
EngineeringProfit | Joined since 2018-01-04

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2023-10-24 22:07 | Report Abuse

Worst pm ever - wrong stunt, wrong side, wrong timing, ........(sigh)


15,610 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 0 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Never learn to be humble, but nonstop blowing own trumpet about squandering limited public fund to tour middle east countries amid countless unresolved local economic issues


2023-10-24 22:06 | Report Abuse

Never learn to be humble, but nonstop blowing own trumpet about squandering limited public fund to tour middle east countries amid countless unresolved local economic issues


2023-10-24 21:45 | Report Abuse

Worst pm ever - wrong stunt, wrong side, wrong timing, ........(sigh)


2023-10-24 21:44 | Report Abuse

Yes. Enough of watching his cheeap stunts. Sorry, RM100 mil is not cheeap

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 21:39 | Report Abuse

F grade. Hope he fails in ge16 and lands himself in the jail for the rest of his life for liwat 3.0


2023-10-24 20:55 | Report Abuse

Ringgit trades at 3.5026 against the Singaporean dollar at 9am today.


15,602 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 second ago | Report Abuse

Kerana sibuk jaga tepi kain orang timur tengah,
Rakyat sendiri bagai pelanduk mati kepapaan di tengah


2023-10-24 20:54 | Report Abuse

Ringgit trades at 3.5026 against the Singaporean dollar at 9am today.


15,602 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 second ago | Report Abuse

Kerana sibuk jaga tepi kain orang timur tengah,
Rakyat sendiri bagai pelanduk mati kepapaan di tengah


2023-10-24 20:52 | Report Abuse

No MP has the slightest grey matter to debate and reoslve this issue in parliament


15,600 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

As they misuse parliament as their gaduh ground about divinity problems and after-life issues , the 'economy pie' continues to get smaller and smaller


15,600 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

And the vivious cycle goes: As the 'economy pie' keeps shrinking, the more heated their gaduh in parliament - wasting time arguing about language, bikini and alcohol

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 18:02 | Report Abuse

And the vivious cycle goes: As the 'economy pie' keeps shrinking, the more heated their gaduh in parliament - aboit language, bikini and alcohol

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 18:00 | Report Abuse

As they misuse parliament as their gaduh ground about divinity problems and after-life issues , the 'economy pie' continues to get smaller and smaller

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 17:42 | Report Abuse

The way they proxy Israel to mistreat, dehumanise and neutralise the palestinians is thousand times worse than how China treated ppl in Xinjiang

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 17:40 | Report Abuse

No MP has the slightest grey matter to debate and reoslve this issue in parliament

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:56 | Report Abuse

QUote: ".........More cosmopolitan, more accepting of various culture, , less dogmatic...."

Anyone who is not hypocrisy has a foremost responsibility to condemn extremism. Middle path is the way to eternal peace, harmony and prosperity


2023-10-24 15:32 | Report Abuse

Ringgit trades at 3.5026 against the Singaporean dollar at 9am today.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:27 | Report Abuse

They should make up- make friends. Emulate the genesis lesson. Taking a piece of isreal to build palacetin country like taking a piece of rib bone from adam and make eve. And get "married"

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:25 | Report Abuse

YOu are not listening to isreal's PM. Their opponents want to wipe them out. What choice they got

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, the ppl there will soon become the envy of their counterparts in the near future - comes IR 5.0


2023-10-24 15:22 | Report Abuse

Kerana pulut santan bobrok, Kerana gomen ringgit merosot. Sayangkan kera di hutan, Anak kera susu diberikan, Tepikan anak di buaian, Kepapaan hidup berlanjutan

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:22 | Report Abuse

No one with the slightest intelligence would believe those unjust propaganda and AI-generated video


2023-10-24 15:20 | Report Abuse

Many hypocritical countries, which dared not signed ICERD and ROME stature, think they have the locus standi to stand for palacetin


15,587 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Many countries violate this:

Article 1
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

Locally, this spirit only cultivated to the fullest possible in vernacular schools, but not national or takfit ones

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:17 | Report Abuse

Many countries violate this:

Article 1
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

Locally, this spirit only cultivated to the fullest possible in vernacular schools, but not national or takfit ones

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:15 | Report Abuse

Many hypocritical countries, which dared not signed ICERD and ROME stature, think they have the locus standi to stand for palacetin

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

Hypocrisy is when adults, responsibile authority and gomen encourage, facilitate and enhance their access to it

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:10 | Report Abuse

Western media reports lack substantiated evidence and may be biased or exaggerated. Some of the points raised by those who question these accusations include:

Lack of Independent Verification: Critics argue that much of the information regarding the mistreatment of Uighur Muslims is based on sources that are difficult to independently verify. They contend that Western media relies on uncorroborated accounts and may not have direct access to Xinjiang.

