
Jenny_MLP | Joined since 2019-10-29

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2022-07-28 13:28 | Report Abuse

I believed Q2 revenue will increase and beat the previous Q. They is definitely advantage on the forest gain but not sure what is the profit margin going to be like. Scientex and Bpplas have margin squeeze due to increase in raw material. Furthermore the foreign workers issue got worst. Not sure how much this will affect their operation.


2022-07-28 07:40 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai the Executive Director of Topgloves has been buying back his own stock all the way from RM 6 and today it is at 99c. Becareful of ppl quoting such example of director buying back their own shares.


2022-07-26 07:58 | Report Abuse

Wow, market so damn boring until this become like wet market. I hold no side.
If Mr/Ms Understand confirm oil will not drop for a long time, then might as well you buy oil and gas counter. Furthermore, if no bad news, do you think Tenaga will be at this price? Look at it as a opportunity. As of now, Tenaga is running a marathon race. I just hope she has enough stamina to keep running till the finish line (government let TNB to increase the tariff). Then there will be huge re-evaluation. Anyway, all of us here is to blow water but must also do it logically. RM4.50, i think many big fund will jump in to buy as electricity to a country is like a oxygen to you. You let someone control it, you are doom. Finally, most important we look back into our portfolio are they making money. Are you? If yes, congrats.... ^_^

News & Blogs

2022-07-25 13:03 | Report Abuse

i believe investor have the right to ask regardless u hold 1 share or 1million shares. I don't hv any Cypark but Kudos to Nigel and i hope more retail investor like you will come forward and question the management. We need more transparency and accountability. Please update if the is any response from the management. Thanks


2022-07-25 10:36 | Report Abuse

@ty Y, your baba is referring to who?


2022-07-18 17:43 | Report Abuse

Rm4.50? What you smoking sis? At 4.50, basically tenaga market cap is just 25billion. Any bigfund manage that has 15 billion, or USD 4 billion can control the country electricity and can hold the country at ransom. What are the chance of it happening? Possible if we become like Sri lanka


2022-07-18 15:34 | Report Abuse

Wake me up when it touch rm 1.10 $_$


2022-07-18 14:36 | Report Abuse

I look thru ann the available information and it seems to me TNB likely to go lower in next 2 Q. I'm not saying bad to drive down the price. In fact i hv quite significant % of TNB shares in my portfolio. Luckily throughout the years, the dividend has help to lower down my cost but i must admit at the current price, the dividend received is not enough cover the capital lost. My average per share after dividend is about Rm.8.40 and my loss is five figure. I'm no intention of selling my holding but put on hold adding more at this moment.


2022-07-18 12:13 | Report Abuse

Wow, resort to spamming to hide the negative comment so that others cannot see it? Oh dear!. How low can it go?


2022-07-18 11:01 | Report Abuse

Make a rough calculation base on the info provided by Hibiscus analyst report and upcoming QR should produce a profit between RM 300M to RM 350M. If i use the same amount of Boe of oil and gas for next year at average of USD 80, i think it should generate a profit of RM 400 to 500 Million. Just a very rough estimation. Hence, not a bad profit for the company.


2022-07-15 14:45 | Report Abuse

How come i have a feeling that Zhuge_liang = TanDavid88 = thier sifu. The way they comment in their post is so similar to each other as if they are triplet. ^_^


2022-07-15 11:57 | Report Abuse

I park @ RM7.78 for a month. Will come back in 1 month time to see if my net caught anything. ^_^


2022-07-14 14:34 | Report Abuse

No wonder it keep going up. It is all bcoz paktua keep on sapu with his 450K fund. I only manage to grab some at 0.795, 0.80 & 0.82. Those park at 0.77, 0.75 din get.


2022-07-13 10:09 | Report Abuse

What is insider saying today? It is down too much to cut lost? Continue to hold?


2022-07-13 10:04 | Report Abuse

I start buying Hibiscus now. When oil was above US$100, I'm actually quite uncomfortable with it as I fear it will similar to gloves sector. Price too good to be true and everyone jump onto the bandwagon to produce more and cause the market collapse. US$85 to $95 will be ideal to me especially with the new capacity. To me, this is a marathon rather than a sprint race. So lets hibiscus reap the benefit slow and steady.


