomorrow, leaving behind the shadows of medieval chaos to embrace a more enlightened path forward.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 07:38 | Report Abuse

Please have the patience to let us take it one step at a time.

Firstly, we are focussing on implementing the obsolete medieval past system effectively

Secondly, we have not indulged enough in arguing over issues, delusions and ideology faced by the medieval past

Thirdly, we are currently too overwhelmed, obsessed and occupied with these many local successful businessmen who challenge our creator in their many creative ways that you could ever imagine


2024-04-11 07:34 | Report Abuse

What children need to learn from young?

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist. A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.


2024-04-11 07:33 | Report Abuse

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist. A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.


2024-04-11 07:33 | Report Abuse

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist. A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 04:32 | Report Abuse

Please learn to be patient. Not until we are totally burnt out by stirring up, reviving and reliving all the suffering, delusions, problems and challenges of the medieval past, we will not chart a course towards a brighter future.

Posted by Income > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Barang mahal wei, bila nak settle. Mana isu kos hidup Tak boleh rakyat tanggung lagi. Tenggelam ?

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 04:28 | Report Abuse

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist.

1. **Filtering Information**: A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.

2. **Confirmation Bias**: Poisoned minds often suffer from confirmation bias, where they actively seek out evidence that supports their negative beliefs. This leads to a reinforcing cycle of seeing evil even in situations where it doesn't exist.

3. **Exaggeration and Misinterpretation**: Small, innocuous patterns, comments, jokes,actions or statements can be blown out of proportion or misinterpreted when viewed through a poisoned mindset. This can create unnecessary conflict and tension.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:42 | Report Abuse

And so on so forth.....

And you expect us to just jump to face and solve the postmodern days' problems? And plan ahead into the future of AI and IR5.0????

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:29 | Report Abuse

Please have the patience to let us take it one step at a time.

Firstly, we are focussing on implementing the old system effectively

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:27 | Report Abuse

That's too complicated, dear. 21st century challenges, huh? We are still struggling to ensure everyone believe, respect and conform to a medieval ideology, system and education - DON'T YOU GET IT!? And you expect contemporary problems of new millennium to be addressed and solved by using caveman's formulae???

Posted by Income > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Barang mahal wei, bila nak settle. Mana isu kos hidup Tak boleh rakyat tanggung lagi. Tenggelam ?

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:14 | Report Abuse

In the realm of cheap poliTIKUSing, where human errors are magnified, and flames fan the fires of an intolerant, unforgiving, and insane community, the lines between truth and manipulation blur into a dangerous dance of rhetoric and deceit.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:13 | Report Abuse

Stop fanning this issue - gonna give them opportunity to push ahead their hidden agenda.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:11 | Report Abuse

Stop fanning this issue - gonna give them opportunity to push ahead their hidden agenda.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:10 | Report Abuse

And zero unemployment rate for the mm then....only NM got unemployment....hehe

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 22:09 | Report Abuse

Yes, and jakim will need triple of current funding because all the logos, brands and designs will need to apply for its approval

Posted by Income > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Ya lo, khatoon will be compulsory for all after this because to educate all people of Arabian words. So that Non will have no more excuses not knowing about Arabian words. Betul?


2024-04-10 22:05 | Report Abuse

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist.

1. **Filtering Information**: A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.

2. **Confirmation Bias**: Poisoned minds often suffer from confirmation bias, where they actively seek out evidence that supports their negative beliefs. This leads to a reinforcing cycle of seeing evil even in situations where it doesn't exist.

3. **Exaggeration and Misinterpretation**: Small, innocuous patterns, comments, jokes,actions or statements can be blown out of proportion or misinterpreted when viewed through a poisoned mindset. This can create unnecessary conflict and tension.


2024-04-10 22:00 | Report Abuse

When one's mind is poisoned, their perception of the world becomes tainted with negativity. This distortion can lead them to see evil where it may not exist.

1. **Filtering Information**: A poisoned mind filters information through a lens of suspicion and distrust. This means they are more likely to interpret neutral or even positive events as malicious or harmful.

2. **Confirmation Bias**: Poisoned minds often suffer from confirmation bias, where they actively seek out evidence that supports their negative beliefs. This leads to a reinforcing cycle of seeing evil even in situations where it doesn't exist.

