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2023-10-29 09:43 | Report Abuse

In WW3, which group of humna will be neutralised to the max?

A. Those who carry a strong set of genes for skepticism about dwelling into any form of the god delusion?

B. Those who have genetic susceptibility to indulge in religion fanaticism?

C. Those who are sitting on the fence- neither proatheistism or pro-religiosity?


2023-10-29 09:10 | Report Abuse

Which right minded parents would want their kids to mix around with those exposed to such confusing terminology?


2023-10-29 08:36 | Report Abuse

Safe haven from should-be-banned terminology in schools

Using derogatory terms like "kafir" or "caphir" to label non-Muslims, especially among school children, can have several harmful consequences:

1. **Promotion of Intolerance**: It encourages an atmosphere of religious intolerance and discrimination. Such labels can lead to prejudice and hatred against individuals of different faiths, fostering division and hostility.

2. **Bullying and Harassment**: This can lead to bullying and harassment of non-Muslim students. It creates a hostile environment where children are singled out and mistreated based on their religious beliefs.

3. **Psychological Impact**: Being called derogatory names can have a lasting psychological impact on children. It can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and even mental health issues.

4. **Eroding Social Cohesion**: Schools should be places where diversity is celebrated, and respect for different backgrounds is fostered. The use of derogatory terms undermines these principles and weakens social cohesion.

5. **Educational Impact**: Such behavior can disrupt the learning environment, as students may be more focused on their safety and well-being than on their studies.

6. **Legal and Ethical Concerns**: In many countries, using derogatory terms to target individuals based on their religion may be considered a hate crime or a violation of anti-discrimination laws.

In essence, using derogatory terms against non-Muslims, or against any religious or cultural group, is harmful and goes against the principles of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity that should be promoted in schools and society at large. It's important for educators, parents, and communities to address and prevent such behavior and teach children about the value of diversity and respect for all.


2023-10-29 08:35 | Report Abuse

Using derogatory terms like "kafir" or "caphir" to label non-Muslims, especially among school children, can have several harmful consequences:

1. **Promotion of Intolerance**: It encourages an atmosphere of religious intolerance and discrimination. Such labels can lead to prejudice and hatred against individuals of different faiths, fostering division and hostility.

2. **Bullying and Harassment**: This can lead to bullying and harassment of non-Muslim students. It creates a hostile environment where children are singled out and mistreated based on their religious beliefs.

3. **Psychological Impact**: Being called derogatory names can have a lasting psychological impact on children. It can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and even mental health issues.

4. **Eroding Social Cohesion**: Schools should be places where diversity is celebrated, and respect for different backgrounds is fostered. The use of derogatory terms undermines these principles and weakens social cohesion.

5. **Educational Impact**: Such behavior can disrupt the learning environment, as students may be more focused on their safety and well-being than on their studies.

6. **Legal and Ethical Concerns**: In many countries, using derogatory terms to target individuals based on their religion may be considered a hate crime or a violation of anti-discrimination laws.

In essence, using derogatory terms against non-Muslims, or against any religious or cultural group, is harmful and goes against the principles of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity that should be promoted in schools and society at large. It's important for educators, parents, and communities to address and prevent such behavior and teach children about the value of diversity and respect for all.


2023-10-29 08:35 | Report Abuse

Using derogatory terms like "kafir" or "caphir" to label non-Muslims, especially among school children, can have several harmful consequences:

1. **Promotion of Intolerance**: It encourages an atmosphere of religious intolerance and discrimination. Such labels can lead to prejudice and hatred against individuals of different faiths, fostering division and hostility.

2. **Bullying and Harassment**: This can lead to bullying and harassment of non-Muslim students. It creates a hostile environment where children are singled out and mistreated based on their religious beliefs.

3. **Psychological Impact**: Being called derogatory names can have a lasting psychological impact on children. It can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and even mental health issues.

4. **Eroding Social Cohesion**: Schools should be places where diversity is celebrated, and respect for different backgrounds is fostered. The use of derogatory terms undermines these principles and weakens social cohesion.

5. **Educational Impact**: Such behavior can disrupt the learning environment, as students may be more focused on their safety and well-being than on their studies.

6. **Legal and Ethical Concerns**: In many countries, using derogatory terms to target individuals based on their religion may be considered a hate crime or a violation of anti-discrimination laws.

In essence, using derogatory terms against non-Muslims, or against any religious or cultural group, is harmful and goes against the principles of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity that should be promoted in schools and society at large. It's important for educators, parents, and communities to address and prevent such behavior and teach children about the value of diversity and respect for all.