2022-07-13 08:39 | Report Abuse

Don't worry. Few months later, someone will emerge as a winner and claim has made million which i don't doubt it at all despite we all buy the same stock. If you have figure it all out how the game was played, better cash out and tink tink 1st. ( are funding it) wink! wink! ^_^


2022-07-08 11:49 | Report Abuse

@paktua, I first write a long response about Soros and Gamestop but decide not to share it because winning this argument will not bring me any money. As a result, I deleted everything. Anyway, Thank you for being a gentleman and responding positively.

I harbour no grudges towards anyone. It's the same logic in that it won't make me any money, recoup my lost. Won't it be the same if one thrash the company? Perhaps, but if the company's fundamentals are sound, it will ultimately recover.

Hmm....maybe this is part and parcel of the game.


2022-07-08 08:35 | Report Abuse

​​I thought I was young and naive, but Paktua seems to be more innocent. Kartel IB remisier? I don't believe the reasoning holds water, or perhaps I lack of market knowledge. My thought, regardless conventional remisiers or IB remisiers, they make money through commissions from investor stock transactions. They more share change of hand, the richer they get. Hence, will pour sand into their food? A hundred thousand new accounts were established each month during the previos gloves mania. The volume of trade increased dramatically, and all of the remisier made huge profits. They like such gurus because they aid in the recruitment of new investors and suggest stocks for them to purchase, whilst IB merely sits and shakes his or her legs. One might argue IB try to killed this guru as they has cause them to lose money in the warrant. This is even more ridiculous argument to me. Please check how many new warrant issued during the glove mania era and pls look at the premium and gearing. So, will you want kill the golden goose?

On your second point, I disagree with your with your point of hide all your recommendations and only discuss them with high rank team members. If the guru is so amazing, he doesn't need to share with anyone. Buy quietly and profit handsomely. The goal of sharing is to get more people to buy, which creates demand and drives up prices. Isn't that the entire point?

Let me share a little of my personal experience. I attended a few seminars from some of these gurus, some of which were free two-hour seminars and others of which were paid. After his two-hour free presentation, one of these gurus will put out a sheet of paper discreetly with several possible stocks and their target prices. And everyone swarm to the table to copy it or takes photos as if it is a secret to prosperity. Guess what, much of this stock was up the next day. I used to tell myself back then, DAMM!!! he's good.

In addition, I attended a paid seminar. The seminar begins at 8 a.m., and the guru has recommended one stock in his opening speech. It had closed at more than 50 cents the day before. It reached 70+ cent at tea break and 80+ cent during lunch break. The guru even jokes that this is crazy and he himself didn't have time to buy. talk about the power of influence eh?

So I questioned myself, "Am I in the top 10%, 20% in his follower pyramid, or am I the bottom 30% or 40% of the pyramid?" Anyway, disregard my chattering.....^_^


2022-07-07 14:20 | Report Abuse

A story of 2 tales

Tales 1
Cindy wanted to lose weight since her doctor indicated she was overweight and unhealthy. As a result, she sought the assistance of a so-called certified dietician to assist her in her quest. The dietitian suggested a regimen with a few menus and drinks to help her lose weight. Following the programme, she began to have stomach pains and diarrhoea. It was normal, according to the dietitian. Request that she raise the dosage. The stomach pains and diarrhea worsened, and the dietitian advised her that it was too late to quit. He was still certain that the program would work for her. She must be patient and persistent. Cindy went on, and tragically, she died. According to the dietician, I did not put a gun to her head to force her to follow the plan. Who is right or wrong in this case????

Tales 2.
In southern Thailand, there was a monk who predicted 4D numbers. His celebrity spread across the continent as he consistently struck numbers and claimed to make millions from the lottery. Many people came to see him in search of the next winning number, and all visitors who want his assistance must give a gift, i.e. RM1000. Displays of numerous prior strike lottery results may be found at his shrine. Every day, hundreds of worshippers come to him and ask them to buy 4324. He informed them that he had previously struck this number and made a million dollars. Many people follow to buy. Many people feel exhausted after a year, and their savings begin to decrease, but the monk advises them to keep buying.. Worshippers come and go, and some lose a lot of money as they continue to invest, but there is no option, and one fine day, the number 4324 came out as the winner. Some worshipper came out to celebrate and claimed that he is very accurate, while others who lost were forgotten. Have you ever wondered how the monk can continue and appear to have an endless fund to buy till he strikes the number and make millions? Wink Wink ^_^

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


2022-07-06 15:42 | Report Abuse

@Jerichomy, pls share more as sharing is caring.


