
Lee_CK | Joined since 2020-06-01

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2020-11-18 11:34 | Report Abuse

SINGAPORE/BEIJING (Nov 18): Sinovac Biotech's experimental COVID-19 vaccine CoronaVac triggered a quick immune response but the level of antibodies produced was lower than in people who had recovered from the disease, preliminary trial results showed on Wednesday.

While the early to mid-stage trials were not designed to assess the efficacy of CoronaVac, researchers said it could provide sufficient protection, based on their experience with other vaccines and data from preclinical studies with macaques.



2020-11-11 02:11 | Report Abuse

Nearly US$2 tril traded on Covid-19 vaccine news

LONDON (Nov 10): News of a breakthrough in the race to find a Covid-19 vaccine sparked one of the heaviest trading days since the height of the pandemic crisis, according to early data analysed by Reuters, with nearly US$2 trillion changing hands on Monday.



2020-11-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 10): CIMB Bank Bhd has accelerated the availability of the bank’s suite of products for purchase via digital channels to better support customers’ banking product needs, in line with the accelerated adoption of digital banking services driven by the pandemic.

CIMB group consumer banking chief executive officer (CEO) Samir Gupta said CIMB has seen encouraging growth in digital adoption by customers, as online sales of its e-Gold grew by nearly 1,200%, while online sales of investment products grew by over 571% year-on-year (y-o-y) as at September 2020.


2020-11-10 02:07 | Report Abuse

NEW YORK/BERLIN (Nov 9): The Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE prevented more than 90% of symptomatic infections in a study of tens of thousands of volunteers, the most encouraging scientific advance so far in the battle against the coronavirus.



2020-11-10 02:06 | Report Abuse

SYDNEY/NEW YORK/SINGAPORE/LONDON (Nov 9): News of an effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus is fueling bets that a global economic recovery will buoy wide swaths of the market that have struggled under nearly nine months of the Covid-19 pandemic.



2020-11-09 22:46 | Report Abuse

艾芬黄氏资本分析员亦有相同看法,说政府恢复第3捷运计划、隆新高铁项目(HSR),有助扩大承包商手上订单。他补充,这利好消息下的潜在受惠公司计有HSS工程(HSSEB,0185,主板工业股)、金务大(GAMUDA,5398,主板建筑股)、马资源(MRCB,1651,主板产业股) 、怡保工程( I J M ,3336,主板建筑股)、双威建筑集团(SUNCON,5263,主板建筑股)、WCT控股(W C T,9 6 7 9,主板建筑股)及杨忠礼机构(Y T L,4 6 7 7,主板公用股)https://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/business/2020/11/09/374375


2020-11-07 16:14 | Report Abuse

1) 【新冠肺炎】北京市官方首度表态 将推冠病疫苗接种

2)【新冠肺炎】中国5.6万人接种疫苗后离境 至今无人感染


2020-08-15 10:37 | Report Abuse

Possible for further recovery for MBSB, says PublicInvest Research
August 13, 2020 08:32 am
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 13): PublicInvest Research said Malaysia Building Society Bhd (MBSB) is attempting to put a halt to its prior downtrend.

In a trading ideas note today, the research house said improving RSI and MACD indicators currently signal reasonable entry level, with anticipation of continuous improvement in both momentum and trend in near term.

“Should resistance level of 61 sen be broken with renewed buying interest, it may continue to lift price higher to subsequent resistance level of 67.5 sen.


2020-08-14 15:18 | Report Abuse

BNM to transfer small debt resolution scheme function to AKPK

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 14): Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) will transfer its small debt resolution scheme (SDRS) function to the Credit Management Counselling Agency to enable the central bank’s agency to provide more efficient and holistic debt restructuring and advisory services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that have loans with multiple banks.



2020-08-13 11:12 | Report Abuse

PublicInvest Research just incormed their customers to join the MBSB counter. In fact, other banks' counters also showed positive sign.

The bank sector from USA and Taiwan also become higher as per talk shows from the two countries. The investor shifted their funding to the bank sector. Bank sector is going to become the last pusher to push the index to the highest.


2020-08-12 19:01 | Report Abuse

You will receive the shares by 14 August 2020.


2020-08-12 16:30 | Report Abuse

It has been 3rd day I saw the number of talk shows from Taiwanese and USA talking of the financial sector. They are concentrated on the bank sector.


2020-08-11 09:23 | Report Abuse

I am surprised of the encouragement from tv reporters and brokers from Taiwan and USA. They gave positive comment to Financial sector. According to them, the financial index is rising start from yesterday (10 August 2020).