2023-10-29 08:30 | Report Abuse

These HMs, teachers, little Napoleans in the education ministry and the education minister herslef have lost their rationality and moral compass because of fanaticism. The root cause is fanticism. Terrorism has the same root. The danger is clear. Children must be kept away from this kind of bad influences.


2023-10-29 08:30 | Report Abuse

These HMs, teachers, little Napoleans in the education ministry and the education minister herslef have lost their rationality and moral compass because of fanaticism. The root cause is fanticism. Terrorism has the same root. The danger is clear. Children must be kept away from this kind of bad influences.


2023-10-29 08:23 | Report Abuse

It is immoral for educators to involve children in emotionally complicated Middle East war issues because children are not emotionally equipped to handle the complexities and trauma associated with such conflicts. Educators have a responsibility to prioritize the well-being and emotional development of their students, and exposing them to the harsh realities of war can have detrimental effects on their mental health and overall growth. Children should be provided with age-appropriate, balanced, and unbiased information to help them develop critical thinking skills and form their own opinions when they are mature enough to do so.


2023-10-29 08:16 | Report Abuse

Young school children should not be dragged into complicated, complex, and controversial Middle East wars for several critical reasons:

1. Developmental Inappropriateness: Immature young children lack the cognitive and emotional maturity to understand the complexities and nuances of international conflicts. These issues are often rooted in historical, cultural, and political contexts that are beyond their comprehension.

2. Emotional Well-being: Involving children in war-related activities can lead to trauma, anxiety, and long-lasting emotional distress. Witnessing violence, suffering, and death can have a profound negative impact on their mental health and development.

3. Physical Safety: War zones are dangerous places with inherent risks to life and well-being. Children are particularly vulnerable, and their involvement in conflict zones places them at significant physical risk.

4. Education Interruption


2023-10-29 08:14 | Report Abuse

Young school children should not be dragged into complicated, complex, and controversial Middle East wars for several critical reasons:

1. Developmental Inappropriateness: Immature young children lack the cognitive and emotional maturity to understand the complexities and nuances of international conflicts. These issues are often rooted in historical, cultural, and political contexts that are beyond their comprehension.

2. Emotional Well-being: Involving children in war-related activities can lead to trauma, anxiety, and long-lasting emotional distress. Witnessing violence, suffering, and death can have a profound negative impact on their mental health and development.

3. Physical Safety: War zones are dangerous places with inherent risks to life and well-being. Children are particularly vulnerable, and their involvement in conflict zones places them at significant physical risk.

4. Education Interruption: Involving children in wars disrupts their access to education, which is essential for their personal development and future prospects. Disrupted education can have long-term consequences on their ability to thrive and contribute positively to society.

5. Violation of International Laws: Using child soldiers or involving children in conflicts is considered a violation of international laws and human rights, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

6. Loss of Childhood: Children have a right to a safe and nurturing childhood. Involving them in war robs them of this fundamental right and forces them to confront adult challenges prematurely.

It is crucial to protect the well-being of children and ensure they grow up in safe and nurturing environments, shielded from the horrors of war and its complexities.

News & Blogs

2023-10-29 07:30 | Report Abuse

Yes, learn only from the best. Singapore has better historians to inform where plaestinians originated from

News & Blogs

2023-10-29 07:18 | Report Abuse

All are god's sons. No one should be coward this time. Both sides must go all out to fight. Winner takes all the land in the middle east


2023-10-29 07:16 | Report Abuse

Long term will depend on how the country deal with their debt and strengthen their currency.


2023-10-29 06:38 | Report Abuse

Every busybody country (including pmx gomen) is guilty for contributing to the greatest threat to human existence


2023-10-28 21:59 | Report Abuse

Pmx is desperate and turning to ride on greenwave to explore potential new voters

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 21:08 | Report Abuse

Yup, PMX should just focus on more pressing domestic issues such as the free-falling ringgit or the spiralling high cost of living instead of having delusions of grandeur


2023-10-28 17:51 | Report Abuse

Focus on Solving Real-World Issues:
When individuals and societies prioritize addressing real-world issues, they tend to focus on immediate concerns such as poverty, inequality, environmental challenges, healthcare, education, and social justice. By concentrating efforts and resources on these tangible problems, they can work towards creating a more equitable and sustainable world. Benefits of this approach include:

Tangible Progress: Solutions to real-world issues can lead to tangible improvements in people's lives and communities.
Unity: Addressing common challenges can bring people together and promote cooperation and social cohesion.
Long-Term Sustainability: Solving real-world issues can lead to a more sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 17:33 | Report Abuse

Not surprising. They got brainwashed to stay solidarity with Pas to further Islamisation-desecularisation agenda


2023-10-28 17:25 | Report Abuse

Not really. The side u vote will determine who are the candidates to accompany ahjibgo inside bamboo river resort


2023-10-28 15:38 | Report Abuse

How every busybody countries (including pmx gomen) have contributed to the greatest threat to human existence?


