
Lee_CK | Joined since 2020-06-01

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2021-03-04 18:10 | Report Abuse

YTL power has been RM0.76. The share price of YTL will soon to be....


2021-03-04 18:08 | Report Abuse

You will know it most probably on dates around 16 March 2021. Hahahh...


2021-03-04 18:01 | Report Abuse

DNex will not be a good counter for those who lost confidence to it. This counter have too many short selling (day trip players).

For those long term investors, I beleived that it is a good counter and this two weeks should have opportunity to buy more lots with low unit price.

The contract will not be signed so early, it will take other 1 - 2 months (timely preparation process).


2021-03-03 02:44 | Report Abuse

Based on the volume analysis, the buy call of today is still higher than the sell call. Especially after 4.30pm (2 March 2021). It significantly showed that the share will close green at 3 March 2021 (Wednesday).

The risk level is around 10%-13%, it is much lower than the last few day of >40% risk level.

Many persons are hoping that the DNex share price to drop. It is possible but it is also the time to wash away the short term player who set safety limit at RM0.665. The investors still collecting the units, however, not many of persons wanted to sell their units. Price will drop to force the short term players to sell off their share units.

However, for long term share holders, they should drink a cup of coffee and watch how the investors do their job. DNex is not suitable for short term players.

It will become green but it will become red at other days. Not many persons dare to buy at that time.


2021-03-02 21:31 | Report Abuse

Hi Friends, it is time you all need to make a decision whether you want to keep the share price or sell 30% of them. I meant for those who joined at share price RM0.6 and above.

Tomorrow morning the share price will become green, but you will still not happy of it. It will take 1 to 3 weeks to wash away the short term players. The contract for Silterra won't be signed so fast.

Mar 2, 2021 11:50 AM | Report Abuse

Activities to wash away the short term players. Good for those persons who have not confidenced to DNex may need to sell their units out. The share price will still drop.


2021-03-02 11:50 | Report Abuse

Activities to wash away the short term players. Good for those persons who have not confidenced to DNex may need to sell their units out. The share price will still drop.


2021-03-01 21:45 | Report Abuse

The Edge Malaysia just released the interview with the Top THREE Management staffs from Silterra. The article is interesting and importance for us who invested in DNex. Please refer to the following link:-



2021-02-27 19:29 | Report Abuse

Hi friends, the US 10 year Bond treasurely yield rate have dropped to 1.44 (Friday, USA) from the sharp raised of 1.54, Thursday (USA).

No doubt , we all know that the yield rate more than 1.54 or the worst of 2.00 will affected the share price. The Foreign investors will shift their funding back to bond. However, it will not be long.

Think of it, USA FED already printed 7.7 trillion USD until recently. The Biden government has confirmed will release 1.9 trillion USD. Where are the money will go? Definately will go back to share market. The explosion of share crash will come but mostly after JULY 2021. At that time, the share unit price of DNex should be RM2 and above (after the signing ceremony with Khazanah).

Recently, the dropped of share price for other Technology counters is unpreventable. The funding from other overvalue technology counter will go to Silterra (DNex) as it is undervalue. It is more secure to part their fund to DNex like what you and me did it yesterday. Asked yourselves, do you all felt worry when you all noticed the market crashed yesterday. Your answer:- ===> I believed should be mostly "Not worry".

Think of those people who baught the MPI, Inary, Mi etc. How about their feeling? in fact, they are worry of market crash. Market is unstable nowaday, number of fund managers are going to shift their funding to counter that have bright future and secure. AS I KNOW, DNEX IS ONE OF IT.

However, those want to buy low at RM0.65 and below, may queue for it. Those want to play contrac may do it as DNex is a good counter for it. However, the most secure for me it buy and kept for at least 2 years. At that time, Biden already in power for two years, and USD will become stable and the share market crash is overed. The Silterra has completed their first phase of planning.

The market value of DNex will be at least RM6 and above.

The market crash will only after July 2021, after DNex's share price of RM2, and both Khazanah and DNex have signed the contract.


2021-02-26 17:05 | Report Abuse

DNex should closed green at RM0.72 even though 931 counter closed with red. I believed that it is a sign showing that the major investors (70%) is slowly buying units from those who want to sell.

For those who are news here, the official contract between Khazanah and DNex will take time. It is timely preparation process, at least one to two months from 8 February 2021.


