
KClow | Joined since 2013-08-29

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2014-10-15 16:36 | Report Abuse

at a time like this many people and funds behave irrationally.. that is the way the stock market works...only those who have the patience and holding power can make money.. so lets hope our friends here have that...


2014-10-15 16:34 | Report Abuse

sad many people gone bust in the counter..sad for them... i am very sorry...


2014-10-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

many local funds have to force sell ler.. thats why going down... so much...


2014-10-08 09:33 | Report Abuse

i told u all market going to correct.. hope u listened to me.. cheers


2014-10-03 13:37 | Report Abuse

let there be peace in hlind thread.. i accept defeat to the righteous... i apologize...


2014-10-02 09:10 | Report Abuse

u are like those fools who line up trying to buy petrol before it goes up by 20cents.. funny... big cars lined up.. but little they know.. one sitting in starbucks with their wife would be much much more then they can save here but yet they spend 30 minutes in line burning petrol to save 20cents.. AHAHAH.. hilarious.. fools everywhere...


2014-10-02 09:08 | Report Abuse

u think too much leslieroycarter... its only 10 percent increase in petrol la..if u think so then u better not buy.. i will BUY ok.. more of scientx for me to buy yippi


2014-10-02 09:04 | Report Abuse



2013-11-01 14:18 | Report Abuse

haikeyila relax.. not much difference.. HLebroking is fine as for RHBOSK where there is a new change to the IT department guys since the take over. so its ok.. i got both accounts and they are good.. but i personally prefer HLebroking as its more convenient and cheaper in many ways..


2013-11-01 09:22 | Report Abuse

buy in volume up to 37percent from less than 10 15minutes ago..


2013-11-01 09:20 | Report Abuse

shark makan kow kow..


2013-11-01 08:59 | Report Abuse

show us the magic.. wooo hoo....

News & Blogs

2013-10-31 18:04 | Report Abuse

what? scary. expect price increase in tariffs soon i guess.


2013-10-31 18:02 | Report Abuse

OMG.. no more energy la tenaga.. gosh... nasty fall in profits.. scary


2013-10-31 16:34 | Report Abuse

its everywhere pbbank also and the rest index counters.. strange.. must be an error system.. or something


2013-10-31 16:30 | Report Abuse

yeah all index stock buy one sell one. who is doing that..


2013-10-31 15:27 | Report Abuse

back soon...


2013-10-31 15:16 | Report Abuse

yeechachoon UMW stock price tends to be like this.. very common...relax...tomorrow UMWOG listing... someone maybe just taking cash off here for to buy tomorrow..the story with UMW today is same as it was yesterday OK..


2013-10-31 14:36 | Report Abuse

i foresee in one month or two.. all banks exposed to the property markets will get downgrades...

desperate sellers will emerge about 3to6months from now...

all the CONTRACTIONARY FISCAL policies are in place..


2013-10-31 14:33 | Report Abuse

just think RM1 million to buy a house.. to invest for two years.. then when i sell it .. how much would i have to pay in taxes and fees and the works...? is it worth the investment...your answer to whats going to happen to the property market is there..so think twice about property flipping and buying property related counters for now..


2013-10-31 14:30 | Report Abuse

what's ironic is the people who want the property prices to go up are the very same people who say the current policies (budget 2014) in place wont work or are not right.. IRONIC..


2013-10-31 14:24 | Report Abuse

prior to 2009/10 no one wanted property.. in 0ct 2013 houses were selling at double some even triple 2009/10 value.. 4 years this kind of upward movement... with the new policies in place i can ASSURE you the property market is GONE for now until new easy policies are in place few years down the road.. property is not about SELLERS only its about BUYERS also...lots of BANK REJECT loans you will hear now onwards... this is a new ball game... property was buy before the budget its a sell now.. simple as that... property markets are the easiest markets to control if the government is willing and this government did just that.. GOOD JOB BUDGET 2014... at least for the genuine home owners... rich individual investors can go to the stock market and at least be kind enough to let the rakyat buy houses to live in..


2013-10-31 10:32 | Report Abuse

yeah good plan.


2013-10-31 10:31 | Report Abuse

members of this thread. i am here to apologize for my misbehavior.. you guys deserve more.. forgive me for not respecting you. i have read your thread and you all are very nice and sweet.. i wont disturb you and inwest88 anymore.. cheers.. happy trading guys.!!!!


2013-10-31 10:27 | Report Abuse

i bisa ja.. mana ada kaya... tapi dont sell UMWOG fast nanti dua bulan tengok harga macam SKpetro susah hati ja..


2013-10-31 10:14 | Report Abuse

this one easy RM3.20.. easy...


