
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2024-02-25 12:24 | Report Abuse

No.. Auntie Felicia

The point is.. WHY YOU BRING IN DR NEOH in your attempt to slander anyone?

And.. I say I buy dividend stocks.. I didnt say I buy PMcorp for dividend.

Same advice.. the more you twist, the more trouble you get.


2024-02-25 12:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyah.. Auntie Felicia still pusing2 until reach timbuk2

My point Revenue QoQ cannot be used as indication of demand is BACK....

If you insist revenue.. why not do YoY?

Why you still here? Didnt u say going to talk to your dog?



2024-02-25 12:08 | Report Abuse

Bingo Auntie Felicia.. Thanks for confirming my point.

I didnt bring in Calvin. He has nothing to do with me asking Xiaoeh to buy Dr Neoh book.

U link Calvin post on Dr Neoh and then belittling him.

In summary.. u brought in Calvin post to indicate Calvin did badly in buying 10 stock, 9 failed by following Dr Neoh book. Thus linking Dr Neoh book to Calvin incompetence with a link

See.. wasnt difficult to see through your intention despite your numerous twist and turn.


2024-02-25 12:03 | Report Abuse

Hahhaa.. Auntie felicia still pusing

Since when I say Revenue is not from Demand.. It could also be from price discount and consignment sales. U dont know this? 😂😂😂

Better you go talk to you dog,.. same intelligence level.. u understand each other well 😂😂😂😂


2024-02-25 11:57 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.. My post is for everyone to see.. Not for you to twist out of trouble.

Clearly u posted link for Dr Neoh after I propose a book authored by Dr Neoh.. What is the intention? Everyone can see..

So you can stop twisting.. the more you say, the more trouble for you, 😁😁

Might I remind you, Dr Neoh has many supporters here and hope this post he doesnt see.. He is also a member of i3, as one of his son.


2024-02-25 11:53 | Report Abuse

Hahahaa.. Auntie Felicia

U failed to see my point... Ur brain still in toilet

Revenue only to decide if demand is back? TG could sell China price to get demand back or sell on consignment etc... 😂😂😂

Simpleton like you refuse to see the big picture.

Thats why everyone else is looking at QR.. while you look at Revenue 😂😂😂😂


2024-02-25 11:50 |

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2024-02-25 11:46 | Report Abuse

Hahhahaa.. Auntie Felicia.. still blur

To prove demand is back, u use 3 months revenue????

The correct answer is Revenue YoY..

This also you dont know? What school again? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


2024-02-25 11:44 |

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2024-02-25 11:42 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia..

U do this to anyone that beats you in talking facts.. Not only me.. remember? Does Indian community or Dr Neoh Soon Kean despicable?

Keep trying to twist and turn.. Facts remain true.. Only people like you keeps lying

U can stop all you want.. I wont stop here.

Everyone in i3 should know your integrity and character. Bad mouth and bad person.


2024-02-25 11:38 |

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2024-02-25 11:26 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia... If your bet makes sense to anyone with Brain between the ears.. I would have accepted gladly

Unfortunately, your challenge bet is flawed and need adjustment.

QoQ is a ridiculous bet.. U can go ask anyone here

QR is a better bet.. Unless u promote a stock based on Revenue only????

U can evade this bet.. I dont care.. But it show all others how Dumbo you are 😂😂😂



2024-02-25 11:23 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.. Back to talking about wife, family... Pitiful and reflect so badly on your character.

U also belittle Malaysian Indian community, Dr Neoh Soon Kean.. How low can you go?

Pointless bet if only QoQ revenue.

I want a clean and fair fight.. QR is the best indication of a company's health.

You can put your Revenue QoQ aside... Its too ridiculous and unbecoming


2024-02-25 11:19 |

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2024-02-25 11:17 |

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2024-02-25 10:52 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.. Unlike you posting gibberish quoted by your smelly mouth

Dont for 1 moment think anyone is your level of dumbness.. your shit you eat yourself...

I rather post what others feel of you and your terms of competition.


19 hours ago | Report Abuse

Taikor already 1 mth revenue increased 20-30% leh. Alot already leh. Even Ular pun cakap Taikor can maintain last QR revenue if not increased abit leh. You want to cheat pun dont so obvious leh. Referee ada mata can see you are cheating mah. But your opponent is jantanman dare to accept your term leh. You leh. Takda kukubird to accept his term and keep finding excuses lagi cakap your are very confident V shape recovery. You talked kok kah. Kesian. Haiyoh. Correct?


2024-02-25 10:45 |

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2024-02-25 10:43 |

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2024-02-25 10:37 |

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2024-02-24 13:33 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia... U are the one making tricks. It so embarrassing to only bet on revenue.. we are in investment forum for Gods sake.

Your challenge only revenue.

My challenge all aspects.

I give you until Monday 26th 5pm to accept.

If not, I will follow you to all your threads. I mean it as I can do it.

Dont keep pusing and tok kok. Brave will accept any challenge.. Cowards will run away from all challenges


2024-02-24 12:52 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia... Dont pusing again la.. very tiring

I accepted your challenge
I am now waiting for you to accept my challenge

Your challenge is revenue
My challenge is total result from QR

U talk 1 aspect, I talk all aspect

Which is better challenge terms? Ask yourself if you can think

So far 100% of all challenges I throw to you, you dont accept.. None.. Zero.. Zilch...