Discrepancies in Numbers: Some skeptics suggest that there are inconsistencies in the reported numbers of detained individuals and the extent of alleged mistreatment. They question the reliability of these figures and whether they have been verified.

China's Economic Development Claims: China has argued that it is implementing poverty alleviation and vocational training programs in Xinjiang, which proponents say are aimed at improving the well-being of Uighurs. They contend that these efforts have contributed to significant progress in the region.

Geopolitical Motivations: Critics of Western media reports on Xinjiang argue that they may be driven by geopolitical considerations and international tensions. They suggest that these reports could be influenced by political agendas.

Many international organizations, governments, and human rights groups have expressed concerns about the treatment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, while China continues to assert that its actions in the region are necessary for stability and counterterrorism. The matter remains the subject of ongoing international debate and scrutiny.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 15:08 | Report Abuse

Open your eyes and see how advance the people there now. They don't live in the past any more. Very forward looking, Why your mind got you stucked in time in the past??????????????


2023-10-24 15:06 | Report Abuse

Hypocrisy is when school children's texts contain :

verses that can be interpreted as advocating both peace and violence (killling, stoning, mutilating, amputating, etc etc)

verses that promote male dominance or gender inequality.

verses suggest different attitudes toward non-believers (outgroup)

verses that emphasize the exclusive nature of the faith

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:59 | Report Abuse

Those irresponsible reporters and their mouthpiece are evil.


2023-10-24 14:58 | Report Abuse

This kind of share market can only win small ,lose big. Keep cash

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:55 | Report Abuse

Exactly. Left alone they could have failed to catch up with the rest of China or the world. Not progressing, mean regressing. Could have regressed to become what Zionists label as human animals.


2023-10-24 14:45 | Report Abuse

EngineeringProfit > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Some other places are worse. You'll see the gomen there funding institutions to force people to convert to their faith. And stop them from leaving. FOrcing to believe something when one try to be honestly not believing. Depends how you define cruelty. Depends on your moral compass. Humanity etc etc


15,576 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 12 seconds ago | Report Abuse

It's worth noting that while certain situations may be concerning, there are other places in the world where the government's actions are even more extreme and troubling. In some instances, governments provide financial support to institutions that actively coerce individuals into adopting a specific faith, and they go to great lengths to prevent people from leaving that belief system. This sort of coercion can be deeply unsettling, particularly for those who wish to be true to their own beliefs and convictions.

When it comes to defining cruelty, it can be a complex matter that hinges on individual perspectives and moral values. The way we perceive cruelty is often influenced by our own moral compass, our sense of humanity, and our personal principles. What might be considered cruel in one context may not necessarily be viewed the same way in another, underscoring the importance of recognizing the subjectivity and diversity of human values and ethical standards.

Ultimately, these nuanced discussions underscore the significance of empathy, tolerance, and open dialogue as we grapple with issues of faith, belief, and individual freedom. Poor school children in these countries- will suffer more in the near future with IR 5.0

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:44 | Report Abuse

It's worth noting that while certain situations may be concerning, there are other places in the world where the government's actions are even more extreme and troubling. In some instances, governments provide financial support to institutions that actively coerce individuals into adopting a specific faith, and they go to great lengths to prevent people from leaving that belief system. This sort of coercion can be deeply unsettling, particularly for those who wish to be true to their own beliefs and convictions.

When it comes to defining cruelty, it can be a complex matter that hinges on individual perspectives and moral values. The way we perceive cruelty is often influenced by our own moral compass, our sense of humanity, and our personal principles. What might be considered cruel in one context may not necessarily be viewed the same way in another, underscoring the importance of recognizing the subjectivity and diversity of human values and ethical standards.

