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2020-11-19 11:00 | Report Abuse

The vaccine news is totally short-lived just like its cousin the Covid Vaccine genetically, only last for probably 6 mths to a year and need a second dose.

Come on, give me another dose with 100% efficiency, life is short, enjoy young.

This place here is really not penny-stock, you need to try harder to shake. Come shake with me on bed @RHBIB7.


2020-11-19 10:49 | Report Abuse


Here is another story of What.If.

Forget about stock, let see if you would want this injected to your children. Even doctors wouldnt prescribe antibiotics for your children when they catch a cold, let their immune system do the work.

Covid Vaccine is an antigen, a small amount of probably covid virus, intentionally injected into your body to trigger your immune system to react.

Hey, a healthy person like you with no infection, why you go put covid virus into your body while you have been evading it ever since the pandemic?

Back to sentiment, it seems like Vaccine news is totally dead.

@RHBIB7, I miss you, you make me wait the whole morning until 7.00 am but you didn't turn up, my viagra almost killed me.


2020-11-18 22:17 | Report Abuse

@SaveMsiaFromPHGov chill bro... I dislike haters also, but u don't have to repeat too many times, that make my reading difficult.


2020-11-18 21:11 | Report Abuse

All Supermax supporters please go to sleep peacefully, or just do reading here, you don't need to repeat old comments, let bygones be bygones.


2020-11-18 21:05 | Report Abuse

Everyone please remains silent and go to sleep peacefully. You don't need to repeat anything.


2020-11-18 20:48 | Report Abuse

@Agjl, yup bro, this forum will become the coolest in the sector, sharing something constructive, not nonsense.


2020-11-18 20:43 | Report Abuse

@Agjl, you're welcomed. You know I know, later everyone else knows.


2020-11-18 20:41 | Report Abuse

@Agjl, 21/11 is expiry date of some cw, 23/11 is the review. Yes, it is already around the corner


2020-11-18 20:37 | Report Abuse

Read my lips, if you lose your balls tomorrow, I will pick it up and claim as mine.


2020-11-18 20:30 | Report Abuse

Another vaccine news to us is like, not that I never heard before, as a matter of fact, we all heard it at least 3 times recently. You will get numb about it.

What's your response tomorrow? I guess nothing much, most counters are already long alerted about vaccine and half life remaining. It might take half day to play with your nerve, but most people are waiting for that, for something else in that as a matter of fact, grab smartly.


2020-11-18 18:30 | Report Abuse

I wouldn't disagree a vaccination after 2 or 3 years, but definitely not in rush next year and not mandatory on school kids. Don't turn school children into white mouse.


2020-11-18 18:25 | Report Abuse

Thumbs up, keep up with the constructive idea.


2020-11-18 17:35 | Report Abuse

Friends, yaysayers and naysayers altogether, forget about stocks.

If the MOH executes a mandatory vaccination to our children and grandchildren as soon as next year, with unproven US vaccine or China vaccine, what is your reaction?

I'm fxxking worry about this issue more than whatever stocks.


2020-11-18 17:05 | Report Abuse

Good to see some constructive ideas here, the rest if you consciously know you were writing bull shxt, please delete la, tired for me and you yourself to read through lengthy forum also.


2020-11-18 14:49 | Report Abuse

Don't waste time talk here and miss the lembu. Furthermore, most things here are not constructive.


2020-11-18 13:59 | Report Abuse

@SejukSam, nice sharing. Fundamental speaks.


2020-11-18 13:52 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor Ok i m leaving..u little people enjoy fighting in gloves..yes everyone is the boogeyman to u crazies...bye again
18/11/2020 1:50 PM

I note this down first, later you will come back again. Don't be so predictable again.


2020-11-18 13:48 | Report Abuse

Damn, who hire this @supersinginvestor and how much they pay him? Such a waste of money.

You theory-ing and writing are so secondary school, somemore keep deleting your own posts. Minutes ago I saw your bid goodbye, and I bet you would never leave, what are you predictable? haha

Why waste your time like this? Go get a life young man.


2020-11-18 13:13 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor I think supermx will fall the most with vaccine news...
18/11/2020 1:12 PM

We know lah, you don't know meh?


2020-11-18 13:08 | Report Abuse

Sigh, uncle me this age also not yet study master degree, you guys talk like writing thesis for PhD.

Where is my mistress RHBIB7? How are you today babe? Hearsay you change your ID. I can recognize you through your writing.


