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2016-09-21 14:48 | Report Abuse

The Highest historical price of Icap Bhd is $2.70 on 9-1-2008. Current NAV is $3.13 and cash in and is about 71% of $3.13. If it is liquidated in next 6 months. Assuming cost of disposal of investment in hand and liquidation expenses is $0.05.
Each shareholders should be able to get back $3.08 ($3.13-$$0.05) which is higher than the historical price. I think no investors in Icap Bhd will make any losses. In view of current icap price stay at $2.37. There are those unfortunate one who invested at its peak will also be able to recoup their loss. So All Shareholders, should I suggest liquidate this icap bhd before more damaging is done by its untouchable, arrogant, immoral , despicable, exploitative and obsolete Fund Manager Tan Teng Boo who appears to be incompetent in last 6 years.


2016-09-19 23:45 | Report Abuse

Wow, Calvin talks economics theory now, great improvement by days. Yesterday, you just talked social motivation, now suddenly appear to be another economic expert.
I hope you don't imitate TTB talking economics too much until your rice bowl also broken.
For TTB is different, he is smart, even sleep on his job with dirty mouth also make 6-7 millions yearly .


2016-09-19 22:59 | Report Abuse

Ckkhen, see yourself clearly. He had gone through today's comments and more importantly questions posed by you. Instead of answering your question, he prefer to shit here and shit there. Get it, such a low class fund manager.


2016-09-19 22:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by nhy6 > Sep 19, 2016 09:41 PM | Report Abuse

icapshit, u got any more shit 2 shit? u got 80-90% support here - all old ladies, no balls blp..ho..ho. cakap, cakap, cakap, no action. icapshit, dunt talk so much shit 2 us. take action, show us lah. organise all of us. btw, icapshit, why u so free? must b pro blogger. i got to cari makan-loh. buy more icap shares, vote small fart TTB out ...ha...ha. icapshit - taruh TTB all d questions in agm. show me ur balls !!!!!!!!! get JB sifu manage icap. 700% upside.

Just compare his ways of writing with the comments available in articles of Capital dynamic face book, you can judge how low class his character is. He is none other than Icap bhd fund manager TanTeng Boo.


2016-09-19 18:20 | Report Abuse

KS55, he failed in Parkson shows he does not pay any attention to companies he is investing. Bear in mind he holds less than a handful companies in his portfolio lately. He spent Icap Bhd money for own pleasure with girl friends instead of visiting companies that he is invested.


2016-09-19 18:05 | Report Abuse

Icapshit, please ask him during Icap AGM coming AGM :
1.what is the definition of recession?
2. What is opportunity cost ?
These are the 2 terms that I learned from elementary economics in Form 6 in our local government Schooling Malay language . Need not to learn it from London school of economics In England.if I am the professor who taught him this subject, I must withdraw his degree. It is a disgrace to his University .


2016-09-19 17:50 | Report Abuse

Note : nhy6 posted on 11.59 this morning
Ckkhen raised question to him on 12.14 pm.
It is about 5 and half hours lapse, did he answering his question?


2016-09-19 17:42 | Report Abuse

Ckkhen, agree or not TTB is a low class, immoral, unethical, despicable n exploitative fund manager, your posting is about 15min after his, for the whole afternoon, did he answer your queries? His character is avoiding the genuine and strait forward queries instead pick up the petty unrelated issues for quarreling . He even encourage his loyal , naive newbies supporters to sabotage while your questions time is on going. I notice it happens many time during the AGM of Icap Bhd. At the end of the day, the person who pose questions or queries has to give up without being answers. He even make fun of the persons who raised queries.
You can also notice that when you pose a strait forward English question, he answer you in Penang or Kedah hokkien, make fun of your English as if his is perfect English from England. In other words he talk rubbish back to you.
He behaving that he is well verse in economics , talk rubbish of world economics, shouting bear is coming, in actual fact, one of this day ,he will be right but he has forgotten that there is another important concept in economics where we can learn in elementary level in form 6. That is opportunity cost. He has either forgotten this concept or return this concept to his London School of Economics professors. I am very ashamed London School of economics produced such a student.
While waiting for bears to come, he has lost a lot of opportunity. That is the reason why he underperform in this few years.
That is why I can conclude that he is a "Boo Liao fund manager". In managing Icap bhd, he is merely by luck. Why I say so, he launched it at the right timing when market is at low base then.if he is good, his other funds international global fund which he launched a year earlier than Icap bhd is badly perform. Similarly, you just look at his international fund which was launched after Icap Bhd, also "koyak "
I am written this in this forum to warn the newbie ithat is bloody lousy characters and don't presume he can bring wellbeing to this investment circle.

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2016-09-19 00:17 | Report Abuse

With his kind of attitude, if he operates a fund in any fund house, he already asked to leave the company.


2016-09-19 00:08 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, now you know how great he is as a fund manager for ICap bhd.

News & Blogs

2016-09-19 00:06 | Report Abuse

Yes, A gentleman should issue an open letter apologise to his share owners for his wrong judgement seeking forgiveness. This is called accountable to share owners .