Those who want to sell, should be able to do it and you may buy back few days before contract signed.


2021-02-26 14:09 | Report Abuse

Many of friends here miss intepreted the trend of DNex share price.

It is now on the state to store the energy to break the obstacle of RM0.80. It is second times attempting.

It is good to read number of negative message as number of persons are still in the mode to buy low. However, the price will rocket up spontaniously and you will regret of not buying at price around RM0.70.

There are number of smart persons here, have played at least 6 times contra (Sell high and buy low). Congratulation!!


2021-02-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

This morning I queued up at 0.67. However, it started at 0.7 and then 0.795. Even now at 0.74 (4.28pm).

Hahah...this counter really very strong with its future trend.


2021-02-21 02:39 | Report Abuse

Hi Friends,

You may take a loook of the following youtube link by one of top share teacher. You may start from 38 minutes. However, it is in Mandarin.



2021-02-20 12:38 | Report Abuse

On 18 Feb 2021 (Thursday), the investors had successfully rapidly pulled up the share price to sell their share units (拉高出货). The sentiment (sale volume - buy volume) showed no increased sign. Yesterday ( 19 Feb 2021) the big sharks managed to pull down the share price to buy the share units (拉低收货). The sentiment did not decrease and in fact it was the same as last few days. It clearly showed that the big sharks were quietly storing the shares units.

I opinion, we should not disturbing the big investors. We just need to follow their actions.

I know every of us know the DNex share price will go above RM6 or other persons predicted RM2. It is time to buy faster or top up faster for next few days. 3rd wave of raising is coming after investors stored enough units and private placement is completed (still got around 7% of total share volume remained).

Don't panic and let big investors do their work.


2021-02-19 21:16 | Report Abuse

It is time to look forward to break through RM0.80. Many people stucked at RM0.69 before 1 May 2020. DNex share have breaked the RM0.69 on 18 Feb but it was to rapidly from RM0.665 to RM0.77 on 18 Feb 2021 and followed RM0.77 to RM0.84 before 9.30am (19 Feb 2020). We can said it as 拉高出货 (a trap) for yestesrday and today. However, the break through and fall down did happen at 25th January 2021 for previous obstacle of M0.30. It took 7 days to successly break through the RM0.30. For those new investors in DNex, you all may asked the old friends here, number of discorrages comments. However, many of them still kept buying DNex's shares. It is because we knew the share price of DNex with Silterra will go above RM6 within 2 years.

Today, it dropped till RM0.675 (9.40am) and flactured mostly within RM0.725 to RM0.745 then closed at RM0.69. It is the second wave (times) to wash away the short term prayers. BUY LOW SELL HIGH.

DNex have told us clearly on 8 Feb 2021, "Khazanah & DNex" will take time (timely) to prepare the contract. Personnally, I believed that it will take at least 2 months to complete the contract preparation as Khazanah-Silterra-DNex-CGP need to meet up number of times after the success of bid. How do you think of the share price by that date during the officially signing ceremony?


People bought the DNEX's share, not only of PING but mostly because of Silterra. For both companies, I think DNEX need to conduct Public Placement to grow the two companies. It have released at least 13% of its total shares. The DNex CEO will help the Silterra and Silterra has the best management team too. For long term, it will benefit the DNEX and the share price will go above RM6.

The trade war between China and USA alliances will forced the investors of China semiconductor to look for alternative plans. Silterra which is the fully owned by Malaysia will be the alternative way for Beijing CGP Investment Co Ltd. to obtain the chips supply. The 60: 40 ratio shareholders between DNEx and CGP will be just nice. Silterra is still Malaysia product. Beijing CGP who owned the China IC chip manufacturers will sure transfer their technology to Silterra as recently stated of 12 inch water fabrication technology. Soon and later, number of advanced IC chip technologies (300mm) will be transfered to Silterra. The Silterra is allowed to buy the high end IC chip fabrication machines which were banned by USA to China. Of course, in return, the China will buy back the IC chips that is urgently needed by China industries. Think of it, is it huge bussiness? Thing of Proton partnered with Greedy.

Silterra faced the lost and forced the Khazanah to open the tender. It sures have tone of reasons behind it. Silterra need a private company to lead it and help it and turn it to a profit making company as TSMC and other IC manufacturers from Taiwan. It is time for DNEX to play its part as DNEX has its tracked record to turn a loss companies to wind companies.

