
FortuneBlooming | Joined since 2018-09-19

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2019-03-27 20:49 | Report Abuse

Ah Dream is getting into good form again. Good entertaining form. Just like Ronaldo.


2019-03-27 10:16 | Report Abuse

Need another 10 sen for Dayang to get back to 18 sen per day regime


2019-03-27 10:12 | Report Abuse

It is O&G that is going to lead the charge for Bursa

It is Dayang that is going to lead the charge for O&G

Not the other way around


2019-03-26 22:58 | Report Abuse

From Friday all the way until yesterday morning RR88 was convinced that Dayang was going to freefall. But quite obviously it has not. Talk about hot air.


2019-03-26 22:53 | Report Abuse

Naim does not possess all the criteria that Yew Yin insists on for him to be entering


2019-03-26 22:47 | Report Abuse

Walaweeeyyy, you guys. Every day, tonnes & tonnes of nothing else but pure speculation.

Yew Yin still in Dayang la. He does not keep hopping here, there & everywhere like a frekkin grasshopper. Like your minds seem to be doing all the frekkin time.

News & Blogs

2019-03-26 16:10 | Report Abuse

TP3 is not such a fantastic figure, really. It is something quite achievable, actually.

If them 3 IBs had not messed things up, we might in fact have already been sitting on RM2+ right now and gazing upward at RM3, possibly around the time of next QR.

That is exactly why Dayang TP has been moved from RM3 upward to RM4.


2019-03-24 19:34 | Report Abuse

I guess this SerbaDinamik is a bit like Dialogue. A solid, sturdy stock with little chance of volatility. Point is, how long would one be willing to hold it to make any significant ROI?

I was in Dialogue for a while some time back. Cost price about 3.28 IIRC. Took me something like four months to get a paltry 20 sen gain. Low risk, hv to admit. But very, very unsatisfactory return.

Naash. No choice but to play the Ms Pennies if you want your gains fast. We do not have forever to make our wealth.


2019-03-24 19:20 | Report Abuse

Really? Yew Yin is holding 30 mil units, and he is going to push it down?

Some fantastic piece of logic you've got there, dude.


2019-03-24 19:08 | Report Abuse

'they' will push it down? Pray tell us, who is this so called 'they'?


2019-03-24 19:04 | Report Abuse


'part for the course' = par for the course

I hate this appalling auto-correct shhit.


2019-03-24 19:02 | Report Abuse

Using margin to invest is something part for the course, for many investors, big or small.

No big deal


2019-03-24 18:50 | Report Abuse

Sifu Pussycat why no have any writeup


2019-03-24 18:37 | Report Abuse

I am definitely no blind follower of Yew Yin, although I do keep track of his blogs, just like not a few other guys playing in Bursa often do.

But in this one particular case, I have to say that I support Yew Yin wholeheartedly in his raising of this issue. He has my full 100% backing. And I'm sure that many other long holders feel the same way too, whether or not they're among his fans.

IBs just cannot be allowed to abuse their competency & do as they well please, hiding behind the guise of professional competency, to engage in organised, coordinated, collusive corporate raiding.


2019-03-24 18:24 | Report Abuse

3 separate, completely unrelated IBs making a downgrading report on the same one currently well performing O&G firm, whose price also happens to be hitting recent new highs, on Friday, Monday & Tuesday.

Giving almost identical downgraded TPs of 1.20, 1.25 & 1.15

While also sparing 2 other similar fast risers in the same sector, i. e. Carimin & Penergy.

Even my 9 year old niece would be able to tell that it was definitely a collusion.

Blatant but well disguised corporate raiding.


2019-03-24 18:08 | Report Abuse

That means Dayang's price deserves to at least match that of SerbaDinamik.

Which just says it all, about longer-term TP RM4 for Dayang being certainly no pipe dream. No pie in the sky at all, man.


2019-03-21 22:14 | Report Abuse

Annalikks are in fact annalikks becos they're not good enough academically to cut the grade as scientists, engineers, doctors, architects etc.


2019-03-21 22:09 | Report Abuse

WKL318, are any of those annalikks whom you seem to be so do reverendly profoundly revering & so fawningly idolising, any of them a billionaire, or even a quaryer billionaire?


