
Lotusf1 | Joined since 2012-10-25

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2013-01-22 09:56 | Report Abuse

Be rational :No need to close shops and businesses ...lah just for fear of election.

News & Blogs

2013-01-22 09:44 | Report Abuse

Hate dirty 7 letter words : politics ; and when you tarnished this forum , promoting your 'brand' ,ignoring other values and sensivities you become undemocratic .
Just leave politics out of this forum and focus on stocks business (at times when the markets are down ;try to be a meaningful contributor so others can benefit.
When the time to vote a govn. -its time then for you to exercise your right .Famous German social scienctist once quoted:''disputes or grievences be solved by rationality'


2013-01-21 12:34 | Report Abuse

One anaylyst quoted saying market to drop about 2% on post election.


2013-01-21 12:25 | Report Abuse

Just exercise caution :last year market dropped heavily on fear of election in december 2012 or early january 2013.turned out be untrue (pm denied) so market up again thereafter.
Could this be another, speculation that lacked merits and clarities from reliable sources.


2013-01-17 08:58 | Report Abuse

His winning ways are stll buried in his nerves at victor korean superseries recently,when he bungled Peng dyu of China ,straight sets.What a class this guy is .when a player played so well and refused to be dictated by his oppoent game and instead ,throwing his defences supremely and delivered his power smashes effectively its time to call ,LEEchong wei is on his winning style again for him and Malaysia too!


2013-01-17 08:01 | Report Abuse

Looked ....yesterdays price ...up 5 fold aftr.ex-price of 6cts .


2013-01-16 21:21 | Report Abuse

penny stocks attracts investors ..like million of .ants chasing after sugar.


2013-01-16 21:07 | Report Abuse

3rd round in the horizon .perhaps good ang pow before chinese new year...i believe...


2013-01-16 11:12 | Report Abuse

Could this counter up again tomorrow?


2013-01-16 11:05 | Report Abuse

My enquiry at Ibg registrar -yes,kasset will be delisted by the end of theyear.further info.call ibg -0322898920.


2013-01-09 10:21 | Report Abuse

Are u dead sure?mr Chex.....

News & Blogs

2012-12-24 09:37 | Report Abuse

dr nazri was right on his analytical ...did my own research last night...bollinger band emerged ... leading to possible bullishness

News & Blogs

2012-12-24 07:35 | Report Abuse

Fiscal cliff are now more closer to reality ;both sides vehemently holding to their grounds .thereafter us will probably runs into recession.

News & Blogs

2012-12-23 11:43 | Report Abuse

Fiscal cliff fears quadrupled since last week because of the time line ,becoming more critical each passing day ,with no solution in sight to close the deal!Markets and global sentiments had earlier risen on the new s that repblicans and democrats wre nearing the deal.And so markets worldwide went up high.
Dr nazri 's1700 pts forecast next week could be just an 'oasis' on the back of previous good news , as we continue to wait and we wait......for a final -moment- decision to prevent fiscal cliff!

News & Blogs

2012-12-23 06:26 | Report Abuse

Not very sure when dr nazri prepared this report ; if its before last thursday or thursday as markets really dropped on last friday on concerns from Fiscal cliff - the day ,republican speaker failed to get a vote to raise taxes. Could klse going high up again next week when the for fiscal cliff concerns stll remains.


2012-12-20 12:10 | Report Abuse

going up again.....perhaps the good news in the horizon...


2012-12-17 10:14 | Report Abuse

Matsaham :i believe no capital reduction of TDC share after exdate.plese confirm... not so sure..


2012-12-16 08:13 | Report Abuse

Thousands of innocents lives comprising of children ,fathers,mothers ,brothers ,sisters in Gaza -vanished- ,unnder the Israelis mighty guns and bombings!
While the world condemned Israelis for their actions ,the American policies towrds Israel ,as always and ever ,choosed to VETO all crtitics thrown at Israel!
The epicentre of HUMAN RIGHTS crisis happening right in the world eyes passed unnoticed.
My tears flowed and felt how difficult parents of the children they had lost be it in GAZA and AMERICa.
All human rights advocates ,bar instituitons or councils of the world should condemned Israel and their ally.