My personnal adviced to all who have owned the DNEX's shares:" Keep it for at least 2 years, you will see your share price grow significantly." This company, also gave dividend for every alternative year. Vice versa, its competitor for Silterra bided never offer dividend. Let us pray for it and the future of Silterra.


2021-02-17 14:08 | Report Abuse

Hi Friends, I think I know the reason why the share price of DNex cannot rocket up after the DNex management make announcement on 15 February 2021 to postpone the release of Financial year from 31 Dec 2020 to 30 Jun 2021. You may refer to the following link:


The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) and Bursa Malaysia have currently announced to allow more time for those companies who faced financial problem to release thier financial result. Please refer to the following link:


"KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 17): The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) and Bursa Malaysia announced on Wednesday temporary relief measures for listed companies.
The securities regulator and stock exchange will allow listed companies a one-month extension for issuing quarterly financial statements and annual reports.
Listed firms with unsatisfactory financial conditions and inadequate levels of operations will be granted more time to reassess their financial situation before making the requisite announcements."

Mandarin translation:


2021-02-09 17:41 | Report Abuse





2021-02-09 17:38 | Report Abuse

The DNex release this statement at this afternoon around 3.30pm. They are conducting Fund Raising with 80,000,000 shares. Each units is RM0.30, cheaper than the market. This should be one of the contribution to share drop from RM0.405 to RM0.365.

TODAY (9 FEB 2021)

LAST WEEK (5 FEB 2021)

This is a good news as DNex will use the funding for company development. In long term, you will benefit from it.

The production yield of Silterra have reached maximum (100%). It indicated the profit from 8 inch wafer fabrication (For Car inductry and 5G) will be double up at least as compared to last two years. It will be continue until end of next year, I believed. The current share price of DNex is undervalue.





2021-02-09 12:09 | Report Abuse

Good day, GoodGood;

Indeed you are correct. I knowed that number of mid-to-long term investors already in this counter. They are busying to buy the share from short term persons.

Soon and later, the market will short of DNex share price and it will be raised above its barrier of RM0.50. If DNEx breaked RM0.50, the other batch of buyers will come in. Honestly, you will see the significant share price rocket up after this. The rich people will take action for counter with share price above RM0.50.


2021-02-09 11:59 | Report Abuse

Good day Sathya9121,

It can be understood why Khazanah need longer time to make a solid decision as announced. Don't forget, Silterra is Malaysia product and many employees are depended on Silterra to survice.
I did follow up the story since the open tender, DNEX's proposal is focus in improving the technology of Silterra (e.g. 8 inch wafer to 12 inch wafer) and it's bussiness. We all know the DNEX is able to lead Silterra, however, many persons and even Khazanah's management may need time a bit to gain their trust.

Think about a GLC company, before it make the final decision to offer a big project, it will meet up with the company for number of times. I personally believed that both top management from Silterra, Khazanah and DNEX have met up few times.
Again, you need to hold it for TWO years. DNex and Beijing CGP need time to help Silterra to transform and introduce 12 inch wafer fabrication technology. Soon and later, it will go to 7 nanometer or 5 nanometer wafer technology. The privatise of Silterra to DNex and its China Partner is a good news. However, I strongly believe DNex need time to bring in the technology to Silterra and DNex need time to gain the trust and respect from the all employees from Silterra.

Of course, you will see the immediate raised of the share price of Silterra by introducing the foreign and local share investors. However, the best share price of RM10 and above is really need TWO years.

So....hold it if you have made the purchase either huge or small.


2021-02-08 21:33 | Report Abuse

迪耐赢SilTerra竞标 股价偷步走高涨32%

(吉隆坡8日讯)迪耐(DNEX,4456,主板科技股)宣布,该公司与策略伙伴已经赢得国库控股(Khazanah Nasional)旗下半导体公司SilTerra大马的竞购战,接下来双方将签署正式的协议。

SilTerra大马是国库控股持有的一家晶圆代工商。国库有意脱售该公司股权的消息出炉后,吸引了国内外企业的注意,包括以苹果公司(Apple Inc.)代工商闻名的台湾鸿海(Hon Hai)。



2021-02-08 19:25 | Report Abuse

For those who is new and has interest in DNex. You may refer to the following link for the news from Sin Chew Daily.