2020-08-08 02:41 | Report Abuse

总的来说,银行股最坏的情况相信已经差不多到尽头了,随着政府有不断的鼓励消费,也让投资者半年不需要还贷,整个经济体系如果能够顺利正常化的话,COVID没有第二轮扩散,那么大马的经济就会慢慢复苏,银行股向来都是百业之母,自然而然的就是受惠的行业之一,而将来慢慢的开始升息了,银行股相信会有一个10年的大趋势。。但是。。目前距离尽头虽然近,但是不代表已经是尽头,所以就算买,也不是all in咯,分批慢慢买会比较好,我个人认为如果是稳定的,可以选MAYBANK,毕竟是老大,稳定度肯定高,股息率又高(但是今年有可能会减少),而如果要回报率较高的,反而是ABMB机会比较大,但是现在的市场,什么都很难说的,不喜欢慢的嘛继续炒下炒下这些概念股咯,要AIM FOR长远的,就慢慢分批累积未来的趋势咯,没有对错的,最重要这条长跑的路,大家都能够到终点,又有什么问题呢。。


2020-08-07 16:27 | Report Abuse

Justnow, I mean I saw number of persons queued to enter MBSB Bank at Penang Island (beside CITY Bank).


2020-08-07 11:16 | Report Abuse

The MBSB Bank's branch clouded with human. Look like a good sign.


2020-08-06 12:35 | Report Abuse

Now RM0.53 - RM0.535. Other bank counter also price raised too. Good sign, but don't know can still drop or not?


2020-07-31 02:40 | Report Abuse

To-date, the percentage of the overall completion of the construction of the Project is 66% and the construction is still on-going. During the financial year, the construction of Section 5, 8, 9 and 10 have been completed and opened for toll operations. The Group experienced some delay in the construction works of the Project primarily due to land acquisition issues. Given the delay, the Group is targeting to open the remaining sections by the financial year 2022 except for a stretch measuring approximately 10km known as Section 7B which is expected to be completed by June 2024.


2020-07-29 00:24 | Report Abuse

raymondlct126 Don't sell it if MBSB is going to delisted from KLSE. Give it two years.


2020-07-24 22:18 | Report Abuse

Bank Negara and representative from all banks have met up yesterday and made the decision as shown on the sinchew newspaper.

Hope fully, it bring the positive impact to MBSB share price after September 2020.


2020-07-22 23:12 | Report Abuse

The analysis still shows MBSB will still drop till RM0.46 - RM0.53.


2020-07-22 17:16 | Report Abuse

What happen at 4.50pm - 4.55pm. There are sharp increase RM0.56 to RM0.57? It should be drop until RM0.50. Any know the answer?


2020-07-19 23:23 | Report Abuse

0.57 still not the lowest. EPF the big boss still not dispose the share.


2020-07-19 21:49 | Report Abuse

No hope counter. Need to cut loss and buy back at the end of this year. The share price will be reached bottom at Dec 2020 - Feb 2020.


2020-07-17 07:32 | Report Abuse

I finally managed to reinvest my dividend to MBSB share. Hahaha....am I stupid. Hope that this counter has future.


2020-07-15 21:07 | Report Abuse

Hi friends, may I know how can we get the MBSB Share Reinvestment Form? Any advice?


2020-07-07 12:29 | Report Abuse

Yesterday (6 July 2020), the trading volume is extremely high, but MBSB share price still firm at 0.615 (did not drop much). It mean MBSB counter is active. The buy and sale is fighting but share price not able to drop below 0.61.
It is strong and share price will drop further or raise further after and before Entitlement date. Hahah...


2020-06-01 15:40 | Report Abuse

Hahahha....You will.


2020-06-01 15:35 | Report Abuse

I deeply understand the feeling of worry like Mr Goh to buy the share price at RM0.52. Now is the time to run away from the trap as other persons (not in this group) did not award of it.


2020-06-01 15:28 | Report Abuse

The main shareholder Urusharta Jamaah Sdn. Bhd. already completed their task for the sold of their share units 98,870,515 (Left over 1
37% share). That is why until now (3.22pm) the trade volume only 35426800 as compare to huge trade volume at last Friday of 119909400 units.
No more supply for the sharp increase of share price as other 10 Top Mah Sing shareholder did not involve in share trading. Only small shareholders like us is trading. JUDGE YOURSELF, THE TREND OF THE MAHSING SHARE FOR THE FOLLOWING NEXT DAYS.


2020-06-01 11:17 | Report Abuse

The sudden raise of MahSing, ECOWLD and SP Setia on last Friday (1pm-4pm)is a trap.
The Urusharta Jamaah Sdn. Bhd. and Kumpulan Wang Persaraan sold the total of 98,870,515 unit share or involved 82.5% of trading volume on 29 May 2020.
Urusharta Jamaah Sdn. Bhd. are reduced their share holding from 5.34% to 1.37%, Kumpulan Wang Persaraan reduced their share holding from 4.69% to 4.59%. IT IS A TRAP. YOU MAY SURVEY BY YOURSELF FROM THE FOLLOWING LINK.