
Jenny_MLP | Joined since 2019-10-29

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1 day ago | Report Abuse

Nice results. There will be more good news release by the JV. If government announced mega project at the same time, it will then be the fuel to propel this counter upwards. I still plan to hold this till 1Q next year.


2 days ago | Report Abuse

They have finally uploaded the 29th AGM minutes but only 2 question asked. I guess not many people attended the AGM. If it was done online, I believed many will have participated and ask some tough critical question. Maybe that is the intention to have physical AGM instead. They shared that the venture into property due to the peers is doing the same. I think they are referring to scientex. Hope they really have the know how.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

I used to respect the management of the company for their commitment in publishing the minutes of their AGM and holding virtual AGMs. Not sure what has change and somehow feel that this company become less investor friendly. Kinda disappoint with the them.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

I bought and will hold till 1st quarter 2025 and see how it perform. By then, most of the expansion will materialise, and the government should have announced most of the mega project.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

me sour grapes? hehe...
ok...congrats to those bought 13.52.......@^_^@ ..... meow....


6 days ago | Report Abuse

ohh dear, seem like dropping more. Instead of congrats for addining more.....will it turn into regret soon?


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Scientex QR reported a better revenue and PAT for their packaging division. Hope Tguan will be the same in the upcoming QR


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Drop due to the news that Malaysia plan to join BRIC and there is risk of US company pull out for the DC project?

News & Blogs

1 week ago | Report Abuse

Nobody consider Hiaptek? They took have exposure to steel via eastern steel.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

1st jan 25 will be the end for RP3 and and began of RP4. The way gomen approach the diesal subsidy, most likely gomen will use the same approach and electricity tariff increase will be inevitable.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

tksw, i do hope you are right...... @^_^@......


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

End of this month QR release.
The most recent QR code from Masteel, which was released on May 31, shows a 25% increase in revenue but a terrible profit margin, with high electricity costs being cited as the cause. According to the CEO of Eastern Steel, the company is 90% self-sufficient due to its own power plant. Will their profit margin be better?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Noted. Thank you for letting us know.
I guess we need to wait in a month time and see if there is any minutes.
Thanks anyway


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Today is the AGM.
Hi Pua, if it is not to troublesome, do give us some update from the AGM. Thank you in advance.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Looks like Tguan is following Scientex footsteps by diversifying into property sector.

Hi Pua,
Hope you give us some update here after you attend the AGM. I'm not able to go because it is too far for me. Many thanks.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Buy and wait until Oct for the HRC mill to be operational. If the mill goes into operation as planned and any the announcement of HSR which not mistaken will be announce in Aug or Sept, will likely give steel counter a push. So, maybe come back 6 months later and see how this counter is doing.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Not sure what is fueling the rise of TNB. I only can think one of the reason is potential of tariff adjustment next year and high chances it will materialise. Because gomen has postponed once and doubt they will push it for another 2 years which will be very close to election year.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hi Pua, Can you asked the director for an online AGM for next year onwards. Thanks.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

RP 3 expiring end of this year. Wondering will the RP4 be approved. If approved, meaning tariff will increase and TNB revenue will increase but then many other things will increase as well.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hi, Anyone going for the AGM?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

In the QR report already say upcoming Quarter will be better. Scientex also cited the same for their packaging business in their QR report.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Brent at 91+ and It's Fri'yeah..... @^_^@


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Most important is for the ESSB to get up to 100% utilisation for the new capacity. Follow with the completion of the HRC mill in Oct and successful commissioning and production of HRC. If all of this goes according to plan, I think ESSB is on the right path and alittle luck from better steel future pricing should help this counter. In the mean time, I will just sit back and relax and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate...... @^_^@ meow


2024-04-01 10:47 | Report Abuse

Yes. While ESSB performance is a little lacklustre, Hiaptek performance is consider good. In any case, the ESSB's performance is acceptable, and this provides some additional insight about their operation. Considering that ESSB's new capacity has only been in operation for about 2 months as it only began on October 23. Moreover, since then, it has only been running at 80% capacity. I hope it ramps up to 100% by January.
They also mentioned the high cost of raw materials, which I assume to be iron ore. Since January, the cost has decreased by roughly 25%. Of course, the price of Steel has decreased in tandem. So let's wait another 3 months to see how this affects the next QR.