News & Blogs

2012-12-15 18:25 | Report Abuse

KLSE drpped few points on mild profit taking on friday ,14th...is normal ahead of weekend howver us fiscal uncertainties had poured cold water on investors.With china manucfaturing data considred improved and us fiscal uncertainties
remain,the storyline ahead next week is different story.Any slight positive news from obama and republicans could tilt to market confidence!

News & Blogs

2012-12-13 06:39 | Report Abuse

Drbhicom will be expanding with their new 'arsenals';the powerband of these EO1 engines are great ....but where it fits matters most!

News & Blogs

2012-12-12 20:57 | Report Abuse

Will a 25 year technolgy (developed in 1997) put to use will meets current demands?Many renowned compnaies,ford,peugeot opted for high efficient high compression smaller engine to minimoze cost and maximizes fuel efficiencies.One good example is ford's1.1 ecoboost engine developing good 125 hp and latest, honda 1.6 churning 250hp,peugeot 308 and its variants within 1.6 cc.range.


2012-12-11 08:59 | Report Abuse

Just frank opinion:This is a forum sharing session to benefit you and me and let us keep to this .Try to avoid these areas when making suggestions :
A) unwanted :dont buy or dont sell ,or sell or buy :leave this important decusion to us!
B)always realise that numbers are arbitrary in nature and aslo speculative driven!
C)Any suggestionsor opnions NOTED would requires an anylysis :refer to facts and data ,research by local stock anylysts.
D) remain objective and avoids feeling that you are always right !


2012-12-09 19:04 | Report Abuse

Dont bsra securities have rules to scrutize companies before applying for IPO.at least 3 years of profit , sustainable before getting greenlight from brsa SC. If for instance HHH wants to channel ,maybe 10 million on expansion program after IPO make sure they do it.Bursa securities to audit companys blnce sheet as compliance tracking whether all moneys pocketed been spent on what they had promised.


2012-12-08 01:49 | Report Abuse

Are we indulging in ,Russian roullete?


2012-12-06 09:37 | Report Abuse

mery seems to have the secret key...


2012-12-06 09:25 | Report Abuse

asks diablo ...announcement on the card ,now...


2012-12-06 09:21 | Report Abuse

getting more excited of this counter....whats the take?


2012-12-04 20:57 | Report Abuse

faber is bigger than anyone can think of : but its share price are not reflective of its valuation ,even with20cents dividend the gain was seen as not that much.is it GLC tagged that bumps its success n everyone beating their drums on its crony govt linked bussines!
The sweetener:it has 15 years contract on the table that kills all worries of ups and downs in prices.The stake is potentialy good and risks reduced ,it could easily be grabbed by investors! howver investors dont have crstal bowls to see what lies ahead of Faber. the trees that bear the goodness of fruits just hanging there waiting to be plucked.


2012-12-04 14:43 | Report Abuse

Where in the world you find half a million of of its population lived in illegal Palnestanians land.U.N and many major European countries swiflty critizes Israelis authorities after findings that the Jews authorizes ground breaking project ,now at E1 to cater for more illegal settlement.Two weeks of under heavy bombings by drones and jet fighters in Gaza that counted more innocents deaths that the tragets,Israelis now turned their actiions to building new settlement illegally again!The poor Gazaians were now deeply marginalized and stripped of their own land again and again.
Looks like the Israelis were becoming isolated as piles and piles of pressures from the world including US,Britain ,European countries.


2012-12-04 11:00 | Report Abuse

analyst's tp at 45.00 + with hold position ;stock keep climbing???????????????????????

Announcements & Events

2012-11-29 13:57 | Report Abuse

maybe, a dividend between - 5 to 6 cents: to be declared!


2012-11-29 12:40 | Report Abuse

seems so ;what s the catalyst?