Ultimately, these nuanced discussions underscore the significance of empathy, tolerance, and open dialogue as we grapple with issues of faith, belief, and individual freedom. Poor school children in these countries- will suffer more in the near future with IR 5.0

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:43 | Report Abuse

Some other places are worse. You'll see the gomen there funding institutions to force people to convert to their faith. And stop them from leaving. FOrcing to believe something when one try to be honestly not believing. Depends how you define cruelty. Depends on your moral compass. Humanity etc etc

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:40 | Report Abuse

YOu can continue to believe AI-generated video that undermines China's great work. Should let the results speak.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:37 | Report Abuse

China has taken steps to rehabilitate Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang:

Economic Development: China has implemented a series of economic development projects in Xinjiang, aimed at reducing poverty and improving the living conditions of the Uighur population. These initiatives provide jobs, education, and skills training, which can empower individuals and communities.

Counterterrorism Measures: China asserts that it has taken proactive measures to counteract terrorism and extremism in the region, which includes initiatives to prevent radicalization and maintain social stability.

Vocational Training Centers: China has established vocational training centers to provide education and vocational skills to Uighurs. Proponents argue that these centers are aimed at helping individuals gain employment opportunities and move away from extremist ideologies.

Improved Infrastructure: Infrastructure development in Xinjiang is said to have improved the overall living conditions, including better healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and access to clean water and electricity.

Poverty Alleviation: Through its poverty alleviation programs, China claims to have significantly reduced the poverty rate among Uighur communities in Xinjiang.

Cultural Preservation: China has emphasized the preservation and promotion of Uighur culture, language, and traditions through various initiatives.

Stability and Security: Proponents argue that these measures have led to increased stability and security in Xinjiang, reducing the risk of extremism and violence.

It's important to note that these points represent the perspective of proponents of China's actions in Xinjiang. This topic is highly contentious, and critics have raised concerns about human rights abuses, mass detentions, and forced labor in the region. The situation is complex, and it's essential to consider various viewpoints and sources when discussing it.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:21 | Report Abuse

If China had done that, don't you think they would readily support what Israel is doing now?


2023-10-24 14:19 | Report Abuse

Would an excellent, benevolent and wise leader want his people to suffer from the enslaved-inside-Plato-cave syndrome or any of these:

Close-Mindedness: Strong religious beliefs tend to stray believers' mind to become closed off to alternative viewpoints, hindering intellectual and spiritual growth.

Intolerance: Believing in one's own religious or spiritual path too fervently lead to intolerance and judgment towards those with different beliefs, causing conflict and division.

Dogmatism: A rigid belief system can promote dogmatism, where individuals adhere to religious tenets without question, discouraging exploring contradicting facts, critical thinking and adaptability.

Suppression of Individuality: In some cases, individuals may suppress their personal desires and identity in favor of adhering to strict religious norms.

Interference with Rational Decision-Making: Indulging in a prophetic delusion can sometimes lead people to make decisions based on faith rather than reason, leading to poor life choices.

Conflict and Violence: History has shown that prophetic delusions have been a source of conflict, violence, and even wars when followers of different faiths clash.

Emotional Stress: Struggling to maintain a strong belief system, particularly in the face of doubt or internal conflict, can cause emotional stress and turmoil.

Discrimination: Some individuals may use their religious beliefs to justify discriminatory actions against those they perceive as outsiders or unbelievers.

Stifling Scientific and Intellectual Progress: In extreme cases, a dogmatic adherence to religious doctrine can hinder scientific and intellectual progress when it conflicts with empirical evidence.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:18 | Report Abuse

Would an excellent, benevolent and wise leader want his people to suffer from the enslaved-inside-Plato-cave syndrome or any of these:

Close-Mindedness: Strong religious beliefs tend to stray believers' mind to become closed off to alternative viewpoints, hindering intellectual and spiritual growth.

Intolerance: Believing in one's own religious or spiritual path too fervently lead to intolerance and judgment towards those with different beliefs, causing conflict and division.

Dogmatism: A rigid belief system can promote dogmatism, where individuals adhere to religious tenets without question, discouraging exploring contradicting facts, critical thinking and adaptability.

Suppression of Individuality: In some cases, individuals may suppress their personal desires and identity in favor of adhering to strict religious norms.

Interference with Rational Decision-Making: Indulging in a prophetic delusion can sometimes lead people to make decisions based on faith rather than reason, leading to poor life choices.

Conflict and Violence: History has shown that prophetic delusions have been a source of conflict, violence, and even wars when followers of different faiths clash.