Again, you need to hold it for TWO years. To help Silterra transform and introduce 12 inch wafer fabrication technology. It need time. Soon and later, it will go to 7 nanometer or 5 nanometer. The privatise of Silterra to DNex and its China Partner is a good news. However, I strongly believe DNex need time to bring in the technology to Silterra and DNex need time to gain the trust and respect from the all employees from Silterra.

Of course, you will see the immediate raised of the share price of Silterra by introducing the foreign and local share investors. However, the best share price is really need TWO years.

So....hold it if you have made the purchase either huge or small.


2021-02-08 14:39 | Report Abuse

Good news, friends here,

Finally the DNex has win the bid. Please refer too the news from THE EDGE.


Please take my advise, those want to all in should do it now. Because still not yet got many people know.

The share price will rocket up to RM6 and above. Please hold it for 2 years.


2021-01-31 15:08 | Report Abuse

It can be understood of long time needed by Khazanah. They need longer time to make a solid decision. Don't forget, Silterra is Malaysia product and many employees are depended on Silterra to survice.

If they could not make decision this month, it meant that the FOXCONN (Taiwan) & Germany company failed bidding. It is time for DNEX and GPacket.

I did follow up the story since the open tender, DNEX's proposal is focus in improving the technology of Silterra (e.g. 8 inch wafer to 12 inch wafer) and it's bussiness. We all know the DNEX is able to lead Silterra, however, many persons and even Khazanah's management may need time a bit to gain their trust.

Think about a GLC company, before it make the final decision to offer a big project, it will meet up with the company for number of times. I personally believed that both top management from Silterra, Khazanah and DNEX have met up few times.

So...be patient (for those already bougth). Those not yet own the share may consider to buy it in cheap.


2021-01-30 22:13 | Report Abuse

Hi tuancapital,

I strongly agreed with you.

DNEx has the strong financial back ground. Beijing CGP has the IC chip technology and market volume.

Most of us invested after 19 January 2021 is because of the bid of Silterra. PING will bring the revenue to DNEX. However, We want to know how the success of DNEX to own and to improve Silterra technology and revenue.

<<have any of you guys check green packet financial statement?

not yet?let me tell you.dnex much better in all term. if worry too much on how they can get funding,u should worry how gpacket can get funding.clueless.>>


2021-01-28 22:55 | Report Abuse

I believed that number of you have the tools to analysis the share. Please analysis the BAUTO counter.

Believe or not, the respective investers are quietly correcting the share volume. As the persons who believed on the BAUTO future, we may need to be patient. Let the invester do their duty, when their target volume is reached, the share price will back to year before 2020 (RM2 at least).


2021-01-28 22:36 | Report Abuse

YTL is already in the lowest region (RM0.65 - RM0.66). For the long term investment, you may consider it. Reasons: (i) It is now 44% lower than the Target Price, NTA = RM1.17. (ii) The YTL is actively conducting Share Buy Back (SBB), YTL will give back the treasure share to us (1 to 30 ratio) on August 2021 (After the end of MCO). The share price predicted as RM0.8. You may consider it as Divident = 4.6% with current share price RM0.655.

You will not regret for long term investment.


2021-01-28 17:41 | Report Abuse

Good day Peyoy, I am agreed with the analysis of DNEX share price chart from "Arsyad Trading Style". Currently, this two days, you found only the red area and the green colour area disappeared. It show the investors are busy buying within these two days.

Sorry, I should not write too much here. We all who believed the management of DNEX should help the investors to collect enough shares so that they have enough energy to push the share rocket up.



2021-01-27 23:04 | Report Abuse

I am happy with the current RSI = 68.9% as compared to RSI of 99% at last Monday. It followed with high volume 99.75 million and share price increase 0.5cent to RM0.285.

I will not surprice if the share price rocket up next few days. You may consider the drop of yesterday as a preparation to safe energy to climb above RM0.315.

The management of DNEX has their plan for Malaysia's Silterra. It is time to invest when it is cheap.


2021-01-27 17:52 | Report Abuse

DNeX is also a bidder for SilTerra Malaysia Sdn Bhd, the semiconductor fabrication company wholly-owned by Khazanah Nasional Bhd. DNeX is partnering with Beijing CGP Investment Co Ltd in a 60:40 consortium.