2024-03-27 09:52 | Report Abuse

Just wait for Friday. And we have the weekend to digest the result. revenue definitely increases, but as fot PAT, that is million dollar question...


2024-03-25 12:22 | Report Abuse

Wow, it just went above SMA 200. Not a technical person, but I guess that is a good news? The QR is expected to be released by this Friday, 29th. Will this friday be a good Friday???.... @^_^@ meow....


2024-03-20 15:32 | Report Abuse

It will if the hedge their raw material that suppose to use for 700mt to 2700mt.
I'm not an expert in this. Mayb you be more familiar. I just drawing parallel base on what i seen from Airasia previously where the hedge their oil and make big gain and big loss from the fluctuation of the oil price. If not mistaken, there was a impairment from Airasia previously when the hedging went the opposite way.


2024-03-20 13:23 | Report Abuse

I'm not sure. I did email them but there is no response. It is actually unrealised forex translation loss. Hence possible for reversal. My only worried is the FX is related to their hedging to their commodity raw material.


2024-03-19 13:18 | Report Abuse

need to see if there is any forex translation loss. If yes, really need to get the details on what kind of Forex translation loss.


2024-03-19 12:01 | Report Abuse

There is a RM10m impairment on trade receivables in
4QFY23 came from the sales of resin to a local customer. While
TGUAN had collected part of the amount, the payment for the
balance would not be immediate and as such its auditors believed
it would only be prudent to make an impairment on the entire
outstanding amount.


2024-01-31 08:46 | Report Abuse

Maybe because of the new King and the revival of big projects like HSR? He has been a supporter of this project, and I believe it is key for the revival of the forest city. So the stake is high.


2024-01-23 07:17 | Report Abuse

tksw, u can call me phoebe oni. No need sifu because i'm not qualified.
I have been buying accumulating all this while at various price. Anyway, do follow your own investment strategy. Mine might not work for you and your style might not work for me. Despite it not matching at 0.355, it is not a bad thing. It went back to 0.37 - 0.375...


2024-01-22 13:39 | Report Abuse

I will continue to accumulate as it drop because i see it as undervalued. Not sure when it will be revalued, and i buying it in batches.


2024-01-22 10:12 | Report Abuse

I park at 0.355 since last friday. Didn't get any. It could be a good thing thou. Let see how it play out in this few weeks.


2024-01-18 16:31 | Report Abuse

I mean management didn't mention anything on PP.


2024-01-18 14:02 | Report Abuse

CEO did bought 2M shares at 0.39.
The company did says in the AGM that there is no plan for right issue. But good point on the Private placement.


2024-01-18 09:53 | Report Abuse

Trader investor need to adhere to their strategy and hence if certain signal shows downtrend, they need to cutloss. While Fundamental investor will continue to monitor and add as long the fundamental did not change, it is opportunity to add more. So, let's wait and see how it turns out in the 2Q.


2024-01-17 20:51 | Report Abuse

Every investor have their own way in investing. I guess because it broken the sma200 indicator which suppose to be a strong support. Once broken, it indicate sign of downtrend. That is why heavy selling. I not a technical person. Hence I will stick to accumulate at weakness and wait for upcoming QR.


2024-01-17 20:33 | Report Abuse

Wow!!! Really drop my glasses. I accumulate at 80+ and sold at 1.60+. When it went to 1.80, I thought that was crazy. Never expect it to go beyond rm2 and now rm2.30.....congrats to those still holding it.


2024-01-17 16:16 | Report Abuse

Huh? What Green Dragon and big lady??? oh Dear....i hope the big lady is not me....


2024-01-17 15:22 | Report Abuse

I start to accumulate more.