2019-03-20 14:16 | Report Abuse

Shorters going to be wiped out soon


2019-03-20 14:10 | Report Abuse

Those three IB stooges who wrote downgrading reports on Dayang. The way they reported on succesive trading days, from Friday through to Tuesday, with virtually identical downgraded TPs for Dayang.

Smacks of some sophisticated kind of coordinated & orchestrated manipulation. Someone should report them for suspected insider trading & market manipulation. Then an investigation should be made.

If they're found innocent, all well & good. But if they're found guilty, then they will have to face the music, I guess.


2019-03-19 09:28 | Report Abuse

Bunch of fukkin boolshhit financial mafia, this bittch IB.


2019-03-19 09:25 | Report Abuse

In the meantime, Kenanga deserves to be investigated for attempted market manipulation.


2019-03-19 09:22 | Report Abuse

I reiterate, Kenanga should downgrade itself from TP 90 sen to TP 25 sen. Only then will I be able to take their review on Dayang seriously.


2019-03-19 09:19 | Report Abuse

Kenanga review just another cheapskate trick to buy Dayang at cheap


2019-03-19 09:09 | Report Abuse

If Kenanga is really honest & sincere, then Kenanga should downgrade itself from TP 90 sen to TP 25 sen.


2019-03-19 05:52 | Report Abuse

ha ha ha

MAH is right


2019-03-18 22:04 | Report Abuse

Words of greatest wisdom, RiverOfSilver. Thumbs up for you.


2019-03-16 04:29 | Report Abuse

Dayang is the leading contender to reach that 200 - 300 range first, I guess.


2019-03-16 04:18 | Report Abuse

LOL. Interesting analysis, PureBull. Simple but effective. Which is just exactly what the great majority of the crowd needs. Not the overly academic & excessively professorial gobbledygook.


2019-03-14 02:51 | Report Abuse

More big jobs likely coming from Petronas ...


2019-03-14 02:49 | Report Abuse

Net profit 250 mil coming for Q1FY19 ...


2019-03-13 14:06 | Report Abuse

Perdana latest qrtr profit only 11 mil, can shoot up 10 sen in one day. Just imagine what Dayang can do, when next QR shows qrtr net profit 250 mil.


2019-03-13 14:01 | Report Abuse

No need to be fretting or fraying about some short pause or small pullback

The big picture journey is what it is all about


2019-03-13 13:58 | Report Abuse

Next up wave is going to carry us all to 2.50


2019-03-12 10:39 | Report Abuse

Shorters getting short-circuited & terminated


2019-03-12 10:37 | Report Abuse

Shorters getting short-circuited


2019-03-12 10:35 | Report Abuse

Friday RM2

26 May RM3

Merdeka week RM4

Way to go ...


2019-03-11 08:12 | Report Abuse

If ph loses ge15, there will be no more need for Bersatu. The Malay-Bumiputera constituency is going to kick sand in their ugly face.


2019-03-11 07:58 | Report Abuse

ha ha ha

OMG. He sold @1.42? Sounds like one big blunderous buffoon. Poor dude. He obviously needs to do something drastic about his itchy fingers. I guess some guys do have a big problem with self-control.


2019-03-09 17:34 | Report Abuse

LOL. Boatmissers will always be boatmissers. They will always be dithering, hesitating & vacillating until the cows go home. It is just in their nature.

Too indecisive. Can't make their mind up fast enough. And by the time they do, it is already too late.


2019-03-09 04:37 | Report Abuse

Big jobs in the book, debt repayment well & smoothly on track, profits burgeoning quarter by quarter, Petronas a shareholder. Obviously loads & loads of upside, of course, compared to peers.

Boatmissers & formrr holders who had offloaded too early are going to regret big time not having made their most judicious & most decisive call on this stock.


2019-03-07 12:52 | Report Abuse

Resting to build up power for another surge


2019-03-06 04:55 | Report Abuse

Think, and you will understand.


2019-03-06 04:49 | Report Abuse


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2019-03-04 16:21 | Report Abuse

Sour grape sore arse types always appear out of nowhere in every room