What does this prove? 😂😂😂


2024-02-24 11:36 | Report Abuse

Hahahah.... From the terms set by Auntie Felicia

We know she has no confidence at all 🤣🤣🤣


2024-02-24 11:35 | Report Abuse

Hahhaha.. Auntie Felicia

Your terms is so ridiculous 😂😂😂😂


2024-02-24 11:34 | Report Abuse

Hhaaha.. Auntie Felicia

See.... set conditions also so narrow 😂😂😂😂

Revenue QoQ ? preceding or YoY? HAHhahahahhaha

The problem with you.. u so scared 😆😆😆😆


2024-02-24 11:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyah Auntie Felicia

If you are a born chicken.. say so la.. I will stop challenging you.

Dont even dare to back up your own words... No balls yet going around talking nonsense.. Even to a point of belittling Dr Neoh Soon Kean



2024-02-24 11:29 | Report Abuse

Correct.. Everyone with a little business background will know Top Line GP have little room for adjustment.

There is a limit to cost cutting without impacting efficiency. Usually 2-5% max. For gloves, should be at the least.

Cost cutting for 1 year is enough damage.. 🤣🤣🤣

Posted by UlarSawa > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

True also leh. All the glove companies tightening the belt tak makan tak minum tak hisap rokok tak makan abalone lobster king crab sampai lost weight beyond recognised already leh. Very kolian leh. Sampai Taikor punya highly paid executives pun kena cut pay leh. Once not enuf cut twice still cannot dunno cut again or not pun dunno leh. Like that susah mau cari makan liao leh. Haiyoh. Correct?


2024-02-24 11:23 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. Auntie Felicia invited me to Velesto thread..

Even posted nasty thing...

I challenged her in Velesto.. Hope she reads TG and Velesto thread 😂😂😂

Posted by Huangbk72 > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.

You dare to back up your words?

Challenge open in TG forum... Bet on upcoming TG QR.

Dont embarrass yourself again ya.. 😂😂😂

I can always park here if u like


2024-02-24 11:19 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.

You dare to back up your words?

Challenge open in TG forum... Bet on upcoming TG QR.

Dont embarrass yourself again ya.. 😂😂😂

I can always park here if u like


2024-02-24 11:17 |

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2024-02-24 11:12 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia... Cant stop pusing2

Since you so sure TG will turn in a good QR. U have balls to bet on your own words?

Wait... U no balls 😂😂😂😂


2024-02-23 22:39 |

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2024-02-23 22:33 |

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2024-02-23 22:30 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. Auntie Felicia..

That is such a silly question.. Why I hibernated?

Everyone is free to come and go in i3... u didnt know this 😆😆😆


2024-02-23 22:27 |

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2024-02-23 22:25 | Report Abuse

Does this look I lost 22%? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


2013-12-13 15:32 | Report Abuse

Hi Mike

1st round.. bought average 26cents.. sold partially 34 cents to recover partial capital.

2nd round, started accumulating 29, 27, 24.. average holding cost 25.5

Do I considered with gain and holding for higher price?

All recorded in I3, you and your sifu were promoting PMCorp in 2013. You some more posted your average down price. You forgotten?

Thus lost money 10 years ago probably already left the market. Only thus con artists remaining till now.


2024-02-23 22:18 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.. i compiled my record in Pmcorp for you.. So everyone can see

Record of my posts in Pmcorp

Start 21/11/2013
Stop 09/01/2014

Total days : 49
Total posts : 72

Average per day : 1.5 posts per day

Doesnt even sound like I was a promoter compared to you😂😂😂

So wake up and look at your attempt to slander


2024-02-23 22:09 |

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2024-02-23 22:03 |

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2024-02-23 22:02 |

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2024-02-23 21:53 |

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2024-02-23 21:51 |

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2024-02-23 21:49 |

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2024-02-23 21:46 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.. U are really a bad person.

I am doing this in Serba, SAP, Jaks and TG to warn others of people like you. Posting rubbish information

Its free service.

I help people save money... U help people lose money.

See the difference... Now even badmouthing Dr. Neoh ...


2024-02-23 21:44 |

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2024-02-23 21:39 | Report Abuse

Auntie Felicia.. I hope you repent and not badmouth Dr Neoh Soon Kean

He is a titan in stock and well respected. Philanthropic, Humble and Always help others. Many followed his strategies and reaped great rewards.

Dont simply badmouth others..

I wonder how you will spend your last days if you keep doing all these evil things.


2024-02-23 21:38 | Report Abuse

Xiaoeh.. You will gain a lot of insight from his book. Will build your foundation well.

Posted by xiaoeh > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Huangbk72 > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
If you seriously intend to stay in this game...
Look up books by Dr.Neoh Soon Kean

noted Huanbk72 sifu
can u share share a bit of what inspired you from the books by Dr.Neoh Soon Kean?


2024-02-23 17:49 |

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2024-02-23 17:31 |

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2024-02-23 17:29 |

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2024-02-23 17:16 | Report Abuse


If you seriously intend to stay in this game...

Look up books by Dr.Neoh Soon Kean