
Geek2020 | Joined since 2020-11-02

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2020-12-05 12:41 | Report Abuse

Bad news i meant. Sorry


2020-12-05 12:35 | Report Abuse

Topglove has priced in all the best news. EPF is sitting on a huge gain since March. Nothing wrong to take profit for year end since they have to declare dividends for next year. They sell but not until it crashes. When selling subsides, it will rage upwards again. Earnings cant lie


2020-12-05 11:25 | Report Abuse

Some TA sifu was talking about bullish pennant. Your view is still intact?


2020-12-05 10:06 | Report Abuse

Contact tracing, mass vaccination and mass testing will be here for a long time. Gloves has only one direction. Many market gurus have already pointed out that vaccine driven rally is overheating. Its way ahead fundamentals.


2020-12-05 01:00 | Report Abuse

Fitch downgrade will put RM under pressure. Banks and other RM beneficiaries will be under pressure. Gloves and other exporters will benefit. Expect green for gloves on Monday


2020-12-04 21:51 | Report Abuse

When vaccine news first came, the selling was so intense until it reached RM7 before bouncing back. The bounce was supported by retailers based on trading data. Local institutions were net sellers. Currently, glove stocks are heavily retail. If IB wants to buy, they will buy at current prices where they will have to exchange it with selling retailers. Since they have canons, they wont want that to happen. They will trigger panic every day to cause panic sellers. They will collect it cheaper everyday.


2020-12-04 18:20 | Report Abuse

If gloves are continuously sold down, KLCI will be caught at low end when many analysts are calling for a super bull 2021. Glove super rally is taking a breather until other sectors catches up. Hence yoh can see vaccine first then, value, O&G picking up. All taking turns to recover from many months of sold downs. Eventually, when things even up, gloves will fly again to reflect their earning capacity


2020-12-04 17:41 | Report Abuse

Many IBs are on block leave this week. Kita tunggu minggu depan. You need to buy on Monday if you want bonus shares. Im not critical of TA but sometimes TA candles are created for some reason by some interested parties. Vaccine euphoria is at the tail end. Now even Pfizer is admitting vaccine supply chain is difficult.


2020-12-03 18:11 | Report Abuse

They are converting personal holdings to a asset holding company. This is for asset management and estate planning. Would not affect the shareholdings in the company


2020-12-03 16:43 | Report Abuse

Will close GREEN today


2020-12-03 12:20 | Report Abuse

IBs supressing the price by parking some big lots. Typical!


2020-12-01 19:39 | Report Abuse

So its 2k max per employee and not 50 per employee


2020-12-01 19:15 | Report Abuse

Failure to comply with section 20 or 21
32. Any resident manager who fails to comply with section 20 or with any requirement of the Medical Officer of Health under section 21 commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit and to a further fine of one hundred ringgit a day for each day during which the offence


2020-12-01 19:11 | Report Abuse

According to the section, its fine not exceeding RM2k per person la


2020-12-01 16:49 | Report Abuse

Drop because of TopG. Topglove’s charges can be settled by paying a fine not exceeding RM2000. Don’t understand the over reacting people dumping


2020-12-01 16:47 | Report Abuse

The fine prescribed in the section is
NOT Exceeding RM2000. Two Thousand dollars


2020-12-01 16:15 | Report Abuse

Aiya. They will just pay fine


2020-11-30 22:05 | Report Abuse

Mercator broke 500 and at 510 now..


2020-11-30 17:57 | Report Abuse

Major portfolio rebalancing. Emerging Market Index Funds must rebalance to have bigger share in Supermax which gives higher EPS. Only then they will have bigger EPS to sell the fund to their customers. Supermax’s inclusion to KLCI will give the whole index an edge over peers in EM


2020-11-30 16:49 | Report Abuse

We have been telling BUY!!!! Toneefaa and Agjl bros. Haha


2020-11-30 09:28 | Report Abuse

Sorry naysayers, i see uptrend is solid.


2020-11-29 22:28 | Report Abuse

Cases are going up in China as well


2020-11-29 14:12 | Report Abuse

More funds coming to Asia. Buffett’s Berkshire has bought shares in 3 Japanese trading companies. Ray Dalio setting up shop in Singapore. When Supermax is included into KLCI, the EPS of KLCI will rise tremendously and will attract the attention of the whales. Asia and SE Asia still has big room to grow especially after Covid was controlled much easier here. Western governments are still struggling and borrowing in record numbers. The value of the dollar will decline over time. Funds will need to hedge. Therefore Asia will be the answer.


2020-11-29 13:14 | Report Abuse

Yes Mercator is doing a solid bullish reversal. Windfall tax was a headwind for gloves. Now we are off the turbulence. Tailwind is vaccine and rising covid cases in US and Europe, together with Japan, S Korea.

Governments all over the world need to stockpile and they have to pay higher spot prices.

Enough said. Time to sit back and watch it grow.


2020-11-28 23:22 | Report Abuse

"We cannot let our guard down," she told CNN Friday night. "The vaccines will make a big difference in the spring and the summer; they're not going to make a difference right now."

Based on the current Covid-19 numbers in the US, the country is far from rounding the corner, she said.

"If anything, we are rounding the corner into a calamity


2020-11-28 23:16 | Report Abuse

Los Angeles issues stay-home order as coronavirus cases surge out of control


2020-11-28 13:21 | Report Abuse

Health DG has spoken out. Muhyiddin and co need the vaccine news to win the upcoming GE. It will make them look good. Go and see KJ’s FB post. See who’s picture is there. Vaccine is clearly politicized


2020-11-28 08:19 | Report Abuse

Mercator went up 6% yesterday inching towards 500.


2020-11-27 22:48 | Report Abuse

Sri Trang closed Green and Mercator is up too.
US Honeywell and 3M also Green


2020-11-27 17:23 | Report Abuse

Even now hospitals are facing severe shortage. Mass vaccinations; im lost for words. Patience will be virtue.


2020-11-27 17:21 | Report Abuse

A survey of 905 hospitals that are members of Premier found 40% are having a shortage of nitrile exam gloves.

The survey found that 28% face a N95 mask shortage, and another 10% need more gowns.

The biggest reason driving the shortage of gloves is that global demand suddenly became high but for the most part production hasn't increased, Alkire said.

“There are countries that historically have never used gloves but are now using gloves,” he said. “There are parts of healthcare infrastructure that never used gloves that are now using gloves.”

He added that most gloves are being produced in China, Malaysia and Thailand.


2020-11-27 17:01 | Report Abuse

This is a preliminary deal where Pfizer will now need to submit data to NPRA. The vaccination period for the whole country looks like will go up to 2022/23. Considering the logistics of super cold storage and movements


2020-11-27 16:26 | Report Abuse

The catalyst that is going to move glove companies are dividend yields. Big funds love companies that can pay dividends. That is why TS Lim announced that TG can pay more than 6%. After we have seen flattish results from many companies this week, the obvious answer is only glove companies can pay high dividends sustainably throughout 2021 as their earning visibility is clear. The movement will be slow. One or Two days up and another day of profit taking. This is actually healthy trend. Gloves no longer will be goreng counter but steady uptrend.


2020-11-27 12:43 | Report Abuse

"We need billions more units of PPE to meet the need that we're seeing across the country" said Dr. Shikha Gupta, director of Get Us PPE, a grassroots organization that provides free personal protective equipment to organizations that need it.


2020-11-27 12:36 | Report Abuse

The main contributor is rubber gloves! Exports up beating expectations. Make your own calculations


2020-11-27 11:24 | Report Abuse

This movement is good.