2012-11-28 08:00 | Report Abuse

No reason not to believe in MAS 's in flight airline cabin services qualty and that makes what great airline for!


2012-11-27 20:05 | Report Abuse

No need to be sad,faber offering 15 cnts diidend ;exdate on 4 dec2012


2012-11-27 19:57 | Report Abuse

Let s be fair! All major,minor, counters were in theifr corrective-bearish -mode.That said,profit making thus came into play.


2012-11-26 18:42 | Report Abuse

En diablo :Any idea when the contract will be make public?

News & Blogs

2012-11-24 17:04 | Report Abuse

Its a lttle pain for planters to sell at now price ,2200 for better gain ,later!


2012-11-23 10:29 | Report Abuse

Wow ! 15 years of guranteed profit if the contracts goes through ! Diablo88 but when...


2012-11-23 10:03 | Report Abuse

Interesting to know what sort of announcemnt n their materials impcts!


2012-11-23 09:59 | Report Abuse

Theres not much to read on friday stock ahead of a weekend!


2012-11-22 18:33 | Report Abuse

Maybe ,EPF throwing its weights on KLCC ,again!


2012-11-22 18:28 | Report Abuse

Think major counters ,telcos ,bluechips undergoing profit takings. For couple weeks ago ,these same counters been on rally mode -charging like ,'spain bulls event!


2012-11-21 08:34 | Report Abuse

Mostts anaylsts were overweight on OIl n Gas sectors -; think ,futures on these oil gas stocks are ok n prmising too.Our banks too,registered good performances ,and impottantly they were insulated from European risks exposures !


2012-11-21 06:49 | Report Abuse

You cant ballon your balance sheet by incerasing new fleets unless fresh jobs on your door ; also,strong earnings with high gearing on their backs is again not positive.

Announcements & Events

2012-11-19 19:35 | Report Abuse



2012-11-19 19:25 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2012-11-19 19:17 | Report Abuse

i am baffled by french's taste,as they are well known to eat more butter than anyone else in this planet!the edible palm oil both,contains saturated fats and unsaturated ,with a 50 to 50 ratio and therefore does not constitute to coronary heart disease.
Is this, any another ,latent-trade- war mongers - against Asian palm oil to promote alternatives, rapeseed or soybean products prices.in fact palm oil not like soy oil is not rancid and oxidises easily ,biologically1

News & Blogs

2012-11-18 21:11 | Report Abuse

middle east process championed by Hiliary and Obama never took off and the killings of innocents Gazians continue.This same episode and escalating conflicts
Well worth to loook at when Isrealis sent thier troops and dropped bombs in in Gaza in 2007.human rights claimed that 1700 palestanians died or vanished during the 'invasion' ,half of those deads were children.
The israelis showed no signs remorese of what they did and now,they just want to repeat again ;their well armored killer drones and aircraft dropped bombs like no other business ,their killing machines bombs were again ruthless as before.Gaza had been under blockade for so many years and even peace activists were not spared when the peace mission ended with the killings of innocenst activists..They bult illegal walls in palestanian land,ignored UN resolution and built new israelis settlemnt in paletanians land.tThey made Jerusalem as thier capital even though the world objected to ,when, in actual fact jerusalem should be returned to palestanians.! The UN policies on illegal occupation of palestanians land were too weak ,disjointed and fragmented as far as enforcment were concerned!The world over should condemned isrealis actions and instead to extend our condolenecs to the families ,loved ones who
had died under the aggresion of israelis.


2012-11-17 15:06 | Report Abuse

Has been quiet, since ,q3 financial ernings announcement,; looking towrds next charm for catalyst,and easing fears frm us financial clff.


2012-11-07 15:36 | Report Abuse

Despites all the blames and challenges that were used by oppostions against him --highjobless rates, ecoomy,Obamahealth care , trillion dollr deficits ,high gas prices -he he was still trusted and nominatedto as the best man to handle the American problems!
Next on the road for Obama will be to clear the FIscal cliff resistance!