2024-01-17 13:50 | Report Abuse fast my prediction come right. @^_^@


2024-01-16 11:45 | Report Abuse

55 cents? Hmm, I'm aiming a little bit higher than that....anyway, TP varies on each individual and timeframe. All is certain is ESSB is growing and should benefit HTVB. Completing the HRC mill is only phase 2. There is a phase 3 plan to grow to 5Mil MT but lets reap the fruits for phase 2 1st. Like cold eyes said, most important criteria is growth. No growth dun buy. @^_^@


2024-01-16 09:04 | Report Abuse

Yes...accumulate slowly and I'm doing the same too. I now waiting for the upcoming Q report (For Nov -Jan). It should show the full capacity of 2.7mil MT since the new blast furnace was put into operation on 8th Oct'23. However, management did say that it will only go achieve full capacity in 1Q'24.


2024-01-16 07:34 | Report Abuse

The red sea conflicts is an issue affecting many exporters and not Hiaptek alone. And it is not a show stopper because there is another route which take 9 to 14 days more to reach the destination. Usually seller is FOB port and buyer responsible for the shipping cost but I'm not sure in ESSB arrangement. The demand might reduce due to higher shipping charges because longer route but then Malaysia steel export to Turkey has added advantage. Under MTFTA, the Malaysian steel exports to Turkey should be fully tax-free starting August'23. That also explains the sudden rise in ESSB exports to Turkey for 0 a year ago to 46% currently. And again, if the drop of HTVB is really due to the conflicts, i deem this is short term because it affect other company and not to mention countries as well.


2024-01-15 20:36 | Report Abuse

tksw, stop calling me sifu as I no sifu.
& Young man right. Dun beliv my words. Do read the annual report, quarterly report and analyst presentation deck.
The reason I can think off for the continuevpressure of the price might due to the Red sea conflict. With 40% production export To Turkey, it will affect the revenue if it is affected. However, I believe this is short term.


2024-01-15 12:27 | Report Abuse

I'm not sure if he is a goreng king but they don't give much dividend because they require the money for ESSB. For last few Q, they been dragged down by ESSB losses but i guess things about to change. All Capex has been set in. ESSB will start giving out 30% of profit as dividend starting 2025 which is next year. This will improve HTVB cash flow and possibly of giving better dividend.


2024-01-15 12:03 | Report Abuse

Dig further into HTVB and ESSB over the weekend. I really puzzled by the RM123.4 FX translation loss, despite they stated as unrealized loss in their Q1 analyst briefing. I can only come to a conclusion either
1. They have so much money in USD that the fluctuation of USD causes the loss.
2. Their hedging went wrong.
3. They accept Turkish Lira as payment for their exports to Turkey, and lira has plunged a lot in the last 6 months.
4. They have ordered a lot of raw material for the 2.7 million MT production, but they have not paid, and somehow the forex is against them now.

Anyway, with not much ESSB information, it is difficult to know the reason for the loss. However, in the same presentation deck, management reveals that ESSB produces 237.5 kMT and the revenue is RM 611.6 million, Meaning that ESSB is selling RM 2,575 per metric tonne. With a 12% gross profit margin, it is quite close to the RM 2200 production cost the CEO informed the AGM. Hence, with new BF, a further 10% saving is expected, and this gives about 22% GPM. Therefore, with the new capacity of 2.7 million MT and considering 20% GPM, the potential gross profit is RM 1.35 billion. Net profit after tax estimate around RM1 billion annually. Net profit to HTVB is RM273 million, and that is equivalent to RM0.15 just from ESSB alone? Is this too good to be true?

The CEO informed that with the HRC mill, the produce will be 70% domestic and 30% export. Hope this will help in reducing the FX translation effect.

The government has allocated more than RM 90 billion for infrastructure development for 5 yrs, and last year only RM 15 billion was spent, and there is RM 75 billion to spent, meaning RM 25 billion each year. Upcoming November will be Anwar's 2nd year as PM and he needs to boost the economy, and building infrastructure is the most effective way to generate GDP. I will definitely monitor the ESSB HRC mill closely, and I think HTVB is worth to watch.