Emotional Stress: Struggling to maintain a strong belief system, particularly in the face of doubt or internal conflict, can cause emotional stress and turmoil.

Discrimination: Some individuals may use their religious beliefs to justify discriminatory actions against those they perceive as outsiders or unbelievers.

Stifling Scientific and Intellectual Progress: In extreme cases, a dogmatic adherence to religious doctrine can hinder scientific and intellectual progress when it conflicts with empirical evidence.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:08 | Report Abuse

You need to get the perspective right. Many times, doing the right thing can be deemed as bad or even evil. China must be lauded for undertaking the meaningful measures to address what they view as prophetic delusions in Xinjiang, saving the people from indulgence in falsehood - providing them with clarity and stability in the region. Through their perspective, these actions are seen as safeguarding the well-being of the people in Xinjiang by challenging what they consider to be misleading beliefs and promoting a more grounded understanding of reality. The motivations behind these efforts, however, remain a subject of debate, with concerns about human rights and cultural preservation being at the forefront of international discourse. The situation in Xinjiang underscores the complexities of navigating cultural, religious, and political ideologies in a rapidly changing world. Some ex-asian tigers have becoming more and more irrelevant (except in their country debt) because they lack of a progressive leader to lead them to change

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 14:06 | Report Abuse

The western-sponsored media has portrayed a narrative where China is accused of mistreating Muslims in Xinjiang. These reports have triggered a global conversation about human rights and the treatment of the Uighur population. It's important to note that media coverage can sometimes oversimplify complex situations and may not always provide a complete or nuanced understanding of the issue. In the case of Xinjiang, allegations of mistreatment have raised important questions, and the world is looking to various sources for more information and a deeper understanding of the situation. The role of the media in shaping public perception and driving discussions cannot be underestimated, but it's equally vital to critically examine and verify the information presented to form a well-rounded perspective on this sensitive matter.


2023-10-24 13:59 | Report Abuse

It's a disheartening reality that many individuals fail to engage in introspection and confront the reflection staring back at them in the mirror. They remain oblivious to the hypocritical beliefs, policies, and practices that they inadvertently uphold. In their eyes, they may perceive themselves as virtuous and morally upright, believing that they possess the ethical high ground when addressing the very hypocritical crisis that their actions might be perpetuating.

This paradoxical situation underscores the human tendency to sometimes be blind to one's own inconsistencies and the capacity to project an image of righteousness while being entangled in behaviors that contradict those very ideals. It serves as a poignant reminder that self-awareness, self-examination, and the courage to challenge one's own beliefs and actions are essential steps towards addressing the pervasive issue of hypocrisy in our world today.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 13:57 | Report Abuse

Know why ringgit has continue to slide against Singapore dollar? Think again

clue: reciprocally proportionate to the number of takfit institutions

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 13:56 | Report Abuse

Thinking broadly, it's evident that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has executed a significant and strategic shift in its approach. They have effectively dismantled potential counterparts to groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, fostering a unique path for China's development. This transformation is remarkable, considering that China, with its rich history spanning thousands of years, was once predominantly characterized by religious and spiritual pursuits.

In more recent times, China has awakened from its long slumber, turning its attention towards religious and cultural cultivation to the dynamic realms of science and technology. This shift has ushered in a new era, one where China has become an undeniable economic powerhouse on the global stage.

The focus on scientific and technological advancement has not only bolstered China's domestic capabilities but has also enabled the nation to assert itself as a formidable force in the world's economic landscape. China's investments in research and innovation, coupled with its efforts to establish itself as a technological leader, have yielded impressive results.

This transformation signifies China's resolute commitment to progress and adaptability. It underscores the nation's capacity to reposition itself on the world stage, leaving a significant imprint on the global economic map. It's a testament to China's capacity to evolve, emphasizing the importance of diversifying pursuits and embracing change to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 13:55 | Report Abuse

U don't think narrow. CCP has successfully uprooted budding china version of hamass, hezbolla, etc etc. China has waken up and shaken the world after sleeping for thousand years with religiosity cultivation. Now their focus on science and technology has propelled the country to be a really strong world economic power


2023-10-24 13:39 | Report Abuse

In the midst of this ongoing crisis, hypocrisy finds itself standing on shaky ground. Hypocrisy, in its truest form, is embodied by those who adhere to archaic texts replete with glaring contradictions and dehumanizing labels, the likes of which include the unjust and divisive practice of labeling individuals as coffee harbi, among other derogatory terms. And innocent school children are unfortunately exposed to these texts.