Khazanah has yet to make a decision pertaining to the planned disposal of SilTerra. The semiconductor foundry has been loss-making since 2008, becoming the company with the second-biggest accumulated losses among companies in Khazanah’s stable, after Malaysia Airlines Bhd.

Clarifying The Edge’s story last week (Issue 1352, Jan 11, “DNeX has until end-January to win SilTerra”), regarding the approval given by the government of China for Beijing CGP to withdraw funds for the acquisition, Syed Zainal says the approval — which will expire at the end of this month — can be renewed and extended.

“Our offer for the acquisition of SilTerra will still stand even beyond Jan 31. We just have to renew our interest if the approval lapses. SilTerra requires technology, and Beijing CGP can give access to technology,” says Syed Zainal.



2021-01-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

You all may refer the below link for the Silicon Photonics skills developed Silterra.



2021-01-27 10:51 | Report Abuse

Siltera has its own technology in silicon photonics with the coeperate with Belgium-based Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC). Even though with the limited funding, silicon R&D team were still managed to develop various IC chip fabrication that usefull for 5G and Automitive.

The big growth of silicon photonics chips to be in 2022 and 2023. The future of Siltera is bright, provided the share holders be able to allocated R&D funding for it.

Malaysia will not allow Silterra to sell to Foreign companies. Dnex and its counter part as reported will be able to clear the debt and provide funding to it. With the additional of it, the counter part CGP will also be able to support the Silterra with 12 inch IC chip technology. Together with the Silterra existing silicon photonics chips skills developed by Silterra, it will named Malaysia as one of famous IC chip developing country as Taiwan. It is believed that DNEX and Beijing CGP will help to improve revenue of Silterra.

Anyway, it is depend on the Khazanah decision. We can only pray for it.


2021-01-25 14:58 | Report Abuse

It is time to look forward to break through RM0.30. Many people stucked at RM0.30 before 18 March 2020 and 7 August 2020. Once it managed to break RM0.30, it is time to fly high.

People buy the DNEX's share, not only of PING but mostly because of Silterra. For both companies, I think DNEX may need to conduct Public Placement to grow the two companies. However, for long term, it will benefit the DNEX and the share price will go above RM3 - RM4.

The trade war between China and USA alliances will forced the investors of China semiconductor to look for alternative plans. Silterra which is the fully owned by Malaysia will be key company for Beijing CGP Investment Co Ltd. The 60: 40 ratio shareholders between DNEx and CGP will be just nice. Silterra is still Malaysia product. Beijing CGP who owned the China IC chip manufacturers will sure transfer their technology to Silterra as recently stated of 12 inch water fabrication technology. Soon and later, number of advanced IC chip technologies will be transfered to Silterra. The Silterra is allowed to buy the high end IC chip fabrication machines which were banned by USA to China. Of course, in return, the China will buy back the IC chips that is urgently needed by China industries. Think of it, is it huge bussiness? Thing of Proton partnered with Greedy.

Silterra faced the lost and forced the Khazanah to open the tender. It sures have tone of reasons behind it. Silterra need a private company for leading it and helping it and turn it to a profit making company as TSMC and other IC manufacturers from Taiwan. It is time for DNEX to play its part as DNEX has its tracked record to turn a loss companies to wind companies.

My personnal adviced to all who have owned the DNEX's shares:" Keep it for at least 2 years, you will see your share price grow significantly." This company, also gave dividend for every alternative year. Vice versa, its competitor for Silterra bided never offer dividend. Let us pray for it and the future of Silterra.


2020-12-30 20:21 | Report Abuse

Up! Up! Up! Come on. Come on. Up to RM1.


2020-12-18 00:06 | Report Abuse





2020-12-17 21:48 | Report Abuse

Lassy, agreed with your opinion.


2020-12-17 21:46 | Report Abuse

Just hold it. After the pandemic, the revenue in Filipine will become better. It will raise the share price soon after pandemic over.


2020-12-12 15:05 | Report Abuse

2020/12/11: Uzbekistan is the first overseas clinical trial site for this vaccine, and 5,000 volunteers will participate in the trial as planned. I BELIEVED THAT WE ALL WHOEVER CARE OF THE ZFLongkema vaccine MAY NEED TO MONITOR THE FIRST PHASE III TEST OF ZFLongkema at Uzbekistan. Pray to god to let them make it a success.