2023-10-28 15:21 | Report Abuse

Ensure multiracial school kids are being supplied with age-appropriate textbooks and reading materials that would not further cause disunity among them. Unity is an uphill task - why sabotage!??

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2023-10-28 14:31 | Report Abuse

PMX fails to understand which social class did his supporters come from. He should act more like a Republic than democrat

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2023-10-28 12:57 | Report Abuse

Income > 20 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Last time Pas supporters carried toy swords and spears and shields in so called Cosplays. Now schools already upgraded to carry toy guns and… getting out of hand???


15,683 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 0 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Yes, and they wasted time recently discussing in the parliament whether we Dayaks should be called cafir - rather than discuss more pertaining issue like whether the label will cause problem among school children; and whether it's suitable for them to be introduced this term or ideology

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 12:56 | Report Abuse

Yes, and they wasted time recently discussing in the parliament whether we Dayaks should be called cafir - rather than discuss more pertaining issue like whether the label will cause problem among school children; and whether it's suitable for them to be introduced this term or ideology


2023-10-28 12:26 | Report Abuse

...starting from school level- nationwide campaign

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 12:24 | Report Abuse

Parasitic livelihood, only-good-in-borrowing-from-jewish banks & low work productivity

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 12:10 | Report Abuse

Clone attacks and phantum menaces will follow

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 10:53 | Report Abuse

Very smart strategy they got. Only our half baked leaders will fall into their tricks

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 10:12 | Report Abuse

Can, they can sue the edu minionster for failing to equip them with financial knowledge and skills (while wasting all their time packing classes with holy verses recitation etc etc)

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 10:05 | Report Abuse

Quote: "PMX has indirectly made us Rakyat Malaysia suffer more! Ringgit declining will lead to higher inflation! "

Next he will fall into the opposition's trap - boycotting APEC. Soon unable to pay debt with rupiahing of ringgit. Finally go back to back the west to no avail. Bak kata hikmat melayu, kera jauh diberi susu, bodoh sombong dahulu, Lupa semua perjanjian, Susah sesal kemudian.

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 09:53 | Report Abuse

We cannot afford to have hamas here. Israel is going after them inside and outside. Luckily there's no Malay or Muslims in my Dayak township

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 09:43 | Report Abuse

If RM100mil comes to us, each Sarawakian gets RM50. Go there with 4 times of our population, each child only get barely 10 ringgit


2023-10-28 09:10 | Report Abuse

Certainly, the Socratic method plays a valuable role in education, but it's important to understand why it's considered essential for a comprehensive educational experience:

1. Critical Thinking: The Socratic method encourages children to think critically and independently. By posing open-ended questions and engaging in dialogue, it helps students learn how to analyze, evaluate, and question information rather than simply accepting it at face value. This critical thinking skill is essential for making informed decisions throughout life.

2. Questioning Everything: Socratic dialogue pushes children to question everything around them, including their beliefs, assumptions, and the world itself. This promotes curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, which are fundamental to lifelong learning.

3. Self-Discovery: Through Socratic questioning, students often discover their own thoughts, values, and principles. It aids in self-discovery, helping children understand their interests, passions, and convictions, which is crucial for personal development.

4. Effective Communication: Mastering the Socratic method requires children to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly and persuasively. This fosters effective communication skills, which are valuable in both personal and professional life.

5. Exploration of Multiple Perspectives: The Socratic method encourages children to consider different viewpoints and engage in constructive debate. This helps them develop empathy and respect for diverse opinions, fostering tolerance and open-mindedness.

6. Lifelong Learning: The Socratic method is not just about finding answers; it's about embracing the process of inquiry and continuous learning. Children who master this method are more likely to be self-directed learners throughout their lives.

7. Problem Solving: By dissecting complex issues and identifying underlying assumptions, the Socratic method equips children with problem-solving skills. They learn how to break down challenges into manageable parts and develop strategies for resolution.