2022-07-06 15:24 | Report Abuse

OMG!!!. Those are the same wording use in Hengyuan back then and Gamuda-we. It is just like yesteryear.

It is too late to cut loss, just hold through.
I believe the Q2 2022 result will be very good, I still stand firm on this matter.


2022-06-30 15:36 | Report Abuse

@kina75, your 1 lot is 100 unit or 1000units?
If 100 unit = RM 6
if 1000 units = RM 60


2022-06-29 13:15 | Report Abuse

Tariff is revise after 2 yrs as the RP3 is from 1st Jan 22 - 31st Dec'24. The ICPT is revise every 6 months. If there is a discount in ICPT vs actual production cost, the difference will be bear by government which is called government subsidy.


2022-06-28 13:37 | Report Abuse

I think government is the 1 that might not be able to wait that long. If the country reserve is at 107billion and next year subsidise alone is 77Billion and haven include government operation cost, it is hard to imagine.


2022-06-28 12:24 | Report Abuse

Where is the news says the Parliment dissolves by end Sept2022? Fake news?


2022-06-27 13:34 | Report Abuse

will today break RM 8??


2022-06-27 13:30 | Report Abuse

I added some last week when it was at 94c. Glad it rebound.
I place an order at 88c too.


2022-06-27 09:16 | Report Abuse

Few more days to go to close the quarter and all eyes will be on the upcoming August QR report.


2022-06-23 15:12 | Report Abuse

Let's do something glory in our lifetime. Get all your comrades and push it all the way up till those bank burst and pay thru their nose. Just like what happen to Gamestop.


2022-06-23 09:27 | Report Abuse

Hibis-C22 warrant expiring on 30th July. If not mistaken, if Hibiscus above RM1, bank need to pay C22 holder and if below RM1, C22 burned. WIll bank want to pay?
Another naughty thought is, if all retailer can gang up and pump it rocket high and lets the Bank pay thru their nose. Don't always let them win oni.


2022-06-23 07:53 | Report Abuse

If Hibiscus 2022 net profit is about RM850Million, the the Repsol acquisition can be considered paid off by this year end (Considering the upfront payment paid, cash in hand + the 2022 net profit) This is a pretty good investment because it was projected that it will takes 5 years for them to recoup the Repsol investment when they bid the project. Dr. Ken does seems to have the lady luck on his side or this is his business instinct. Whichever it is, I'm happy with Hibiscus management. Will hold long.


2022-06-21 09:57 | Report Abuse

many have been bitten by the gloves and thus afraid to invest in this kind of stock. Gloves also make million or even billion. For example Topgloves last 5Q making between 1B to 3B each quarter and they actually makes 10Billion out of the 5 quarters. Look what is their recent profit. 15million? Share price reach as high at RM9.50 and today, i think around 95c. This is like the musical chair and dunno when it will stop.


2022-06-20 15:16 | Report Abuse

I thought t broke RM1 but why some said cannot get at RM1???? puzzle


2022-06-20 15:07 | Report Abuse

WOW!!! dropped till 8.04???
I park at RM8 when it was 8.75 2 weeks ago. Never knew it dropped so close to my buying price. Like that have high change to match and mayb break rm8. Should i remove my Q?......hmmm....


2022-06-16 07:52 | Report Abuse

To be honest, I accepted the sifu's boasts that he makes millions of dollars. I'm convince he does. How not to make a fortune. The stock market, as we all know, is based on supply and demand. You purchase first and only make a buy call after that. Then you sell first, then only tell others to sell. The best part is that as the stk price rose and was about to hit the TP, he moved the goalposts farther forward and painted a really bright future. When it went down, he asks to hold as he softly disposes. Then, as usual, soli soli soli loh when it reaches rock bottom.