2016-09-18 23:46 | Report Abuse

TTB always show off he is well verse in economy , keeps hunting his bear during bear market,, how laughable there is another important economic term called Opportunity cost where he has either forgotten or give back to his university economic professor.


2016-09-18 23:36 | Report Abuse

Very simple, just read this year 2016 annual report, did he dare to show his past 3 and 5 years compounding return? He twist and turn. This 2 compounding returns are the measurement of a fund manager. If you just pick up any funds performing report, let say Public mutual fund. You can easily understand.

News & Blogs

2016-09-18 23:30 | Report Abuse

Please read carefully how TTB's opened reply to City of London in yr 2015. If my memory serve me right. He laughed at fund manager of City of London how stupid they were. 1st on loss of forex by 30%. 2nd shouldn't invest so much in Icap bhd. So , City of London fund overall not performing should not blame Icap bhd. What about his own duty as fund manager? If he keep shouting bear is coming since 2010... Will you get bore. I am a listener already "tak tahan" . Sure , one day bear will come . But to an investor, he has made many wrong call in many years in terms of opportunity cost. Since he is well verse in economic topic, he should understand what I mean.


2016-09-18 23:07 | Report Abuse

Icapshit, I thought he is unethical , low moral and despicable . He slaughter Icap shareholders, now even exploit his workers. ...aredy Bo yuo kui.... Just like another Snake.....


2016-09-18 22:51 | Report Abuse

Calvin, to this fucking TTB, it is not a matter of money. He is too arrogant just like MO1 .
He is just a fund manager or a worker of the ICap bhd. He behave as if ICap bhd belongs to his grand father. He has the means , by all ways just privatized it . I don't think anybody will questions him.


2016-09-18 22:39 | Report Abuse

May be just lifted. But this is his fucking standard ,he should constantly follow up either doing his company visit or constant due diligent review, but he prefer talk a lot of world economy and shouting bear is coming to promote himself. You know it was once touching HK 1 now left 12 sen . Just like another Parkson.


2016-09-18 22:23 | Report Abuse

I3members, Bo Liao TTB's global fund consists of Rexlot holdings listed in Hong Kong is now suspended right now pending investigation. Now, it left HK 12 cents only. Hahaha.....a so call W Buffett of Malaysia not constantly review his investment portfolio. Yet talk grand mother story of world economy.... For icap, BHD ,parkson is another case where his appointment as fund manager has not constantly review his investment portfolio which is less than 10 figures.( a pair of hands). So from making money to lost money....what a fuck.


2016-09-18 22:10 | Report Abuse

Either Fucking TTB or with Nickname nhy6 is a low moral, unethical, and despicable ,boh Liao fund manager. His character is precisely described by Arrogantboo. Don't your all i3members agree.


2016-09-18 22:03 | Report Abuse

Fellow I3 members, nhy6 is none other than fucking TTB, the way he conduct himself is just like Leopard cannot change its spots.


2016-09-18 21:27 | Report Abuse

You can see it, you can't grab it.


2016-09-18 21:26 | Report Abuse

Nav big discount to market price of Icap is exactly a valued trap . It is like what a chinese saying- "Draw a big biscuit on the wall to fill your stomach ".


2016-09-18 21:12 | Report Abuse

More silly would be Ttb's international fund formed in Australia, but mostly invest Hong Kong, Just imagine the transaction cost and forex changes . If you wish to invest more in Hong Kong, registered in Hong Kong lah. He may have his ulterior motives. May be use the funds invested by public to get PR for his mistress.Hahaha... Can you see his funds mostly half died in last few years.

News & Blogs

2016-09-18 13:01 | Report Abuse

why TTB dare not to reply this letter either politely or sarcastically ? I always have an impression that he can immediately argue from nothing or give a sarcastic reply during his ICAP BHD Agm when any shareholders raise any questions relating to the issue of ICAP. Perhaps he is not accompanied by his stunt followers.


2016-09-17 22:02 | Report Abuse

TTB is a Smart Fund manager, work for about 3-4 years, collect his consultation and management fees of $6-7 million yearly for ever, may be whole of his life.


2016-09-16 22:42 | Report Abuse

Research house always has a strong disclaimer, they only give opinion. Investors or speculatotors are buy at your own risk.


2016-09-16 17:17 | Report Abuse

Biasalah, research houses always change target prices. When prices up, market looks good, they up the target price and the other way round. So not surprise this Kelvin change target prices for CPO.

News & Blogs

2016-09-13 18:06 | Report Abuse

Mutual fund is actaually a mini Bursa, if you look at its long term unit price for any individual fund is similar to any stock in the Bursa. So, lucks play an important part. You will not be able to know what stocks are they buying and selling anytime. Who operates the fund that you are investing. They normally aggressively promote their funds during boom time hibernate during bear market. In addition, they load up high entrance fees to make sure you will not be able to leave the fund as soon as possible. Then they slaughter you with yearly management fees. Worse still ,you have no chance to pour out your grievances once you buy a wrong funds as no AGM is conducted. They Olson has a strong disclaimer " past years result should not be used to predict their future performance". With points highlighted above, it appears to me the the operators are running sure win business , you , as investors in mutual fund merely rely on God bless you.

