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2 comment(s). Last comment by lotusf1 2012-11-18 21:11

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-17 11:38 | Report Abuse

Mild recession? avoiding the cliff will give mild recession according to Greenspan because Obama asks for higher debt ceiling. But failure to avoid the cliff will put US is severe recession with higher tax and budget cut.

but i think this sandiwara will all be blown over come last week of december!


1,159 posts

Posted by lotusf1 > 2012-11-18 21:11 | Report Abuse

middle east process championed by Hiliary and Obama never took off and the killings of innocents Gazians continue.This same episode and escalating conflicts
Well worth to loook at when Isrealis sent thier troops and dropped bombs in in Gaza in 2007.human rights claimed that 1700 palestanians died or vanished during the 'invasion' ,half of those deads were children.
The israelis showed no signs remorese of what they did and now,they just want to repeat again ;their well armored killer drones and aircraft dropped bombs like no other business ,their killing machines bombs were again ruthless as before.Gaza had been under blockade for so many years and even peace activists were not spared when the peace mission ended with the killings of innocenst activists..They bult illegal walls in palestanian land,ignored UN resolution and built new israelis settlemnt in paletanians land.tThey made Jerusalem as thier capital even though the world objected to ,when, in actual fact jerusalem should be returned to palestanians.! The UN policies on illegal occupation of palestanians land were too weak ,disjointed and fragmented as far as enforcment were concerned!The world over should condemned isrealis actions and instead to extend our condolenecs to the families ,loved ones who
had died under the aggresion of israelis.

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