3. **Exaggeration and Misinterpretation**: Small, innocuous actions or statements can be blown out of proportion or misinterpreted when viewed through a poisoned mindset. This can create unnecessary conflict and tension.

4. **Projection**: Sometimes, individuals with poisoned minds project their own negative thoughts and intentions onto others. They may accuse others of evil acts or motives based on their own distorted perceptions.

5. **Emotional Impact**: A poisoned mind is often accompanied by heightened emotions such as fear, anger, or paranoia. These emotions can further cloud judgment and lead to seeing evil where there is none.

Overall, a poisoned mind not only distorts reality but also perpetuates a cycle of negativity that can be harmful to both the individual and those around them. It's essential to address and heal such mental states to promote a more balanced and accurate perception of the world.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 21:52 | Report Abuse

Of course, not. Don't insult the ultimate creator of everything - surely is in everything, everywhere after all. BIG DEAL!!

Posted by Income > 20 seconds ago | Report Abuse

.......Do I need to ask my friend to use magnifying glass to check his abstract paintings for Arabian words before exhibition to selling them?


2024-04-10 21:48 | Report Abuse

Let's not fuel this issue further; it only plays into their hidden motives. Ignorance can't be justified. Now, they've devised a strategy to pressure vernacular schools into hiring tens of thousands of jobless Arabic graduates from the Middle East to teach Khatoon.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 21:47 | Report Abuse

Let's not fuel this issue further; it only plays into their hidden motives. Ignorance can't be justified. Now, they've devised a strategy to pressure vernacular schools into hiring tens of thousands of jobless Arabic graduates from the Middle East to teach Khatoon.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 21:45 | Report Abuse

Stop fanning this issue - gonna give them opportunity to push ahead their hidden agenda. After all, ignorance is not an excuse. Now they have found a way to force vernacular schools to hire their tens of thousands of arabic graduates from middle east to teach khatoon.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 21:43 | Report Abuse

Below or above waist? If above, no problem

Posted by Income > 24 seconds ago | Report Abuse

EngineeringProfit, i just realise that your thumbnail sports car pic has two green Arabian words. Please take them down. Faster lo.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 21:39 | Report Abuse

Absolutely. Just because neighbour complains, these officers are coming to investigate the garden in my backyard. Say pattern like khat wording with A......... can be found on the mattresses that I step on every morning. Fuyoh

Posted by Income > 20 seconds ago | Report Abuse

It’s impossible to find the word in Mandarin characters. It’s easy to find Arabian words in Starbark coffee, marble cake, taugeh sellers or abstract paintings. Because Arabian words are cursive naturally. Oh no. Do I need to ask my friend to use magnifying glass to check his abstract paintings for Arabian words before exhibition to selling them?


2024-04-10 21:38 | Report Abuse

I mean it depends how long it takes for children to get immuned from fanaticism for life:

1. **Education on Critical Thinking:** Teach children to question information, think critically, and evaluate sources to develop a rational mindset.

2. **Promote Diversity:** Expose children to diverse cultures, beliefs, and perspectives to foster tolerance and understanding.

3. **Encourage Open Dialogue:** Create an environment where children feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics and expressing their thoughts without fear of judgment.

4. **Teach Empathy:** Instill empathy by teaching children to understand and respect others' feelings, perspectives, and experiences.

5. **Promote Inclusivity:** Encourage inclusivity by emphasizing the value of all individuals regardless of differences in beliefs, backgrounds, or identities.

6. **Teach about Extremism:** Educate children about the dangers of extremism, radicalization, and the manipulation of beliefs for harmful purposes.

7. **Media Literacy:** Teach children to critically analyze media messages, identify propaganda, and understand how information can be manipulated.

8. **Promote Peaceful Conflict Resolution:** Teach children skills for peaceful conflict resolution, empathy, and negotiation to reduce the likelihood of resorting to extreme ideologies or actions.

9. **Encourage Independent Thinking:** Foster independence in thinking and decision-making, empowering children to form their own opinions based on informed reasoning.


2024-04-10 21:34 | Report Abuse

Better question is how long will it take for 1sgd to fetch RM10

Posted by icecool > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

seriously, how long would it takes for the people to understand that politician and politics are destroying the country, economy and the people's lives systematically.