News & Blogs

2016-09-13 09:46 | Report Abuse

Well, ICAP's AGM is around the corner, Icap shareholders must print this article and send it to TAN TENG " Bull" for explanation during the upcoming AGM why he , as a fund manager instead searching to invest in those under valued stocks. He prefer to timed the market and ended up lousy performance for past 5 years. Browsing through the latest Annual Reports of Icap, Notice he dare not and no longer boast his recent years compounding returns as he has made a wrong judgement for his decision by keep telling bear is coming.


2016-09-09 21:55 | Report Abuse

It's NTA is abt $2.10 , boss has come out estimated more than $100 millions to exercise thier share of warrant at the mother price around $1.60. If it is worth $0.99 sens ,the boss should let the warrant expired n burnt


2016-09-09 15:27 | Report Abuse

Mat Salleh waiting opportunity to kick this 'Ka Ki Kong ka Ki song" fund manager out of Icap office one of this day.

News & Blogs

2016-09-07 17:15 | Report Abuse

I totally agree with you Dividend yield stretagy can be one of the winning stretagy in KLSE. I have gone through Dr. Neoh Soon Kean's book "Stock market investment in Malaysia and Singapore" many years ago. I also witness his application for a couple of his stock picked based on this strategy many many years ago.when he wrote it in Nanyang Siang Poh chinese news paper. I copy-cat it and find that the return is much better than Fixed Deposit. Many stocks based on this strategy ended up privatized by the major shareholders exception with major shareholders control by foreigners such as Guinness , carslberg, FnN ....I must also take this opportunity to thank Dr. Neoh soon Kean for his guidance.


2016-09-06 18:28 | Report Abuse

I first came to know Ckwan was the time he keep commenting Oka n price then was around $0.80 , I can feel that he was a sincere gentlemen. Now, he has left us to another world. I am sorry to hear that. My condolence to you and your family.


2016-08-04 21:44 | Report Abuse

The MD is the big sponsor for media corp of Singapore. I always see him as guest of honour in media corp star awards ceremony.


2016-08-02 19:48 | Report Abuse

It's high rise project constructed half way near Kampung Melay in Johor Bahru has stopped for months. Watch out!!!!,


2016-07-22 19:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by murali > Jul 22, 2016 07:30 AM | Report Abuse

Buy Icap for fuck ah? If u still believe in TTB's kungfu just follow what he bought later...If he started to buy Co A then u buy Co A...

What for paying Rm6M -7M to him every year for waiting for market crash??

Better pay Rm500 for CPTeh if u wanna learn on market crash...both are also rubbish but CPTeh only charge Rm500

Well said

News & Blogs

2016-07-20 20:31 | Report Abuse

Chen has learned Cultivation of Oil Pam from KL Kepong. The existing land owned by MKH if I have not mistaken was introduced by KLK . That is why its yield is high.

News & Blogs

2016-06-24 16:42 | Report Abuse

Sama dengan Polisi Ekonomi Baru yang sudah lama dilaksanakan di Tanah Kankong land di mana Rob Paul pay Peter.


2016-06-24 09:47 | Report Abuse

Make 100% in 10 weeks? Such a good return, why ask others n let others know? This good kang tow should confine only to your closed relatives will do.


2016-06-24 09:42 | Report Abuse

Ask your relatives to participate will do.

News & Blogs

2016-06-16 14:59 | Report Abuse

3A has up 38% since it announced its latest Quaterly report, If it manage to break $1.46 ,it will reach $1.55 which means in 2 months time it's market capitalization increase 55% ? Will this Chartist reports it story a bit late?

News & Blogs

2016-06-15 22:04 | Report Abuse

To make good money in long run by paying a small fees for investment lessons is worth while. "小财不出, 大财怎么会进".
Further, when you pay for your investment lessons, I think you are serious and will pay full attention instead of Play-play only.
I still remembered when I learned charting about 18 years ago, I paid for $2000 for a day's lesson. Even though it was considered expensive but I told myself I might loose more if I didn't have technical knowledge for entry and exit.
Please treat investment as a business where Money and skill are equally important for money making.


2016-06-07 21:49 | Report Abuse

Where got good news? It's China JV will take another 3yrs to break even.


2016-06-07 20:17 | Report Abuse

The other directors are selling like no tomorrow.


2016-06-07 19:44 | Report Abuse

There a plenty at $1 about a month ago, he didn't buy then, now only he buy $1.30, I think he buys little but plan to sell a lot.


2016-06-07 15:32 | Report Abuse

it is running almost a month. I think need a break


2016-06-06 16:29 | Report Abuse

Probably, they are selling to each others based on market price.


2016-06-06 16:28 | Report Abuse

if my interpretation is not wrong, it should be changing of shares ownership among family members in Fang chew Ham Holdings Sdn Bhd.


2016-05-19 22:21 | Report Abuse

No wonder it flies non stop in last couple of weeks. I was tempting to let go my holding . Nearly Tak boleh tahan to get down from the flight. Too... Fast.


2016-05-19 22:14 | Report Abuse

Another nice clue. Thank you.