8. Ethical and Moral Development: As students explore ethical dilemmas and moral questions through Socratic discussions, they develop a deeper understanding of right and wrong, contributing to their moral and ethical development.

9. Application to Everyday Life: The Socratic method is not limited to academic subjects; it can be applied to real-life situations. Children who can critically examine various aspects of living life are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

In conclusion, the Socratic method is a powerful tool that fosters critical thinking, self-discovery, effective communication, and lifelong learning. While it may not be the sole method in education, it is an essential component for developing well-rounded individuals who can navigate life's challenges, make informed decisions, and engage with the world in a meaningful way. Therefore, mastering the Socratic method is a crucial part of a comprehensive education that prepares children for the complexities of living life to the fullest.


2023-10-28 09:05 | Report Abuse

The paradox of Epicurus, often referred to as the "Epicurean Paradox" or the "Riddle of Epicurus," is a philosophical concept that can indeed serve as a foundation for nurturing critical and rational thinking in children and safeguarding them against gullibility and a lack of essential skepticism. Here's an elaboration on how this paradox can be applied to this purpose:

1. **Introduction to the Epicurean Paradox**: Begin by introducing children to the paradox itself. The paradox questions the existence of a benevolent and all-powerful deity in the face of the existence of evil and suffering in the world. It's a fundamental issue in the philosophy of religion.

2. **Encourage Questioning**: Use this paradox to encourage children to ask questions about the world around them. Teach them that it's okay to question things that seem contradictory or don't make sense. In the case of the paradox, it's about questioning the traditional concept of a benevolent god.

3. **Critical Thinking**: The paradox invites critical thinking. Teach children to analyze arguments and evidence. They can explore various explanations for the paradox, such as the existence of free will, theodicy, or the limitations of human understanding. This helps develop their analytical skills.

4. **Promote Empirical Inquiry**: The paradox highlights the importance of empirical evidence. Encourage children to seek evidence for their beliefs and not accept claims at face value. Discuss how science and observation play a role in understanding the world.

5. **Developing Skepticism**: The paradox naturally leads to skepticism. Children can learn to approach extraordinary claims with a healthy dose of skepticism. They should ask for evidence and avoid making unwarranted assumptions.

6. **Respect for Different Beliefs**: While the paradox may lead to skepticism about certain religious beliefs, it's important to teach children to respect the diversity of beliefs and worldviews. They can learn that people have different perspectives, and it's essential to engage in respectful dialogue.

7. **Ethical Considerations**: The Epicurean Paradox also raises ethical questions, as it touches on issues of suffering and compassion. Use this as an opportunity to discuss empathy, ethics, and the importance of helping others in the face of suffering.

8. **Life-Long Learning**: The paradox serves as a starting point for a life-long journey of learning and critical thinking. Children can understand that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is an ongoing process, and they should be open to revising their beliefs in light of new evidence.

9. **Cultivating Intellectual Independence**: By engaging with the paradox, children can learn to think for themselves and not blindly accept what they're told. This intellectual independence is a valuable skill for navigating the complexities of the world.

10. **Safeguarding Against Gullibility**: Ultimately, this understanding of the paradox of Epicurus equips children with the tools to safeguard themselves against gullibility. They'll be less likely to fall for unverified claims or be easily manipulated.

Incorporating the paradox of Epicurus into a child's education can provide a solid foundation for critical thinking, rationality, and skepticism. It encourages them to approach the world with an inquisitive and discerning mindset, preparing them to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and intellectual rigor.


2023-10-28 09:01 | Report Abuse

The concept of achieving independence of a person's mind through the breakthrough of the Plato cave allegory journey is a profound philosophical idea. Plato's Allegory of the Cave, from his work "The Republic," serves as a metaphor for the process of gaining knowledge and understanding, ultimately leading to intellectual and emotional liberation.

In the allegory, people are depicted as prisoners chained in a cave, facing a wall where they can only see shadows cast by objects behind them. These prisoners mistake these shadows for reality and have never seen the outside world. However, one of the prisoners is freed and compelled to journey out of the cave. Initially, the outside world is blinding and disorienting, but as the individual becomes accustomed to it, they come to understand that the cave's shadows were mere illusions.

Achieving independence of one's mind through this allegory involves several key elements:

1. **Breaking Free from Ignorance**: The journey begins with a realization that the world perceived in the cave represents a limited, illusory version of reality. Breaking free from the chains symbolizes breaking free from ignorance and realizing there is more to the world than what we initially perceive.