2020-11-17 20:01 | Report Abuse

ToneeFa @glovefinish Those who are still holding glove stock would be tied with these counters and your money put in would be burned because these stock price will only stagnant at current price that supported by its companies or will drop further at the time now and even in next year until the pandemic over. These glove counters would not be hot any more
and would be forgotten by people after the pandemic over. These glove stock price currently is supported by its company's super profit. However,it would be no more supper profit and would be back to normal profit after one year when the pandemic over. Then, the price would drop further because of no supper profit to support and u would be tied inside until next new pandemic to come.
17/11/2020 7:20 PM

RHBIB7, pls don't be a pondan to comeback with a different Id.
17/11/2020 7:34 PM

@Glovefinish is RHBIB7? I think he could be EdwinYap hahaha

Anyway, where are you RHBIB7, you haven't given me your contact, I bring you to candle dinner to lobster.


2020-11-17 18:20 | Report Abuse

Goldberg Uncle Upgraded SUPERMAX from Lame Duck To SUPER underrated stock.

By Koon Yew Yin Posted on November 17, 2020

Now uncle understand that AT and Supermax need to coexist. If you get what I mean.


2020-11-17 18:11 | Report Abuse

It could too early for me to say these, or it could be the right time, if you like my speech of the day, wrong also nevermind.

1. Live with covid-19, fear not vaccine as investors. Tired of preaching vaccine and gloves coexist, because gloves live on. The next time you see doctor delivers your newborn child with a pair of nitrile gloves, you will be happy to learn that the first subject you contacted in this world is gloves.

2. We shouldn't be dismayed at the previous drop, we were lacking fresh interest in this counter also. These drops allow bargained players a chance to jump in. And about the IB, they will have their win soon and get tired of playing us around then, because they need us to make gain also when they are in our direction.

3. Since no body trust fundamental in glove sector, we find no fundamental elsewhere also. I took a few days watching other sectors, price-wise they don't assure me the more upside also, such as Genting, you need a real vaccinated recovery to go back pre-pandemic level, and you need a real fxxking great economy revival plan to reverse the slow down from 2018 to 2020, not just the pandemic affected period this year.

4. Vaccine fear is dead, next time someone will spook you with budget2021 or politics, but that fear is not just looming in our sector, it affects every other sector. If they have to protect the recovery theme, don't you think that they would rather shut up, instead of one stone kills two bird, one is our already half dead glove bird, another is their own bird.

5. The U.S theme is just not yet over. The world recovery progress depends on Vaccination, and it's proven feasible by simple announcement last Monday, hence the Dow jones rally. Why Fauci let Biden announced Pfeizer data just day after Biden secured a win? Because Trump hates Fauci, Trump has his own plan for recovery that is sillily different from Fauci's norm, so Biden is a better ambassador for vaccine. The problem is, no one can be sure that Trump will handover to Biden willingly. He might fight to recap victory or he might leave a great deal of problems to Biden. In Jan2021, let's see what will happen to world economy or recovery because no one can predict. But I say, gloves is certainly outside of the troubled waters, because you can't kill any medic in battlefield by law of war if I'm not mistaken. Healthcare ya.

Glove stays out of trouble.


2020-11-17 17:12 | Report Abuse

chivalry @Ibelieve if RHBI7 is a girl, her mouth is filthy! Always bad words came out..if she is a girl she probably dont know now make love also need to wear glove for hygene purposes
17/11/2020 4:59 PM

Only filthy lady can be mistress, don't expect girl-next-door


2020-11-17 16:59 | Report Abuse

The next time you don't have to come up here and tell people that vaccine news is dead, you just don't have to panic about it yourself. About this RHBIB7, let me give her syok on the bed she will satisfy. Must be old lady long time no service already.


2020-11-17 16:51 | Report Abuse

@Djoker89, if she petty that im not going to share with you ha


2020-11-17 16:50 | Report Abuse

A person that doesn't respond to flirt, is certainly a lady for sure, trust my experience


2020-11-17 16:47 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89, I'm an happy go lucky person, thanks to her we see some volatility and renewed interest in supermax, even though RHBIB7 trolling whole day yesterday, I won't go hemtam her here, maybe I hemtam her on the bed lagi syok.


2020-11-17 16:38 | Report Abuse

You know, ladies respond to any argument and quarrel, the only thing they don't respond is flirt.

So i also declare that RHBIB7 is a lady, whatever age also nevermind because she won't be older than me haha.


2020-11-17 16:26 | Report Abuse

Judging at the buying power, I declare Vaccine News is dead!

Anyway, how come it's dead so soon? No, from the first place it wasn't the vaccine news at all, it was the IB pressing down.

So RHBIB7, please come out new idea ya, let me see how good you are, we can talk in the bed also.


2020-11-17 16:08 | Report Abuse

@chivalry, don't curse RHBIB7, she might be a lady and I wanna date her, uncle keep mistresses everywhere.