Key word for internet search: 安徽智飞龙科马疫苗


2020-12-12 14:26 | Report Abuse

There are currently has a vaccine phase III test in 8 Malaysia hospitals. (Please refer to the following link). The vaccine is an inactivated virus vaccine that is developed by the Institute of Medical Biology Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (IMBCAMS) in Beijing (China). I strongly believed that the type of vaccine will benefit DPharma and Pharma. It is government to government base. I believe this type of vaccine will be free to Frontliners, children and elderly residents.


By the way, when the ZFLongkema put up the news of sending their research team to Malaysia for the phase III vaccine test. It will be the time that the distribution of vaccine to Malaysia will be nearby. The ZFLongkema developed by ZhiFei will benefit to MYEG. They are properly will benefit to Foreign Workers as MYEG is linked to Foreign workers.



2020-12-12 14:16 | Report Abuse

When the ZFLongkema put up the news of sending their research team to Malaysia for the phase III vaccine test. It will be the time that the distribution of vaccine to Malaysia will be nearby. The ZFLongkema developed by ZhiFei will benefit to MYEG. They are properly will benefit to Malaysian and Foreign Workers too.


By the way, there are currently has a vaccine phase III test in 8 Malaysia hospitals. (Please refer to the following link). The vaccine is an inactivated virus vaccine that is developed by the Institute of Medical Biology Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (IMBCAMS) in Beijing (China). I strongly believed that the type of vaccine will benefit DPharma and Pharma. It is government to government base.



2020-12-11 10:18 | Report Abuse

MYEG to be the sole distributor of Anhui ZhifeiLongcom Biopharmaceutical (安徽智飞龙科生物制药有限公司) for 3 years. You may refer to the proof from news papers with the following link.


The webpage of the Anhui ZhifeiLongcom Biopharmaceutical is as follow:


Good news, to everyone, the vaccine produced is named as “ZFLongkema”. The Zhifei company take the name from their webpage address. It is now in the mass production as the news from the following link:


HAHAH….SO….my question is will the share price double up once MYEG management managed to register the “ZFLongkema vaccine” as first Halal vaccine in Malaysia and the world?


2020-12-10 13:46 | Report Abuse

henry888, please read the below news. I think the Malaysia will need to queue after USA.

(CNN)President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Tuesday aimed at prioritizing the shipment of the coronavirus vaccine to Americans before other nations, according to senior administration officials.



2020-12-09 21:42 | Report Abuse

The following statement clearly showed that the 1.2million filled vaccine doses were arrived first, then followed by the 45million doses vaccine raw materials will produce and refilled in Indonesia by PT Bio Farma.

High posibility that Malaysia will follow Indonesia. DPHARMA will benefit from it when government named DPHARMA and PHARMA. However, MYEG will benefit from the Halal filled vaccine doses that will supply to private haspitals and clinics.

据报道,印尼总统佐科指出,多达120万剂疫苗已于周日晚间抵达,政府预计会在1月初再获得180万剂疫苗,佐科在声明中称,科兴生物还将发运4500万剂疫苗的原料,由印尼国有制药公司PT Bio Farma在当地加工。



2020-12-04 11:21 | Report Abuse

Here is the news of EPF sold the stock to prepare funding for I-sinar:

KUALA LUMPUR: Economists have brushed off claims that the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has low cash reserves, thus compelling it to sell some of its assets to facilitate withdrawals for the i-Sinar programme.



2020-11-19 09:32 | Report Abuse

The sinopharm hunan joint-venture with GI Healthcare Resources Sdn Bhd. The owners of GI Healthcare Resource Sdn. Bhd. are Tan Sri Lim Yew Loong (LYL Group), Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum (Mah Sing), Sim Guan Yu and Rosli Dahlan (Lawyer).

Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum is the founder of Mah Sing. It look like Mah Sing is in the Covid-19 vaccine loop. You all may take a look of the news from the following link.



2020-11-19 09:29 | Report Abuse

Morning, lavenderguy;

The sinopharm hunan joint-venture with GI Healthcare Resources Sdn Bhd. The owners of GI Healthcare Resource Sdn. Bhd. are Tan Sri Lim Yew Loong (LYL Group), Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum (Mah Sing), Sim Guan Yu and Rosli Dahlan (Lawyer).

Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum is the founder of Mah Sing. It look like Mah Sing is in the Covid-19 vaccine loop. You all may take a look of the news from the following link.