2. **Intellectual Enlightenment**: As the person ventures out of the cave, they are exposed to the true nature of reality, representing the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual enlightenment. This newfound knowledge challenges their previous beliefs and expands their understanding.

3. **Independence of Thought**: Through this journey, the individual gains the ability to think independently and critically. They no longer accept the shadows as reality but question and analyze their surroundings, forming their own conclusions.

4. **Freedom from Conformity**: The prisoners in the cave represent conformity and the unquestioning acceptance of societal norms and dogmas. The liberated individual, by gaining insight into the true world, escapes the confines of societal conformity and gains freedom of thought and belief.

5. **Moral and Ethical Awakening**: Plato's allegory also suggests a moral dimension to this journey. The enlightened person not only understands the world differently but is expected to use this knowledge for the betterment of society. They develop a sense of responsibility and a desire to share their wisdom with others.

In essence, achieving independence of the mind through the Plato cave allegory journey symbolizes the transformative power of knowledge, critical thinking, and self-discovery. It emphasizes the liberation from ignorance, the ability to perceive reality more accurately, and the moral duty to use one's newfound wisdom to improve the human condition and guide others out of the "cave" of ignorance.


2023-10-28 09:00 | Report Abuse

The concept of achieving independence of a person's mind through the breakthrough of the Plato cave allegory journey is a profound philosophical idea. Plato's Allegory of the Cave, from his work "The Republic," serves as a metaphor for the process of gaining knowledge and understanding, ultimately leading to intellectual and emotional liberation.

In the allegory, people are depicted as prisoners chained in a cave, facing a wall where they can only see shadows cast by objects behind them. These prisoners mistake these shadows for reality and have never seen the outside world. However, one of the prisoners is freed and compelled to journey out of the cave. Initially, the outside world is blinding and disorienting, but as the individual becomes accustomed to it, they come to understand that the cave's shadows were mere illusions.

Achieving independence of one's mind through this allegory involves several key elements:

1. **Breaking Free from Ignorance**: The journey begins with a realization that the world perceived in the cave represents a limited, illusory version of reality. Breaking free from the chains symbolizes breaking free from ignorance and realizing there is more to the world than what we initially perceive.

2. **Intellectual Enlightenment**: As the person ventures out of the cave, they are exposed to the true nature of reality, representing the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual enlightenment. This newfound knowledge challenges their previous beliefs and expands their understanding.

3. **Independence of Thought**: Through this journey, the individual gains the ability to think independently and critically. They no longer accept the shadows as reality but question and analyze their surroundings, forming their own conclusions.

4. **Freedom from Conformity**: The prisoners in the cave represent conformity and the unquestioning acceptance of societal norms and dogmas. The liberated individual, by gaining insight into the true world, escapes the confines of societal conformity and gains freedom of thought and belief.

5. **Moral and Ethical Awakening**: Plato's allegory also suggests a moral dimension to this journey. The enlightened person not only understands the world differently but is expected to use this knowledge for the betterment of society. They develop a sense of responsibility and a desire to share their wisdom with others.

In essence, achieving independence of the mind through the Plato cave allegory journey symbolizes the transformative power of knowledge, critical thinking, and self-discovery. It emphasizes the liberation from ignorance, the ability to perceive reality more accurately, and the moral duty to use one's newfound wisdom to improve the human condition and guide others out of the "cave" of ignorance.

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 08:55 | Report Abuse

Of course. His mother's side got Jewish bloodline. So, traditionally, Elon is a Jews

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 08:52 | Report Abuse

We know better that secularism is the way forward. We understand the concept of pluralism and multiracial better. We are exemplary as our GDP is the highest; and we had turned into a high income state this year.

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 08:50 | Report Abuse

Do we Sarawakians get an equal chance to be PM? How many more decade we have to wait?

News & Blogs

2023-10-28 05:49 | Report Abuse

In a school where young minds bloom and grow,
Fundamentalism's shadow, an unsettling blow.
It divides the children into groups so stark,
Believers and nonbelievers, a division in the park.

In the core of their faith, they firmly stand,
An ingroup formed by beliefs so grand.
But in this division, the outgroup takes its place,
Isolation and ostracism, a sad and bitter taste.

Polarization brews, prejudice takes hold,
Innocent hearts, once warm, now turning cold.
In the classroom, intolerance rears its head,
Cooperation and understanding, too often left for dead.

Let's strive for unity, in diversity we'll find,
A world where all beliefs peacefully bind.
For in the hearts of children, there's hope to be seen,
A future where acceptance reigns, in every shade and sheen.