I once went to a seminar where he was the featured speaker. A stock name was mentioned during the lecture prior to the opening bell of the stock market. It was sold for 50c or more. It reached 70c+ during the first tea break session. Talk about the power of influence and, of course, the herds that follow. Of course, it was a nice time at the time, and the majority made money. In this game, Head you win, tail also you win. How not to make millions.....right?


2022-06-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

soli soli soli....Pooof!!!....200K gone. @_@


2022-05-06 16:10 | Report Abuse

Shell reported explosive earning. Hibiscus should be the same. Another 3 weeks to go. Just be patient


2022-05-06 06:58 | Report Abuse

Whilst the country achieved a high level of vaccination rate and with the implementation of the third
“booster” vaccine dose, the risk of COVID-19 virus infection is still lurking around and will continue
to threaten the lives and the economy. With the global and local economy constantly lingering in
uncertainty due to on-going battle to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control, the financial
performance for the financial year ending 2022 will remain challenging.

Note the key word "financial
performance for the financial year ending 2022 will remain challenging."


2022-05-06 06:55 | Report Abuse

If you all spent some time to read the QR, I think big boss hinted. The main income is from Malaysia. Without expansion and digital banking license, not much room for growth. Also, the space is getting crowded.

From QR.
(b) Regional expansion
Our businesses are predominantly concentrated in Malaysia. As part of our future business expansion,
the Group initially intend to expand to ASEAN market and we have identified two (2) potential
countries for our regional expansion, namely Myanmar and Cambodia.
However, due to the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”), the intended business
plan was halted due to the lockdown of borders which impede the Group from travelling to Myanmar
and Cambodia to set up its infrastructure and operations team. The Group has decided to temporary
halt all regional business expansion until and upon the improvement of the pandemic. As the regional
countries are slowly opening up the borders and receiving visitors, the Group will re-visit the regional
expansion plan.


2022-04-06 13:50 | Report Abuse

Go YouTube and search hibiscus petroleum. There is 2 analyst briefing by dr. Ken.
It will give u a damm good hint of hibiscus future.


2022-04-05 15:21 | Report Abuse

Hmm, I just glance thru Gamuda annual report and cimb analyst report. Gamuda will lose about Rm170 million recurring income if sold the highway to ALR and will turn net cash 600million. The AR states gamuda finance cost is Rm 117 million. So with the sale proceed, save the finance cost and then 600milliin at 2% FD, is about 12 million and no more opex cost, staff cost, tax from the highway. Not a bad deal wor .....


2022-04-04 22:00 | Report Abuse

When the 1st time it was said that PH gomen want to buy over, Gamuda went up to 4.20+. Now with all the other n project on hand, I'm wondering how much it's worth now?


2022-03-20 21:43 | Report Abuse

@rr88, peace is gd for everyone. Brent drop to $85 is good for hibiscus in long term.


2022-03-19 10:54 | Report Abuse

I hope stockraider be strong. Hopes his super jalil dream n hopes not crushed


2022-03-14 09:45 | Report Abuse

The recent Hibiscus Analyst briefing gives a very good insight. Go to their page or youtube and you can find it. Some ppl look at value, while others look at the price. No right or wrong. I continue to hold and continue to add more every month as another form of saving.


2022-03-11 14:56 | Report Abuse

He will say sharing is caring.
He says that he still makes plenty of money which I don't doubt it. He buys 1st then only he recommends. Then you hundred of your fans rush in to buy. Price up and then you sell 1st only tell them to take profit. Put sky-high TP so that everyone will chase. How many actually hit the TP? Except for gloves la but that also constant moving target and using same modus operandi.

Also, he says no shark has ever dare to attack him. So, now is this

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 14:00 | Report Abuse

I'm wondering what the outcome or any new updates? I'm quite worried about his safety. I hope Mr. ismailkarin is safe and sound.


2022-01-15 08:37 | Report Abuse

Limit up means what's the target price?

News & Blogs

2022-01-14 21:40 | Report Abuse

I think the shareholder better file an official complain to SC or bursa. If no action, mk a police report. Before all is gone.


2021-12-24 08:46 | Report Abuse

Ho! Ho! Ho!.....this year the big fat santa will bring you all to holland as a Christmas gift. Enjoy the ride all the way down to holand'do