Such hypocrisy is akin to a stark double standard, where individuals profess to follow a set of beliefs, yet in practice, their actions betray the very principles they claim to uphold. The use of these labels serves to create a rift among people, fostering animosity instead of understanding, and perpetuating the cycle of prejudice and discrimination.

In these times of crisis, we should strive for empathy, unity, and open dialogue, setting aside divisive and harmful labels. It's a reminder that true harmony can only be achieved when we cast aside hypocrisy and embrace the values of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for all, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.


2023-10-24 13:39 | Report Abuse

In the midst of this ongoing crisis, hypocrisy finds itself standing on shaky ground. Hypocrisy, in its truest form, is embodied by those who adhere to archaic texts replete with glaring contradictions and dehumanizing labels, the likes of which include the unjust and divisive practice of labeling individuals as coffee harbi, among other derogatory terms. And innocent school children are unfortunately exposed to these texts.

Such hypocrisy is akin to a stark double standard, where individuals profess to follow a set of beliefs, yet in practice, their actions betray the very principles they claim to uphold. The use of these labels serves to create a rift among people, fostering animosity instead of understanding, and perpetuating the cycle of prejudice and discrimination.

In these times of crisis, we should strive for empathy, unity, and open dialogue, setting aside divisive and harmful labels. It's a reminder that true harmony can only be achieved when we cast aside hypocrisy and embrace the values of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for all, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.


2023-10-24 13:38 | Report Abuse

In the midst of this ongoing crisis, hypocrisy finds itself standing on shaky ground. Hypocrisy, in its truest form, is embodied by those who adhere to archaic texts replete with glaring contradictions and dehumanizing labels, the likes of which include the unjust and divisive practice of labeling individuals as coffee harbi, among other derogatory terms. And innocent school children are unfortunately exposed to these texts.

Such hypocrisy is akin to a stark double standard, where individuals profess to follow a set of beliefs, yet in practice, their actions betray the very principles they claim to uphold. The use of these labels serves to create a rift among people, fostering animosity instead of understanding, and perpetuating the cycle of prejudice and discrimination.

In these times of crisis, we should strive for empathy, unity, and open dialogue, setting aside divisive and harmful labels. It's a reminder that true harmony can only be achieved when we cast aside hypocrisy and embrace the values of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for all, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.


2023-10-24 13:38 | Report Abuse

In the midst of this ongoing crisis, hypocrisy finds itself standing on shaky ground. Hypocrisy, in its truest form, is embodied by those who adhere to archaic texts replete with glaring contradictions and dehumanizing labels, the likes of which include the unjust and divisive practice of labeling individuals as coffee harbi, among other derogatory terms. And innocent school children are unfortunately exposed to these texts.

Such hypocrisy is akin to a stark double standard, where individuals profess to follow a set of beliefs, yet in practice, their actions betray the very principles they claim to uphold. The use of these labels serves to create a rift among people, fostering animosity instead of understanding, and perpetuating the cycle of prejudice and discrimination.

In these times of crisis, we should strive for empathy, unity, and open dialogue, setting aside divisive and harmful labels. It's a reminder that true harmony can only be achieved when we cast aside hypocrisy and embrace the values of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for all, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 13:38 | Report Abuse

In the midst of this ongoing crisis, hypocrisy finds itself standing on shaky ground. Hypocrisy, in its truest form, is embodied by those who adhere to archaic texts replete with glaring contradictions and dehumanizing labels, the likes of which include the unjust and divisive practice of labeling individuals as coffee harbi, among other derogatory terms. And innocent school children are unfortunately exposed to these texts.

Such hypocrisy is akin to a stark double standard, where individuals profess to follow a set of beliefs, yet in practice, their actions betray the very principles they claim to uphold. The use of these labels serves to create a rift among people, fostering animosity instead of understanding, and perpetuating the cycle of prejudice and discrimination.

In these times of crisis, we should strive for empathy, unity, and open dialogue, setting aside divisive and harmful labels. It's a reminder that true harmony can only be achieved when we cast aside hypocrisy and embrace the values of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for all, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.