2013-10-31 10:13 | Report Abuse

come on my darling batu kawan.. you were slow yesterday.. go go go ...my nice stone friend.. truly a friend indeed...


2013-10-31 10:11 | Report Abuse

kalau saham ni naik long term macam SKpetro.. wow ..


2013-10-31 10:09 | Report Abuse

UMWOG besok listing.. yippi.. happy nicely...


2013-10-31 09:57 | Report Abuse

vinvin the banks are going down.. like i said a month ago that it will. cos of many reasons but i can assure you its nothing to do with us fighting in the thread..


2013-10-31 09:52 | Report Abuse

JCool.. i have looked up this stock.. its impressive.. but do you think it can go up more... and how much more...


2013-10-31 09:27 | Report Abuse

calvin. i am just giving sound investment advice to a high networth individual as yourself.. the kind of advice i will use.. sorry for troubling you if this advice is not suitable for you..

OH and i dont care what WARREN BLUFFAT says..u will know from his name.. BLUFF AT.. cant trust a person with a name like that.. cheers...


2013-10-31 09:24 | Report Abuse

calvin. an individual with 10 million with a yield of 4 percent. has a total of 400k per year or 33.3k per month.. that is a good amount, tax free as from now dividends are not taxed... so for a retiree with this kind of monthly money would you not say its good?.. that on top of the returns on investment that comes with share price appreciation..


2013-10-31 09:15 | Report Abuse

calvin. two index laggards i see are UMW and SIME... these two have a good yield and considering the fact that this is the 6 year of a bull market run. you can be safe enough to know that if there were a downturn you will still have a good yield and that after the downturn your stock would come out roaring.. UMW and SIME are excellent counters to hold for a retiree as yourself... however, these two counters are not for short term investors who is trying to become rich (with the hope, i mean) but for people who are already having funds as yourself.. just a kind thought for you... (please note i am not selling these shares.. and i dont influence the price..)


2013-10-31 09:06 | Report Abuse

calvin. i would like to suggest to you to SELL PMCORP and buy an index laggard so you can stop being a chocolate salesman and retire to the comfort of a 4to5percent yield?? are you agreeable to this..


2013-10-31 08:34 | Report Abuse

UMWOG tomorrow listing.. get this laggard before too late.. one day more.. UMWOG party tomorrow.. yippi...


2013-10-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

nice rm19.46.. WOOHOO


2013-10-30 16:37 | Report Abuse

hilarious to read ur thots on the budget.. truly deeply funnie.. LOL.. anyhow enough of wasting time with little people.. back to work..


2013-10-30 16:35 | Report Abuse

the secret about u guys twister king and faggot boi is out already.. the most innocent faggots in this site..


2013-10-30 16:34 | Report Abuse

the twister king KCLOH at it again with his faggot boi inwest88.. how sweet... LOL


2013-10-30 16:33 | Report Abuse

BUY UMW last chance before IPO listing..


2013-10-29 18:26 | Report Abuse

twister king kcloh looking up the word jiffy are we?? LOL i guess so .. anyhow bye for now..


2013-10-29 18:25 | Report Abuse

and i am sure ur faggot buddies are reading every bit of conversation here as i know if i were to mention their name.. they would be here in a jiffy


2013-10-29 18:24 | Report Abuse

if i meant u alone, i would have said little twister king, not little twister people, kcloh.. people meaning ur fellow little people here as u know who they are.. after all whatever is written here is for all to read and i am sure they are reading too.. GET IT... like i said englesh is an interesting language something u have alot to learn about.. maybe in time..


2013-10-29 18:18 | Report Abuse

anyhow enough of talking to little twister people for now.. too much little talk gives me indigestion.. talk tomorrow twister king kcloh..


2013-10-29 18:16 | Report Abuse

u see? are you sure you see? i think not.. never mind.. lots of time to learn.. this world about learning.. i learn to twist from you and you learn everything else from me...


2013-10-29 18:13 | Report Abuse

yes limited here.. my mama always told me. son when u talk to the maids please dont use big words they would never understand you.. !!!

so with what my mama told me.. i always follow.. so when i talk to little people i prefer to use little words.. or as you would say a limited vocabulary.. i am glad u pick that one up..


2013-10-29 18:07 | Report Abuse

hope i can learn how to twist from you twister king kcloh.. in return hope u can learn everything from me..LOL... i am kind...


2013-10-29 18:05 | Report Abuse

OK KCLOH twister king.. i thot so too.. never mind then...like i said twist.. better for u to say i wont understand then for u to say YOU dont understand.. LOL..

the more u speak the more people judge you rather then judge me.. remember that OK.. LOL....