2020-11-17 16:06 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7, are you a lady? Because I find you with not much temper, so I assume you are. Wanna exchange number so I can date you to movie?


2020-11-17 15:52 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7, counting pubic hairs again? Where's your dry spell faggot? Or are you a lady? Sorry if I'm offending.


2020-11-17 15:26 | Report Abuse

I say today close 8.00, who's with me?


2020-11-17 14:43 | Report Abuse

@RHB, show me how low to go today, make it quick, don't waste your Moderna spirit today.


2020-11-17 13:59 | Report Abuse

@EdwinYap86 slapping his own face after trying to spook us with Budget Rejection?

Come, since you have probably diversified into other sectors, I suggest you go spook people everywhere with Budget Rejection, see your sector die or glove sector die, let's see if you would get detained for Anti-Fake news.


2020-11-17 13:50 | Report Abuse

EdwinYap86 Btw next week major news

Budget 2021 success or fail, muyiddin etc
Pfizer trial final result report and peer review
sinovax results on distribution
GDP quarter

Hahahahahaha the trend is on my side
17/11/2020 1:37 PM

Vaccine news will be cushioned very soon all over the sector, let's watch
GDP and others let's forget about it.

Now let's get into this, let's bet for Budget2021 to get rejected, see who die first? Glove sector or Recovery sector? I bet with you, if you dare to bet with Muydin, let's try Budget get rejected.


2020-11-17 13:42 | Report Abuse

Uncle just learned how to see certain individual's comments in a glance

Sad to find that RHBIB7 is purely designed for talking down Supermax alone even since its existence

For a view of downside, he's truly a person to ask, but for fundamental of Supermax, don't dream he would help a word even in Jan2021 as he claimed.

Wonder why he hates Supermax so much? A short seller with insider's info?


2020-11-17 13:11 | Report Abuse

I was wrong, EdwinYap is trying to be pet more than gaining cheap popularity for himself.

@RHBIB7, make it come today, Moderna is good enough for you, don't wait until next month, or else you won't have better news as people will get immuned to news very soon.


2020-11-17 12:58 | Report Abuse

Cut the crap @EdwinYap86, you just want to gain popularity here, don't go earn curse instead.

I just want to see what more can RHBIB7 do.


2020-11-17 12:52 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7, where the fxxk are you? Yesterday was the best you can do? Come repeat yesterday's trend again.


2020-11-17 10:43 | Report Abuse

Those guys thought after heavy selling supermax would die, so maybe RHBIB7 got over excited and dumped all by accident yesterday's closing, now he's out of tickets to dump and have to collect.


2020-11-17 10:30 | Report Abuse

@RHBIB7, any more?


2020-11-17 09:44 | Report Abuse

Now the fun in Mahsing is, you can switch between glove theme or vaccine theme.

When there is no vaccine we Yeah Go MS Glove Go, when there is vaccine we say Yeah Go MS Property GO Go Go.

We can switch Mahsing theme like TV channels.


2020-11-17 09:32 | Report Abuse

We bought Mahsing because it has multiple investments, especially Property Development, which contribute 80% or more to the group's revenue.
Now when we are into recovery theme, Mahsing Property is sure steadfast in the recovery list. So be prepared!


2020-11-17 09:25 | Report Abuse

Be cool guys, Mahsing is flexible, it should be back on track joining the recovery theme as a top developer. With vaccine and hope of recovery, Mahsing property sector will be reviving soon. This is what every other and our government wanted.

How about glove venture? Well, even at pre-pandemic period we also always welcomed MAHSING to do any profitable venture. Either they are successful in glove or not, they know how to leverage it.

I pronounce, Now it's time for Mahsing Property joining back Recovery of the Nation (with nitrile glove slip out at the back pocket of its pants)

PS: take note on ecoworld then you know what I mean.


2020-11-16 08:59 | Report Abuse

Ha, China and Russia didn't mention before about the -70deg storage, Pfeizer mentioned that after selling shares, you should get the pessimism instead.


2020-11-15 23:33 | Report Abuse

Now everybody accepts the glove demand will surge further with covid vaccination, and they already co-exist.

Ironically, it's not about falling in love with gloves, it's about nostalgia. To almost all of us, our first contact in this world was none other but gloves, right after we were first born to this world.

The many usages of gloves.


2020-11-15 21:29 | Report Abuse

Supermax Kossan KLCI inclusion to review by 23 Nov right? If so the next 5 days should have stable price at least.


2020-11-15 19:58 | Report Abuse

Next week expect the same, watch with cool mentality. When up few sen, some people will come instantly to spread bad old news again. When drop few sen they will come in also to laugh sarcastically. So be cool with that, stay put.